I really hate americans they are so fucking ignorant and go on about muh heritage I wish those retarded sub humans would stop coming here no I don't care if your great grandpa was a german don't come here you uncultured fucking swine.
I really hate americans they are so fucking ignorant and go on about muh heritage I wish those retarded sub humans...
It seems Americas superiority has caused some jealousy.
I really hate jews they are so fucking ignorant and go on about muh shekels I wish those retarded sub humans would stop coming here no I don't care if your great grandpa was ash don't come here you uncultured fucking swine.
First of all I don't give a shit, and being American that means that I don't have to give a shit about your silly shitty country Ahmed. Know whats great about being an American? Fucking everything.
Fuck off t_d redditor
please donut be a bully
I don't like Americans but Germany you're one to talk.
1. No sense of humour
2. Autistic
3. Loves shitskins
OP is 100% correct. They are without a fucking doubt the worst, most infuriating posters on here. But they will tell you you're a paid shill, or jealous, rather than actually accept that they are a dickhead of a people. They know nothing yet know everything at the same time.
>Don't criticise anything ever if you are imperfect yourself
Typical commie
get the fuck off my board
this. retards from t_d are objectivley the worst posters on this board. worse than any canadian.
Complaining about Americans coming to an American web site.
The stupid is strong with this one.
You're right, it's like they've completely replaced you it's hard to tell who is who anymore
do we hurt your fee fees?
Assumes POMEs are somewhat more human.
You're both literally one step above the ash people themselves.
>They know nothing yet know everything at the same time.
Ok.. I shall rephrase
Assumes "Brits" are somewhat more human
You're both literally one step above the Jews themselves
It's your lack of the meme arrow that makes your post barely comprehensible.
>slates Brits
>Aussie flag
Sorry Cheng but if you're actually Australian then you're the same as us so piss off with that.
My feefee's have sustained damage. Shields down to 30%.
your pissed up tonight aint ya?
it's morning
That's nice
why the fuck you drinking in the morning? cant be good for your liver
I blame the English for Julia and Tony. 100%
Fuck I blame the British for not just putting down the fucking rebellion here when they had the chance.
Pay dembts Hans
cool, an English-hating Australian
what a fucking top-standing bloke you are mate I'm sure the rest of /auspol/ loves you
Good. Stay in your hell.
There are some of the most fucking disgusting people in America. I wish we could gas some of them
They were too busy discussing it and forming a committee.
I forgive them, for Monty Python
>Tfw Germany set to raise up a different sort of Reich again, and it's time to glass them for good.
>Tfw We have Hitler's body already, we no longer need you chubby drunk rats scurrying around welcoming cuckdom.
Mate, with the amount of other shit in our blood, we lost the mongrel brit in us decades ago.
like these?
>no sense of humor
German humor is no laughing matter.
That's not even true.
His point still stands.
I have a cousin who is a policeman in Berlin and he told that there are a lot of american pedos living in Germany who fled the US
>pol still thinks us is a white country
>OP = faggot
Tbqhfamalam, y'all sound like a bunch of paid shills.
But, in all sincerity, we Americans understand that you Europeans want to lash out at others but can only do it at other whites. If you complain about the real problems on your continent (e.g., shitskins, etc.) you and your family will be raped in the streets. So when you post angrily, like ITT, we get why it's happening but not why you choose this route to allieviate your anxiety.
ITT: People who have never interacted with Americans that weren't just tourists in their country
LOL love the butt hurt from Euro cockfags.
especially those
Keep bitching, Ahmed. Muzzie tears are my drug.
jesus christ why do you have those!?!
All these shitty americans come to my country all they bring is crime
also they bring so much weebshit I wish they stay in their own country
nah I've interacted with tons of Americans every time i cross the boarder.
they are disgusting people with a disgusting non-culture.
i've been here a long time. at least it's censored. thank fuck.
90% of German posts I see are the """GERMANS""" shilling for EU, getting mad about Brexit and sperging out on anyone who disagrees with them.
>you are not white posters
>one post by this id
Fucking bidets... The ass play goes a long way back aye achmed?
You call them uncultured yet they have their own Christian 'merican culture where as you (and most other west Euros) aren't even allowed to have a culture "cuz das waycizt!". Don't certain German news outlets preach that "large white families who adhere to German culture are likely rightwing extremists"?
You really going to look at an Aussie and compare them to a brit? I'm borderline insulted sir!
>Darling! Calm down, I forgave (You) already!
I fucking hate foreigners who pretend to be Japanese on here
Can't wait to wipe those goat fucking pedos off the face of the earth.
t. Pedro
What did ahmed do to you to make you angry again this time user?
u-u too
Pot calling the kettle a nigger.
We are the culture you beer drinking incestuous cuck.
When did Germans become permanently asspained and autistic? You used to be cool I swear.
Lol the krout is mad hes not american. Stay nazi pleb
I forgot the image
To think my mother was born in Ansbach.
Dont listen to this jew. Whites of all kind are welcome to and in Sup Forums. And even people who want to be white and work for it.
I think they just took the whole EU thing like straight to their heads, went mad with power and... wait why does this sound familiar...
Because people only really started liking ametica after reddit was created after this sub reddit wss created. Before that, everyone, even americans hated america. Nobody loved it. Nobody was payriotic untill now
Youre a fucking imbecile
>my board
phhhhhfffffttttttttttttt no
except when you pay 0 € for an engineering degree in germany which is superior than shitty american education. that cost 40k $ in a year.
I have no desire to visit your country and be on the other end of a truck of peace.
>Complayning about americans in an American internet board.
You are either a moron or a shill. Not to mention that it's completly false, the americans posts are of above average quality especially, if you take into account how many non white people are in the US.
>90% tax rate
yea no thank you
Please, Germany is full of faggots and mongrel Turks. Let's not even talk about all the shitskins your dyke of a leader lets in and wants to continue doing so. I was there once for a month and apart from Munich and Bavaria in general, your country sucks ass. Face it, you haven't been relevant since 1945.
Personally, I don't hate US, I agree that most of them live easy lives and are ignorant, but there have been incredible US people, more than any other country sadly.
I also respect them, they know how the world works, The only downside (or might be a good who knows) is that they serve so much their (((masters))) that someday they wont be useful anymore or the ppl will wake up,
BTW, I respect Germany a lot more than US also,
are you jealous, nigger?
we have transcended the need for legs
what are you talking about? germany is much cheaper than america.
I really hate leafs they are so fucking ignorant and go on about muh legal bestiality I wish those retarded sub humans would stop coming here no I don't care if your great grandpa was Chinese don't come here you uncultured fucking swine.
stfu Ahmad, gome immigrate here so you can clean my undies
>Be European
>Get arrested
why not, it worked for (((Roman Polanski)))
I'm looking at getting a new Bobcat but I don't know if the seat post will support my weight.
Id love to see flying versions of those scooters. Big fat ass flying Americans
>"When his master's thesis says that immigration leads to the genetic genocide of Western peoples, then it should be crystal clear to everyone that we are dealing with Nazi ideas," (Defense Minister) von der Leyen said in a speech to German top brass last week.
>don't want to go extinct
>that makes you literally Hitler
>must be purged from the government
I really hate Germans they are so fucking ignorant and go on about muh heritage I wish those retarded sub humans would stop coming here no I don't care if your great grandpa was a german don't come here you uncultured fucking swine.
>oy vey they care about heritage, they must be destroyed
Kys, you are the reason this country goes down the shitter.
Also, kys for flame baiting.
>I hate Americans they should never come here
>Please send all your muslims and dune coons to Germany please