Germany to BAN all barracks named after Wehrmacht officers
Can't make this shit up
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This is the German minister of defense, who is responsible for this
+ german marches and Military Songs being outlawed
Nazi ones or Prussian ones too?
German dude
Can you confirm that the king of my country is in german ? is this pic real or fake ?
They're banning pretty much everything the Wehrmacht has ever used, even if they don't contain a crumb of Nazi-ideology, like the Panzerlied.
German government wants destroy every last bit of identity in the military.
they want to ban the Song Book "Kameraden Singt"
which means Commrades sing
it pretty much has all historic german marches in it, Prussian too
Yeah, those kind of pics are real, they we're all over German tabloids
>mfw by being such a great guy I've stopped my girlfriend going back home to Germany
>mfw I've literally saved her from a life of daily guilt propaganda, shame And Ahmed or uchukwu's rape sprees
Who else here is a modern day saint?
Man you Germans are fucking gone. Every man of worth died in the wars.
German military coup when
They need to pay debts to US before they're allowed to use firearms
James "Mad Dog" Mattis is in charge of Germany's defense
the Bundeswehr is a weekend larpers retreat
I weep for Germany
How do you ban a barrack?
He means they are banned from being named after/have to be renamed if they are named after Wehrmacht officers.
Related thread
this is just based on her accidentally saying that the bundeswehr isnt the successor to the wehrmacht as an explanation for why having ww2 memorabilia is unacceptable
She explicitly says they will be renamed.
"In einigen umstrittenen Fällen habe die Bundeswehr schon vor längerer Zeit die Initiative ergriffen, sei aber zum Teil vor Ort auf harte Gegenwehr gestoßen, berichtete die Zeitung. Dies wolle die Verteidigungsministerin nicht länger hinnehmen."
Also, have you opened a single fucking newspaper in the last couple of days?
They are literally shitting their pants because of a coup. I would too, if I were ((them)).
Won't happen, though. Or at least, it would be highly unlikely. Too many monkeys in that "army" now.
20 years ago, maybe. But not today. Not anymore. They lack the killer instinct imho
>tfw Chile has a more "german" army that Germany
Fuck this defense minister and her family, what a whore
Germany is fighting hard for that first place cuck prize with France and Sweden.
All the higher-ups are well paid off by the jew, this revolution will start in the street with the common man or not at all. All the high-society pests are just leeching out the last cent of the populace. That's how Hitler came to power, though.
Jews. They never learn.
Here in Norway, politicians were shitting on the Telemark Battalion a few years ago, because their battle cry was "To Valhalla!", and because they would spray paint the Punisher skull on the houses of suspected insurgents in Afghanistan.
The viking imagery is still going strong, though.
And name them to what really?
>a coup
I cant deal with anymore news about Germany
Rommel would be rolling in his grave
I weep for you my fellow brother.
How our countries have fallen.
Their location probably.
If I was MoD I'd make the army full Kaiserreich again. Everyone could be happy with that.
Diversity barracks, Muhamads barracks, Free rape barracks...
Who cares, there is no such thing as german identity anyway.
Bring back the Pickelhaube!
>This video is not available in your country
Not surprised tbqh.
Heres is something different. Don't let the Erlkönig get your entire country.
the Kongo has a more German army than the German army
This is genocide.
I dont see the problem
( I was in the Bundeswehr btw )
I regret letting GDR to reunite with FRG even though I wasn't even alive when it happened.
>barracks named after Wehrmacht officers
Are you naming BARRACKS after someone???
You really can't make this shit up
Its real im afraid, im sorry we ruined your kingdom with our degeneracy.
He means bases. Like Erich Hartmann Air Base or Fedor von Bock tank base
if it's not working try it with this neat little tool my germanic brother
ps: if you are conserned that our german brothers and sisters won't be able to watch sertain youtube vids, why not include this tool into your post?
thanks all if you do and cheers all ( ^..^)-c|_|
you cant rewrite history. once shit hits the fan all that stuff will come back in full.
At this point, it's maybe the right thing to do.
Preserving the wehrmacht officers honour by clearly making a distinction between this negrified bunch of mercenaries and the former german national army.
Fuck this weimar republic.
>US still names gals their bases and barracks after Confederate generals
It's only a matter of time it happens here.
They also want to close the Adolphus Heiman base in saxony named after a confederate.
i used to play and sing this when around the campfire during my boyscoutdays, i just put goethe's poem into song and played guitar like i did with my piano with some changes
first time i heared it with music was when my dad putted shubert on when i was a kid.
this poem was one of my many bedtime stories i got as a kid
this is a nice version, gotta love the animation :)
and then this filth says....
history is a whitewash
Stupid overreaction to an isolated incident.
You arent really obeying her idiot order? I would shoot her if she would dishonor our soldiers
If I were you I would be so mad... How can you take this humiliation?
>Find proof of Nazi sympathizers in your army
>Destroy monuments to their idols to 'teach them a lesson'
What could possibly go wrong? Germany, it's your time.