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50ft ripples in Montana made after the last ice age
This image unironically proved to me in either the existence of aliens. Multiple civilizations would have never figured out a basket to carry shit in without it.
There's gold in some of them there estuaries.
must see videos for those interested in ancient civilisations before 9600BC
I wonder how epic the floods were once the ice started to melt
>I wonder how epic the floods were once the ice started to melt
It makes you think.
So epic they are literally called Epic.
Ex. Epic of Gilgamesh.
i posted this in the last thread but the basket symbolism is quite intriguing, look into it before you talk shit about it. Pic related is Ea from Mesopotamian mythology (the Greeks knew him as Oannes), Ea was described as coming out of the water with the body of a fish and wore the head of a fish (looks like a mitre doesnt it?) on his head. He taught them language, religion, architecture, astronomy etc. Remember when the Spaniards went to central america and the Mexicans had no concept of riding horses so they mistook the Spaniards for centaurs? Same thing probably happened a lot throughout ancient mythology
it's calculated that they were between 300-350,000,000 cubic feet per second
here's a video where Randall talks about his calculation IIRC
Also, doesn't Georgia's mountains have topsoil from Canada that was transported atop of them via the floods?
manly hall claims the word atlantis came from egyptian priest told to solan who told it to plato
but there is no evidence of that
manly hall then claims the word atlantis is the same as atlas and it's root is atl which then connects it to the mayan calender
there is no evidence of that
that's within the first 2 minutes of the video, he has already made up lies without any evidence to even suggest it as truth
pure conjecture without basis
man the ancients must've really pumped out a lot of co2 to cause that much flooding
It happened slowly over millennia.
Probably, often what can happen is boulders and soil can be transported on icebergs in the floods. As the iceberg melts the boulder/soil is left in a new position, i'm no geologist though I just remember something like that from Randall Carlson.
there's no evidence of any of it aside for whats written in the Timaeus, of course it's conjecture. Manly Hall was a genius but he didn't have a whole lot to go off, he's just connecting the dots. The dots he connects there are loose, but it's an interesting connection that the symbol for 'Atl' is a flood. Regarding Solon, he probably did get the information of Atlantis from the temple of Sais
Aren't we still at the end of an ice age technically?
we're in an interglacial period in an ice age
Also, doesn't he say that Atlantis has it's ROOTS in the word atlas? he never says it's the same thing, he just says it isn't a greek word, then he goes into the 'Atl' connection
you think
happened over millennia? the jews did a good job on you user
>we're in an interglacial period in an ice age
Aren't we aproaching the end of the interglacial period right now ? i have even heard people saying we are entering another cooling period , don't know if its true desu but it's interesting
these threads are very interesting, thanks for making them
That's what I hear too, which is why I don't believe in the whole climate change shit because as far as I understand it's just the way our Earth has always been, climate conditions have changed drastically over the last 4.5 billion years without humans
>man the ancients must've really pumped out a lot of co2 to cause that much flooding
Migrations that caused roman downfall were caused by global warming.
We're still coming out of the last ice age.
These pyramids in China are yet to be excavated, they found the Terracotta army nearby, what could be in them?
>climate conditions have changed drastically over the last 4.5 billion
Even over the last 2000 years it has changed Huge , i think the climate is changing yes but if it's our fault who knows , could just as easily be the Sun .We don't really get much hot weather in the North of England now , its more cold and wet than it was in the Mid 90s when i was a kid
looks familiar
underwater pyramid off the coast of Portugal user posted in the last thread.
what is that?
An overlay of middle earth And Europe
they were shitskins
Yeah Tolkien modelled the map of middle earth off of ancient Europe.
Here's some sunken pyramids off the coast of Cuba, I'd love for archaeologists to explore the underwater megaliths but sadly it's too expensive
Shit I want to go there. Sup Forums submarine when?
That's geology 101 m8. If you're interested in it, I reccomend taking a geology course in college. While I'm not majoring in it, I enjoyed learning about all the concepts that shape and form the landscape around us. Btw you are referring to a glacial moraine I believe.
here's one of the carvings from Gobekli Tepe (11,500 years ago, 100ish years after the last comet). Supposedly made by hunter gatherers, judge for yourself
another animal carving from Gobekli Tepe
they've excavated about 5% of the site
My favorite theory on converging mythological imagery is that of global plasma discharges in the sky above.
This is detailed poetically in comparative mythologist David Talbot's discourse on an alien sky series on Youtube.
Episode 1
The gist of which is that stories told my ancients are not necessarily metaphorical religious belief but actual documentation of ancient cosmological events (interpreted by primitive man as divine).
'Hittie' Rofl... what's in a name eh
How is Hittite pronounced anyways? he titty?
>Mexicans had no concept of horses but they knew what centaurs were
What exactly is this trying to say?
they had seen horses before but were too retarded to ride them, obviously they didn't use the word centaur. They thought they were horse-people
This is from a controversial study which proposed that many different cultures across the world (with no knowledge of one another obviously) witnessed a world wide electric event and recorded it in their own history. The shape drawn is called the "squatter man" and the scientist in the paper attempts to recreate the shape using peratt instability (electrical phenomena).
reminds me of pic related
A sprawled woman about to give birth. The dots beside are beasts.
Sun worshiping proto-indo-europeans leaving behind religious artifacts as they traveled and settled the lands.
How could they have seen horses before? Horses were from the Old World
>How is Hittite pronounced anyways? he titty?
Since hittite is a modern name and we don't know what they really called themselves, i'd pronouce it hit-tite.(hit-tait)
Dogger land. Wow
Even the ancients experienced the butthurt autistic commie. wow!
maybe you should ask them
Robert Schoch seems to think it was large scale solar plasma outburst that caused the Younger Dryas.
The whole electric universe stuff can be a bit of a rabbit hole.
What's in the briefcase?
Solar powered cellphone.
idk how they wouldn't have encountered horses by the fucking 16th century. I'll ask Montezuma for you if i ever meet him
i want more info on this pic
The boss's dirty laundry...
>maybe you should ask them
That's a cop out. Face it Mick Wallaby, you don't know what the fuck you're taking about. Burden of proof is one you, asshat
How old are you? 15 did it take you 15 minutes to think of a witty response AFTER you had already replied to me? You don't know history and are making baseless assumptions about goddamn centaurs and the Aztecs. You are fucking retarded. I don't say this often, but you need to be shot and have your corpse cut into pieces and fed to the pigs
I remember watching a doco on Noah's flood and the evidence today that could support it, one such piece of evidence was the ruins of a stone cottage in the middle of the English Channel, they could make out the hearth and found tools near it
google is your friend burger. There is one account of a native mistaking one of them for a centaur
Horses and camels originated in America and crossed over into Asia.
in the upper part there are drawings of Orion
bottom part is autism
>gives primary source
Well tickle my asshole and call me Sally. I was expecting a legitimate site. Something with an .edu at the end. But oh well...
Also, don't ask me to "try google." Again, if you make a claim, YOU have to back it up. They probably haven't taught you that in Secondary School yet, but when you go to big boy school, it's a necessity
you should watch
Specifically the part about icebergs carrying boulders. Randall makes an interesting case for the geology of the whole thing
>cold-blood type
Does that mean they are ectotherms? Are they lizard horses?
let me just get Cortes' original letters for you... I open the first source from google, surprise surprise it's in there and thats not good enough for you because you're wrong. imagine my shock
warm blood horses -> spd + agi
cold blooded -> str big guys
"Not good enough for you because you're wrong."
Excellent defense of your thesis old boy! Great debate and falsifying my claim that horses were an Old World animals and the Aztecs could not relate them to an Ancient Greek mythological beast. You are an academic if I have ever met one. Bravo!
Graham Hancock will one day create a discourse that will lead mankind into seeking our true purpose of life
For you
dead chinks
Hit-ite to rhyme with right.
That looks like the idol "Dagon" that the philistines worshiped
I pronounce it: Hit tight
doing gods work user, good job redpilling the masses, the real red pill I might add
there's a few different cultures that are similar like that. In central America they had Quetzalcoatl/Kukulcan and in China there's a similar myth
Google Robert Schoch, John Anthony West, etc.
The theory is that the Younger Dryas was not caused by a cometary body but from a colossal solar CME which hit Earth, full on.
This burst melted northern ice caps which were up to 2km thick, virtually instantaneously. This caused the mother of all floods which wiped away an earlier true Earth civilization and most of the evidence associated with this civilization.
Part of the effects of this burst was long lasting electrical discharges in the upper atmosphere which caused these plasma patterns which were then recorded by the survivors of this cataclysm. Naturally, the survivors' receded into a new cave man age of intellectual deficiency.
This is the real reason why nearly every primitive civilization has a flood myth and also the reason these petraglyphs are found scattered all over the planet.
The bag is where they kept their DMT/Ayuasca stash. It opened the middle eye of the recipient and they could see everything.
They called themselves the Hatti. Pronounced Ha*Tee
Please remember studies refuting the comet impact still sited by many are older than the most recent evidence suggesting it. There is an overwhelming bias in establishment science to avoid "cataclysm events" resulting in major environmental changes because it contradicts their climate models and undermines the authority of the state.
Yeah, the last time it changed this fast was when Siberia blew up. Imagine a volcanic eruption big enough to cover America.