German army removes portrait of ex chancellor

Because it depicts him in German WW2 uniform

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After the removal of a photo of Helmut Schmidt in the form of a Wehrmacht uniform at the University of the Bundeswehr in Hamburg, the criticism of Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) is growing. "I regard the approach as absurd and absurd - as if Schmidt had something to do with right-wing tendencies. As I would expect mental separation, "said the SPD Bundestag deputy Johannes Kahrs,

In fact, we were never at war with Eurasia.

What's Luxembourg like user?

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Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


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The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




Funny how they simultaneously want to erase the whole thing like it never happened and make sure we never forget the 6 billions.
Holocaust denial is already at an all time high. Good luck having people beg for forgiveness when there's not even a photo of a nazi soldier left.

>erase history
>repeat history

They're doing this in Germany and USA. They want civil war basically. I hate them why are they doing this.

but there is even more

tl;dr: That stupid cunt wants to rename barracks with names of People from WWI and WWII

but but WAIT WAIT, there is even more

A Helmet makes you ebil Nazi

Ahh and dont forget. no more singing because thats Völkisch and nazi

it is a fucking disgrace. He died last year and now they go fuck with his legacy


sick and mental ill people, rotten souls, disgusting humans

BRD was a mistake

and to think that sarrazin was made fun of, he literally did nothing wrong.


everyone laughed at him but in the end he dropped the biggest redpill ever and showed his power level > oo

It's a fucking disgrace what is going on in Germany (as expected), they completely sperg out. But this is just a wake up call for the people in the end.

I have read the last book Schmidt wrote before he died, was interesting. He also talked a bit about the eastern front. Especially interesting was that he is actually half or quarter Jewish.

Our politicians are complete shit. One aunt of my gf was in the same school class with our current defense minister von der Leyen and the grandma recently said "ah yeah the leynchen, she was an arrogant cunt even as a kid".


So when do we get a public execution of Von Der Leyen?

Bitch isn't even hiding she's a traitor anymore.

when shit hit the fan I will not have any sympathie for people like von der leyen, merkel, schulz

send them straight to the Erschieungskommando, with all the antifas, leftis, greens

I'm for public "last man standing" arena fights shown on live TV. Get the good old Roman style "bread and circus" back to keep the masses silent while the rest fixes the country in the coming crisis.

How nice would it be if there was a military coup in Germany.

do you guys have actual neo-nazis in germany? i know symbols and salutes and shit are banned, but i've seen video of large group of people marching to r. hess' grave etc. what is the status of actual neo nazis over there?

Members of my extended family were killed in combat against the Waffen-SS.

Germans and others nations need to understand the concept of "water under the bridge."

That war was generations ago. It's over. It's done. It's finished. You're only keeping it alive.

medieval fights? Sound great

Why isnt ISIS doing this

yes we have them and they are scum. You dont need to be Nazi or what ever to love your country and dont fuck up

Impossible. They're still under occupation by US troops


Consuming german media alone fills you with such collective guild week to week, years and years - they remind me of masochists in their humanities especially which isn't all bad but fuck if germans aren't the most miserable people on this earth and they fetishize it
no wonder Helga rather sucks Ahmans turk dick

not possible without help from the outside, also Russia

we all know (((who))) is really keeping it alive.

How the hell did that turn into Anzu?