Why is America's culture centered around food, sports and finding excuses to drink?
Why is America's culture centered around food, sports and finding excuses to drink?
Because we lack history and a cultural identity
Mormons dont drink dude, they eat pretty healthy, are you not mormon? This is a mormon board man
opposed to... what? dumb ass dancing around in the mud? looking at pictures?
Because the WASPs abrogated their responsibility to lead society and let the Jews killed Christian culture.
I don't know euros just give us shit for liking food and beer man
Opposed to what? Propose an alternative.
because we're /comfy/ thanks to the efforts our superior ancestors
goddamn I love american food
Yea no shit
You do realize that is our and noo zulunds culture too right?
Except we dont shoot guns when we have a bloke on bloke bash up after 30 drinks
There is no culture in america. The general mass has become so sheltered and frail that people just follow suit of whatever is popularized, which is consumerism these days.
Why are you asking child molesting questions?
Good times
Soft men
You're welcome
because we have to do something to take our minds off of the sjws and criminal darkies.
they wanted a consumerism utopia, now it turned to a consumerism hellhole for everyone except the 1%
no, they give you shit because the food is usually hamburgers or chicken nuggets.
Its not that we lack history its just that we are indoctrinated to believe that our history is evil and we shouldn't have a deeply rooted identity so we substitute a devotion to ones people into a sport team.
>implying burgers and deep dish pizzas arent gods gift
What else do you want?
Cringy carnivals with old men wearing retarded traditional costumes? You can have 'em dude.
what happened to the classic american ingenuity and drive?
Food and excuses to drink are literally the center of all but the shittiest cultures; sports because of our martial, competitive tradition and our luxury and security allows us the free time and disposable resources to use on it.
Reading books is a nice leisure-time activity.
because all those things are fucking rad
food and sports is literally hunting and gathering.
that's an animal survival kind of thing to do.
guess animals don't like starving to death and like to move their bodies too. gee, I sure wonder why culture centers around something so essential.
Because our society told God to BTFO. Thus we have no unifying reason to socialize other than food, sports and drinking.
>Because we lack history and a cultural identity
I guess if you're ignorant we do, if you've actually read books and participated in your familial and local customs then you see we have quite a great deal of culture. Just because the past few generations have tossed away their culture for consumerism doesn't mean the culture doesn't exist.
Mormons aren't real Americans, they're eternal outsiders.
Why is that way for you? My American culture has nothing do with such trivial shit.
Marxists in the education system of our large cities have eroded our drive for cultural greatness, our sense of American exceptionalism, and imparted a sense of shame/guilt to the pursuit of personal achievement.
this. though i'm not american, when i was
younger i also didn't give a damn about my
once i started getting into history, changed
Says the majestic bird of prey trapped in a cardboard box.
totally, dad. we'll hold a spot for you if you fail to resist the caliphate. we have several uninhabited islands in your latitude. any of which will comfortably hold you all.
American food. It's like the ultimate food. We have the resources were even the poorest people can eat meat, tasty desert, and have a 5,000 calorie per day diet.. We use 80% of the world's resources for varg's sake. Our problem isn't scarcity, its having too much.
So, the American issue is eating and drinking too much. A lot of Americans need discipline. The other problem is we have everything, except culture and tradition. (Some do, of course, but yr obviously talking about lard ass Americans)..
So yeah, man evolved in scarcity, and craves fat, salt, and sugar. We can have an infinite amount for $3 a day. So yeah, temperance is the problem. Restraint.
I guess it's better than starving..norks are liked 90 pounds and 4 feet tall. We're 300 pounds and 6 foot 4 inches, but our hearts explode.
Well, America does have the problem of having its various regional and ethnic cultures eclipsed by mass produced consumerist tripe coming out of the coastal cities and their rootless cosmopolitan denizens.
>except culture and tradition
I mean, sure we have centuries worth of literature, art, music, folklore, drama, festivals, etc, but those don't count because.... white people are bad? Reasons? We just take those for granted? They're not elite culture, they're popular culture so don't count?
go watch the movie "founder". it will resolve your cognitive dissonance. god bless you my ameribro
300 years is literally nothing, burger
Most culture is about food and drink, dumbass.
lose weight
Thats what most cultures around the world are centered on. Do you really think europeans dont do this?
i weigh 135 pounds
you too can enjoy food without eating too much and becoming a lard ass
"Burger culture" mostly originates from a combination of British/Irish and German culture.
amarika is what you get when low life hillbillies and white trash become super power. kind of like village idiot becoming king by a freak accident
>bloke on bloke bash up
Is this a new euphemism for homosexual sex?
our culture is that when called upon, we can (and do) work more hours at greater productivity in a row without a break or sleep or rest or encouragement or comfort. norwegians and japs are pretty tough too, but in the end, they'll fold and an american hand will carry them sleeping from the deck, to their rack, let them get a few hours and them wake them up for breakfast
In N Out burger is some of the best shit to eat on the planet. And run by a pol approved company that values American hard work and professionalism
yet after 250 years, we whistle and you squat
india is what you get when you put a billion plus people into a shit infested swamp and then allow them to shit in the street and throw dead bodies into their largest river while riding on the top of a train with 500 of your stinkiest buddies with poopy spicy curry assholes staining your dirty soot ridden robes while giving me pointless IT advice.
It's a Jew ploy stolen from the romans, keep the masses complacent with entertainment, and minor luxuries.
It's only good because the workers are attractive and white, and they coat their shit with onion grease. It's really nothing special.
t. Californian.
Sit-down burgers >>>>>>>>>> Fast food burgers.
You know this guy was an Italian immigrant
The more you know
Literally humanity.
Canada is just as bad. So many people here just want to drink beer and watch hockey. Of you don't do that, society treats you like some kind of degenerate outcast
You have culture, your culture is the most prolific in the world it's like cancer. Advertisements, fast food and explosions is American as it gets.
White culture in general is the most prolific in the world. Every time I see a nigger in a suit I think stop appropriating my culture.
>and finding excuses to drink?
The food and sports thing may be true, but most Americans hardly drink.
Fuck leafs.
>implying European history isn't about drinking too much and contracting gout
it cant have a national culture (that is good) because the country was founded by freemasons
I don't know, but I'm gonna be dreaming of hamburgers tonight.
hollywood is probably america's greatest cultural influence, how can you say 300 years is nothing? as left-leaning as the arts are these days, you can't ignore america's incredible foray into film, music, animation, etc.
We are a consumer culture that takes the best from the other cultures' consumables. We want the best from everywhere. Get it now? Next question.
Why is Germany's?
Its because people who work hard also want to play hard.
>food, sports and finding excuses to drink
that's not just America...
Why are most other cultures in the world centered around food, sport and finding excuses to drink?
Because it's a good cheap way to keep the plebs happy, while they make their bosses rich and dream of becoming rich themselves.
>triggered burger
>Tfw swiss culture is centered around food, money, and finding excuses to drink
i doubt you'll last 250 years more tho
i doubt you'll last 25 years more tho
>Saying we will not last another 25
Fucking pottery.
*Jews whistle.
You have zero control over what your country does, fatty.
i'd better hide in the mountains amirite?
>250 years
Not 25. But he's also correct. You won't last another 250. Doubt any country currently alive will though. The rate of development and change is constantly increasing.
Your mountains are pleb tier.
enjoy your 'president' while it lasts
america just looks so great again right now
>Has not even been half a year
>Expects murica to be transformed over night
I know you are cucked as fuck and need to lash out but it's ok. We are here for you frog.
your beaches are...
oh... wait
it's been transformed overnight tho
and it's not pretty imho
Better food and sports than worshipping a pedophile and his sand nigger god five times a day and have women dressed like 30 year old carpets covered in shit.
Not filled with niggers for one. Can you say the same
Where does this meme come that burgers are unhealthy?
>has meat in for all that protein
>has cheese in it for that fat
>has vegetables in it for all those vitamins
>has bread in it for them carbs
I just don't get it.
when i went to america all the foods were so greasy they gave me a stomach ache
Europeans drink every day desu. You'll see all kinds of business people with a pint at lunch time.
i can
niggers usually don't go to the beach
also, don't act like swiss population isn't getting larger, older and more diverse
Their obesity rate.
>porkie eats something excessively
>5 burgers a day
>wtf im fat now
>this makes u fat
>lunch time
moar liek breakfast t b h
Because Americans have no real national culture of which to speak. Unionists destroyed it all and turned into a racemixing pot of blind consumerism.
your president married his sexaul predator.
isnt that every culture tho?
do you seriusly believe serbs sit around fire and sing folk kosovo sagas all day every day?
Your only culture is being fat
Wait you mean... you don't?
still better than a fucking culture centered around a fucking cult
depends on the quality of the meat, but you are right in principle, its not unheatlhy by default.
>this is typical serbburger (pljeskavica)
>grasping at straws
live with your times, gramps