What are you autistic fucks giving to the one woman who will ever love you mostly unconditionally?
Sup Forums mothers day
I sent her a very nice text and will probably call her later.
Mother's Day was ages ago.
my mums being a bitch recently so i ignored her today. i feel bad but im also stubborn. maybe i should just get over it and buy her something though i dont know...
Yeah a year ago today bong
I bought mine flowers and a bottle of port
I'll lit a candle on her grave, clean it a bit and say a prayer. Holy fuck I miss her so much
Corporate holiday. Do not observe. Do not buy.
Oh shit...im going to drive to my mother right now..thanks croat bro
Nothing, my mom made believe she never gave birth to me. She's a crazy cunt anyway. So nothing of value was lost.
This holiday should slide until at least 2040.
By then almost all parents will be single mothers and we can scrap it
I love u mom
Did a post on facebook.
You should 100% go see her and give her a hug
A nice fragrance and I am going to make her dinner.
Being stubborn nets you nothing, you will live with regret. Go to her with a gift and tell her you want to work things out.
Mother's day was like 10 days ago and it has religious meaning here, something to do with the Virgin Mary or something.
Did you do it like a chick and have a bunch of pics with you in the foreground and some long heart-tugging anecdote so everyone knows it's really about you?
Mom died in childbirth when i was 12.
Would happily trade all my red pills to speak with her again.
Traditional woman. had 6 kids, adopted 4. Homeschooled them all.
I know she would hate what i've become, but... ah hell. I dont know what to think of anything else.
If I could speak with her I would know. And that's what hurts the most.
My mother told me I am just like my father, who is a drunk gambler domestic violence unemployed leaf on the wind, and that i will never be happy
>I'm the exact opposite, but she like any woman will take any opportunity to undercut a man when he's down.
We celebrate it on the first Sunday of May. Bought her some very fancy chocolates. Flowers do not have any functionality, gifting alcohol would have been too cringey and she is in a very good shape so some chocolate won't do her any harm.
Unlike the communist cancer that is international women's day this celebrates real women who are doing their most important duty, so stop acting like a kike.
my mother never loved me, she was an incredibly selfish, mentally ill human being
didn't get her anything, haven't spoken in years and i don't know where she lives
I was homeschooled by my mother, can't imagine.
I will take a moment of silence for her memory
lmao go back to servicing your children's futures like you're fucking built to, ladies
A couple long island ice teas and some flowers.
Just posted a pic (pic related) and said miss you.
I think mothers/fathers day and valentine's day is a crock of shit.
Im a dude. Whats wrong? Your mother didnt love you? Cmon, share with us.
not here today
forgot to buy
still love her tho
Luckily my mother is wealthy, so the port is more of a gesture to save for the next time there's a family gathering.
You must not buy asthetic flowers, existing in a conspicuous place is the functionality.
Chocolate is a good choice
I actually have respect for my gender-queer friend raised by two pederasts so to avoid triggering Xim I will not be even speaking to her today.
Driving about 45 min to see her, will bring flowers and a card. My father bought some NY strip for steak and eggs. I'll hang out for a few hours.
My mom's been dead ten years.
Killed by an illegal spic during a robbery.
My moms also a whore. She left my dad to be with some guy she met on WoW. She told me many times I ruined her life and she should've aborted me. It's ok cause karmas a bitch and her bf is beating her.
I haven't spoken to my mum since we had an argument 3 weeks ago, so I didn't call her for mothers day, am I an arsehole?
called my mum so she could see her grandson for the first time in months
wife got nothing because we're taking her out for breakfast tomorrow when things are less busy
My Mom doesn't love me at all in any sort of caring and motherly way and only thinks of me as my Dad's son. I've lived 1700 miles from her for 14 years and she never tries to keep in touch. She has her own preferred family and takes care of my bastard-making whore sister.
My wife is gonna get a Happy Mothers Day homemade card from me and my son but that's all this year.
Very nice.
Remember anons, what makes mother's day important is that very young women can see the happiness and fulfillment that throwing away feminism would bring.
Lol @ all the fags with serious mommy issues, no wonder you guys are neonazi skinheads, mommy never loved y'all HAHAHA
At least me don't have daddy issues. Our fathers were in our lives. Unlike yours.
Scanned a bunch of old pics and bought a digital picture frame. Hope she'll love it.
International women's day is pointless.
Pretty sure it's celebrated at different times.