Why is Sup Forums against?

Why is Sup Forums against?
>gun ban
>universal healthcare
>government funded high education

America is shit compared to many European countries.Why do you vote in interest of billionaires,and against your own interest?

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bc in this country you can aspire to have a fortune. and taxation is the enemy of fortune building.

fucking communist

censor laws are the same in Croatia as in Japan?

Because those things are for faggy third-world cuck countries.

A country that outlaws defending yourself and your property while there are wild animals all over the place isnt a country, its a giant colloseum where the protected elite kick back and watch with mild amusement as hard working tax payers are routinely raped, killed, and robbed for fun by the local beasts.

No,but on Sup Forums they are.
>there are no rich people in Europe
conside suicide
violent crime is much lower in virtually every European country than in US

Nu males should be banned from living.

Shut up nigger
this better be bate
not even continentals are this retarded

>violent crime is much lower in virtually every European country than in US
Fewer niggers and mexicans

>Why is Sup Forums against?
>>gun ban
Hi /k/ here, because SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

>not American
>telling American guns r bad n shieeet
If you said this in real life I would beat you to death

>gun ban

Genius, let's isolate weapon ownership to criminals and government lackies

>universal healthcare

wouldn't be entirely opposed in a homogeneous society, but I don't want to pay for a niggers gunshot wounds and salt sensitivity

>government funded higher education

higher education isn't for everyone. In fact I would say it's not for most. putting dumb people into college doesn't make them smart, it just lowers the standard and ruins it for people who would be theoretically suited for higher education. We shouldn't take exorbitant amounts of money out of the economy to pay for adolescent daycare and playtime.

I dont speak for Sup Forums but im against all those things for the same reason, they dont work.

because we have freedom. you do not.

>violent crime is much lower in virtually every European country than in US

Probably because you have fewer niggers and Central/South American shit skins.

Look at places like Brazil, Belize, Ecuador, etc. Guns are virtually banned yet have the highest homicide rates in the world.

Also, you Croats make fine guns I must say.

>universal healthcare meme
yeah that's why all the best hospitals and low wait times are in the us

In short OP - the answer is niggers.
>gun ban
Only niggers will have guns then - nope
>universal healthcare
I don't want to pay for niggers shooting each other constantly, eating nothing but grape drank and fried chicken, and shitting out 12 niglets.
>government funded high education
This just means more niggers in college, where they'll ruin it like they ruin every public school they're involved in.

>Gun ban
What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED does your cuck mind not understand?
>Universal healthcare
Why would I want to pay way more in taxes for crappier service that I have to wait longer for?
>Government funded higher education
Because that devalues the college degree so people now have to go to school even longer for a Masters degree to maintain a competitive edge.

Yeah we know violent crime is lower in european countries but that is because of their relative homogeneity and small size.

The fact that we are a fucking huge country full of niggers and millions of illegal immigrants is why we can't have a gun ban, universal healthcare, or government funded higher education. It's great that European countries have this, but the reason we don't too is because it would be utterly unsustainable given the makeup of our population.

White america has a crime rate close to finlands. Its the spics and niggers skewing everything. Like i said, the wild animals.

You wouldnt go on a safari without a weapon, would you?

sexy susi?, good taste my man

>Gun ban
I don't want to cede my ability to defend myself, nor surrender the ability of the American public to revolt against a hypothetical tyrannical Government, as our founders intended.

America's "gun problem" is a red herring. Break down gun violence stats by ethnicity, and you'll start to realize that despite hyperbolic rhetoric regard the occasional tragedy of school shootings, our supposed "gun problem" has more to do with demographics.

>universal healthcare
>government funded higher education
I support both of these things, though.

>gun ban
Because an armed populace is a deterrent
>universal healthcare
I'm not. No matter what, we pay for it in the end if people can't afford care. Emergency care is far more costly than preventative care, so it's more fiscally conservative to support universal healthcare once you dig your own head out of your ass.
>government funded high education
I have no problem with it so long as we're not importing shitskins and giving it away to illegals.

Because we don't live in ethnostates.

I'm sure you would
stats don't lie,countries without guns have much lower violent crime than countries with guns
>but I don't want to pay for a niggers gunshot wounds and salt sensitivity
ehh I can understand that
>higher education isn't for everyone.
why do you think that everyone would go to college if it was free?
Do you realize that there are grade requirements,and testing that is done to enter college?

Protection against tyranny
Too many niggers benefit, only in favour in a homogeneous nation
Over saturation, not everyone needs a degree, we need people to do low skill jobs just as much as high skill jobs.

why do you need funded higher education.
I got through school working full time and highering engineering tutors.
Are you a pussy ?

If the cops need guns then I need guns.
I'm okay with government funded health and education but how the population uses those things needs to change for them to work well.

please consider suicide
>Probably because you have fewer niggers
>Look at places like Brazil, Belize, Ecuador,etc..
I wouldn't mention those,they're hardly functioning countries.Law is not enforced as it should.
>Also, you Croats make fine guns I must say.
That's nice to hear.
I actually agree with everything you said.
One of the best!

Because gun bans are for sheep. Nice controllable sheep. Sheep that don't care about being dinner.

Fuck off, Knockoff Aquafresh.

america is an artificial non-country with zero sense of communality on national level. give burgers a few decades to break up further into smaller factions and they'll start thinking for their common good.

Cause i am a millionaire and if it suits bills it suits mills...

Fuck you.

>I wouldn't mention those,they're hardly functioning countries.Law is not enforced as it should.
None so blind as those who do not want to see.

>stats don't lie

Indeed, homogeneous countries with fewer non whites have lower crime

>Why do you think that everyone would go to college if it was free?

Easy, you don't have to work, you don't need to pay for it, you get to be a degenerate for four years and delay becoming an adult

>Do you realize that there are grade requirements and testing that is done to enter college

Yes, and as we can already see when college isn't even free, the extremely high influx of people in universities has lowered the standards. The universities have a vested interest in allowing more people because they would receive more subsidies and profit

Ideally the standards would be much higher, but it's partially a cultural thing. A drone who can get good grades in high school by parroting what their told and doing their grunt work isn't necessarily an intellectual who's suited for college. That's particularly regarding the humanities though, someone with very good scores in science and math is okay for STEM. But humanities are my primary concern, our college humanities are over saturated with "intelligent morons", that is people smart enough to do work, but lack the will or capacity to be self critical of their perspectives. Perfect recipe for ideologues.

So I suppose if the culture changed I wouldn't be entirely opposed to subsidized education, for those who are well suited for it. It's just a difficult thing to measure (who is suited), and I'm quite cynical I suppose.

Because we don't deny reality. Take it to Sup Forums, masturbator.

>Yeah we know violent crime is lower in european countries
not for long senpai

And look what it got those countries. Every single one will be a caliphate by 2100 because soft culture breeds weak people.

>Gun ban: Makes no sense
>Makes no sense either, you are responsible for yourself, not us
>Will make degrees worthless

Any other stupid question?

>please consider suicide
>what is an argument

>Easy, you don't have to work, you don't need to pay for it, you get to be a degenerate for four years and delay becoming an adult
In Croatia uni is free(in fact we have far better system in my opinion,first year is free and if you're a good student,next year is free and so on),and many people don't go to uni for lots of reasons.Same in Germany,and everywhere else.
>The universities have a vested interest in allowing more people because they would receive more subsidies and profit
Not true.This is actually more true for private unis.
Croatian universities,or European for that matter,are no less good than American.
I would argue that they're better if anything.

>Countries without guns

Yeah, if you implement strict gun laws before bad guys have guns, it works well. But in the U.S. we have more guns than people (300 million+), and the government doesn't know where any of them are.

Who's the girl in the OP and what does her taint look like?

>gun ban
Hobby I enjoy. Would be a little upset to find out I have to throw away tens of thousands of dollars for no reason.
>universal healthcare
Not against in theory but I do not want to pay increased taxes so the morbidly obese can continue their hedonistic lifestyles at the cost of everyone else.
>government funded high education
A slight grant would be fine, but there's already tons of ways to get free/reduced college as is that you'd be retarded to take large amounts of student loans. Sports, scholarships, grants, GI Bill, parents who love you, etc.

just wanted to say i appreciate that the image is censored.

im eating cereal and would prefer not vomiting looking at those bloated, cum-soaked roastie flaps.


Her cunt is perfect though.

it's Sexy Susi some polish whore who does gangbang and bukkake porn in Germany

The censored image alone is disgusting.

Doesn't our lovely 13% or so of the population skew the numbers a bit? IIRC without that segment of the population we're about on par with every other 1st world nation. It has nothing to do with gun laws but niggers.

Stop replying to that kind of shit already you fucking retards

You wish xD German women are the biggest porn sloots in Europe, maybe beaten only by Czechs

>>government funded high education
We are a stunning example of why that's a bad thing

she barely speaks german

because we want to be cavemen again.
what newfags and libs don't understand is that we voted for trump not because "his policies are good", but because we know that they'll kill us all and that's what we want.

we want to go back to the cavemen era. we want to rebuild civilization.

we want another try.

>gun ban
see pic related
>universal healthcare
a form of social control. allopathic medicine is trash. look up john rose and his views on jews and health.
>government funded education
i don't endorse communist conformist indoctrination.

forgot pic.

if you believe government should exist at all besides protecting the natural law rights of its citizens you should be dropped from a helicopter. kill yourself social engineer piece of garbage.


Yeah I don't think so. I'll take the brain surgeon who went to Harvard, not the guy who went to glorious free college of former ussr

>I'll take the brain surgeon who went to Harvard
Don't kid yourself,you can't afford him.
Also,again,stats don't lie.
Many more people die in USA because they lack healthcare than for example,in Canada where they have unversal hc.

K, I guess this one is. Though she doesn't look very Polish. Must have German slut genes.

What are you talking about satan Ecuador has a low violent crime rating, you retards stop looking at a map and just picking countries at random to shitpost about.

>violent crime is much lower in virtually every European country than in US
Because you have less niggers and spics.

you people should be first for gassing

>Gun ban
Countries that have gun bans have effectively done nothing to curb violent assaults. Ban guns, knife assaults go up. Ban knives, brute force assaults go up. Guns are not the issue at hand but liberals are incapable of admitting that humans have base flaws. Look at any statistic, which group has the most violent gun crimes per owner? It isn't whites, truthfully it's not even the spics yet, it's the niggers.

>Universal healthcare
Why should I have to pay for your fat ass to get liposuction? It is not free as you so readily claim, it gets added as another tax. Maybe you're fine with paying for boogie to eat mayo all day and kill his heart and fixing it out of your wallet but I'm not.

>Government funded higher education
That would mean the gov't sets the curriculum and classes and such. And again, this isn't gov't funded, this is tax funded. I'm not paying for Nigger Johnson to put his 7 nigspawn through college so they can graduate and leech off my taxes with womyn's studies and social sciences.

Tell me Croat, when you voted in Merkel or Macron, were you voting for the best interest of your Europe? No you voted for cultural enrichment and your kids being forever traumatized by religion of peace branded box trucks and buses. Anotehr question, Croat: Why are all of the shills today using Croat IPs?

Sage goes in all fields people.

>Gun ban

You're not getting my guns. It doesn't matter what law you and your communist friends pass.

Be more like Europeans, you know the bankrupt countries.

>gun ban
puts more dependence on the state to """"protect"""" the public, which the police are not actually sanctioned to do—strips agency from the people

>universal healthcare
the government is too incestuous, at the moment, with the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry—they will dramatically increase prices, once these items and services are subsidized. There are also no substantial inititives to keep the public healthy, so tax payers will (and are,) literally paying for other peoples shit-tier lifestyle choices

>government funded high education
Yeah, I totally want the future to get saturated with McDiplomas™, too! Kids should also waste 2-4 more years of their life getting a masters degree as well, just to reach the same level as a bachelors right now. Makes a lot of sense.

cosmetic surgeries are not covered.
>I'm not paying for Nigger Johnson
>when you voted in Merkel or Macron,
never voted for them
>Why are all of the shills today using Croat IPs?
I have no idea,all I know is that i'm not a shill.

>muh liberal dogma constitutes reality
>muh molymeme

Europeans are idiots. They don't have nearly as many minorities as us. They're idea of "diversity" is other Europeans. Now that blacks and muslims are taking over (and in some cases bringing or finding guns) they're starting to have problems that America has had for a while. Also you don't border Mexico, which is a total shitshow in some parts.

Universal healthcare I kinda understand but again, blacks and Mexicans take advantage of it. They've already been taking advantage of it though, long before Obamacare so I see why we might as well have it. Also I've heard Australia had a better healthcare system than Obamacare, which is kinda retarded in its own right.

We used to have free higher education in some parts. Also the federal government does fund a lot of higher education, but the administrators siphon the money into their pockets or football coaches pockets. We have fincancial aid but if you're white or Asian and middle class/lower class, good luck getting accepted and getting aid. Education revolves around filling the schools with niggers and getting government money at white/Asian taxpayers expense.

Lipo borders a line between life saving and cosmetic.
lolno colleges are effected by affirmitve action here. They'll take nigger johnson over a well qualified white kid.
Yet your fellow Europeans did and that's the standard you're holding us to.
>America is shit compared to many European countries.
>Why do you vote in interest of billionaires,and against your own interest?
>I'm not shilling guys.

liberal dogma? i'm discussing the immutable, fixed, and binding cosmic laws that bind us by blood and neocortex to experiencing consequences to behaviors. are you denying causality exists? science doesn't exist? 2+2=5?

That's a commie meme. If you go to a hospital they will treat you. They have to, by law in fact.

>America is shit compared to many European countries.
But it is.
It's obviously better to be born in Norway or Denmark than US.


Is it really though? Last I checked we didn't have box trucks careening through open markets or buses running over people outside the white House. Yes our public education is lacking but is still within reason compared to Europe whose literacy rates are going to be plummeting from your mass import of enriching refugee males. As for voting for the rich, our system is set so the rich have the best and easiest chance at running. Farmer Joe can't get noticed on a national level because he can't afford the (((media))) attention or advertising. The rich also have the power to pay off gov't officials. I hold no love for my gov't but I'll not say that my nation is any worse than anything in Europe.


Why do you bring up refugees,we're obviously talking about healthcare.
>I'll not say that my nation is any worse than anything in Europe.
well you can or you don't have to,but it's true.

Have to agree here. Our colleges are festering cesspools for liberals to hang out and push their agenda without reprisal. None of their studies are peer reviewed by unbiased parties anymore. If you don't believe me, take a quick look at Berkeley. A decade ago their studies were almost creme of the crop for a high school research paper. Now they're little better than Wikipedia.

>gun ban
I am for strict gun laws, idiots shouldn't be able to get guns. It should be like driving license, you have to pass a test, to get it with different test for different categories, having to renew it periodically and committing violent crimes getting it revoked. You have to provide adequate storage for both the weapons and ammo, which is certified once. If you want to use them at home, your place has to be surveyed for compatibility.
>universal healthcare
I believe only people who are in education or employed should receive healthcare, a lot of diseases can be caught during pregnancy, so if your doctor tells you your kid will be a retard and you still want to keep it then no welfare for you. Also for people with terminal diseases euthanasia should be strongly suggested, not forced, but they need to understand that they are a drag on resources.
>government funded high education
I am for it. Universities should be open for anyone, but getting any kind of certificate should not be free, though it is currently ridiculously expensive for a useless piece of paper.

I need a gun in case John Oliver comes at me in a dark alley and I don't have time to fuck him calm.

Ham goblins deserve to die of heart disease

Education makes stupid people miserable and makes smart people stupid.

afro-muricans get into university for writing "blm" on a piece of paper 1000 times. they apparently don't know about entrance exams or are to lazy too organize them. or maybe they just want loads of shitty students for gibs. around here the entry rate for university is about 15 - 20 % of all applicants through exams. only in natural sciences you get in with a qualified enough diploma.

yep, cool pseudo-religion you got going on over there. i'm not saying it can't be helpful for an individual though. all religions can be.

As box trucks and buses kill and injure more, as Ahmad and Khaleed enrich your women, do you think will continue to happily pay more and more healthcare associated tax because the NHS is being used more and more for increasingly more injuries caused by brute force violence? Yes, your healthcare has worked reasonably well in the past, but do you believe that importing savages will allow to keep working effectively? Your refugess don't even pay into the system that would give them healthcare. Yes, we are obviously talking about healthcare and how yours is purportedly better than the US's but will it remain that way after you add how many tens if not hundreds of thousands leeches to it? And are we obviously talking about healthcare? You zeroed in on healthcare from my first post while ignoring the rest of my points. Like it or not, the rapefugees can be tied to any argument.