What does Sup Forums think about my countries president?
What does Sup Forums think about my countries president?
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Everyone in America knows who he is so, good or bad hes kinda a rockstar
Short man with an inferiority complex. Not sure what his goal is. He's just fucking his own country at this point.
Btw I mean Putin not Trudeau
seems like a nice guy
I don't
Pretty dope guy fampai
that's because you're a filthy kikerat
This. He seems like a cool cat. Would definitely have a shot of vodka and play chess with the guy.
You wish.
He's pro-Islam, i laugh everytime i see Sup Forums say he is "the savior of the white race" kek
the pot is calling the cattle back
If he's an anti globalist, against kike elites, a nationalist and a saviour of the white race, why does he start wars with white, Christian countries, kills non Jewish businessmen, and sends planes to test our patience?
Extremely confusing and chaotic.
Would go fishing and drink vodka with
I've never heard this before, how is he pro-islam? I expected him to be anti-islam by how he's been treating the Chechen people and other islamic minority groups in the country.
cause those "white races"(cough, 56%, cough)
are zionist owned good goyims
He's aligned with Orthodoxy to a significant degree. Obviously he isn't going to be against Muslims because he is the president of a country with a lot of Muslims and is actively allied to Syria.
>If he's an anti globalist, against kike elites, a nationalist and a saviour of the white race, why does he start wars with white,
Christian countries,
>kills non Jewish businessmen, and sends planes to test our patience?
Extremely confusing and chaotic.
Respond to the entire comment, bitch!
You forgot to remove the VPN you idiot
>Respond to the entire comment, bitch!
you're a leaf, there is no point...
you have zero understanding how geopolitics works
Commie Kikes, Zionist Jews, USA ZOG, Deutschland Ubber Alies and Ottoman roahces killed more whites and done more unreairapble damage to the White Christian civilisation thatn the Russia could ever could.
You're on the forefront and a major pawn in a geopolitical and ideological battle for the destruction of white christian civilisation
it's not the Russia
it never has been
closest thing to god-emperor available
Now that's the response.
How do you know I'm a leaf? I could be a Tatar from Crimea.
What is the closest thing you have to a loo? Designated shitting streets!
He's an insecure faggot.
I don't see any other conclusion that can be drawn from those stunt hockey games etc.
He's also a money-grubbing crook who has done little to help Russia's economy diversify
Would do Judo with him.
pedo manlet
flag and additude
by now you should have been already redpilled on many topics
JQ included
if not lurk moar newfag
Manlet with a complex. Very experienced KGB agent who knows how to manipulate media to make himself a hero in the eyes of the nationalists. Actually an oligarch who doesn't care about ethnic russians.
t. Kike
still thoug Ukraine is not a real country
right now you're on Angola level of living standard
I love how shilling has transcended into ironic praising.
Fucking Sup Forums
butthurt is strong in this one. shove burger up his ass, we must.
I don't understand your retarded lingo.
In this globalist war against the West every white life counts. Georgians, Ukrainians, Moldovans do not count?
Why does he send planes to our borders?
Why does he kill businessmen and journalists?
Go ahead, bitch.
What is a real country?
Is Canada a real country? Is Russia?
>What is a real country?
Put it this way
Jerks, countries with complexes.
|>Rest of Slavs
Real countries.
>that pic
Ukraine is a non-country, it's true. But he is still a pedo manlet.
>Is Canada a real country?
Stop Belarus is based even Lukashenko is cool.
They will be the last white people on this planet after everything collapses.
>Ukraine is a non-country
ok i'll bite
>Georgians, Ukrainians, Moldovans do not count?
not if they've surrendered to the kike globalist cabal
they've willingfully accepted to fuck themselves and be cannon fodder
>Why does he send planes to our borders?
why does (((NATO))) do the same, why is nato spreading like a cancer?
Warsav Pact and USSR ended abot 28 years ago. USA and NATO imperialism and wars however did not.
It's not the Russia encircling and aproaching west with it's militarry bases, it's the (((west))) and (((nato))) cornering Russia.
>Why does he kill businessmen and journalists?
Something, something, Michael Hastings, something Julian Assange, something Marthin Lutter King, something Bradley Maning, something, something Edward Snowden, something, Malcolm X...
Press your ass into a loo we must!
So Putin should just invite foreign intervention to his country by shitting on Russian muslims, who by the way, OUTSIDE of cases with OBVIOUS foreign involvement (saudis, turkey, cia) haven't really done shit in Russia? The secular tatars for instance, who after getting btfo centuries back, have been calmly living as part of the russian empire, ussr, and now rf?
Bilel, Russian muslims are 10 steps above whatever the fuck shithole you crawled out of, and that's a guarantee. Obviously this doesn't include monkeys like chechens, especially the ones who ran away to Europe in the 90s whilst shouting about how Russians were beheading them (kek)
Putin doesn't let foreign states fund preachers on its territory, which is something that can't be said for many other western countries.
>not if they've surrendered to the kike globalist cabal they've willingfully accepted to fuck themselves and be cannon fodder
French, Germans, Swedes have surredered to the globalist kike elites a long time ago. Should they fuck themselves and be cannon fodder too?
why does (((NATO))) do the same, why is nato spreading like a cancer?
Why do you answer with question to a question? Are you Jewish?
>Martin Luther King in one group with Bradley Maning
You really got me thinking now.............
Russians and Serbs are the superior white race over the rest of Europans. Do I understand you right?
listen up here you pedokike braindead faggot leaf
this is our timeline now
i don't have to prove anything to you
so in a that sence go fuck yourself
How rude Janis.
You can say so much about us, but having complexes?
no, no
if anything we just want to be left alone in our ethnical borders and do slav things and shit
we didn't bother anyone, it's the other way around
i think you should know thing or two about being zerg rushed by the eternal everlasting empires and all you wanted is to left alone.
you tryin' to trigger me, chinese leaf boi?
He's a big guy
Why are you so flastered?
You are just a self-conceited idiot with super inflated sense of self-importance.
If you'd have even an ounce of intelligence you'd know you need to make alliances as well, if you intend to survive this fight.
You are rooting for the wrong guy, who only caters to the interests to his tiny in-group and doesn't give a rip about your Srpska shithole, which is not far ahead Angola too.
You don't need to prove anything to me, bc I know my worth and the worth of your benevolent tsar.
YOU SUCK!!!!!! And the quicker evolution takes care of your useless pedokike brainded faggot srpska existence, the better it will be for the rest of our race.
The fuck do you know about geopolitics? Go read Dugin's "Foundation of Geopolitics" and report back with your Russia shilling.
Loves to smell his own farts a bit too much
The best hacker in the world. He's great. It's true.
he wants to fuck you
dugin was an advisor to Putin for nearly 10 years. read his books and you will understamd the russian strategy. you are right to think of putin as a globalist..
>muh Dugin conspiracies
>he want's to destroy our fridums, liberdy and bursuit of burgders
>hur dur
there is a section in dugin's "foundations of geopolitcs about influencing chaos in america
i have read the book
you should read it too
i like better this one
I actually believe he might be the reincarnation of Caesar