pic related
should i?
Don't give NEETs who just want to capitalize on Sup Forumss autism so they don't have to get a real job your hard earned shekels.
>alt right merch
really rubs my rutabaga
Epic for the win.
I hate reddit so much
You should honestly kill yourself if you would ever consider doing something this autistic.
Go back to the_cuckold you pondslime
now the kek flag really does need the swastika in the middle
What if I told you I make my living selling on Amz and am considering a trial buy of 1000 units to BTFO this guy?
What if I told you I was a WN but also 1/4 (((crypto))) and been a huckster my whole life?
Would that level of autism roast your rutabaga?
only when its the real version
what a perfect encapsulation of how easily the MAGA revolution was instantly commoditized to take advantage of you willing marks.
Ya'll got played and now you're the ones with the identity politics and buying up a bunch of crap just to show how edgy ya'll are.
If I had no self respect, I'd probably be using racism and luls to sell you fucks literal shit in the shape of a 4 chan clover or a shit painted pepe and you lap it up like the loyal dogfuckers you are.
>t. (((antifa)))
Stick it on a shirt and sell it to the masses you cuck.
>buying a meme made in China from a company owned by Jeff Bezos
No, the only fictional coutry that I have sworn allegiance is Latveria, sorry
Maybe I will, kyke. Maybe I will sell some KEK t-shirts with shitty silkscreening, while you rage and cry and cast aspersions. Look at me. I'm the Jew now.
Im un-ironically considering this. I already sell kitchen products on amz
Some kike sold Kek statues here for a while. The one on the right is his, the one on the left is the real one.
I had the same idea about 6 mnths ago but decided to not investigate further. I mostly sell kitchen stuff so statues would require new manufactuers, etc etc.
I'm not gonna give #s but that person has made a LOT of money on those Kek statues based on sales data from amz api
Yeah, the first batch was trash. Hopefully he honed the design in better. The original company is selling them again, at a better price and quality point than that user.
t. Culture Spot or Florida Mall Online
I don't sell merchandise, I couldn't do it. I hate stupid people.
Nothing wrong with a little (((Merchandising))) goyim
So long as you aren't selling Chinese shit.