Are eastern european women trustworthy?
Are eastern european women trustworthy?
>*Are women trustworthy?
That's my sister right there.
It doesn't matter where they are from. You will not find your female equal anywhere.
My exgf was Russian and I got really suspicious of her when she started being really secretive and texting on her phone all the time. One day I got really mad and grabbed her phone when she was texting just to see who she was texting to. Turns out she was playing some dumb mobile game that she was ashamed of me knowing about. Made her cry too, felt like shit afterward
Did you believe? hahah
oh man, she was just sending information to KGB
you better apologize and marry her, you dick.
>Are women trustworthy?
No woman is trustworthy
They always want a better deal, and are never happy
tindet aint a game
I'm moving to Czech Republic. Is it easy to find a czech/russian/ukrainian gf over there?
I couldn't tell you...but a hard working family orientated Mexican women sure is...but it will fuck up your gene pool
Are you OP, or would you wet your dick if a 8/10 offers her cunt. Knew it. Now fuck off
It is easy to find a pornstar there
They all seem nice till they betray you
Seriously? In Prague? Noice.
>eastern european women
Kraut... just stop.
As long as you're rich.So basically same as all women in the world.
cool where do i find a piss pornstar gf? like one of those czech girls that just does it right on the street with zero fucks given right in front of the bus stop.
Czechs have like 10x more pornstars to normal women compared to other nations
That speaks a lot of them, that they don't tie sex with a love much and aren't prudes
czechs rule. 2nd best country in the world. guns and pornstars. my kind of country.
But do a normal looking white guy has a chance with them? Or only chads/niggers?
Any retard thinking "women over there are more trustworthy, ergo i should get one" are self-pwn'ing themselves on the basis that said cunts would have to precisely be untrustworthy to be interested in your foreign ass.
I'd really like for lusty underage posters to stfu, lurk, learn and THINK.
It's not even about being smart, just not being intellectually lazy.
No. You will lose all your money and get a sexually transmitted disease.
I hope so, I am 21 and have learned a foreign language with the sole intention of gaining my phd and a wife. All of American women are coal burning whores with Instagrams that look like a prostitution ad.
>That's my sister right there.
>that flag
why am I not surprised?
>I'm moving to Czech Republic.
You poor sod. Even your Islamic republic is better than that shithole
Get fucked nigger. What's wrong with Prague?
Is any human trustworthy?
its evolution, they are wired this way, not worth the anger and crippling depression when she one day accidentally slips and falls onto another mans penis
It's filled with degenerates and slavic jews.
> degenerates
I live in Paris, it can't be worse.
> slavic jews
Wtf is this. Slavs acting like jews or actual semites pretending to be whites? Either way, it can't be worse than Paris.
When did Sup Forums turn into /r9k/ with flags? Kill yourselves autistic omega males
i am normal looking
>went from venice to greece via a 1 day ferry
>get drunk with my uncle
>uncle goes to bed , i stay outside
>2 young and pretty czech girls come to me , offer me weed and vodka
>didnt understand anything they said
>one of them sitting on me, want me to touch her breasts
>touch her breasts, pass out and wake up next day on some chair on the ship
>leave the ship, some worker who saw it the night before asking me "you had fun yesterday"
>me: "y-yee.." (fuck i cant remember shit)