i've got some large flags hanging inside my house (nsdap, american).
i respect the causes of the people who fought for it but am not sure if it has been completely compromised by neck beards and Floridian degenerates, pic related
i've got some large flags hanging inside my house (nsdap, american).
i respect the causes of the people who fought for it but am not sure if it has been completely compromised by neck beards and Floridian degenerates, pic related
The only thing you should be hanging is yourself.
Stop worshiping losers, you dumb fuck.
This site is full of Jew trolls.
>please tell me what opinion to hold
I live in the north east you dumb fuck
Never reveal your power level
Buy an aquila. Flags are overrated.
Doesn't change the fact that you're on pol asking people what opinion you should hold you inbred fuck
Yes. No matter what you think of the Confederacy, its flag is worth owning because it completely triggers all the right people.
>The media
>Black Lives Matter
If you care about being American or being a non-degenerate in general, you wouldn't own a confederate flag. They were lazy fucks who couldn't do their own farmwork and needed daddy England to supply them for a fight they couldn't win in the first place.
I'm an American Gook and I own one, a few patches for my outdoor shooting gear, and for my hat. Fuck retarded shitheads who are too retarded to read their history and chimpout at anything they don't like.
I know I believe the ORIGINAL meaning of what the flag represented
im simply asking if the flag as a symbol has become shit, used by too many mulleted current year southerners etc. because i live in a union state, you dumbfuck.
>a fight they couldn't win in the first place
so they should have what, just bent over and opened their asshole?
(((they))) and the left pushed that fucking agenda. driving that wedge between supporters of the flag to get people to drop it so they are not associated with garbage
Yeah, better send a bunch of 18 year olds to die in trenches fighting their brothers.
If you like losers then it's the perfect flag to have.
Sup Forums has and all the new activists have a completely skewed idea of the rebel flag.
it's basically a cuck flag. people in the 60s used it to denote 'heritage, not hate!' and they fucking meant it. at the old rallies it was like a symbol for race mixing and southern liberalism.
it legitimately is about heritage, not hate. I was at the flea market some months ago with mostly niggers and foreigners, the rebel flag was EVERYWHERE and nobody even cared.
it doens't mean what you people think it means and I'm starting to wonder if this whole confederate flag revival is some kind of psyop.
hell, just to find this picture I had to go to bing.com
if you search google for 'black guy confederate flag' there's nothing there. they scrubbed it. they want to disassociate black people from it.
but if you search if at bing you'll find hundreds of nigs with rebel flags.
fuck thank you lord someone with a working brain replied to this thread
is there a confederate flag revival going on? ive been seeing the sjw sperg outs, but wasnt aware of a revival i just started collecting some flags some months ago
yea it started whenever the BLM protests started.
You would always see rebel flag in somebody's yard or on a bumper sticker, but now it's everywhere. that's why I call it a revival.
most volunteered knowing theyd likely be killed fighting, but i wouldn't expect a norcuck such as yourself to know anything about it
makes sense, to blm types it may as well be a klan flag
They were tricked into war against their own brothers for some false glory. Of all wars your ancestors fought it's easily the most pointless. Why not take pride in that time you stopped the japs from genociding all of asia, or that time you stormed the beaches of normandy and liberated europe? You know, that time you basically saved my country (which you also claim knows nothing of war) as well as the rest of europe sans britain from being soviet sattelite states?
nobody is proud of having killed americans, they're proud of defending their homes.
the south was invaded. 90% of these people didn't know anything about politics. they didn't have slaves. they were fighting a war of northern aggression.
>They were tricked into war against their own brothers for some false glory.
they volunteered to fight for what they believed. no soldier ever knows the (("truth")) about why they are fighting. they just know their way of life is being threatened by an opposing group and they fight to protect it.
>(which you also claim knows nothing of war)
you know nothing of volunteering for a cause and shedding blood to protect your countrymen. you capitulated in about a day and a half and were occupied for the entire war, your king and government fleeing in fear dumbfuck
>from being soviet sattelite states
germany was controlling these territories and if it wasn't for the ((allies)), would have easily defeated the soviet union
Driving around with the Rebel flag is literally going to be a 'Hate Crime' soon.