what a time to be alive
What a time to be alive
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill it with fire
We have the best based black men don't we folks?
Worse than chanology and 100% fake.
Go lick Soros boots and kiss his ass useful idiots
And Tyron was never funny, just a NIGGER
him being black is the least offensive part of this picture.
>not owning the simple version
Proud magapede here
cool necklaces. i've been thinking about getting puka necklace myself.
>taking memes this seriously
tyrone pls
>internet "culture" apparel
desu he literally has no choice. It gives him dosh. The man knows his business and how to keep it afloat. I got a soft spot for Tyrone, he has made some great vids over the years while making bank over them.
yeah in the end it's all about money right ?
this triggers me every fucking time
stormfaggots are not native here, just as much of immigrants as rthedonaldses
stromfaggots RAUS
we need the final solution for the stormfaggot question
Why you got a jellybean on a string round ur neck, son?
What is chanology?
it was the mantle for faggot larpers before the alt right
fuck off kike, do you faggots trying to rewrite history not realize that the archives exist
we called them stormfags because that site is full of humorless babyboomers who don't understand memes. if anything, Sup Forums is more extreme than they are
kys commie
god Tyrone had quality vids in the past. Reddit killed him by making him do cancerous things instead. He had a good run
It's a magatama an old Japanese man made and gave to me.
Fuck off theres been nazis here since /news/
Kekistan is white
...being this new.
>all this advertising
not a single link
Fucking normies man
Hang on why has that pic got the ancom flag bearer going on about helicopter rides? He'd be first for the long drop....
They call eachother Pedes as well. How unaware are they?
we sure do
Can a newfag call a newfag a newfag for being a newfag?
the autism
Duh. He's not running a charity and he has no vested interest in kek shit.
I wouldn't say reddit killed him as he's only as good as the material given to him but I don't see Sup Forums as a whole giving him funny stuff to work with like when he was first "discovered"
>He does it for free
i like this nigga
he gets paid though right? like someone requests he does the video
still entertaining though
All the good videos are from 2014. He might have some good recent stuff but reddit soon discovered him and it went down hill. He did some videos with rog. Pretty funny.
No, The Nigger is about to get bot flagged. He overstept his usefulness. Good bye Tyron, hope you have put some jewtube shekel on the side. It is over now.