Continues from: >ukie cunt brings the bantz with aussie flag at eurovision
>Mike Enoch says he will visit Australia for nationalist conference
>The official Aus/pol/ commercial and uplifting theme:
Continues from: >ukie cunt brings the bantz with aussie flag at eurovision
>Mike Enoch says he will visit Australia for nationalist conference
>The official Aus/pol/ commercial and uplifting theme:
All immigrants are welcome to spread their virile coloured seed and introduce their vibrant and exciting new cultures
So long as they are white.
should have done some sort of gay appreciation posting on brit/pol/ cause its mother's day
Britain is dad and Ireland is mum
>Ireland is mum
There is no Irish blood in me I can assure you of that m8. I would sooner have abo blood.
shut up cunt
What tv do you cunts watch? ABC I VIEW and sbs are filled with docos on faggots or movies about feminism.
Help me watch the good stuff.
what should I study at uni that will actually get me a job and a house here?
I'm in a Bsc at unsw right now. My parents work unimportant jobs so no connections and live in the middle of nowhere so uni is the only option.
any you cunts wanna help out ?
I just switch between rewatching the Sopranos, the Wire, and Mad Men.
I torrent a select few PATRICIAN TV Shows and watch them at my leisure.
yeah nah if you're here you have at least some
Whaddya think of us? Also do you say mom or mum?
>the Sopranos
One of the all time best TV shows
>the wire
Last couple of seasons were shit. Really good up until then though.
>Mad Men
Haven't watched it yet.
it doesn't matter what you study at uni, it's who you meet + what connections you make while there
just make sure you get a passing grade and spend the rest of your time meeting people, going to industry events and sucking up to professors
7, Master Chef. We don't have a to si we stream it. It's the only to we watch.
>tfw still disappointed I didn't get with that drunk LDP milf.
Cmon lad. We were good for giving a bit of bleaching.
Can confirm. To any young anons out there nepotism will get you 90% of jobs in life, as unfair as that may seem. took me a long time to realise it
>abc link in the OP
Doing us proud, for once.
>While other nations of the globe
>Behold us from afar,
>We'll rise to high renown and shine
>Like our glorious southern star;
From England soil and Fatherland,
Scotia and Erin fair,
>Let all combine with heart and hand
>To advance Australia fair.
>In joyful strains then let us sing
>Advance Australia fair.
That Quadroon looks tempting.
I torrent anime and samurai films and watch Q&A with the boys here on Mondays
what if I can't be bothered with the social aspect of job searching? my first bet was med school but i'm not so sure if i find health sciences that interesting now. Even so i'm still looking at straight HD's but i'd rather do something I enjoy if that's a possibility
There's a BBC made pro black power documentary on Channel 9 right now.
Any of you watching this shit?
>want to start a political party
>from NZ and not a citizen so can't do it in australia
h-hold me lads
go back there you fat Maori fuck
why don't you become a fucking citizen?
Too busy sitting on the toilet while I blow another hole in my anus
Why aren't you a citizen?
You guys sure made your presence known last night
make the stars less jewish
>watching TV
anyone else unironically not do this?
not that i watch goyimgame but..
>based rune tattoo
>based hammer of thor necklace
>white boyfriend
>kicks yank off of our only gaming show and achieves 100% pure australian host ratio
is hex actually a baste ethnonationalist and absolutely le /ourgirl/?
You have no idea how hard it is for a kiwi to become an australian citizen. It's literally easier for Pajeet to become a citizen. Last year only 45 kiwis managed to get residency in Australia. We can't apply on the points test like the rest of the world
I don't watch TV but I only don't watch it ironically, sorry
something like med school might not rely on networking as much
False flag it was a Ukrainian. Sadly
Your story seems implausible.
you can live here without citizenship pretty sure the bludgers at the airport don't even check passports
anways just get one of our cuntse to sign the papers for your fash australia party, then you can still be top dingo
> tfw A current Affair is on about raciss builders who don't want to build a muzzie couple a house
It's been a long road
Getting from there to here
I know that it was to be expected that SJWs would infect our media, but they aren't even trying to hide their blatant agenda pushing.
> leaves show
> ABC cancels good goyim immediately because the wankbait left.
> Bajo unemployed now.
Did I ever tell youse cunts about the time I fingered hex in a night club?
>Mad Men
Mad Men is really well written and acted and shit, but fuck me if it isn't pozzed as fuck. Most of the plot is how shit men are, and how great women are, and how shit men were for oppressing women in the 1950's and how great women were for refusing to be oppressed in the 1960's.
That show hates golden era America. Despite that it's pretty good.
I watch skynews, paul murray live & bolt report
it's true, the cunts have to be here for a minimum of 8 years to claim permanent residency or to get on centrelink, can't remember which.
meanwhile I went to a citizenship ceremony last year where a 16-20 member multi-generational family of Poo's all got citizenship, only one of them could speak english and had to translate for the rest.
Might be a spicy Q&A tomorrow night boys:
>UNIVERSITY students have threatened to protest during filming of Q&A, amid claims they are not represented on this week’s post-Budget show.
>The National Union of Students is calling for protesters to gather outside the Gold Coast Arts Centre from 8pm on Monday, to coincide with filming of a special Budget debrief of the flagship ABC program.
>The union claims students who hoped to be in the audience during the show had been “vetted” by the program.
I don't even watch tv nowadays, I'm always out looking for work or working.
In fact I have a job interview tomorrow morning with an electrical contracting firm.
It is created by a Jew, Matthew (((Weiner))).
He is resentful against white people. Steve Sailer mentions him on his blog all the time.
Hey everyone :)
I'm from New Zealand by the way
>only one of them could speak english and had to translate for the rest
This sort of shit triggers me hard.
Unions were a mistake.
Also sounds like a group of commies looking to bitch.
>new zealand
Hi, I'm from caboolture
It's in the south pacific, east of Australia.
This is why we lost the culture war. These retarded faggot communists get up in arms and protest anything.
Pretty much. It's really well acted though, and has so many based characters. I've considered going through it and editing out all the faggoty parts and terrible feminist plotlines to make it a 10/10.
couldn't believe it when citizenship tests can be taken in any language, you'd think having a grasp on the english language would be high on the requirements to immigrate.
>The National Union of Students
is that what Socialist Alternative is calling themselves now?
Makes me wonder where all that "jobs and growth" that Malcolm promised us is.
And good luck with the interview, mate.
I hate cunts that do this so much.
That would get rid of Christina Hendricks titcow character though
Nah you just mute those parts
Jobs and growth is a meme tagline from the 70s
I reported the post.
>the cunts have to be here for a minimum of 8 years to claim permanent residency or to get on centrelink, can't remember which.
neither of those are true. I could be here till I die and will still never be eligible for either of those things. the SCV has no pathway to residency
Stop trying to fuck up our thread, you kiwi prick.
Anschluss when
>wanting to unite territories
can't we just sink em
really? this sheila i know had to go back to NZ because she ran out of money halfway through her degree, she was told by centrelink that she needed to be here for 8 years to qualify for Austudy.
Jst go back to NZ and start a political party there, become PM and apply to join Australia, we have a section in our constitution that allows you guys to become one of our states when you decide to stop being sheep-rooting retards.
Have any of you guys ever fucked an older woman?
I'm talking a 15-20 year age difference here.
Is it usually uptight women who are going through midlife crisis's, their husbands are fuckups in dead end jobs and their son's a spoiled little shit, and they want something new, young and a little bit rough?
Or is it usually those hippie degenerates who have been swapping partners with aids riddled faggots for decades?
how much spicer can it get?
I disagree completely. Don Draper is the quintessential 1950s American male, and the entire show centers around where he is going to put his cock next. The show glorifies 50s American manhood
>treats his secretaries terribly
>never calls his wife
>just randomly leaves his family for long periods without explanation
>finds happiness and enlightenment at the end of the series
>lives happily ever after
Did you see the guy on r9k who recorded himself fucking an older tinder slut the other day?
No I did not.
I don't go on /r9k/.
But It was the 60s.
I'm so fucking hyped for QandA extra.
reminder the (((uni students))) are pissed cause their shitty commie rag journos didn't get included in the budget lock in
>papers have wised onto dingocon
damn they should have kept it a mystery speaker.
not gonna lie this does make me more nervous
i'll still go but have to see how good their vetting process is
maybe if she was here before 2001
I was thinking if NZ started a war with australia then quickly surrendered all of our land to australia it'd leave australia holding the bag
I meant thinner bitches, not fucked up land whales.
last week's was top shit
gonna be great to see how we can top it
start warmin up your vocal chords, bois
gay cunt
What a legend
>their vetting process
Who are they vetting and how?
How hard can nangs fuck you up? A friend of mine just decided that he's been abusing way too fucking many of them for a longass time now and has wasted a pile of money. Is there any loss here beyond money and self-respect?
>His wife, the perfect housewife, is miserable and wasted just sitting in a beautiful house with 3 kids, she had so much potential but couldn't utilise it because of gender norms
>Don Draper, the alpha American male, is a hollow, miserable and terrible person who drowns his sorrows in meaningless sex and alcohol
>All the female secretaries have so much more potential that is thrown away by sexism and gender norms
>White people are all racist as fuck
The show spends a lot of time shitting on 1950's America, saying it was false and immoral through and through. They show the American ideal, that golden era, and undermine and criticise it until there's nothing left. If you think it's glorification you're missing the point.
Fuck Australia
thank god ive found this thread
ive been surrounded by americans for too long
I loled out lout
Hahaha, this is some good shit.
>Also do you say mom or mum?
we don't speak seppo here, lad
yes, most of the series took place in the 60s, but Don did not embrace 60s culture
I bet they are onto us now.
>#Newspoll Federal 2 Party Preferred: L/NP 47 (-1) ALP 53 (+1) #auspol
Lmao. The first post budget poll shows a swing to Labor.
Turnbull is finished.