Is he right? Is Jesus the only way to save the West?
The Christian Roots of White Nations
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Yes. Western values are inherently Christian values.
>digs up and calls out the tiniest Jew connection for people he doesn't like
>Trump has Jews in his family and praises Israel and he doesn't say anything
Always do the opposite of what...
That simply is not true. The only values of worth in Christianity were inspired by Plato and he was Pagan. Deal with it Christcuck.
Hello there! You seem to be posting on the wrong site, were you looking for r*ddit?
We need a return to stoicism.
Then why was the west the most based when Christianity lost focus during the Renaissance and Nationalism rose? I'm not saying Chrisitianity doesn't have a place, but medieval Europe was hardly paradise for the common man
He will be the only one to save humanity. But first the worst of the worst get offed by his dad.
Islam is satanism, so I think it starts with that. After that, the kikes. Same shit. Budhism... a CIA invention same as the Lama (to get to China). Not really another religion left. It all get back to the roots, and the roots are only one.
jew on a stick meme
Yes, Jesus is the Way.
...but Brother Nathaniel is... a bit flaky.
i lol'd.
I, too, would watch a live rapist lion tear you to shreds.
he's a subversive jew who is preying on the Christian side of the alt-right. Christianity was great for a long time but with globalism it would only lead to the death of our race. We need a new, race based religion. Mormonism isn't bad, but I fear they have decayed too fast. Perhaps the only real way is a new religion. I will wander into the desert to find one.
To the lions you go. Or maybe you'll be a slave.
Jesus is fiction created to quell the rebellious Jewish scum that worship their vain, retarded, possessive, good for nothing, racist genocidal piece of shit demon in Rome.
Stupid Christian cucks. Can't wait for all of you cucks to die and find out that you spent your entire life believing in nonsense.
Pray before a Eucharistic Adorition for a minute my friend, and see for yourself the power for which the eleven disciples (excluding John, though close) died to preach with no earthly reward in mind...
Yes he is. Yes he is.
All Atheists, Pagans, homosexuals, pedophiles, adulterers, rapists, and other immoral degenerates need not to pollute the West anymore with their backward thinking.
Have you ever read Aquinas or Augustine?
>It's teachings being perverted into meaning the opposite of what Christianity teaches justifies wiping it out.
Are you a retard who thinks we should get rid of instituational education for children growing up as well then?
>We need a new religion.
Yes, because screeching naked in the street and saying it's a ritual good for the white race will clearly get you taken more seriously.
the kikest looking motherfucker i ever saw you should get banned for posting that creature here sage
agree with him on the infighting. there's no movement without an inherent "faith". even if you are under a certain race and want to go against something, it won't be long before you'll fall apart. this is also how religion keeps together countries. there needs to be a "higher" cause, god serves that idea pretty well because he makes no sense and is above everything
TL:DR NO, who cares what Christian pedo fag has to say
The only way to save anyone is to reduce church to meme and Sunday family gathering. Everything else must be secular.
Shen dao (taoist) reconquesta when?
I think a move to the old Germanic/Norse gods would save Europe.
Europe is too secular and circlejerked to the individual rather than the country/village. Which is why they have given everything up for refugees and bleeding hearts instead of protecting their home.
I think the older gods will help spur population again through reproduction and the importance of children for war and society. Plus the pagan holidays have a lot of focus on sex.
I think you would have to blend it with science though so it doesn't seem too crazy. Like
I'd love to combine churches with gyms too. The temple of Odin also being a gym to ready the individual for war as a just in case. Be in peak shape for any type of battle.
If you're saying that about brother nathanael then you didnt check his channel out, he was the first one to call out jews behind trump and him working for israel, after that people on Sup Forums started talking about the same.
No, religion altogether should not have any important role in society. Believe in what you want, let's leave the leadership to educated and enlightened and not some morons who believe in fairy tales.
Wew boi. I didn't think the atheist meme were real
Rare? Is this one rare?
christianity is useful as a tool for controlling general population
and christianity emerged in middle east as a semitic religion so the title is fucking stupid
>Traditional Orthodox garb
Religion helps control the masses. The masses are rejecting the basis of Christianity, but their options are also shitty. A pagan based religion emphasizing science and individual improvement with an emphasis on family could take over.
>((((Brother Nathanael))))
>(((a fucking leaf)))
Trump's Jews, that work for him, by the way, not the other way around, are out in the open.
This kook is a crypto, who tries to pass himself off as a goy and spoof the ill informed.
Just look at him - the Orthodox Church already excommunicated him for misbehavior, yet he still cops their sacral vestments in an attempt to pawn himself off as goy approved, which is totally unethical and a complete scam.
Religion threads always inspire the 'smartest' posts. Here you go folks. I know you're not familiar -it's a cap and diploma.
Controlled opposition kike. White Europe not founded by pagan philosophers? Get fucked you kooky kike. Kiketianity was always a control mehchanism that left kikes free to exploit.
Not sure what you are insinuating
yeeees worship the hanging juuu dead body goyim
Why in the fucking world I can't watch this? Is this EU censorship?
no religion - > too much individualism - > why should i fight for the people around me if i dont even know them - > no country
Western civilization was founded by pagan Greeks, Romans and Germanics. Christians just adopted the same values we had for centuries and claimed they made them up in order to get their hands on society.
Wow, that's banned in Poland? I know it is in Germany but I figured Poland doesn't do this kind of stuff.
The good brother is doing God's work.
Christianity is actually one of the main reasons the west is in the position it is in.
You're either ignorant, or delusional if you can't see that.
>Christianity is actually one of the main reasons the west is in the position it is in.
It's the only reason.
>be Celt
>be Viking
>Be Cesar
>Jews scream about equality after robbing farms with crooked lending
>Rothschild threaten to destroy your economy
>CNN calls you all racists
>Jews? Never heard of them
>Muslims? Never heard of them
>Africans? Those wild animals who live with animals?
>Chinese? They make our best novelty swords
The only way. That's why Russia is so strong. Once you unhinge a society from its culture and religion, the queers and other degenerates take over and its all downhill from there. Just look at western europe. Nuff said.
Yes, Amen.
>That's why Russia is so strong
You mean IslamaRussiastan?
He IS a racial Jew.
American "education"
Mexican education lol?
Nietzsche strongly disagrees with you
Brother Nathaniel is 100% correct. Yuri Bezmenov also mentioned how the only way to prevent a full communist takeover is with Christianity.
White Evangelical Christians voted Trump at over 90%, the highest of all demographics.
Orthodoxy and Nestorianism are the only acceptable forms of christianity
>(((Brother Nathaniel)))
wow can't believe you believe this anti-semite
Greeks, romans and Christianity. German culture got deluted and destroyed by christianity.
Charlemagne wasn´t a "germanic" emperor, but a christian one with christian values.
Whoever they were, suebii, anglos, juts, visigoths, ostrogoths, franks, they all converted to christianity.
He's a kike masquerading as a Christian to shill kike-genda.