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Canada thread
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>Kellie Leitch
Literally who
Maybe pay attention to the cpc leadership race and you would be aware of what's going on in your country
>Nigel farage
I don't get it? He's not prime minister.
Bitch will be lucky if she places 4th. It's going to be Bernier and I'm fine with that.
>and I'm fine with that
>literally globalism:the candidate
So, do you work for Saputo or Agropur?
Do you work for foreign corporations?
Nope. Every company I've ever worked for is Canadian. Most of them were family owned and none of them used the government to create an oligopoly in an effort to screw Canadians out of their money while pricing their product so high as to make them uncompetitive on the foreign market.
Yes, every time a portion of our economy was opened to foreign competition, or otherwise a previous crown corp privatized - foreign corps would be the overwhelmingly benefactor every time.
Supply management is about making sure no DOMESTIC competition can arise. If I wanted to open a farm with a dozen dairy cows, the quota system would make it financially impossible.
Equating foreign protectionism with supply management is disingenuous.
> anti mass-immigation didn't win first election since globalism is collapsing
> 48%
Next election it's over, the more you ruin shit until then, the stronger it will be
/nupol/ thread sage
Wrong this is about the lack of foreign competition.
It is infinitely more possible for a domestic player to come into existence than it is for a foreign one under current circumstances. While one can argue it hinders small independent farmers they will be hindered even more when completely naked to the world competition. This happens every time. It will become more and more of a foreign owned sector of our economy when protectionism is dismantled.
If someone wants to get rid of supply manage in the goal of letting tiny Canadian farmers a fairer shot at the large Canadian corps then they should do so while embracing protectionism as a good virtue and keeping import ban quotas in place but getting rid of whatever in-nation rules are possibly hindering small farmers.
What are you talking about?
You act as if foreign trade deals don't include negotiation. Are you just that naive or trying to mislead?
I've clearly linked material that clearly states Canadian business's have always receded in the face of free market/globalism.
As autarky is an imperative of mine it is obvious that Max Bernier is the worst candidate by far he is possibly worse than Justin Trudeau. The only difference between them at this point is 300k immigrants and 250k.
And so is that 50k immigrants more damaging than globalizing our last major protected sector?
I don't think so.
If you support corporatism, you're just as bad as the globalists.
Why is Geert Wilders on that list? He is a kike.
implying this country will ever elect a non cucked pm
>kellie leitch
lmao fuck no
i'm voting for mad max
I saw the photo and was convinced this was a dude.
Dismantling supply management has nothing to do with being anti-corporatist in fact it is ideal to the libertarian mind such as Max's that foreign corps enter our market in order to compete and possibly bring prices down. Small Canadian business will be worse off once again.
>the West
Pffffft. You're in the wrong party, user.
That is correct if Max wins, but I will be comfortable when Kellie does.
End the weed talk, end the pro-choice degeneracy, rebrand the CPC into the anti immigrant party instead of the " small government" party. Maxeem is a hippy.
keep dreaming dude
Enjoy not having a party that represents your ideology ever get a seat.
homoeroticism belongs on
He helped UK accomplish a nationalist goal. The other countries except USA did not.
It does not surprise me that France was too cowardly and netherlands too cucked
What is consistency?
Kellie was always consistent on the migrant problem, and then when Maxeem finally realizes he sounded like a cuck making fun of Trump and saying there's no migrant problem
" omg i gotta 180 this our inside polls show I just fucking dipped hard after that debate uh MILITARY! "
You know the only thing that tells you Max is " winning " is the CBC? It's their index poll, its their media shilling that branded him these names mad max and albertan, because otherwise if we follow the Trump algorithm of who is more popular on social media is it clearly Kellie.
Max's campaign youtube video has like 500 views while Kellies has 150k. And she has thousands more twitter followers as well.
Only CBC can paint an alternative picture.
I've never seen this picture before.
UKIP didn't win a fucking shit.
Now your mixing up illegal and legal immigration. You keep bending the truth to suit your goals and it won't work.
Truth hurts doesn't it
Also you've already admitted you're anti national socialist, likely not even white and this alone will speak itself regarding Maxeems support.
Except their sole and primary goal, which they achieved
Are your Tory politicians still behind closer ties between the Commonwealth Realms?
About as pale as it gets, but clearly I *MUST* be some immigrant shitstain if I'm backing the candidate with the most stringent immigration platform. Fucking brilliant.
Regarding the top candidates, not really.
Quebec dominates so much influence in our politics that I would bet even mentioning such a thing would trigger every Frenchie. It's why maxeem bernier is even a contender, he's a pro weed pro abortion pro economic globalism who mocks Trump and he's somehow a top contender in our conservative party. If Quebec wasn't involved this would be clear cut.
Haha 250k immigration is what we had last year my son.
Making immigrants pay 1000-1500$ for a test will hinder immigration much more.
We do this in Manitoba already, we charge 500$ to anyone who chooses our province to settle. This makes us the least competitive province for migrants, along with the cold.
Kellie was born here and would like to implement such a financial barrier system federally. This is ideal.
Are they still that big an issue? Fucking hell
They don't seem to be against whoring you out to China though do they
Bernier has been taking heat by the media across the country for agreeing with Trump on things like our dairy industry. Bernier's platform is the antithesis of what you typically expect from Quebec politicians. You're just throwing anything at him you think might stick.
Bernier's platform includes a test on ethics too, ya dingus.
What in the fuck? Yeah agreeing with Trump on selling out our dairy industry. It's in Trumps interest as being pro-American to dismantle Canadian protectionism. Maybe that tells you something that Maxeem is the lone wolf giving into Trump in a bad way, but Kellie does it by agreeing with his anti-immigration rhetoric.
There's a difference.
Frauke Petry isn't even running for the AfD anymore. Her party chose an old guy and a lesbian to run together.
The test itself is not relevant it's about the financial cost.
"OTTAWA — Conservative leadership candidate Kellie Leitch acknowledged Thursday that her call to screen newcomers will lead to fewer immigrants and refugees admitted to Canada — but she said there’s nothing racist about the plan."
Obviously this means one of two things. It's either an obscure signal to people like me who want to see immigration hindered drastically in some manner without she herself being called a evil nazi or something- or she is just saying things to get into power.
I'll take this wild card over Maxeems 250k any day.
why didn't you make a thread alerting Sup Forums about this then
It happened a while ago. Just telling you your picture is out of date.
So you claim that her immigration platform is better than his despite every part of her platform being included in his and his also specifying that they are lowering the maximum possible immigration rate, securing the border with the military if necessary, getting rid of reliance on the UN for selection of refugees AND specifying in no uncertain terms that immigration is not to be used to change the cultural fabric of Canada? You're fucking delusional.
Are you kidding? There have been multiple threads about it.
Is it even possible to have that gay faggot Trudeau win in Canada again? Isn't his approval rating like 10%?
He lost everything, and now his party is beinr drained out of all its reasons to exist because the tories know what the fuck they are doing.
But yeah, great win for soon-to-be-unemployed Farrage.
Honestly Kellie Leitch might be a lesbian too. Never been married or known to have dated anyone. But she is a dedicated Christian so it might just be she is a purist which is something I admire.
The only way for Justin to win again is if the conservative party elects the most fiscally conservative french man possible.
Because Sup Forums is full of burgers and bongs who don't know shit about politics outside of their parts of the anglosphere, and jumped the gun convincing themselves that Wilders and Le Pen were pretty much like Trump and their parties were pretty much like UKIP.
Despite both of them being russian plants with ties to the UAE and (((all sorts of banks))).
Not without tipping the scales.
>Don't remove citizenship from terrorists
>Immigrants don't need to plan on living in Canada to get citizenship
>Reduce the number of days they need to live in Canada to get citizenship
>Include days prior to becoming permanent residents towards the count to become citizen
>Applicants between ages 18 and 54 don't need to know English or French or anything about the country
The next federal election is in 2019. It'll take a LOT of new voters to get even a minority government for them.
It will depend on how strong the opposition is.
He already won because Harper is the least likable man on earth and Mulcair the least charismatic.
The whole debacles arround C-16 and the bullshit anti-islamophobia motion might help even some of the urban population realize that virtue-signalling isn't enough to govern a country.
Oh, and he still hasn't legalized weed.
Maxeem does not incorporate the financial burden of immigration. He wants to keep the 250k quota.
There's a reason every debate is focused on attacking Kellie for being some closet racist.
You're delusional, watch the debates next time or even study the candidates at all. Maxeem is deluded as fuck he contributes Trumps win down south as people wanting small government and nothing to do with immigration. Watch his deluded interview with Mark Steyn. Relevant at 22:25
forgot to link the interview
The NDP was going to collapse regardless of who was running the party, DESU. It was a protest vote against the Bloc Québécois in the previous election.
It's not a quota. It's the maximum immigration amount.
Based on what you said, you'd rather we get another 4 years of Trudeau than Bernier and you've lied multiple times in this thread about both Leitch and Bernier's platforms in this thread alone. Who the fuck could take you seriously?
I made a fix yesterday with baudet and hiddema but I'm on mobile right now so can't post.
Yes it turns out Bernier is that bad of a candidate that it's actually hard to support him.
I won't support economic globalism of his degree. As a national socialist and christian it is clear this liberal hippie is going to lose to the incumbent liberal hippie in office.
Maxeem knows going against supply management is unpopular yet he's doing it anyway just to be a libertarian purist. Very sad. No wonder the CBC is propping him up so much.
You're going to have us rural conservatives coming out to protest against Max just like this. Really sad cucks of the party are being tricked by the MSM/CBC into supporting Max and falling into this divide and conquer trap.
So you would support this shit: ... over Bernier whose platform includes every aspect of Leitch's immigration platform that you've been supporting because he's not a national socialist?
Fuck you, Bernier is going to remove firearms restrictions.
>Unpinned mags
I mean by that logic it's just better to vote for Kellie
Your posts in this thread do not indicate you have a very strong grasp on the word "logic".
I mean you might as well just give up on Sweden.
Its not getting any better, the country is a lost cause short of like terrorists leveling a city block and killing a thousand people.
You've yet to state a single reason why Bernier is a good candidate. You've actually conceded Kellie being the better choice by trying to imply Bernier has copied her platform * which isn't true but you seem to agree her platform is indeed good * except he supports supply management so he's just worse.
supports dismantling supply management*
you guys know that AfD has not the slightest chance right?
His immigration platform contains everything hers does AND THEN SOME, but you say hers is better despite lacking the rest. You've rejected every part of his platform that doesn't jive with your precious national socialism.
The fact that you would rather the country go even further to shit under Trudeau than become even slightly more libertarian is absurd.
I'm over 30 minutes into watching this and I still don't see what you find objectionable.
No not " and then some " there's a reason he was never attacked on immigration policy during the debates and only Kellie was.
He is simply inferior on immigration and out right treasonous on economics.
They've been attacking other aspects of his platform because he HAS stuff in his platform beyond immigration.
Leitch someone manages to have even more sparse a platform than fucking Chong of all people.
When asked why democrats from the rust belt in the u.s swapped parties to vote Trump- he rejected the notion they did it out of anti-globalist sentiment but that they did it because they wanted smaller government?
What a joke. He's deluded just as you are. And then he admits to supporting some lgbt bill and that he had to be corrected on that cuckoldry by Jordan Peterson himself.
Indeed it's an immigration focused candidate. It's clear she decided to run because she realizes there was no one else going to take a stand and raise their voice on the issue.
I have no doubt if Kellie wasn't running that Max wouldn't have had to alter his stance and go from mocking Trump to " MILITARY! "
Something to understand is it's Max who has not been consistent and only evolved into something defendable over the campaign.
You're mixing up legal and illegal immigration again. That's disingenuous and I shouldn't have to call you out on it multiple times in a single thread.
What's the problem exactly? You watched Max say we didn't have a problem with illegal immigrants in response to Kellie saying we did right?
Lol why are all right wing women politicians protectionists?
Illegal immigration from the US wasn't a significant problem until months after that debate. His stance on lawful immigration has been more stringent than hers since the beginning.
It's always been a problem here in Manitoba and what's more is the liberals had repealed the Mexican Visa rule and so there were a spike in Mexican illegals as well. Kellie was bringing this up for a reason because she was informed on concerned about this issue. She didn't just bring it up randomly and then get lucky that it actually started being reported by CBC some time afterwards. Maxeem obviously a step behind, and also unaware that Trump is actually good rhetoric not a " bad thing we don't need in Canada. "
>voting for a #nevertrump conservative who had to eat his words after Trump won
Bernier has been getting shat on by the media since before Trump was elected because he supported aspects of his policies, but suddenly he's a "nevertrumper"?
Illegal immigration rates were diddly squat until after the Trump election.
Bernier has not been getting attacked by the cbc in relation to Kellie. They literally invite him onto their shows and give him a platform to speak while Kellie is just played by some actor and they call her a white supremacist.
Man, the actress they got to play Leitch is really convincing.
You realize Trump was elected nov.8
> Dismantling the CBC.
Well shit. Bernier or this bitch?
What else was dominating the public discourse that caused the massive bump in illegal immigration?
I think every cpc candidate wants to dismantle CBC. I wish they actually would instead of just saying it. CBC is absolute marxism.
France, austria and netherlands are doomed and they can only blame themselves. what a bunch of cucks
I doubt it. Chong seems awfully friendly with them.
Bernier wants the CBC to adopt a PBS style system.
wtf he just wants the cbc to reform? Also obvious CBC shilling for him in this it's the only reason why he has the brand mad max or albertan when actually he should only be known by the girly name maxeem.
I assumed Max wanted to destroy the cbc like Kellie does but he just wants to slowly reform it into a PBS type? No wonder the CBC doesn't hate him as much.
Kellie literally has no chance of ever becoming PM much less CPC leader you utter retard. Get off Sup Forums once in a while
Maxime is exclusively a boys name, user.
As for the CBC existing as an independent entity from the government, I couldn't give less of a shit as long as I'm not paying their bills.
wtf what happened to libertarianism I always assumed Max wanted to eliminate the CBC like Kellie does but wtf no wonder the CBC is shilling for him against her. It makes sense now.