Nazis, racists, white supremists and other retards, why do you hate black people when you could hate instead the very people who do cause the problems that is criminals? Do you undestand that you are implying that criminality is ok as long as the criminal is white? This attitude does not only alienate all the black people but also those white people who do find criminality a problem and that is probably 95% of people.
Explain this
Other urls found in this thread:
Yesterday almost was robbed by a black guy but i fough him fuck you
>why do you hate black people when you could hate instead the very people who do cause the problems that is criminals?
I don't hate blacks or criminals.
>Do you understand that you are implying that criminality is okay as long as the criminal is white?
Wrong. It does not imply that.
Neekerit on ali-ihmisiä, ja niiden vihaaminen ei tarkoita sitä ettei vihaisi rikollisia näin yleensä.
>Wrong. It does not imply that.
Yes. It does. You are dwelling in your race theories just as passionately as tumblr-SWJ's dwell in their cultural marxism but you do not focus on crime.
Jews are the disease. Blacks are merely a symptom.
>Do you undestand that you are implying that criminality is ok as long as the criminal is white?
Hey OP, why are you implying that you want your family to be raped by niggers?
So, you admit that hate a black person just because of color of their skin? Very classy. Tapa ittes.
Oh, look at this.
>why are you implying that you want your family to be raped by niggers?
I don't want my family to raped by anyone unlike you.
Vihaan niitä koska ne ei ole suomalaisia, eivätkä ikinä tule olemaan suomalaisia. Minulla ei ole mitään yhteistä neekereiden kanssa, eivätkä ne paskanahat kuulu suomeen. Mitä nopeammin ne, ja sun kaltaiset kansanpetturit poistetaan tästä maasta, sen parempi.
Jos armeija marssisi kadulle tänään ja rupeis lahtaamaan paskanahkoja, liittyisin saman tien niiden riveihin ei-suomalaisten poistamiseen Suomesta.
I hate niggers about as much as I hate criminals because they're practically the same thing.
Pic related, it's your favorite hobby once you turn 45 and realize how much of your life you've wasted being retarded.
How many percent of black people have commited a crime during their life time? And what is the corresponding figure for white people?
Mee nyt vittuun
Tapa ittes vitun kansanpetturi.
going to leave this here
What the fuck this got to do with the topic of this thread?
Criminals of all skin colors, especially violent ones should be castrated or very preferably killed before they spread their shit-tier genes.
Black people are far more likely as a group to commit violent crimes than whites as a group. This fact, combined with the facts that blacks as a group are more impulsive, have lower IQs, and have different cultural values on the freedom of speech and property rights, should make it crystal clear that they are incompatible with white society.
I certainly don't hate blacks, and I do think it is a shame that we all can't get along in a multicultural society. But no matter what I may think or wish to be true, it doesn't change the fact that we are all slaves to our biology. A biology that apparently thinks tribalism is super great.
We have to deal with the world on it's terms, not ours.
>Nazis, racists, white supremacists and other retards, why do you hate black people when you could hate instead the very people
>very people
This is old data from 1991.
> "Among men, blacks (28.5%) are
about twice as likely as Hispanics
(16.0%) and 6 times more likely than
whites (4.4%) to be admitted to
prison during their life"
>dropout rate for blacks in 1990 was below 12%
>slowly increasing since mid 200's
>now up to 43% drop out rate for niggers
>a research paper detailing the heavy correlation between crime and high school dropouts
"Fact 7. There is nearly a 70 percent chance that an African American man without a high school diploma will be imprisoned by his mid-thirties."
Around blacks, never relax my Finfriend.
>Criminals of all skin colors, especially violent ones should be castrated or very preferably killed before they spread their shit-tier genes.
I agree on this.
> Black people are far more likely as a group to commit violent crimes than whites as a group.
But why don't you use as much time to ponder white criminality as black criminality? I think you got what is called authoritarian mind set. It is a disgusting condition.
Read the book
Just post the percents.
I did post the percentage which was bordering a 3rd of the black population in america.
However, this percentage is from 1991. A time before "gangsta rap" when little nigs had standard graduation rates. Now in 2017, 4.3/10 blacks never even finish high school.
Since there's a large correlation between crime and high school dropouts, it can be inferred that the actual percentage of blacks that are incarcerated at some point in their worthless lives is actually significantly higher than than the 28% given in 1991.
>But why don't you use as much time to ponder white criminality as black criminality?
Because it would be like comparing deaths cause by mountain climbing accidents to deaths caused by heart disease. White criminality is nowhere near the problem of black criminality.
Whites have other problems, like drug addiction. Alcohol and especially opiate-based drugs are wreaking havoc on the lower and middle class white right now.
Ok, Thanks
That is a very high number. But I it does not change my point. Criminality is a problem no matter who does it. And focusing only on perperators race misses some other factors that might explain and predict criminality better.
Do you know that psychopaths commit half of the homicides? I think that is one group that should be targeted.
Yeah, but you are ignoring such factors like a culture and socioeconomics
This reminds me of my self two years ago, don't forget you're hear now forever
Read Race Evolution and Behaviour
It wasn't meant to be an all inclusive post. I would need a whole book for that.
I bet that much more redpilled than you are and I think that you are focusing the wrong things.
Good on you for admitting it's in fact a very high number.
Have a cute animal.
>Do you know that psychopaths commit half of the homicides? I think that is one group that should be targeted.
Do you have any idea how much "psychopaths" and "black people" are overlapping groups?
Because we hate niggers.
If you hate niggers, jews, spics, arabs, faggots, commie scum and furries too, and you want to raid some tranny server once in a while, you should join the official Moon Central Discord! White people only. Introduce yourself in #introductions
Join us and put a nigger underground tonight without a sound!
The Triple K Mafia
P.S Fuck Niggers
It doesn't matter what is said in the book. My point is you are focusing on the wrong things. Divide and conquer
Don't generalize.
I don't want to be other gender as much as i don't want to be a crab or black. That's not racism, but what is racism is black people coming here trying to ruin my white diversity and culture.
I have read the studies. The problem though is that nowadays the criteria of psychopathy only includes impulsive psychopaths because the studies were conducted in prisons where the impulsive types end up. Robert Hare, if I remember correctly, said that the results would have been significantly different if they had chance to test blue collar psychopaths.
Well, if Finland had a bunch of jigaboos running around shooting up the place, you would understand.
Says the descendant of criminals, abos and immigrants. Eeeww!
Sadly this. You can look at crime statistics on race all day and just refuse to accept them, as many have, because you don't have to deal with the reality of blacks. It's only after thousands of interactions with a great variety of blacks from a broad spectrum of economic classes that you realize that blacks are REALLY different. Incompatibly different. Even the highly intelligent blacks, of which I've known many, are incompatible with white society.
See, it is posts like that that make me think you're just after (you)s.
>It does not imply that.
Some nationalists do unironically imply that. But it was about decade ago.
>Even the highly intelligent blacks, of which I've known many, are incompatible with white society.
This is interesting. Tell more. How do you interacted with them?
old but still accurate af
I'm a (((non-believer))) of so-called reverse racism
I was a math and science tutor at uni. I got to interact with a very diverse group. I know that this is a great example of selection bias but many of the blacks that were having trouble with either calculus or physics really had problems with the professor's accent. They seemed to have no difficulty in understanding when I explained the concepts.
On a more personal note. I had the same two black classmates when I was taking differential equations and then physics I and II due to a counseling error. The counselor had no idea physics was generally taken with calculus I. We ended up be over-prepared (not really a bad thing) for physics. Both of them were really smart guys. I enjoyed grouping up with them for class projects. One was a Nigerian biology major. He started out only taking the classes to fulfill his science credits but ended up really enjoying the classes. The other was American, libertarian, and like me going into engineering.
It was experiences like that that made me reevaluate my previous opinions on black IQ, but again I realize there is selection bias at play here.
But you said that they were fundamentally different. How this manifested itself?
>But you said that they were fundamentally different. How this manifested itself?
I did. They are. When talking about politics in the tutoring center, which wasn't really allowed but it happened anyway, I talked with a lot of blacks about ideas involving freedom of speech. Specifically hate speech. Well, I would get their ideas on the subject because hate speech seemed to be a major talking point on the news in that period of time. Myself, I wouldn't really say much my thoughts on the subject or just act uninformed so as not to color their opinions with mine.
It was really a great situation because many times my students and I would be isolated in a far corner of the tutoring center where they would not have to censor themselves for fear of someone else jumping into the conversation.
I noticed that many blacks, even the smart ones, seemed to have negative opinions on the idea of free speech. It "really activated my almonds" so to speak and prompted me to look up voting patterns of the different races. Blacks as a group seem to not respect the idea of freedom of speech, one of the white's fundamental values. Blacks also have different ideas on property rights and different sexual strategies.
That's why I say they're incompatible with white society.
How did they justify their opposition to freedom of speech? Was it the usual "it hurts my feelings so it must be wrong"? That is a common opionion among women and the leftists so are you sure their opionion was due to the race?
In general, yes, a lot of it falls into the "it hurts my feelings so it must be wrong" category.
I'm of the opinion that leftism is largely a result of race and gender. It's like we're programmed to think certain ways. Race and gender are major contributing factors with gender generally being the bigger contributing factor. That's why I said earlier that we're slaves to our biology. I try to be as objective as possible but how do confirm I'm not carrying out a preordained instruction set?
>I try to be as objective as possible but how do confirm I'm not carrying out a preordained instruction set?
Strangely insightful.
I have debated a lot about freedom of speech with women mostly. And almost every time I have come to conclusion that my opponent is stupid if not brain damaged. They seem to totally lack the ability to think to anything but themselves and in immediate future.
So, what you are saying about biology might be true.
But still, that does not change my point. The problem is stupid and criminal people.