How can Vegans claim that their meme diets are natural when there are no vitamins B12 and D in plants?
How can Vegans claim that their meme diets are natural when there are no vitamins B12 and D in plants?
Mental retardation from lack of those nutrients and others
The fossil record kinda shits all over the idea of veganism anyway. More meat for me
Should people be free to hurt themselves when it costs everyone else money?
meat doesn't have b12 in it either you kike shill
vitamin D is synthesized by the body from cholesterol and sunlight
Lack of vitamin d in plant food is why white people are white to begin with unlike eskimos.
B12 is not really produced by animals but by microbacteria in their guts and accumulated in the liver. You'll also find in on (not in) plants.
We substitute all kinds of stuff in nutrition, so I don't see how that is a problem with B12.
Then again I don't understand why both vegans and meat eaters always go for the extremes.
Consider buying less more quality meat from a local butcher which you can trust.
I'm a vegan who doesn't claim it's natural.
Pretty sure vitamin D comes from the sun and I get B12 from red bull and unwashed vegetables
queue the downvotes
Don't let vegans fool you, most of them eat candy all day long to keep their sickly bodies going. The fat ones supplement it with giant tubs of greek yogurt and other "healthy foods". Mentally ill people, no surprise that they're all leftists.
Good luck getting cholesterol on a no meat diet
Why do meat eaters insist on being even more cancerous than non meat eaters?
>zomg its good for ya mmmmmm meat fuck the colon cancer
My gf is a vegetarian, and I find all sorts of meat including completely raw delightful.
We still get along just fine, she just doesn't cook meat.
Greek yoghurt isn't vegan. It contains bacteria. Vegans are ok with eating bacteria?
Fun fact:
Slice mushrooms and leave in sun. They now contain vitamin D.
Bacterias are prokaryotic.
It's as stupid as eating meat every day.
Mushroom cells are very similar to animal cells. Vegans eat mushrooms?
Are they not alive?
>red bull
>unwashed vegetables
So you're like the most unhealthy person on the planet?
Vegans don't eat meat only because it hurts dem feelings
Shrooms don't feel anything, so no one will cry for their death
Vegans are mentally fragile babies.
Plants are alive too you dumb fuck.
Were you forced to beg instead of attending biology lessons in elementary or something?
What the fuck are you even doing you fucking savage?
Have you just cooked a fucking heart and straight up dipped it in greek yoghurt?
Do you think this looks appetising?
Heart is delicious but your pictures are disgusting.
Plants are alive and can feel when they are attacked.
In some way plants are conscious, so we must stop exploiting and eating them
damn now i'm sorry i got half a kilo of mined beef instead of some nice pork livers
>Shrooms don't feel anything, so no one will cry for their death
Insects don't feel pain.
>eating genetically altered hormone manipulated chimeras
nice try kike
How do you know?
I want them to fucking hurry up and mass produce insects for fuck sake.
Some of them are incredibly high in protein and once farmed would be absolutely fucking dirt cheap.
Vegans are insect hating crybabies, even if they felt pain they would still kill them.
Have fun with eating Mexican poo (they dont poo in loo all the time) and other fun diseases
Vegans can only exist today because we managed to find a way to synthesize B12 in a laboratory without involvement of animal products. That's it. They're completely a fabrication of modern science and they'll all die the moment society gets too poor or stupid to continue cranking out the multivitamins they need to stay alive.
They don't have pain receptors and their nervous system isn't quite the same as those of animals that feel pain.
Btw fishes don't feel pain either, it's never been proven they feel anything.
Sunflower seed/peanut is top tier food.
The real question is, how can vegans justify eating almonds when bees are abused so badly to produce them?
The real questions:
How can Vegans claim that their meme diets are natural when babies and children on it end up all retarded and crippled up, if not dead?
How can Vegans claim that their meme diets are natural when any half-decent doctor will tell a pregnant woman to eat a well balanced diet with animal products or at least take a gorillion supplements?
/bant/ is just a way to reduce shitposting on Sup Forums so that genuine shills have more impact you fucking jewish cunt.
b12 is added to animal feed
(now everyone will claim they're the 0.0002% that only eat superultragiganatural meat....yeah sure)
d is produced with the help of sunlight
it would be stupid to have a worse diet with animal products because of a non-problem instead of a better diet and eat a lozenge once in a while (how terrible!!!!!!!)
I have a vegan friend and he can't kill a fly.
What the fuck are those? Retard Polish strawberries?
At least one of my point has been proven : they are mentally fragile crybabies.
Insects don't feel pain and their only use (for flies at least) is to eat dead bodies/plants.
Damn your tastebuds must be total shit if you eat it like that.
Why do Vegans always castrate their animals?
Killing them is not ok, but depriving them of one of their most obvious life-plans (reproduction) and basically changing all of their life, inducting depression and a sedentary life is totally fine?
Hey Im not going to let you have the joy of bringing children into this world, I'm going to lock you within these walls, but at least im not going to eat you!
Veganism is a hoax. Medically, its important that meat is not eaten in a great ratio than vegetables and fruits, but to cut it out of your diet completely is insane. Humans need a diverse diet in order to survive and maintain health. Anyone who argues otherwise is full of it.
They don't have any nociceptors. Their reaction to stimuli is an automatic, unconscious reaction. Their brains are too small and simple to make them more than mindless automata.
Looks delicious.
Shitloads of calories though.
100g Sunflower Seeds is well over 500 kcal and only 21g protein.
Peanuts are the same but with 26g of protein.
Sphenarium purpurascens (chapulines – Mexico) have 35 - 48g of protein per 100g. That's insane.
If you want calories, fucking green weaver ants have over 1200 kcal per 100g.
mohammed :
>>vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.
go shove a dildo up your ass
>(now everyone will claim they're the 0.0002% that only eat superultragiganatural meat....yeah sure)
fucking urban kraut get out of your commieblock, go to a farm, you'll see that B12 is not added to animal feed (except in industrial farms)
They have even learned tgat plants, when cut "scream". Pretty brutal lol.
majoity of meat comes from industial farms, what an idiot...
>over 1200 kcal per 100g
Margarine/butter is 700, I call it hax.
letting them have children and eating them is better?
also most are against breeding, only those that aren't are hypocrites.
Ask another scientist and receive different answer.
interesting, i always thought of mushrooms as the meat of the veggie world
I dont think vegans care about bacteria but a cow gets raped to make the yoghurt
>Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle
>vegan diets
wtf ?
>vegan is great if you take pills on the side. Please buy them
>implying that vegan diets are bad
>implying that full meat diets are bad
>implying that balanced diets are bad
you do realize they pretty much all work and serve different purposes?
try going on a vegan diet, for some people, meat makes them sluggish, but it's required if they do physical work, other
way around for others. grow up, there is no "ideal" diet, just as you consume coffee for it's effects, you consume
different food for different effects.
Go to a market then lazy fag
>>American Dietetic Association
can you even read?
The entire American Association of Dietetics argues against the stupid shit you say and the biggest, peer-reviewed study on the health effects on vegan diets shows with undeniable evidence how it's superior in every aspect to the other dietary groups (even compared to very health conscious meat-eaters, the differences were still MASSIVE)
The original paper was also peer-reviewed and is part of the overwhelming amount of known evidence of the superiority of the diet
how can you claim eating meat is natural if you are forced to cook it because you do not possess a digestive system adequate to handle it?
i don't care if people fuck themself up, but i am REALLY FUCKING ANGRY when vegans start to force that on their children
they are harming their children because they feel like they are above nature, fucking hell
Give me a break man, what a childish mentality. I'm not vegetarian yet, but I reconize how fucked up and cruel the meat industry is.
that is socialism in a nutshell user, genelets tripping over their own shoelaces and the taxpayer foots the bill
>eating meat to get b12
>dying of cancer and coronary heart disease
Logic is strong with you OP
Chicken hearts are the best.
veganism turns you into a commie retard
>>that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets
don't misrepresent what is there you french cunt...
Same people that said "fat is bad, sugar is good" in the 50's ?
>Appeals to nature
How can Sup Forumstards claim that their meme websites are natural when there are no internet websites and memes in plants?
Go back to your legos please I can give you tons of news articles talking about babies dying of their forced vegan diet.
A whole lot of things only exist because of modern technology, Varg. Doesn't mean we should neglect them
This is the answer I always get. And this is when I can tell them how if certain animals didn't have alimentary utility they would not exist.
If we're into utilitarian, what is better hypothesis, I'd say that existing is better than not existing.
rice and sugar diet does work as a cleansing
Ketogensis is the only natural diet.
But then it means veganism is absolutely not natural or the way humans should be eating.
why do you always post pictures of your dinner on pol?
I'm a bit skeptical myself, it seems too insane.
But no one would ever have trouble getting enough protein or bulking again.
and how many kids die on omni diets? are you telling me there are no cases where parents are omni and a kid dies?
it happens on both sides, don't be an idiot...
kids on omni diet don't die exclusively because of their diet.
Are you even trying? If we didn't overwash our food no one would have this retarded excuse of lacking b12
And you'll die of heart disease anyway, saying you're eating meat to get b12 is like trying to lose weight by starting shoot heroin
We humans are capable if going far beyond what is "natural". Why limit ourselves?
>> Vegans can only exist today because we managed to find a way to synthesize B12
True, but still I can't see a reason why that is a problem to commit to not eating meat by choice. Mass production of animal products now heavily relies on antibiotics and supplements.
I'm not saying we should all go vegan. It's just that 'muh B12' is a cheap shot and stupid response against it with the supplements available today.
The American Dietetic Association is the leading authority in term of nutrition, and the largest association on earth
Find another excuse you dipshit
>How can Sup Forumstards claim
>responding to no one
the definition of straw man argument
>they'll all die the moment society gets too poor or stupid to continue cranking out the multivitamins they need to stay alive.
Or they'll start eating meat again if they have to, they're vegan because in first world countries we have the luxury to be, you're a retard if you think vegans would actually die instead of changing their diets when they need to
yeah sure, never at all, what a fuking retard, i bet you voted for macron 2
you are limiting yourself by limiting your diet, duh
>implying a completely moderated diet isn't god-tier
We actually can eat raw meat
we cook it because it kills bacterias and it's easier to digest it this way.
Then why are Americans so fat?
There's an ideal diet, as peer-reviewed research on the adventists population showed.
There's also countless other studies (many of which peer-reviewed, the work of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn in primis) and an official alarm from WHO who states meat is a type-2 carcinogen
There is a whole lot of emotion in this thread.
>Leftist like vegans so I should hate them.
No. This is entirely false. You should not eat a lot of meat but cutting out of your diet entirely is UNHEALTHY. Those who live longest in the world are those in small villages, and I guarantee you they are not vegan. The problem with meat is not the meat itself, it is what we feed to the meat. (Chemicals.) I've never met anyone who looked healthier while cutting out a major source of fiber and protein out of their diet. (And fat.)
Believe it or not, carbs alone are not enough.
What's the point between voting Macron and saying veganism is retarded ?
Please enlighten me.
Also I voted Le Pen you socialist shithole
false, christian adventist, in california i think, live the longest and they eat entirely vegan diet...
go lie somewhere else you burger...