Guys, we could have been wrong about this guy.
Guys, we could have been wrong about this guy.
phone posters will be the first ones in the ovens
/pol proves its teh cucked one, yet again.
Yeah, get back in your basement like the rest of us!
I like your optimism user but it seems unlikely. The french are eternal cucks.
Bloody poofter pommy cunts posting from their normie-mobiles.
It's somethign about financial transfers, why is it "unfucked".
please kys
Well, Macron is going to have you guys Venezuela'd soon anyway because you don't pull your weight.
Apparently it was on the cards for some time, and Macron was probably very determined to get it pushed through.
There was nothing in the article about controlling immigration in any way, how is he going to unfuck Europe?
Unfucking it economically first, then immigration. Besides, Europe has built a coastal wall and got the Sultan to stop migration.
>Macron acts like a good goy and is serving the litterally EU Jews to dissolve the nations of Europe into a faceless non-white EUSSR run by unelected puppets and getting its lawproposals litterally written in Tel Aviv
Sorry but macron has only started politics like 2 years ago, and never backed any promises with action in his whole life.
We put a total beginner in charge of the country, and he literally actually believe saying to people what they want to hear will work forever.
Lol, he's a fucking shill for the powers of finance and the 1%, he'll keep dismantling French companies for American interests and leave us with nothing.
And I ain't talking about leftist idealism here, I'm talking about shit like selling Alstom to GE. Fuck that.
>Well, Macron is going to have you guys Venezuela'd soon anyway because you don't pull your weight.
Okay, so all I know about his programme as for now is:
>tell eastern Euro member states that if they don't take in rapefugees, they won't get more eurogibz
>take EE gibz anyway
Taking gibz away is actually a good thing because fucking eurocultists only prop-up useless shit with their money. It would be good if it was like "oh, man here's useless building where your liberal arts graduates can pretend to work all for you free of charge" but it's not like that. How to get EU money?
1. Have project that qualifies for help.
2. Apply for help
3. Make cost evaluation
4. Get accepted
5. Take bank loan covering half of your declared cost so you can get other half for "free" from the EU
No loan, no EU "donation". Gee I wonder who is behind this shit.
And yet he convinced Schauble of all people to go along with his reforms. Please read the article.
>go along with his reforms.
imaginary reforms.
He's wants to cut down govt. spending when France is about to have a debt crisis.
>the euro bank should use each county's wealth in priority over the local needs and plan without any concent of anybody but the unelected, private banker in charge
What if you are wrong?
So what makes you think Schauble wouldn't go along with Macron?
>Gee I wonder who is behind this shit.
A young Banker that knows how economy rolls
Except he doesn't seem to get it at all.
>thinks govt. debt is an issue
>ignoring the mountain of private debt and the issues of a single currency
>knows how economy rolls
My fucking sides. He's a banker, not an economist.His job was to receive Rotshild's list of contracts to sell and sell them, not actually write that shit.
Reminder that the CDU as a party and Schäuble himself EXPLICITLY came out and campaigned against the Eurozone as a transfer/debt union during the time leading up to the last election.
People joined and voted for the party to get: >Center-right mild conservatism
>Financial discipline and no debt union
>Liberal economics
>less immigration and multiculturalism (Merkel herself stated multiculturalism failed previously)
They got:
>An effectively far left government employing ex-stasi led NGO to censor social media
>Schäuble now about to make it a transfer union with infinite gibs for Greece and Spain
>leftist economic policies, from minimum wage to female quotas
>literal unlimited immigration and open borders
The more people do an Erika Steinbach and quit this most treacherous of parties, the better.
But meanwhile in reality, we're so fucking cucked and scared of being called evil rightwing that we'll probably vote Merkel in again. Fml
Are you saying Sup Forums was wrong?
All I'm seeing is talk about transfering money to poorer states? What's good about this?
All the French on this board are complete retards.
Do someone wants to trade his flag with mine?
People can change, ever considered that?
How is that fixing Europe? Literally just said "poor EU nations need more gibs", and I guarantee those gibs will come at the cost of accepting refugees from Germanistan
Upon further reflection, I suspect that Schauble may have put in enough weasel words to avoid being completely discredited to German voters.
Someone explain the article to me in baby language. Macron doesn't want rich EU states to pay for poor ones?
Article was literally just the German finance minister talking about a bunch of further EU integration and how the EU might have to control France further to (((fix))) its economy
Don't see how that's going to help France or how that's relevant to Macron other than fact It'll just accelerate the divide and cause the EU to collapse faster.
when a french president is more popular in germany than in france, there is somthing wrong
The opposite, he's of the opinion that France and Germany have an obligation to pay for the poorer states because a Union is only as strong as its weakest members (which is true, but If that's the road you're going down I think people would rather just disband the union).
Except Schauble had declared that he was open to the Stability and Growth Pact being loosened to help Macron.
Why are you shilling for Macron?
Just been rethinking my stances over the past 2 weeks. FWIS, Macron may actually be capable of unfucking France and the EU's economies. If he can get Schauble to drop his anti-transfer stance within days of being elected, he can actually do some good in the world.
Just kill yourself and do the world a favour lad.
>We put a total beginner in charge of the country, and he literally actually believe saying to people what they want to hear will work forever.
Sounds... like ..... Drumpf....
kek, you can fix the economy but fuck over your native citizens easily which is what's probably going to happen. Remember why they're bringing in immigrants? Pro-tip: it's not for diversity.
>Article about economics.
>Goldshekelsteinberg: "explain the article to me in baby language"
Except Macron actually has some background in economics, and seems very determined.
Gib corsica and southern france.
>But meanwhile in reality, we're so fucking cucked and scared of being called evil rightwing that we'll probably vote Merkel in again. Fml
I hate to say it but at least Merkel would be better than Schulz. He'll fuck shit up worse than Merkel did.
Macaroni will have a hard time.
Like our Bello, like Rutte, like every globalist neo liberal lefty who is in power. After October 2017, there will be no left or globalist party in Europe. Not because no one will vote them any more for the bust of September 2017, no, all potential personal will have their life ended in three days.
Mark my words
I don't think so. Macron's party seems to have far more support than previously anticipated among the general public.
It's no surprise that France is a nation of cucks. The rationale for these people is that those who've been made uncomfortable by the invasion of shitskins are just stupid and racist. That's exactly what they said about the people who voted against this.
Surely ex-Goldman Sachs with a new party filled with ex liberals and socialists will unfuck europe