How do we deal with the racemixing problem, Sup Forums?
How do we deal with the racemixing problem, Sup Forums?
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God, why did you have to give black men such big appealing cocks?
absolutely canadian post
This looks like a Korean chick. She'll realize she made a mistake when he beats the shit out of her and abandon his child with her.
Your honorary aryan chink sex toy bed wench has been taken. This must be sad times for you
Bloody hell Canada. I laughed though.
They're surprisingly submissive
You can pretty much do anything you want to them as long as their mom doesn't find out
why did niggers flock to my thread?
She's good at doing makeup, not that good looking. Move along.
They're both asian though. The dude is clearly Indian. If you think that's a nigger you're retarded.
Dumb Americlap, they're both Cambodian.
he's still brown u fucking moron.
Low IQ Sup Forumstards.
Shut up ching chong. I don't give a shit about non-white races. She has chinky eyes and is pale so I have a right to assume she's Korean.
Post the picture where he's wearing a diamond rolex...
Let nature fix it. If there are lots of people racemixing it only gives me as a white male with a white baby more power. There are enough of people who aren't gonna raxemix believe me. We are the future the rest are going to be scum. Be happy.
I don't care if mud people fuck other mud people.
vietnamese chink who deserved to be wiped out 40 years ago
she has a korean facial structure and complexion, how do u know shes cambodian u third world monkey?
>he's still brown u fucking moron.
And she's yellow. So what's your point? Some Indians have very dark skin. It's not really race mixing if they're both Asians.
Export Multiculturalismâ„¢ to Israel, return madness to it's source. Once the kikes admit Multiculturalismâ„¢ is bad, their connections will take the message to shut it down. Slowly the world will revert toward the rightful path. YW
P.S. This post may 404 the thread so take screenshots, change skeletons and share this information in other threads.
Give up your rights and their rights go away as well. Problem solved.
She has Korean styled makeup, but is definitely not Korean.
Do we have any idea who could possibly be behind this?
A white girl was spared from the BBC
A white man avoided the TYP
Everything was fine that day
Why does this trigger pol? Blasians don't lay either male or female whites
Yeah nothing of value lost there.
>aww your kid looks just like you!
She's white.
>Sup Forums claims to know a lot about race
>can't even see it's a white koreaboo wearing heaving makeup
actualy its better when coalburners get pregnant. its ultimate punishment for being whores and their ugly spawn is their burden for the rest of their lives. its still not common at all and white men is still much more likely to race mix. Problem is that its getting promoted and pushed and numbers are increasing.
he's fucking skinny and ugly why is someone as attractive as her attracted to him enough to have a baby with him?
are those both his children?
It's called accepting the fact that your acne ridden faces will never find someone intelligent or attractive enough. How about this, OP? How about instead of worrying about whatever your pure "Aryan woman" touched, you wash your fucking face. It's not hard. Get a bottle of fucking benzoyl peroxide and touch up your cystic acne. How about this OP? Clean your fucking room you shit house of a human? Have you ever figured out that maybe it's not the "race mixing" that's the issue, but it's incels like you constantly worried about the sexual perusing of a woman? Women can smell that. They can smell the chronic masturbation, it's practically on your fucking clothes. They can smell your greasy hair, your unclean foreskin, and your shirt. Women can smell your loneliness.
Women are going to niggers because panko-encrusted honkeybacks like you are worried about meaningless shit like this. Hitler is dead and neonazis suck and are indeed gay. Let it the fuck go. Go outside or kill yourself. Either one works, gay ass OP.
Daily reminder that anyone who actually is concerned about Racemixing needs to fuck off like Der Fuhrer or go outside and maybe care about something better
Get fucking pissed.
must be a loaded indian
Jesus christ how can some of you be so fucking dumb when it comes to spotting race? There's absolutely no way she's white. She's 1000% asian no doubt about it.
maybe he has a nice personality? maybe he can make her laugh, has a good job and her parents like him?
tl dr
and he gets cucked on the reg?
i think you're forgetting an important factor
he's a fucking nigger
Never before, were truer words spoken, but to them, you're probably just one of (((them))) as you could expect.
Relax, that was obvious bait.
>how do u know shes cambodian u third world monkey?
shit's all over Jewbook.
It's nothing special
Every woman nowadays dump maximum whitening shit on their skin to look as Korean as possible.
Gooks are now paler than white.
It solves itself, we are weeding out the dumb traitor genes.
A chink girl and a nigger male race-mixing is not only not my problem, it lessens the potential sources of problematic race-mixing for my race. I only care about race-mixing when whites do it, other races weakening themselves is neutral to beneficial for me.
And the only way to deal with race mixing is ostracism and shunning of race-mixers, no exceptions.
>no foreskin
winning hearts and minds using (((tricks)))
Not sure why this is a 'problem'.
You sound upset, are you a mulatto?
Thanks man
imagine being actually afraid of (((them))) though
M-muh infiltration
m-muh paid shill on a vietnamese coloring board
get fucking real
Typical honkey back response. Go back to quaking in your diabetic socks, fat ass.
so you say she's Cambodian because she looks like a Cambodian who tries to look like a Korean who tries to look like a white chick who in reality try to look tanned and want to have the same skin color as Cambodians
That is just fucking wrong. No filthy 70's nigga should be touching a cute anime girl :(
He has nappy nigger hair. Indians have straight hair.
Bro... I like your theory. Whites may lose in overall percentage but what's left remaining should be better genes. My only qualm is the highly educated have very few children on average. 2.1 kids per woman is needed to maintain.
No im saying she's Cambodia because she is Cambodia
Just google image search OP's pic.
>Some Indians have very dark skin
Indians are actually white. They are brown because of the poo
why are mongrel babies so fucking ugly?
fuck you chang
we arent all cucked like you vancouverites
Is that why Brazilian are ugly
but mongrel girls become hot when young, then turn back to looking like shit in the 30s
Because white cucks fell for the meme
Another classic shitpost thread from an Aussie brother. Keep up the good threads senpai.
Any rare femanon could give to me a quick rundown on what white girls see as attractive in black faces? Like, seriously, pic related, i still don't get it.
it's the forbidden fruit, the attached stigma, the naughty thing to do.
the BBC-meme is helping, too.
got nothing to do with attractiveness.
She looks korean and underage and he looks he just come from the 70s.
Jamal fuck your mom too?
segregation and nationalism
He didn't.
>rainbow flag
We need a (((study))) showing mixed race babies are uglier and prone to more health problems
Pol are you capable of memeing this?
Why am I not surprised to see a cucknadian glorifying black cock?
>brown man
>yellow woman
other than seething chinks and yellow fever cucks, no one gives a fuck
he's PUMPING his NIGGER seed into her WHITE pussy FIVE times a day, all day, every day.
Until she gets pregnant and he leaves her and she settles with a nice red bearded cuck.
>Until she gets pregnant
already happened.
Place your bets, dutchbro
>non-whites racemixing
go ahead lel
>so black their eyes go black
I'm doing my bit. I've just read some PUA and the gorilla mindset, going to get myself a qt virgin white wife and have lots of kids! Hell yeah!
Plz someone nuke the major Canadian cities. Help us.
What two people decide to do w.r.t to forming a lasting relationship together is frankly none of your business and is outside of your ability to control.
What you do is to support healthy good relationships no matter what a persons skin color is because that's all that matters.
You can be an ignorant nigger who thinks otherwise. That will likely result in you being a frustrated clown who wastes times on things they can't change nor will change. Choice is yours. Interracial couples have made their choice and I don't think they give a rats ass what your view are. God bless the healthy relationships that exists from them.
P.S - Beautiful couple in the OP and baby. Thanks for sharing.
i am okay until its nonwhites mixing with nonwhites
She's vietnamese. She has a big twitter and instagram following
Why are you kikes so obsessed with black dick?
Kosher faggots.
Black or Pajeet guy?
SE Asians with pale skin=looks white
It's never gonna stop. It's been going on since the dawn of man, dipshit, so why bother wasting your time?
Looks like a Melanesian
Nufag detected
>How do we stop the race mixing? Waaaaah!
By telling the truth and knowing the (((enemy))) goy.
What the fuck do you think the point of this place is? The first step to wisdom is to call things what they are.
>Niggers don't get jobs
>Niggers don't take care of their kids
>Niggers cheat
>Niggers steal
>Niggers disappear like ninjas to avoid responsibility
If you can't compete with that, you need to fix your life.
What are you doing here Mr. Kok Long? Aren't you supposed to be preparing your car chop suey?
Angry mulatto confirmed