Serbia least racist country in Europe
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Kike buzzwords mean nothing here. Fuck off.
Not bad but could be better.
Nice map. No Turkey, Russia, Kosovo. I can get used to this.
Doesn't Serbia also have one of the highest IQs in Europe? lol
Sure, because Muslims aren't a race ;))))
Ye for sure, Serbs are known for being very intelligent and also polite, hardworking and honest. The true role model for all of Europe.
>white participants
nice definition of racism there
I'm proud. We will be better as soon as we start getting enriched.
and for those that dont recognize Milosevic, Seselj in the pic, they were leaders of the 90's so rebranded "remove kebab" shit. They broke their agents out of european prisons and sent them into europe to plunder and finance their communist bullshit
Fuck immigrants and niggers
Their youth are all SJW, you are not going to meet people more degenerate nowadays, than young Serbs.
They also have tons of really far-left "intellectuals" that they regularly import here to give interviews for Soros-sponsored publications.
Personally, I blame the war and think they just got demoralized by receiving the collective guilt, just like Germans after WW2.
Oh, you mean Žižek... fucking mountain Jew
Wait, doesn't Belarus like Russia?
And what about the racism of the european shitskins?
Non-whites can't be racist, sweetie.
>Wait, doesn't Belarus like Russia?
Do you?
>white participants
>Jamal implying
funny how you guys know everything about Serbia and Serbs
why should we be racist? We don't have niggers, have like 1% of gypsies, our biggest problems are Muslims (both Serb and Albo Muslims)
i saw several serbians talking racist stuff about the hungarians in vojvodina
We're the same race, so it's xenophobic at worst, not rayciss...
Everyone hates Albanians, so it's not considered to be racist.
Nobody likes Russia :^)
Heyyy, I smell sarcasm here.
yes they're extremely intelligent, thats why they're the fastest developing country in Europe and have such amazing culture
this map is pure bullshit
>Serbia least racist country in europe
just because no ones left to tell the tale buddy
legit statistics,because everyone is just going to reveal their power level,amirite?
Ofc we arent when we deport sandniggers every 2 days to Croatia.
Jk we are genocidal maniacs, just yesterday I killed 6 million albanians and raped 3.7 million bosnian muslims in my secret death camp.
>Sister lives in UK
>she lives among degenerates
>every time she comes back home she is crying within one hour because of how racist and and backwards I am
I guess I'm doing my part
This seems very wrong to me...
is this the literal blue pilled red pilled map of Europe?
Dutch logic in the Hague
Serbia also has the tallest minaret in Europe
>Robbing (((banks))))
Yea no alboroach
Serbs are AAA high profile criminals famed for their bank and jewel heistsm not like you primitive drug pushers and robbers and islamists
Fucking albo schm
Interesting, then why aren't you doing anything about your current situation?
There were some attempts recently, but they were so low energy.
All of the serbians i know are full on nazis though, and serbia was almost 100% white when i was there
Oh God thanks, I can at last be proud of something coming from my country.
Not nazis. Most Serbs would like to be part of EU brotherhood helping each other, but having their national identity intact.
I know we have many serbniggers in diaspora, but many of us here are studying and training our asses off and hoping to get this country in order.
Nobody likes being overrun by unknown culture.
I am a Serb living in Germany. To say that Serbs are not racist is probably correct but know why?
Because Serbs are 99% white. There is 1% of Gypsies that everybody already got used or simply gave up thinking they could be helped.
Serbs are peaceful but very stubborn, proud , not so diplomatic and fear no one. The biggest problems are as usual in Europe Muslims from Bosnia and south Serbia. Some are directly connected to ISIS.
Other huge problems include corruption, nepotism and totally irresponsible and incompetent government officials who still behave like it's communism.
If you like to party, chat and hang out with friends all day and night it is a great country. If you have any bigger ambitions it is not a country for you.
We aren't racist because there is like no niggers a few chinks and 1%gypsies in our country.
We also have gorillion other nationalities living with us too,but there are all minority-es most of the time.
We are still a poor shithole though
Racist? Us? What the fuck jews!
Give us time. We only got a handful of refugees so far. People who need to deal with them, hate them with passion already.
>Serbia is the least racist country in Europe
I have a friend who "want's to se more black people in Serbia" because apparently she's "Tired of only seeing white people whereever she goes"
she doesn't know... blacks are really exotic fruit here.
Uneducated diaspora Serbs usually behave like Orcs. On the contraty, native Serbs from Belgrade and Novi Sad, are more educated than people from most of European countries. But the economy is shit, so a lot of young, fresh graduates decide to leave this shithole, looking for more promising job. But even more low class Serbs and Gypsies (who larp as Serbs) go to promised lands of Germany, Switzerland and Sweden, and work at shitty jobs or engage in criminal activities.
>blacks are exotic fruit here
DOBRO JE. I neka ostane tako, sto ih je manje , to bolje
This. I'd say that probably somewhere between 1/2 or 2/3 young Serbs (mostly girls) from urban areas are sjw cucks who just love to rant about shit like: >muh evil Milosevic >muh all people from Balkans should make love, not war >we should accept our role in the 90s >muh lgbt rights >religion divides people
> tfw trying to improve Serbia is a lost cause
Tell me about it. Even the fucking music they listen to is fucking revolting. They all listen to shitty techno and rap music. I once got told to "Start living in the 21st century" because I listen to TRAG. I want out of this shithole
based Portugal desu
its white suburb syndrome, same as in america
its easy being a nonracist when you don't live around any niggers, nignogs are extremely rare in balkan lands - in my entire life I've seen maybe 4-5 niggers all in all (not counting TV or internet)
New generations growing up on Mudja, Gastozz, Parovi, Rasta and other degenerate shit aren't very promising. Our ancestors didn't fight in all those wars for this.
If you actually read the book, you'll realise he was talking about the entire human race, not serbia in that quote
The origin of Dinar is the Roman Empire, from denarius.
Not from Arabs.
We stay true to our roman heritage.
Fine addition to my "serbia hate" folder, keep'em posted
Ah, yes. The ETERNAL V*LGAR.
Stay butthurt, Avar.
They asked a question 'do you hate niggers'?
Imagine the answer if they asked 'do you hate gypos, albos or kebabs?'
Don't worry, serbro. Srpska will be the Piedmont of the new Serb reunification, and us BOSANCI will reinstill all of Serbdom with janjetina, rakija and Baja Mali Knindža. It's gonna be beautiful.
>being this deluded.
Get bombed, nigger!
Serfia is never getting any clay! Never!
Actually the map shows the countries that don't give a shit about your feefees (blue ones givin fucks & red wouldn't give one if they could find a fuck)
they have nothing to hate because they removed all their filth decades ago, time and time again.
We'll see about it. ;)
everybody hates serbia
they even got cucked hard by big black american cock when they got bombed
being a serb must be a fate worse than hell
>posting chetniks
Kek, these guys were crying like babbies last time you pull them out. Of course you can NEVER win in a fair fight so you use criminal bands to rob women and cheldren.
Video related some chetnik criminals getting DESTRYOED by untrained croat milita. At some point the strong beard guy strarts cryin "brate, brate".
Looks Turkish to me.
>what are meme nations that won't exist in 10 years
Only good thing is Dubioza fampai
Hope to see them this Oct
>what are meme nations that won't exist in 10 years
I can't wait. R. Srpska will finally be reunited with Serbia.
why are you gyppos so obsessed with serbia?
You need to pay for your warcrimes from the '90s.
Also your nation is completetly brainwashed and all you want is more blood.
they're afraid of us obviously. little bitches they are
Why would we be? You practically have no army. Or money.
Also 1v1 you never won so yea.
Is it news to you that every nation the Balkans hates you?
>Betrayal at Battle for Nicopolis
>Betrayal at Edirne
>Betrayal with Serbo-Bulgarian war
>Betrayal at Edirne again
You backstabbing niggers got your shit pushed in every single time you acted up, yet you still stole land and oppress ethnic Bulgarians and you're wondering why?
you literally got assraped in second balkan war and you give yourself right to shit talk about someone kek
>eternal backstabbing gypsies talking about someone """backstabbing""" them
As a Russian I am so very fucking disappointed right now. I bet the kikes did this. Fuck I gotta get a patriotic pump by listening to Roki
That's because we don't have niggers here
>still more deads combned
Serfs were aways bad at war. Also you literally lost to untrained muslims in the 90s. You got destryoed.
1v1 you never stood a chance. I mean losing to bosniaks....
Wtf why are serfs so delusional.
Most blacks that came here were African students in commie times.
No real experience. Thus no racism.
Autistic kids from Sup Forums, just ignore them.
>lost to bosniaks
get back to learn history gyppo
Well you had the power migthy of the jugoslavian army, all the economy, all the moniz dumped in you from the $lovenians and croats...and you managed to lose.
And now you want to remove albos. Son, they kill you in 1 week.
>Second place
mucho love brother
>t.eternal backstabbers
you gyppos need to be gassed
>triggered zerg posting the same pics everywhere
And you will be bombed again.
BASED NATO knows whats up. 2-3 days of bombs and you were put on the leash again.
God bless NATO desu.
A paper tiger and response to mobilization was 11% which tells you how eager were Serbians to fight in Croatia.
In Montenegro it was 22% though.
>m-muh Croatian and Slovenian money
Mostly went to Kosovo and Macedonia. Serbia was the biggest producer even without autonomous provinces. Per capita Croatia and Slovenia were richer, but that's another subject.
About Kosovo, Albanians were totally impotent before West intervened. Not that I agree with how situation was handled, but they weren't really innocent victims either. No conflict in former Yugoslavia was black and white.
Now go away.
Better worry about your own pathetic shithole.Ive been there,doesnt get much more 3rd world than B*lgaria
But why are YOU taking pride in what American-dominated organization did?
You know we Serbs are quite idiotic people in many ways, but we have a thing other Balkan subhumans lack, and that's some fucking pride and sense of independence.
Meanwhile I notice rest of Balkan shits regularly take pride in what their masters did. Extremely pathetic and cringy. Stop.
Also, ask Macedonians how "based" are you Albanian "friends".
now sage
Y u have lower GDP then, nigger. KEK.
Whatever, i don't really care about Bulgaria desu. The most important thing is Serbia to pay for the atrocities done in the 90s.
>fucking pride and sense of independence.
GET THE FUCK OUT with these buzz worlds. DId pride forced the serf scum to carry on a genocide?
Of course i will take pride of what happened 1999. The american planes took off from our bases ;)
No, you will learn that destabilizing the region is "no go" anymore. That killing innocents is wrong and that every action has a counter-action.
So, NO greater serbia, NO kosovo back, NO RS.
Who the fuck wants to visit Serbia like Nigga when i was a child we flamed the serbs and destroyed their flag infront of them. In norway we like albainians more then serbs and i like that. So fuck your shit
we arent paying shit you filthy roach,also there was no genocide,you arent even human
>Iceland more racist than the UK