Gen Z will be the most liberal yet

Conservatism will die in 10 years. Permanently!

>According to a recent survey, Generation Z is shaping up to be the most diverse generation when it comes to sexuality, with barely half of Gen Zers identifying as exclusively heterosexual (compared to 65 percent of Millennials). Also the overwhelming majority of Generation Z seems to question the fixed boundaries (or at least the implications) of one’s gender, with 81 percent agreeing that “gender doesn’t define a person as much as it used to.”
>As for the highly contested “bathroom bills” that have been popping up across the country, a whopping 70 percent of Gen Z support access to gender neutral bathrooms. Considering churches are suing state governments over new bathroom access legislation, it’s hard to imagine them catching up to the zeitgeist on issues like this anytime soon.
>Generation Z will also be the most racially and ethnically diverse generation in U.S. history: almost half of the population identifies as nonwhite. And, with the demographic shift in multiracial marriages, we can expect increasing numbers of them to identify with more than one race.

Other urls found in this thread:

>online study of twitter users in california reported

not sure this is the best source

If anything, it will be paused until the Muslims take over. Then you degenerate communists will see what a mistake you made.

Conservatism won't die.
Gen Z will just have different things that they will want to keep when they get older.

Go watch "The Candidate".
The left hasn't changed in dogma or tactics in 50+ years.
It has gotten them to where they are today.

Paraphrasing a famous Kenyan politician "Please proceed liberals."

>with barely half of Gen Zers identifying as exclusively heterosexual

Yeah this sounds like bullshit

>almost half of the population identifies as nonwhite.


>Minority White
Thanks for ruining my morning.

sounds awsome. I would love myself a multi racial polygamous cuckold relationship.

>durrrrr all people in a generation will behave the same way!
There will always be right-wingers and left-wingers

What are percentages

>Advocacy research
>Contradicts with every other study on GenZ

Keep denying reality and the fact that you are a dying breed

I'm calling bullshit. They're the most conservative since the 50s. Why, you might ask? The daily caller said it best, because in childhood they were exposed to raw news and political shitstorms, not "naïve Disney movies".

>be homosexual
>support liberals who want to export muslims that will kill you
not going to work you fucking idiot. gays with brains support trump and are conservative. also liberals are the thought police and kids hate thought police

Gen z here stop lying dude im in nyc brooklyn and so many kids here are either centrist or leaning right.

Gen Z will be least religious but most conservative and anti-SJW. Just watch.

of twitter users.

Is that farage?

This. Secular Conservatism is the ultimate red pill. Seeing the inherent value on conservative ideals instead of needing to be tricked into them by a book by threats of damnation is inherently superior.

Refraining from physical church doesn't mean you don't believe in religion.

>most racially and ethnically diverse generation in U.S. history

what exactly is the difference between race and ethnicity?
i thought ethnicity was just the new word for race, because of the words history..

Gen Z here
Anyone who says we aren't the most right wing isn't asking the right questins. Stop worrying, we are all right wing except for the few stray commies.
The survey is right about the not completely straight thing tho. Most of my generation likes trannies more than real women, Burnside why but it doesn't really matter because we will all have kids anyway.

Ethnicity is culture, race is biology. Many races have only only ethnicity but there are races have multiple ethnicity.

IE: Californian versus Mid Westerner.

Hahahaha no.

Here a girl drew a large poster of an aryan german soldier with swastikas and we hung it up in class. We also debate about how women shouldn't have been given votes.
We will rise globally and it will be glorious
t. Z

Most kids I see are far more centrist or libertarian than a few years ago. They aren't going to be more right or left wing, they just wanna be left alone, which makes sense as most these kids have been coddled by the school their whole lives and resent it, and to them, school=government. They also joke about identity politics a lot, and I think they all find it ridiculous, either side of the argument.
>Source: am high school government teacher


Keep it up, maybe you'll get spared in the next Balkan War, however doubtful it may be.

you're albozerg trash though, cant rise up if you're six feet under after the second reconquista

So in other words, they will be like us before we found Sup Forums. Just a bunch of people fed up with nowhere to go.

The internet will resurrect the dormant logos, and out of that we will see conservative and christian values emerge. Truth will prevail

They all circle jerk each other on Snapchat and all that, so I bet they may just create their own groups like this on other websites. However there are a couple kids I teach who I suspect post here, so some have found a place to go.

Literally every other source I've seen has said the complete opposite. Gen Z is shaping up to be the most conservative generation in almost a century.

hey finnish shill you already made this thread

I'm calling bullshit on this, sjw's are becoming "uncool", they have no cultural output other than what they steal, their idiology is moronic and with the current events in europe (all the terrorism), I see why the media want's to lie about their presious idiology.

They are confusing the fact that there are less white kids in comparison to the olden days. Problem is they clearly haven't gauged young white America on it's own, which is shaping up to be radically right wing.

>more than half gen z identify as non-hetero compared to previous gens
>i guess people aren't just born that away
>proof we should not let non-hetero ideologising in schools

>only 65% of millennials are straight
Bullshit, right there.

>not understand how threads continue on Sup Forums
Hey retard, lurk moar.

Fucking retard.
>not understanding how threads continue here
>Lurk moar faggo
>YOU have to GO BACK

Does our Generation even go to Church?

>'gender doesn’t define a person as much as it used to'
>Liberals literally throw hissy fits over people not referring to them by their selected gender

i loled at this jew

Oh look it's another episode of

>Liberals use News Media to pontificate their propaganda

It gets old, Liberals, it really does. Jews do it better than you.

You know, the funny thing is, I know you're playing me, but you're right.

t. GenZ Bernie into trump voter.
>inb4 Bernie bro
I was fighting Hillary Clinton the entire election. I wanted Donald on the republican side

wanna try a third time or do you not have a second phone

I peeked to the end of the book of relevation, God wins.

Checkmate atheists.

That picture makes me mad.

were not the same person, we both just understand how this community works. and obviously we use the same lingo. what we both said is pretty common terminology here that is always aimed at retarded newfags like you.

>Using Twitter to gage peoples opinions.
Thats like polling Tumblr on how many genders the world thinks there are
Or asking /pol what race is the best.

White makes right.


Young people here seemingly are good goys/cucks, but a libertarian/right-wing spark lingers in quite a few of them, they're too afraid to openly admit it though, since MUH NAZI GUILT.

I thought Gen Z was more conservative than millenials

Knowing the Fin, those are him as well.

Doesny matter when theyre all gay nazis. HIEL MILO



>buy my t shirts

So progressive, so tolerant.

>dying breed

Now that is comedy

>show a teen a picture of a really cute trap
>he gets aroused
>tell him it's got a penis and it means he's gay
>ask him if he's straight right after
You'd be surprised how much this happens.
They'll do anything to get people to say they're not "fully" straight.

The old white men demographic had the highest % of votes cast for Trump.
Those people were the hippie generation in their youth.

Kids today will come to their senses once they have responsibilities of their own, same as every other generation.

Kinsley is masturbating until he bleeds in his grave

biggest pile of shit i've ever heard

I'm 18, and every one i went to highschool with was right wing, except for the ugly girls, and the beta orbiters. There werent many gays, the only people that werent straight were attention seeking whores. I live in Missouri so that might make a difference compared to an 18 year olds experience in california.

Christ nu/pol/ is fucking retarded. Its called hive mind faggot. You'd understand if you weren't fresh off the upboat from reddit.

>only Muslim country fully in Europe loves Hitler
Not that surprising

>no more moral majority think of the children soccer mom types
oh no what a shame

Study came from california...that says it all

>implying normies are inherently intellectual and moral enough to formulate and justify traditional values

this is something atheists don't understand. normies need to be kept in line. if you don't need it that's fine. but the masses largely do.

Actually, ironically enough diversity is better for American churches. The nigger population is barely increasing, but the Spics are what dethrone the white man. The only good part is that they come from a 95% Catholic country and are extremely superstitious and spiritual. They name half their kids Jesus just like the Muslims are all Mohammed. More spics means more church goers. This article just assumes that because they're liberal they won't attend church, even though Western Christianity is the more liberal of the religions

Top kek.
I was the typical bluepilled retard in elementary school and turned redpilled in high school thanks to the internet and getting more information about the world than the school provided me with.

With internet getting more and more implemented in the daily lives of youths, there will be even more redpilled young people than ever before.
Especially when boards like Sup Forums exists and the growing conservative channels on Youtube, etc etc.

finnish gen z here

you can joke about jews and openly say you wish germans had won and nearly everyone will agree (only within same age people though)

We are MUCH more right wing than the generations before us, most millenials are still scum though

Did we switch time lines because last I checked gen Z was redpilled

Isn't generation z supposed to be like 16 years old max at this point? There's tons of teenage dumbasses who don't know what they are. That and faggot millenial parents who raise their kids as trannies.

You left out that generation z is the most conservative generation since ww2

Right because Midwesterners are white or black and Californians are Mexican or Filipino

Gen Z is refilled. They hate fags and tattoos. This study in tge OP was a Twitter survey from California

"There are no precise dates for when the Gen Z cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use starting birth years that range from the mid-1990s to early 2000s, and as of yet there is little consensus about ending birth years."

I'm sorry to say, Sup Forums, but there's no going back.

Every historical "great man" will be demonized and their statues and memories torn down. Every church will become an empty lifeless theater or an indoctrination camp for future generations of leftists. Mosques will be raised over the remains of torn down western citadels of learning. Men will be fed so much estrogen in the food supply that thoughts of masculinity all but disappear and will be contained to violent films featuring nazis and caricatures of the right getting assaulted by empowered women and jews.

Your sons will taken to hormone treatment centers if they so much as glance at the color pink and your daughters will be handed to the most barbaric of brown men.

All this will continue until every western government has fallen, and the white man becomes a thing of legend spoken about by brown children.

>Conservatism will die in 10 years

Good. That means Nationalism will take over.

Isn't Albanian like 70% mudslime

Who needs a church to be conservative? Cuckstianity sucks big time and made us weak.

What a useless fucking thread. Congrats Finland, catching up quick to them Swedes.

>"generation z" won't be flocking to churches
That's because the churches suck now. Just ask Pope "Muslims can't rape because they don't have privilege"

>secular conservatism
fucking kek

when you keep a few minor aspects of the old way of life and throw out the major ones, that's not conservative

It's probably the fin that spams the communism threads

Young people won't go to church because they don't understand how bad the world truly is yet.

Once they get passed the (((equality))) and (((love))) phase of their young lives, they will see that the world is truly evil and seek a hope and light in the dark world.

Young people have never been the backbone of the church, or else we wouldn't still have church at this point

kike religion cucking us is hardly worth keeping

Christian nations were always racially conscious. Only since Christianity's decline has universal egalitarianism taken its place

>kike religion cucking us
How do you suggest restraining the moral degeneracy, disconnection, and egotism that is so prevalent in the modern world?

But traps aren't gay

Universal egalitarianism has taken place BECAUSE of semitic desert religion. I don't understand how you fuckers can't see the commie message of Christianity.

With force. New religion or old religion, something by Europeans for Europeans.


Never been to church but im still bout dat conservative lyfe, foh goofy.

>With force
It'll be easier to reform Christianity than convert hundreds of millions from the way of life of their families for hundreds of years, especially when you have only a few hundred neo-pagan LARPers to spread the new religion "with force."

>Conservatism will die in 10 years.

Good, conservatism is shit and doesn't conserve anything anyway.

>Generation Z will also be the most racially and ethnically diverse generation in U.S. history: almost half of the population identifies as nonwhit

This will cause massive ethnic tensions and a rise of white nationalism out of necessity. When whites will feel threatened the 66 genders stuff kids do now for attention will be toned down among them and the remaining homos will look like Jack Donovan.

But I'll be alive in ten years won't I?

>reform Christianity

works out great doesn't it

You faggots will be the end of the west

>twitter study
>Article links to Vice as sources

>T-This is how conservatives die.