YRYL (You rage you lose)
YRYL (You rage you lose)
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growing up with such a mother is a fate worse than death, she has arguably done the right thing
Lol you faggots are so butthurt about things you cant change. It's hilarious
apparently she wasn;t aborted hard enough
I'm sure her mother regrets not having one.
This is my favorite bait pic
I lost.
Even the fucking dog looks retarded
There is literally nothing wrong with abortion it disproportionately kills niggers, spics, and like 90% of down syndrome retards.
Christfags unironically want to have more retards and niggers in our country.
Only a nigger would stick his dick in that.
I lost
What powerful statement is this.
Mexico has some of the lowest abortion rates in the world.
that nigger brown
That the highest virtue a faggot can strive for is a virus that will kill them.
They like to cross the border and shit out their babys here. Happy Mother's Day.
yeah that seems about what I'd expect reddit to look like
roll for your reddit waifu
Please be 0
Please be 0
Please be 0
Please be 0
File name
Please no ultrafat
>implying 4chinners are any better
Gimme quads
Please be quads
Please be quads
Please be quads
Please be quads
gimme trips
I feel bad for the kid.
did I win the guy or the dyke?
1 or 6
4 or quads or 9 (the total gamble)
kek protect me
so thats why you are so obsessed with putting jews into ovens
0 is mine, not yours. That or pupper.
Pupper definitely needs a walk as much as then rest of them though.
Implying you aren't a fucking inbred downie, Shrek-looking cunt.
And that's why kids are not allowed to vote. In all honesty, I think the voting age should be bumped up, or you must serve/be in full-time employment for several years prior to being allowed to vote.
Please let me have a 0 Jesus
I expect better from a Russian than this.
It's never better to be dead than to suffer.
That is what separates us from the liberal death cult that is consuming the west.
also, contributing
>in full-time employment
That's a pretty good way to get to manna in a hurry.
step off, 0 is mine
9 might be okay, r-right?
>Lib Dem avatar
>mixed race children
>implying the EU prevents war
Bigger the cushion sweeter the pushin'.
have fun raising jamal's kid cuck.
I love it how nobody got the 0
She's pure, you can't have her
damnit that was meant for
god has spoken
how do you get that fat and not die
delet this
That's pretty funny
Could be worse i guess. Deserves a medium level contribution.
prayin 4 quads
I think you mean medium white
kek in heavens please
>And that's why kids are not allowed to vote.
That also explains why some leftists want to lower the voting age.
let it be a 0
I believe
Faggot not getting that the guys coming into his country want to stone him to death.
Worst kind of gay are the ones that tolerate themselves to death out of ignorance.
is that kid in american camo holding a toy ppsh?
this is actually a great redpill, we need lots of these
ill take anything.
my life is a joke.
It's a tommy gun
Nobody even considers 7
Latina hiding behind a leaf, so she is probably ashamed to be there
She looks like worse only to 0
please be quads
I'm pro choice, but bragging about it just makes you sound like a shitty person.
That's right goyim, I landed the only bangable chick
is getting some Sup Forumsdancing tonite, if you knowwhat i mean
Winning so far.
>it's ok to kill babies as long as you aren't proud of it.
This is the problem with the pro-choice movement. You're really just pro-death.
Look at the face of the woman holding that sign. She has that liberal fishmouth... Looks chronically depressed
gib da 7
Safe the doggo
That's pretty funny
Bracks doing what they do best get AIDS
Fuck it
Why is suffering better than the absence of suffering, you troglodytic half-breed?
kek, roll
I'd rather kill an unborn baby than have it grow up unwanted, develop psychological conditions, and turn into a criminal. It's utilitarianism.
Round drum Thompson, easy mistake to make as the standard issue was with a straight magazine, but the ppsh-42 was famed for that round drum because the fire rate was insane.
I already addressed this earlier in the thread. That's the ultimate cuck. It's not better to be dead than to suffer. If our ancestors took that approach you would not exist.
By taking it now you're ensuring that your descendants will not exist as well.
Ancient and noble bloodlines are dying because you're cucking out. Stop being weak. It's not better to be dead than to have a shitty mother for fucks sake.
Why do the psychos on this board pretend to give a shit about unborn babies? Is it related to the Christfag LARP:ing or just contrarianism? Soft eugenics are a good thing, its the dregs of society that are having abortions