Given that being a Hitler fanboi and launching into snide rants on Jews, white supremacy and race mixing puts you squarely in the lunatic fringe, and is politic poison, what do /pol-lacks sincerely believe they are anything more than a toxic fart in the spacesuit of political persuasion?
Delusions of grandeur
Other urls found in this thread:
You can spread the 14 without the 88, you just need to present it in a palatable way through dogwhistles and coded language. Trump utilized part of this strategy and won. Now imagine someone who isn't a complete and utter retard following this strategy.
race mixing destroys the future of diversity.
i swear you posted this just to say "toxic fart in the spacesuit of political persuasion" and its not even funny
>i swear you posted this just to say "toxic fart in the spacesuit of political persuasion" and its not even funny
This. It doesn't even make sense.
nope im fucking done apologizing or taking it easy or hiding my power levels.
Judged on the picture you posted you are mentally challenged.
Just lost a friend tonight actually. He was going on about how blacks were oppressed for hundreds of years and other bullshit and I called him out for revisionist history. Triggering then occurred
A man only has so many breaths, so much energy, you shouldn't waste them in the company of idiots anyway.
I was disappointed a few minutes ago and questioning if it was worth it but I'm done being subjected to virtue signaling and half-assed historical revisionism just to justify "fuck whitey"
>Oy vey, teh Nahtzees ver a toxic fart politik-lay
we don wanna nuda shoah oigahymie
I still keep them as freinds, I don't fear being coerced by leftists when I learn their arguments from them directly. They usually delete me though, not that I've ever cared.
having a black friend pull the "we wuz oppressed" card while living in absolute privilege had me rolling. told them they can't live the neet life in comfort and complain about personal or group oppression if they can't even identify it. they complained about the "violence" committed across the country and they were promptly directed to statistics. i was basically told to stop talking because they didn't want to hear it anymore, as if i brought it up.
no loss, but i know that feel. years wasted to ideological conversion upon the apathetic and ignorant.
You have just learned a valuable lesson about his values and your own. Don't compromise your core beliefs for superficial friendship. A hard truth is handsomer than the affectation of love.
Pic related
Hitler was financed by rockefellers standard oil, J.p. Morgan and the duponts
Never buy into an ideology, always follow the money.
Fuck off
I still am willing to keep people like this as friends but virtue signaling is so deeply embedded in these people it ends the friendship when they think you are racist
Well, if you stepped outside your bedroom and said anything like what you say in here in public, for starters you would lose anything but the most blue collar job.
Or if you ran for politics, and said this stuff even jokingly twenty years ago when you were drunk and someone got you on recording, you would have no chance of standing for public office.
Basically, what I am saying is: don't kid yourself you're part of a movement that's going anywhere but the scrapheap of history, and the rest of the world wouldn't happily dump a shit on your pimply face.
>it's not socially acceptable to say the plain truth, so you better hide your beliefs
And then he made his own currency and broke off from the system. You're clueless.
I cannot believe the social environment right now. My white guy friends talk about how whites are racist and how women need to make more money. Completely cucked. I never try to convert people but I will stand up for my true beliefs at any time and young leftists do not take kindly to it. I had one friend who thought I was racist and began just showing up with blacks trying to make me develop black friendships
I think "fuck off" is what the rest of the world keeps saying to you, and that's why the only place you can rant your redneck poison is on an anonymous forum where your views get flushed down the toilet minutes later. Where they belong.
Posting in a sageblue thread.
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Women love alpha males. You should try it.
Last week I invited a few couples over to have dinner with me and my wife. Some guy came up with feminists remarks and bitching about Trump. Very calm and jokingly I told him in front of his wife what kind of disease feminazi are and told him Trump was the best President ever. I did not give a shit to step on his feelings. He was all triggered, but all woman were smiling at me and did not dare to raise a word at all. Everybody in that room knew who the alpha was. Two days later the guy thanked me for inviting him.
Being a permavirgin wanking to degenerate anime won't help either, what's your point?
Well, of course, this is shit too. But the solution isn't digging up the corpse of Hitler and reviving memes that deservedly died 70 years ago.
Powerlevel: permavirgin cringe-tier
What's the most controversial thing you believe, user?
Alpha males don't whine about Jews holding them down. They make their own way in the world.
My case exactly.
There is a clear distinction between whining and pointing to an obvious problem.
Who do you think supplied IG Farben with oil and finances during the war.
Germany was dependent on importing gas and oil. It's the main reason why they lost. As an example the luftwaffe had constructed the most advanced planes but couldn't mass produce them due to fuel costs.
I believe that Hitler is a supremely interesting and powerful character in History and just like I dont feel ashamed about admiring the History of Napolean or Julius Caesar I wont let some kike shame me about admiring the history of Hitler.
In here, that you lot are a bunch of soft-cocked pimply whiners, hiding out in a virtual library while the alphas are out playing sport and getting shit done.
The problem is you are blaming someone else for being a soft cock.
>playing sport
>getting things done
Whenever I hear alpha I know we have found us a nice zeta.
Just because your female friends are male and the other way round you shouldn't overestimate your capabilities.
>I think "fuck off" is what the rest of the world keeps saying to you,
Literally the only people saying that are shilling faggots (you), minority groups and virtue signaling feminists on payrolls, and lefty media outlets.
wrong. supporting trump, who said that mexico is sending their rapists, is the kind of talk you are claiming is impossible
and we will prefer to stay anonymous for obvious reasons. that ransomware? thats power. that makes me want to get a disposable tablet and never have any important files ever
You moved the goalposts. You were implying with your first post that Hitler was controlled opposition. "Follow the money. Don't buy into an ideology."
Nice try kike. You're still getting gassed.
what? we are on the fringes. if hitler was in power and the world was natsoc we would be transracial gender fluid trolls, spreading miscreancy and degeneracy to anger the power structure.
we are chaos and division, our only ethos is to destroy with ridicule everything, even humour itself.
Yep, post war the fuckers even claimed reparations from the allies for bomb damage to (((their))) installations
it's FUN
That's a loser's answer, faggot.
How many women have you fucked?
We're pointing out an obvious problem. The only one impotently ignoring the cancer of society is you.
You don't speak a single sentence of german, keep deluding yourself loser.
he's right you shill
you can't operate on a 14 platform, let alone a 1488 platform without getting completely ridiculed
it is possible to achieve, we just need another 20 years or so when things reach boiling point regarding refugees and islamic invasion.
then you can talk about how western culture is dying e.t.c you don't have to mention white culture specifically or have anything to do with hitler
anyway basing yourself on hitler is a cuck move.
you can be influenced by him but don't style yourself as "the new hitler"
first of all it's really cuckish
secondly no one will take you seriously
make your own movement
create your own legacy
lmao buttblasted. Listen here mahmood, maybe in your cuckshed part of the world but I can always find somebody to talk about this shit with.
would she let me put my face in that ass?
You're an idiot. No-one can look at what Hitler did in Auschwitz and come away with anything but revulsion for the cretin.
He rounded up human beings, murdered them and basically recycled their remains. If you think that's clever, you're either a childish fuckwit or are some kind of psychopath who should be in prison.
What does "speaking german" have to do with anything retard?
What the fuck happened to her ass?
That's like two sticks attached to an 8-ball.
You know a bitch like that won't ever have any hope of birthing a healthy child. So why the fuck should anyone bother fantasizing about shooting a kid up inside her?
I said he was financed by them.
The reason why they financed him was for profits.
In the end germans and the war itself was used for guys like J.p. Morgan, Rockefellers and Duponts for profit.
They play both sides and win no matter what.
Nazi ideology was used to get people to fight for one side, while profits and interests were riled up by cooporations
They are just another symptom of the times.
I mean, how do you go from Ernst Junger, Julius Evola, Ezra Pound, etc to these fucking idiots. I have yet to see an intelligent person on this board, twitter, etc. And trump..jesus fucking christ...
this really.
being a neo nazi and doing fucking hitler salutes in public is cringey as fuck
admiring the man and what he tried to achieve is completely different.
don't let the jews shame you into hating Hitler
Not really, racemixing destroys diversity. Liberals/multiculturalists want to mix and destroy all the unique little different people and cultures, blacks, native Americans, eskimos, aboriginals and also whites in a sick deluded fantasy called 'diversity', the funny thing is that these people are destroying the very thing they are promoting. People can still work together without having to mix and destroy all the different human species, just look at the Nazi ideology, it supported the betterment of it's OWN race, and had nothing to do with hurting the others, just because you want to better the life of your own family doesn't mean you're out to hurt other families, right? We'd help the other people any way we can, but our family of people come first.
>he still believes the Holocaust was real
I figured you were just leftypol larping, and it seems I was right.
This. There's a saying "half of politics is finding new names for old shit" - ie 'secret police' become 'plain clothes officers' etc. The ideology needs removing from its original context and reworking for the 21st century.
Sure, the world is full of fuckwits like you. But don't kid yourself you're a political movement. You occupy a lower tier than niggers.
Jerrycurlniggerinyamaha detected
So you're either a kike, paki or antifa faggot. No one gives a shit what you have to say, the fact the brexit happened and trump got elected even after years of lefty propaganda proves to many that the narrative is finally shifting, at least in the Anglo sphere.
Kek, are you revolted by Genghis Khan?
Napoleon did disgusting shit to you know and so did Julius Caesar.
If you are feeling revolted by an important character in History you are either just a virtue signalling liar or an emotional man baby.
no one except beta males suggests the holocaust and genocide of the jewish population was deserved
most sane people realise that was Hitler's mistake
the jews were definitely a problem and were undermining Germany at that time, (as they are doing now), but it didn't warrant genocide.
it warranted mass deportation.
he tried to do this early on but no countries accepted them and plans to move them to madagascar were just not feasible.
Again, Jewish disdain was, and is perfectly legitimate.
Genocide is not.
Deport them.
Who says we have to be 100% honest IRL? Who says we have to call it fascism and national socialism early on? Our enemies lie all the time about what they are (oh, we're just democratic socialists, not commie scum trying to impose ideological subversion on the populace to take over! We promise!), so why don't we?
I think it's actually necessary to rebrand fascism and national socialism to avoid some of the leftover baggage of WWII, baggage which is naturally washing away. Online, we'll redpill people. In real life, people with our ideas will pretend to be normies and speak to the average person, appeal to their emotions and not their reason. Over time the O-window will shift, and as the baggage of WWII naturally erodes and the center collapses, the black sun shall rise again.
That's the mistake many of you National Socialists make: stop trying to argue. Argumentation is MEANINGLESS when trying to win the hearts and minds of the people. You need passion. Reason is great for forming a theoretical framework, but to make our memes reality, we must exploit the passions. Humor and mockery seems to be Pol's greatest weapon thus far. It breaks down the defensive walls of people and lets us administer th redpill.
It worked on me. A large part of what fashed me was Walt Bismarck's Disney parodies. I loled at them rather than instantly dismissing them, and that got me thinking and looking for more info, and now, a year later, I'm a national socialist (perhaps of a different variety from most, though)
overtone window
>we need to kill every non white person
>thats deranged you sick person
>but lets deport them
You can tell how fucked in the head /pol is when you express what is basically a red-pill of what the rest of the world thinks of /pol and you get called a Jew.
Not a Jew, by the way. But, of course, you have to say I am to confirm your batshit whacko world view.
Achmed, my son..
Is this what shitposting has become? Is there really no more love for true and authentic shitposting out there? It's really become "lol ur wrong xD" as a form of trolling? Psshh. I remember back in my early days on the chans I would whip up a throwaway tripcode and start avatarfagging on levels faggots like you can only dream. I had gigabytes of various reaction images from generic weeb anime #2849 to trigger fans of generic weeb anime #2848 into oblivion. And this was for a random Tuesday. Nothing even special. Yet here you are snickering to yourself in a dark room, wiping away tears from your eyes, thinking you're the hottest shit that's totally untouchable, but what's this? You just wiped spicy cheeto dust in your eyes. That's the 7th time this week. I'm over here. Evolved. Shitposting from my phone, doxxing myself so fags like you can waddle their fat ass on my property for me to legally murder. "oh no an intruder" *shotguns*. And that's pretty much the whole point of this. You're a fucking loser and an awful troll. I've been trolling on bitches like you since I was 12. And here you are. Probably 30+. Kissless virgin. Getting angry at people on the Internet. I pity you.
The redpill is you've bought into a tired conspiracy people that rational people who've been across the same material long ago find tedious.
Ugly hands
All the skinheads and beta males who go on these Neo-Nazi marches and throw up Hitler salutes are legitimate retards.
This will not get any support.
You have to re-brand yourselves and appeal to the current emotions and distresses of the time.
You can absolutely use the tactics of Hitler and others, but do not connect yourself with him at all.
Be your own man, and start your own movements.
In the same way Hitler was heavily influenced by Mussolini but never limited himself to Mussolini or desperately tried to be "the new Mussolini". You didn't see Hitler talking about Mussolini in his public speeches or fawning over him in public, did you?
And in the end he dwarfed Mussolini's achievements tenfold.
Being influenced by someone doesn't mean you have to be them.
Yes because jews are not wackos to begin with.
it is a girl
point being that race mixing is illogical if you truly believe in the benefits of diversity.
Read about the Havara agreement.
Hitler had already given all jews free access out of the country and they got to keep all their wealth at the same time.
desu I am not a virgin but I'd rather never have sex again than mix
you're just a hedonist who thinks getting his dick wet no matter what is more important than everything else
wo ist deine Ehre, Brudi
We dont even have to talk about.
We intrinsically feel out and recognize the others like us. And guess what, unless youre a teacher in commiefornia youre probably one of us too
>tired conspiracy
Yes, of course, every rational person has sat down and examined the historical evidence and come to the unanimous, independent conclusion that we are wrong. Surely this is what has happened, and not that everyone bought the propaganda unflinchingly and moved on to the next topic in the history book.
bothered me a bit and wanted to make clear that years of friendship was lost due to them being ideologically converted. no surprise this only came up when they started attending (((college))). forced to take equality classes or whatever the fuck they called it each semester and write papers on gibberish like intersectionality. it's like they've never been in a government run facility before in the last 40 years. the only intersectionality that occurs is against white people due to affirmative action.
I dont believe that, its easy to say that but wait until you have not seen a woman in two months and then get put in a hotel filled to the brim with beautiful cheap prostitutes.
You telling me you would not even take a blow job from a black woman?
Not sure what you mean. If you mean the Jewish conspiracy, then, well, you're simply wrong. There is not, per se, a conspiracy among all Jews. The Jews do what they do not because they get together in cliques and discuss how to rape Europe. They get together and do what they do because it is in their nature. They have, to draw from Mein Kampf, a moral mildew about their souls, and it is something far more prevalent in Jewry than it is in other populations.
In finance, their greed causes destruction and harm to society, rips people off, and uses them like chattel (usury is a Jewish tradition).
In politics, they promote leftism and communism, with the few exceptions of people like Milo or Ben Shapiro.
In religion, they attack all other faiths and pollute them with their religious ideology, being responsible for half of the world's major religions (Christianity and Islam) and all of the harm those religions have brought to the west.
In culture and media, they promote degeneracy of all sorts.
This all benefits them as a people, because it allows them, the few who remain pure, to stay at the top. Most of them do this unwittingly, but there are some who do it knowingly. They are our Judas. They greet us with a kiss to sell us to our enemies and stab us in the back, all for the shekels and their own personal interest. Even in their own holy books their God often laments this character of his chosen people.
They don't get together as a grand conspiracy (at least, most of them don't. The elite of the elite certainly do). They just do it because it is who they are, as a people, in large part.
why would I go to a brothel?
>with the exception of Ben Shapiro
Ben Shapiro supported the Syria airstrikes.
When it comes down to it, he always supports Israel, regardless of anything else.
Look at his track record.
He may act like a "conservative", but when things get tricky, and when he has to pick a side, he will always, ALWAYS, pick the Jewish one.
Don't get fooled.
Exactly. That is the only way to win. Even the commie fuckwits know it. That's why they use underhanded tactics like ideological subversion (look it up. Yuri Bezmenov, if you haven't seen him, a former KGB defector, lays out exactly how they take over a country. Watch it and be scared, because they were and are in the process of doing it in America and Europe, and if not for a few setbacks (JFK, Reagan, and now Trump, plus senator McCarthy and a few others back in the day who called them on their shit), they would have succeeded)
I'm currently working on my own version of NS, a version I believe will appeal to the average American. I even have plans on how I'll bring it to public attention, though it will cost me, as I know my enemies will dig dirt. But I think I know what to do, and how to use that attack to my advantage, a little trick I learned from the God Emperor Trump.
You're not wrong, but Ben is at least not a commie. That was my main point. He loves Israel, sure (I personally only support Israel because fuck the Muslims.I'd rather civilized Israel be in control over there than these Muslim savages), but at least he's not blatantly anti-western.
As for those airstrikes, I don't particularly like them, but I understand why the president did them. He believed that Assad had crossed over his red line. If he does nothing when that happens, his proclamations are meaningless. On the other hand, if he goes too far, it could cause some real problems. So, he just did a rather mediocre attack to show he means business.
He might need to do the same with Little Kim soon in the DPRK if that commie lunatic doesn't stop threatening to nuke everyone and testing weapons.
Good luck man.
Ever wonder why so many popular white nationalists are race-mixing and committing white genocide?
I understand what you mean now and I am having the same experience. This sick culture is even ruining friendships now because these people feel their view, they got from college and netflix, is the morally righteous view. The anti-white sentiment is growing and these people truly believe whites are the cause of historical problems. I have buddies at 45k a year private school taking classes on "business ethics" and "african history" aka fuck whitey 101. My hope is that the job market acts as a redpill for my cucked college friends.
Everyone is a nazi now. Rainbow fleg is nazi now friend.
>conventional politics will never change
history does not back you up on this one senpai
That's true. I have no problem staying true to my beliefs but it never feels good to lose a friend. People biting their tongue to get by is how we got to this point and I am not continuing that trend
>the rest of the world
Why do you think you speak on behalf of the "rest of the world" ? Liberal minded whites are a global minority. You're confusing progressive whites being in control of the UN and the EU with them *actually* speaking on behalf of "the world". You think street shitters, koreans or bantus give a FUCK about the 14 words?
I'd fuck a black chick and take a BJ from one. Never have, but I would.
The problem is NOT merely having a one-off with one of these bitches. The problem is making little Mullato children with them. If you go black, go in rubber, and don't marry her.
Besides, you really, really, REALLY don't want to have kids with her or marry her, most likely, even if you're not pro-white. Just go listen to Tommy Sotomayor, a pretty based, red-pilled black dude tell it like it is. Black women are often ugly and are usually mentally unhinged in some way or another according to him, and given what I've seen online, I'd have to concur with that view.
Marry her, and she'll kill you and your kids in a fit of rage over some trivial bullshit.
BT1000's are not to be turned into housewives.
The only ones who might be acceptable usually look and act like they have a lot of white in them (such as the chick you posted. I can see some white traits in that specimen), but even then, I'd be careful.
I don't like it when I can't see brown in an ass shot.
A connoiseur of the finer joys in life, I see.
My stock answer has always been "I am not racist, I just hate niggers".
do you know this fact about the common negro?