why doesn't eastern european society evolve? why are they still stuck with traditional notions of relationships and gender roles?
Why doesn't eastern european society evolve...
Slavs are genetically inferior
Every country with large amounts of their DNA is a 2nd world shit hole
>t. abo
>tfw no gf
This post smells like
indeed, why haven't they deconstructed the family unit, doubled the labor force and halved the minimum wage yet? filthy goyim. when will they learn?
>Traditionalism isn't progressive enough
Excellent post, OP. Very well thought out. Upboated.
>what is 50 years of communism
you know if most of the people around you will torture, kill you and your family just for trying to do things in a different way that the usual one, maybe that's a solid reason to not even try to change things
>le gommunism scapegoat
Damn what a qt, would wife
This is the truth though. Slavs historically and presently are unable to create good nations. Any place that has a high Slav dna presence is a violent shit hole
I guarantee you if you dna tested all the white trash in america slav dna would be overrepresented. Slavs are genetically bogus
3/10 bait
>we could have made a good country it's just this had to have happened in stead
Could have would have should have
Until Slavs can show me one example of a 1st world country you are inferior in my eyes
Because they work the best.
that chair is adorable desu
>straya cunt
It's the designated fapping chair.
How do I clean it?
you put a towel on it which you wash regularly and stop being such a filthy cunt to begin with.
Fckng disgusting, you piefke were always below austrians
Sorry for we dont be degenerated AS West.
>Every country with large amounts of their DNA..
t. dumb fuck abo that makes no sense
How does that not make sense
Seriously disgusting in all seriousness. You need to sort yourself out.
There actually mostly scott/irish
They were basically kept in a time capsule because of Communism. The soviets were extremely socially conservative in many ways.
But now they are being slowly degenerated by American culture and products exported via the market.
Give it a decade or two, and the transformation will be complete.
>Give it a decade or two, and the transformation will be complete.
it's amatter of time before they become degenrate like in the west, in a way they are already; pornography, prostitution...
that is a very negative word. I'd use the word 'evolved'
cuz we lived 50 years in USSR brainwashing and closed borders. we get mad even if our neighbor looks at us in mila radius.