Muslims and Christianity Against Degeneracy

Why can't muslims and christians be united against degeneracy ?

isn't degeneracy the foremost reason white birth rates are falling ?

Even muslims are against it and many other things

We don't want :-

why can't we could upheld togeather, many values and qualities which we both agree on ?

Other urls found in this thread:

I agree, work together to eradicate Jews, kill each other later.


Jews first, then we FIGHT!

Because you're both two nigger halves of the same coin. Death to Abrahamic trash.

We don't want :-
I think it would be great if we could get along, but stay the hell out of the west

Well we Maybe will kill each other but first i think maybe we can fix the white Population Rate First

I hate you muzzie fucks with a burning passion, but I hate Jews slightly more. I can get behind this.
t. Arab Christian

9) Yeah even i am against child Rape,

10) What's wrong with burka ? Its all right we can settle on the Hijab

11) This is exactly what i am against, We both fight like Dogs and SCHLOMO slowly takes over

Oh really ? Then why are white people and blacks are in such Decadent State ?





Why Tho ?

>jews 7th

More like save the whites

No Bilader, we don't want to kill jews we just want to exile and isolate them far far away from Muslims and Christians Where they can't Influence anyone, Kinda like A Remote Pacific Island

haha yea sure Xd, now take me of the list officer bob

Your prophet was a pedo, you think homosexuality should be an actual crime, you shit in the streets, you are against valentines day, you don't drink or eat bacon, you rape many women, you don't let your women have much freedom, you are overall a nasty group who devaluates house prices in an area, you throw gays off buildings, TAQIYYA,


Fuck off with your kitman

As we BOTH AGREE AND KNOW that the Jews are the main Propagators of Feminism Degeneracy and also FUND ISIS,

yeah its the best option,

Why can't you faggots just go away and stop worshiping jewish idols?

Fuck off sandnigger.

Oh u a Jew ??? Yeah sorry Mate but as long as you don't Do what the KIKES usually do then maybe we would let you stay

back to the donald

My family was driven out of Lebanon by your lot. We've lived here for generations now and we've made it our home, but now your kind comes like moths to a candle. You multiply, grow in size and influence before you are granted special rights. Soon you become a majority and drive out the previous host, like a parasite. I love this country, its values, its people and its history, and I will not see it fall before the plague of islam

um.. we don't worship Idols...

Fuck off Jew. You're the israeli Jew who uses Nepal proxy to derail threads. Fuck off.

Your Welcome

Ofcousre not you dummy. Im talking about intelegence agency lists

Or you simply could just invite us to join Islam, which you never do.

I want a real invitation. Something like a couple of Mosque's specifically designed to integrate European peoples to Islam. Real Islam. None of that religion of peace bullshit.

Because you guys are degenerate. Most of Algerian men are having gay sex for instance. You are drinking and raping whenever you can hide it. And all these Islamic rules are just made to keep your islamic zoo together.

>Yes goy, muslims are your allies, befriend them to, together, get rid of "da j00s", and maybe let them stay in Europe, you are friends after all, why kick a friend out

Fuck off with that bullshit, a muslim will never be my friend

Because life is shitty for a lot of people for a reason in the muslim world.
The religion dumbs down discussions and ristricts freedoms severely, which will societies their overal output in ways you obviously can't imagine. Apart from that there is only given the lazy solution of just banning gays, trans peoples and other silly fuckers instead of working to adress the problems within those groups.

because islam and islam apologism is part of the problem facing the west you fucking sand nigger

>. we don't worship Idols...
Kaaba is an idol.

Fuck off Jew. JEWS are the problem, without Jews Islam wouldn't be a problem.

Kill yourself

We must unite against the kikes but stay the fuck out of our land.


I wish Muslims and Christians could get along
If only it weren't like mixing water and oil,

>Its all right we can settle on the Hijab
Yeah no we can't.
>We both fight like Dogs
Dogs are noble animals, which is another thing we won't agree on.

Swapping degeneracy for a baconless, dog hating, child fucking, shitskin culture is not worth it, especially as (contary to Sup Forums memes) degeneracy doesn't dominate western country's culture. When's the last time you went outside and actually saw polysexuals and whores trashing your local town? Not as often as seeing Muslims doing the exact same thing that's for damn sure.

Enemy of my enemy is not my friend, hope you die in an airstrike soon, shitskin.

I think it's wrong that NATO are fucking with Islamic countries. You guys should be left alone.
I also think you are backwards and not ready for mixing in with westerners. Our culture destroys your religion and your religion is incompatible with our culture.
Both parties are better off separate from each other.

Why can't muslims and christians be united against degeneracy ?

Because Muslims worship the Moon god Baal aka Moloch aka Satan while Christians worship the one True God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Are you talking about ottoman times or the civil war?


Fuck you Muslims are the scum of the earth. They hate the West, they are invading Europe, they frequently commit terror attacks.

Never take a Muslims side, even if they don't like Jews.

They don't seem to like anything so it makes sense they are against Jews and Christians.

Muslims are the biggest pieces of shit in the world. Fuck all of you.

falling for divide and conquer this easy


>divide and conquer
Faggot, islam and the west are not allies in the same fight
we're fighting to rid ourselves of both of you cunts

>why can't Christians and muslim team up?

theologically speaking it's because islam is nothing but a satanic violence worshiping death cult

your religion was literally created by satan to lead people astray

>t.salty Abo Nigger.

>Why can't muslims and christians be united against degeneracy ?
They could if Islam took the stance of leaving Christians out of your whole "conversion" rhetoric.
If that happened, we would be more than willing to make it a joint effort.

No they are pitted against each other, and no they are not allies but they should not be enemies either, preferably each leaves the other alone

you are like 1 in a million. Most arabs would rather see the white race die out not knowing its just so that jews can enslave everyone left

We pretty much agree on that we must fight degeneracy and what we call degeneracy
The big difference between us on which we won't ever agree is how we gonna do this
We Christians believe that everybody deserves second chance. It allows ex-denerates to convert degenerates to abandon their sinful ways and sinners can always come out and not hide that they did wrong in the past, because we won't punish them. God will punish them in afterlife if they won't repent for what they did
While you I presume prefer different approach that sinners will never be good people again and they need to be punished so other people won't ever join sinners at the first place

That two approaches are mutually exclusive, so it would be hard to cooperate in any way

Fix the jewish problem, then we can both exist- just separately from each other

If you niggers decided to be Human beings instead of being ''MUH MUHFUGGEN I NEED MAH WELFARE,GONNA RAPE THAT WHITE HO,BIX NOOD RAPEFUGEES WELCOME'' We could decide to help,but your monkey genes got the better of you

You're not a Muslim, you're either a Murtad or a Munafiq.
A true Muslim will cooperate with the armies of Al Salibiin.

Oh Lawd, this is not a question of faith, I am not telling you to convert or become muslim, i am just telling we work on a common platform against degernecy,

i am only against the Jews who PROMOTE degeneracy not ALL JEWS

>Muslims commit terror attacks, Not MOSSAD

You have a lot to learn my friend... a lot.. consider doing more research perhaps

The Quran (9:29) says Jews and Christians should pay Jizyah to the Khilafa of Ahl Al-Sunnah. Eredicating Jews is NOT an Islamic thing, you fucking Abu Jahl.

Your welcome Sir, Thanks for the Compliment

refugees out of europe and and western interventions out of the middle east, that doesnt sound too bad

Then Mossad Sure gotta a hell of fucking agents because they happen on a daily baisis

We also believe in second chance, but the difference here is we are thought the sin and act of asking forgivness is between ONLY the sinner and God,

That means if you are a Degenerate then U should not publicily announce as though u seek attention, Hey i am a EX-DEGENERATE haha look at me, some people do this,

Bottom Line: if u have done a sin and are asking forgiveness do so in a private between you and the Lord,

But if U Keep sinning again and again then only u will be punished in a muslim Nation

Stop promoting Degeneracy and THEN we will leave you alone SIMPLE AS THAT

Yes That is Exactly What i want

what are you doing
s-stop this immediately

Yesh They doo


Are you kidding me? Your entire Ummah is in a state of degeneracy. Take care of that before picking on Yahud.
Are a Rafidhi?

*Are you a Rafidhi?

English Mother F*cker do you speak it ???

Saladin's son was taken care of by a medic who was also a Jewish Rabbi. Are you any better than the one who defeated the crusade?

And yeah get rid of the Jews from the media industry, that will solve most of it,

It's good to know what '''' are


Everyone would be happy, as long as we can still buy oil of you guys cause we kinda need that

Yes it is I agree But the ones who Made it that way are the YEHUDS, and even the western world is in state of degeneracy,

it is in a state of degeneracy, doesnt help that the ones building a lot of the mosques and appointing the sheikhs around the world are the saudis lol

Is this the designated Jew thread?

Ottoman times, mid 1800s, as I said we've been here a while, my mothers side were here since the 1820s though (they're white, dad's half arab, I still have shitskin though)

>Claiming Jews are responsible for degeneracy
>Almost no Jews in Iran, yet Shia dogs call the shots there and reach out all the way to Afghanistan and Syria with their tentacle arms, spreading Rafidah and marking the Ayatollah's footprint all over the Middle East.
>Arab countries with no significant Jewish communities broadcast Kufr and violations of modesty all the fucking time.
>Hundreds of armed groups in Syria fight each other and slaughter thousands of "Akhis" in the way.
I guess blaming the Jews is somewhat easy and alleviates the pain.

Don't feel sad here take this

its cool to think about it and larp
but this will never happen in real life
just making sure you guys stay in touch with reality


>fighting degeneracy with degeneracy

Nah fuck yourself slime.

it cant happen because every single muslim wants to kill and or rape white people

theyre animals, cut from the same stock as the jews

>Almost No Jews in Iran


Iran has the 2nd largest Jewish Population Outisde Israel in middle east !!!!!

> The Jews are the ones Who are Forcing NATO-EU-AMERICA for the wars in middle east,

IRAQ, SYRIA, LIBYA, all are the works of washington Jews and Banker Jews

What Degeneracy am i using to fight ?

Mudslims have nothing to do in the West that's why. Both of you and the Jews should stay in your shit hole and until then there is nothing to discuss about.

Look up Relations Of Kaiser And the Ottomans

Who exactly expelled the Jews from Europe and forced them out of of their Shteitels? Christians.
Who exactly promotes eating swine? Christians.
Who exactly conquered the lands of the Muslims in Al Andalus and in Africa? Christians.
Who exactly plundered the natural resources, mostly oil, which Allah has bestowed upon Al Muminin? Christians.
Who exactly installed puppet governments above the common Muslim? Christians.
Who exactly burned Iraq to the ground? Christians.
Don't you feel a bit foolish?

a bit unfair to pin the actions of the ottomans on all muslims though considering they drove out other muslims too, and im full arab but light skin blondish hair lol

Everything you say is the opposite of Haqq.

From the glory of the Umayyad Caliphate to the stupidity of people like you... The Arabs have made a long way throughout the years.

hey Who's side u on ? It all depends on that

And for whom did they do all that? Jews.

Remember I Said not ALL JEWS just the ones who are the owners of media and the banks and occupy the goverment in America and AIPAC

not exactly but Maybe?

What sides are optional for me to take?
Stupid Tsiziki, Jews were also slaughtered during the crusades and by the Spanish inquisition. Learn some history apart from Zeus and Hercules.

If we go back far enough pretty much any group of people can find cause to fight another, but focusing on modern times the main issues driving conflict between muslims and west are oil and western support for israel

Get rid of those two and each group can leave the other alone, then maybe jews and arabs can settle their mess of an issue