monarchy poll
Monarchy poll
Monarchy is the ultimate redpill
can i get a quick rundown on monarchism
better for larger populations.
No thanks i dont want to be literal slave for some inbred monarch.
What if he's a leader on the level of Augustus?
Its still slavery. Im not a cuckold like you people.
She's a cuckquean. Fuck her.
>5' 4" turbomanlet
Yeah it is totally a good idea to be ran by a dictator who is chossen by bloodline not merit. At least in a republic the people getting ruled over can choose who they want to get fucked over by.
Yeah, modern nutrition and what not...
So the Roman Republic was a better alternative to the early Roman Empire? Even with a population of that size?
>Yeah, modern nutrition and what not...
>mul malnutrition
the romans were short, it's nothing to do with them being malnourished
I made a thread about this check it here:
You should probably familiarise yourself with basic anthropology or at the very least look at the height requirements of some of Rome's most elite troops. The triarii had a requirement of something like 5'6".
Every civilisation in Antiquity, not limited to the Romans, were a lot shorter than modern standards.
Because of modern nutrition, I should add. Otherwise that entire point is rather mundane.
Who gives a shit if the monarch is short if he's a great king? Seriously you all are like women. "I only like tall guys".
>INB4 manlet detected
you know what I'm saying is true
I was arguing the opposite. But 5'4 isn't even too bad by Roman standards t'was al.
first cohort had a requirement of 5' 7"
>Every civilisation in Antiquity, not limited to the Romans, were a lot shorter than modern standards.
yeah and it's nothing to do with malnutrition, the chinese and indians are short and they're not malnourished
they shit on him for being a turbomanlet all the time
5'5" was the average height for men, and 5'2" for women. 5'7" sounds about right for the military.
When did Augustus get shit on for his height? I've never heard it mentioned, albeit probably just me.
I can also scan Bello Gallico, Caesar suggests the average height of Legionairies in HIS time was only 5'4".
>5'7" sounds about right for the military.
first cohort, aka the elite
read lives of the twelve caesars
cicero used to shit on him for being a skinny nerd
>Caesar suggests the average height of Legionairies in HIS time was only 5'4".
first cohort was taller than the rest of the army
where are you getting 5' 4" from
From the book Caesar's Legion by Stephan Dando-Collin. He uses Bello Gallico as a source.
And I still stand by the reason for height differences being malnutrition. We see the same even between North Koreans and South Koreans with a 20cm height difference on average.
Also thanks I'll check out the 12 caesars. I'm surprised I missed it because I crack open that book almost every time a Nordic vs Med thread is made.
I didn't know there were so few countries with remaining monarchies
>He uses Bello Gallico as a source.
where in the gallic wars does it say 5' 4"
>And I still stand by the reason for height differences being malnutrition.
japan has an average height of 5' 7", not malnourished
>We see the same even between North Koreans and South Koreans with a 20cm height difference on average.
south koreans are tall for asians though, augustus himself was not malnourished, he had an equestrian upbringing
>Also thanks I'll check out the 12 caesars. I'm surprised I missed it because I crack open that book almost every time a Nordic vs Med thread is made.
better for every population?
My Liege,
I write to you with shocking news! Roger a Muirebe tried to have me assassinated to make sure I wouldn't discover his plot to Kill Roger a Muirebe.
Your humble spymaster,
Roger a Muirebe
most countries don't have cute princesses
Future mummy
>where in the gallic wars does it say 5' 4"
not sure, i was going to crack open an online version i can ctrl+f but quoting caesar's legion seemed a hell of a lot of easier.
>japan has an average height of 5' 7", not malnourished
tacitus claims iron age gauls were atleast 6ft but modern archaeological evidence shows between 5'7" and 5'9" was common for men which is taller than your average roman but still short by modern standards.
height can also be swayed by natural factors such as extreme altitude and local climates; agriculture and animal husbandry and urbanization. the last one is seen as detrimental to human nutrition in general.
What about for some """elected""" (((politician)))?
>tacitus claims iron age gauls were atleast 6ft but modern archaeological evidence shows between 5'7" and 5'9" was common for men which is taller than your average roman but still short by modern standards.
5' 9" is average height now, still a fuckton of plus 6 footers
>height can also be swayed by natural factors such as extreme altitude and local climates; agriculture and animal husbandry and urbanization. the last one is seen as detrimental to human nutrition in general.
you could just say high population cultures tend to be shorter
some places might be better of under a more oligarchical goverment. but in general i agree
anything thats oligarchical ironically seems to lead towards monarchism.
they're too cute for this world
Yes, aboslute monarchy with limited democracy and a strong nationalist king from the ethnic majority (Finnish, in my case) to unite the people under his iron will
Then cleanse degeneracy and deport (((problematic))) foreigners.
Foreigner is every non-Finn by dna. We Finns are our own race, and even though gypsies have lived here for centuries, they are not Finns
Remove köttbul and sl*vs
Yes I would sure prefer a monarchy to what we have now.
In additiom to this, the republic of Finland is an illegimate pretender of te lands of the Grand Duchy of Finland. A republic, let alone a democracy without estates like nobility or clerics cannot call itself a successor.
Lucky son of a bitch, you get to live in the best country on earth. Congrats.
Excuse me?
don't get butthurt, paki