Who exactly is this (purple squares). What goes on there

Who exactly is this (purple squares). What goes on there

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It ranges from "The freer the markets, the freer the people." to "What do you mean I can't sell my children?"



It's like authoritarianism but only against evil corporations. Imagine a free market where somebody said no to Standard Oil.

Anarchists maybe?


Watch your feet there

what if the child consents tho: the square


Okay friend let me explain something since you seem to be new here, hebephilia is NOT the same thing as pedophilia. I'm sick and tired of you trolls popping up everywhere and spreading BLATANT misinformation. In many countries hebephilia is considered normal and healthy and human beings have a natural attraction to girls who are going through puberty. being attracted to girls who are pre-pubescent is fucking sick and disgusting but only in the us does there seem to be this unwarranted taboo around healthy and normal male sexuality.

so anarchist pedophiles

You forgot "Why can't I have child slaves mowing my lawn?"

people who know a lot about economic theory, but not so much how things work in the real world.

It's ok to be purple as long as you are near the top, I think I am just down and right of centrist


The government has 3 main responsibilities
Defending its citizens
Providing services such as police and fire protection
Breaking up monopolies so that the free market can function properly.

oh fuck.

I "lost" a debate with one of my socialist-leaning friends because I forgot of the last point.

I am a failure.

>Providing serv-
Stopped reading there. Fuck off, blue quadrant.

Ancap memesssssssssss

It's lonely in the bottom right

Governments don't break up monopolies they create them. Changing consumer preferences and emerging technologies break up 'monopolies'.


Except the monopolies exist due to the government. The points been argued so many times


Only because the corporatists infiltrated the government long ago and still lobby for preferential treatment. Changing preferences and emerging tech won't break up shit when the monopoly can buy whatever they want.

well technically, if you only have one sewage-removal company that has cheap-o prices because it just throws the shit in the sea like they do in india, something has to be done other than consumers opting for more expensive but responsible options, which they probably won't do.

Indeed. Hence the scare quotes.

In a fully private society some one own that part of the sea.

Negative externalities can be ameliorated through application of well-defined property rights and the Coase theorem.

The best kinds of things

Right, and I'm not arguing what's happening now I'm saying what the role should be if the corporate lapdogs could get kicked out and prevented from returning.

More like "no boundaries" square.

In 1910, a group of Iowans decided that they needed a highway to bring new traffic through their state, especially now that automobiles were becoming popular. So, working together a group of Iowans pooled resources and bought all the materials they'd need, spending several months placing it all on farms along the route. And then, at 9am on April 16, 1910, 10,000 farmers and volunteers picked up tools and started building a highway. ONE hour later at 10am they were done, and a 610km long highway had been built. By 6pm that afternoon they had all the roadsigns up and some enterprising farmers had even fully paved whole sections. It would take another 5 years before Iowa decided to get around to founding the Department of Highways and it took another 3 years of fighting government bureaucracy before it officially got granted highway status, but they did it. It remains one of the greatest examples of voluntary community enterprise in American history, and led to Iowa being a major American trade route.

Good times

National Transhumanism

learn something new every day I guess.


Im in it.
I support high military and science spending(Space and experimental technologies,Stealth,Long range missiles,Nuclear pulse engines,Scramjets,that sort of thing)freedom of markets and little government intervention,20% taxes...

Degenerate rioters who supposedly are "Anarchists"

The alphas with hight IQ


If you hate niggers, jews, spics, arabs, faggots, commie scum and you want to raid some tranny server once in a while, you should join the official Moon Central Discord! White people only. Introduce yourself in #introductions


1, 2, 3 ,4 I declare a race war!
Join us and lynch a nigger tonight!

The Triple K Mafia

P.S Fuck Niggers