Gun nuts BTFO

>the police won't protect you, you need guns to protect yoursel--

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damn....where did this happen?
but......i'll still keep my guns. i put meat (deer meat helps with my food bills big time) on the table with it.

Brazil, where else

don't think those boys will be needing a doctor.

any more of these Brazilian based cop videos?

but if i had my own gun i probably could have taken them out with less damage to the shop

I wish our cops wore berets :(

>average 911 call response time is 10 minutes
>the police will protect you

pick 1

By the way, they survived, they gave them some water

Is bope still allowed to go around and kill the gangsters?

Yeah, and for every succesful response, how many shops are robbed? Yeah, thought so. Next time stay in your mud hut, nigger.

Also, sage this nigger thread.

yeah, one video is supposed to completely destroy an argument.

Note that Brazil is considered a fascist country by liberals, because the police do things like this.

bope was never allowed to kill people freely, that's complete and utter bs

In my city people have an on going harassment of the police over this. Average response time is over 20 minutes, muggings are way up but carrying weapons for self defense is illegal. Every day the staff sergeant has to deal with 10 or more people calling and haranguing the department over this.

So they're useless then huh? Might as well have LAPD police Brazil to solve your mess.

not even a knife?

Did the guy in white get paralysed?


knife is the stupidest fucking thing to carry around
good way to cut yourself instead of your attacker, and still catch a 10 year prison sentence

>As soon as you point a gun towards another human, police gets clear to STK

Wet dream

look up a youtube channel called Active Self Protection

50% of the videos come from Brazil


was she calling 911 before the robbers entered, or was it a patroling drill ?

Wow, one out of the million daily Brazilian bodega robberies got stopped.

The survivor of a knife fight dies in the ambulance. This is the only time where I will unironically say it's better to give everything to your mugger than to engage in a knife to knife fight.