What happened to white people? Why have they become so shit and the butt of jokes and do retarded shit like this
What happened to white people? Why have they become so shit and the butt of jokes and do retarded shit like this
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How old are you and why are you on instagram? Get the fuck out.
why is spiceness a meme? niggers and spics added hot spice to food to mask the rotten smell and taste, pretty lame s m h
>niggers being racist because it is socially acceptable and they're niggers
pick one
Spicy food is shit tier anyway, give me a roast any day
>the people who went around the world, conquered wast swaths of countries and dug canals through continents just because the Ottomans cut them of from the spice trade don't like spices
>people joke about blacks and how they are dumb low IQ monkeys without dads who get shot because they try to rob stores and run away from any form of responsibility
>B-B-But white people eat toast!!!!!
Because we have thick enough skin to be referred to as the awkward, silly people who do "white people shit" without pissing our pants over every other wiggity whack stereotype thrown our way.
Don't niggers usually shit themselves when something is really spicy? I never see anyone other than whites eating super spicy food like the type that has ghost peppers and shit like that in it.
I understand that niggers have no idea what a normal childhood is like, but what's your excuse?
Kids are stupid, they do stupid shit. That's what it means to be a kid.
The irony of niggardly heritage is that you don't get a real childhood but you are simultaneously condemned to forever living as a mental child.
>being proud that you eat spicy food
What kind of nigger even does this?
If spicy means throwing a cup of salt on every piece of food like they do, then yeah I'm a fucking white male who doesn't like spicy food
Niggers can't swim.
Wait, why are people upset with me? I said Niggers? What do you mean this isn't the same democratic party of 1940?? You're pushing for "safe spaces" and openly racist, are you not? What the FUG :DDDD
It's because they're the only group anyone's allowed to joke about.
Your white privilege is showing.
>Not being proud of having a survivalist trait in your genes
What's survivalist about being dependent on food stamps?
I dno I find these memes hilarious
>Why have they become so shit and the butt of jokes
Sup Forums isn't most white people who go on a 2000 character rant about white food and how it is really black people that don't have culture and whites really have super special and deep culture when someone makes a joke about white people hating spicy food.
Most of Sup Forums loves to sperg out when someone makes a joke about white people.
niggers cannot make fun of superior beings
it literally doesn't work and makes them seem petty and stupid
>ITT: weaklings who sweat from eating toast sandwiches attack spice
As an Anglo-Indian I eat spicy food that even most natives won't touch. You anons don't realize what you're missing, there's almost nothing better than Stuffed Chilli Lababdar with some roomali roti
right, cause no white has ever eaten horseradish. show me a nigger who can handle horseradish, and I'll show you a nigger with a father.
How can you be the butt of a bad joke? Am I a stinky head if a 5 year of declares it?
> tfw pale as a ghost and can't even eat hot dogs without half-drowning it in tabasco
>Stuffed Chilli Labrabdor
wtf, you eat dogs AND shit in the street?
Fucking kill yourself
in a curry restaurant owned by some defecators they refer very light curry as "white folk's curry" in their internal communication, so this maymay is not entirely baseless
So what, this is a fulfillment in life to eat spicy food for you and your like?
Spicy food is 100% a meme and anyone pretending like it's a white issues is retarded. Simply start eating spicier and spicier stuff and it's just a matter or days until you can eat hot shit like it's nothing.
Dear White People ITT:
Niggers don't use hot spices as far as I'm aware. They just deep fry everything and dunk it in salt, fat and "gravy". How they think this makes something spicy is beyond me. It just shows their extremely limited palate.
Niggers think savory = spicy
I don't get it, everything blacks do is a spinoff of golden age internet memes from way back. Like the #blackonthanksgiving shit niggers are fond of is a response to the ridicule they've received over the years for generally spending their holiday eating fast food like KFC.
The only reason why pajeets are eating spicy curry is because otherwise there would be floods on the designated streets
Daily reminder that this is black people food.
You Indians do spice correctly, nobody would even suggest nigger """""cuisine"""" is at pooinloo level
Niggers are just so used to white people serving them bland food in prison that they think that's how white people actually prepare their food at home.
>Being superior enough to colonize and exploit you
I wonder how they'd react to traditional Norwegian cuisine.
there's really no indication this meme was made by blacks, but your immediate response is to attack blacks. why is that?
>why do families have fun
A fine question Jamal!
>not being able to enslave other people
>somehow this is valued
this is the same kind of people who et assblasted by Trump eating two scoops of ice cream
They cook each others food in prison.
Pretty sure they're literally equating school lunches with white people becuase black kids wern't eating dinner at little Tommy's house growing up.
>hot spice
Look up the definition of hot, then reply again.
Only white people can stand spicy.
>when you get triggered by the objective superiority of whites and all you have to respond with is "oh yeah, well you could only do all that because you're superior!!!"
They like Creole which I guess is just salt they also like sauces. I think that's what they mean why don't we drench it in Ketchup, or BBQ sauce or ranch or whatever sauce.
When you can handle capsaicin, feel free to respond. Until then, keep your silk road (not spicy) spices to yourself, you bitch.
That Colbert incident reminds me a lot of this:
Holy loo that's ghastly
Making fun of anglo food is a worldwide tradition, it isnt something new.
Italians in America call white people "Medigans". This comes from the italian "Merde di cane" meaning dog shit. It specifically refers to the quality of food that anglos eat. This has been around for a long time.
Capsaicin is in chillies you mong
We stopped lynching, colonising, gassing, and nuking inferior subhumans.
They're literally dumb enough to think they have it over us now.
We can start doing it all again. Any moment. Kek
Oh boy. Spoken like a true internet warrior
Chile pepper? You mean MESO AMERICAN? aka. NOT Indian?
>Why have they become so shit and the butt of jokes and do retarded shit like this
It's safe humor. If you make a joke about any race other than whites, you're a racist.
> Believing perception= reality
Get a load of this faggot.
We don't say anything because we're not children.
Those idiots can talk shit all they want, they're only doing it because it makes them feel better about their own insecurities.
Blacks are WAY more insecure about their race and appearance than Whites, all they know how to do is peacock around pretending to be bigger and tougher than they actually are.
Yes, Indians incorporated chilli peppers from the New World into their cuisine centuries ago. A lot of the best food is relatively new, being invented in Mughal kitchens for the emperor
I'd eat it.
People act like coming from parts of the world where you don't have to worry about covering half-rancid meat and rotting vegetables with crazy spices in order to make them palatable and to kill harmful bacteria is a bad thing.
Racism against whites is acceptable in this day and age
u wot m8 - there's a Ghanaian place near me that does takeaway - I tried their hot sauce in it once and it was hot as fuck. The Ghanaian woman in our office assured me it was 'pretty mild but nice.' The food was great apart from that, but damn.
Probably with screaming, just like the rest of us
White people can use spice properly.
i'll rather take a hint of cinnamon in a dish than eat a diarrhea inducing mix of "spicy" shit.
Also if it gives you diarrhea, you probably shouldn't eat it.
>its an american cant handle the banter episode
Why does the right kid get that much Mustard Jesus christ.
Scone and beef tongue
>Italians in America call white people "Medigans"
Italians are white.
Sorry nigger, what happens to white people is that they're not born in ghettos without a family and they don't grow up with crack on one hand and a knife on the other
*eats boiled meat*
I'm talking about westernized niggers. African niggers apparently have some spicy food.
Pic related is my preferred level of spiciness. It burns pretty good, but not so much that it numbs you or removes your sense of taste. I like to use it as a dipping sauce for Chinese food.
>What happened to white people?
They fell for the Jewish tricks and were brainwashed into giving up what they had built and earned over hundreds of years.
There is your problem friend.
Banter is supposed to have a core of truth to it, otherwise it's worthless. I mean, the shit in the op is like mocking niggers for being bad at basketball. It just doesn't make any sense.
fuck yeah nigga
They are now, but there is still a difference in America. I guess I should have been more specific and said people with English/Irish/German ancestry. Italians look down on them as bland and boring, especially their food.
Weird, considering Italians are shit at cooking.
worst kind of people but also the nicest people I know is white
theres a higher chance I meet normal whites walking the streets
sadly the degenerates is spreading like a disease no matter what
who gives a fuck what niggers say of the Instagram? they're an evolutionary joke and now more of us can laugh at them.
and the best part? it makes it really easy for me to red pill a normie when all i have to do is click on the latest hashtag and all the evidence is there for them to see.
fuck spicy food. vanilla and sugar please. enjoy your disgusting chili peppers and grasshopper beetle paste you third world heathens.
>who gives a fuck what niggers say of the Instagram?
The problem is that it serves the same purpose as propaganda. It's easy to say that we should just laugh at it, but the fact is that this shit influences people, no matter how stupid it is.
The campaign to portray white people as bland losers has been going strong since liberals and blacks started mocking white people in their standup routines back in the late 70s.
Why are niggers and other shitskins so obnoxious?
They're like that one guy who orders spicy food every time you go out, and then brags about how he can handle the most spicy food with tears in his eyes. No one fucking cares.
I don't eat spicy food and I don't see anyone as a badass for ruining their food.
Spiciness ruins the taste of food. You can't taste the subtle flavors when the food is spicy, it also doesn't help that most spicy ingredients taste like absolute shit.
Black pepper improves taste, and I get why people like black pepper. What I don't get is shit like chili that tastes like absolute ass and is used only because it adds ''muh spice'' to a dish.
There are only 3 spicy things I like - black pepper, horseradish and wasabi (which is probably some kind of green horseradish)
Everything else is shit and ruins food.
>Probably eating pizza grandiosa right now
Italian food is colonizing the world. Its only a matter of time before your precious norweigan cuisine is totally italianized.
Spices are things like salt, crushed pepper, etc. Spiciness is the thing that makes your mouth feel hot when you eat a jalapeno or habanero or something. It's capsaicin. Some spices can have spiciness, but they aren't synonymous like you seem to think that they are.
Salt is not a spice. Spice explicitly refers to certain plant additives.
Hey, I love Italian food and have made tons of it, but it's hardly high cuisine.
>not a drop of Moor blood
you might as well call spics white to while you're at it user
>simply keep destroying your sense of taste until you don't have any taste
protip it's a positive to eat the most spicy shit food around. it's a negative thing and a joke too. whites conquered the world for spics but they don't use them? what spics are in africa anyway? they eat fucking mud. they can't even afford spics when they don't live in white countries
>1 post by this jew
Huh, I didn't know that. Thanks for the heads up.