Sup Forums is white

>Sup Forums is white

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so what if Sup Forums isn't white? are you racist or something?

Its just the mongrel americans.


True Evropeans, like myself, are white.

>Sup Forums is white

Someone wasn't here for the he will not divide us truth.

This is what civic nationalism invites in
Daily reminder that Sup Forums needs to go back to NatSoc to purge the r*dditors

Is that finn?

>free speech sign

yeah that isn't Sup Forums, faggot

>are you racist
f course

Big cities are full of the biggest scum known to man. All American cities should be purged.

>kekistan flag
>it's not Sup Forums

kekistan is a shitty twitter meme

in nazi germany free speech wouldn't exist

Shut the fuck up abo

Sup Forums is more diverse than the leftists, HWNDU proved it.

Can't you even make decent bait threads anymore?

Pale with a "trashy whore if wasn't for this t-shirt" look

More like Asian lmfao

Really make me think. I'm (((civic nationalist))) now.

Keep making fun of them and eventually no Sup Forumsack will show up to rallies

Hush American, we know you are jealous of the superior Australian

>true nordics*
>who havent seen sun light for generations

>Sup Forums

choose one and only one, newfag

you show em, crocodyl dundy!

they've taken over and you know.

>Mongol rape babies
>Calling anybody else mongrels

>implying they arent basically the same thing
>implying half the faggots on Sup Forums and r/t_d dont cross post between both boards

>Chinese vassal state
>cant even win wars against your own wildlife

You mean
>America is white

We have maintained our unique genetic make-up and culture. Can you say the same?

>trump supporters having "free speech" signs

>I'm white
>No you're not!

Hope this autism bmnever changes.

>We have maintained our unique genetic make-up and culture.
Because the last group to come to your country were the people who made you Mongol rape babies in the first place.

>that Jew holding a sign that says donations

The Finn is right m8, just give it up.

Sit down in your seat again, Ahmed.

not an argumen :^)

>Everything which was in place in Nazi Germany was right and perfect
Stop accepting a political ideology based on a party alone, or you'll be just a reverse lefty.

>these are the "people" who try to tell us we arent white

nazism wasn't perfect but fuck free speech

it just lets agitators think they can get away with anything

That's 99% reddit/twitter m8, particularly the kekistan shit.

I think there was only one guy with something overtly Sup Forums.

Oh God that's me with the wooden 2x4 please delete this.

you look you have some form of autism.

Sup Forums is actually pretty diverse, I'm brown and browse this board daily for one

She looks like trash.

Sup Forums in real life

didnt realise kat williams was on pol.

>The plurality, if not majority, of Sup Forums is 60% white United States
>All the flags from Latin America and Asian nations

Say it with me now:

>Sup Forums

wasn't the Kekistan meme started by Sargon of Akkad?

whats wrong with diversity huh?

>whats wrong with diversity

but for nu/pol/ theres no problem

Those are just (((Civic nationalist))) reddit mongrels

On the same day

>Alt light r/The_Donald cucks
Fat, sweaty, swarthy, clinically autistic, meme spouting dorks without a message

>Alt Right
Well dressed alpha males, speaking for the rights of whites and white history, defending the General Lee statue in Virginia . Also, a e s t h e t i c as fuck



>controlled opposition


Don't you think a faggot like this is controlled opposition, rather than the well spoken white men who present white nationalism in a positive, non-meme way?

Yeah, nah. Fucking kill yourself.


>forming a civilized que

in all honesty alt-light seem like cooler lads. would shitpost with.

>whites think they can win the race war with this.

Only ones to get offended by this are the nonwhites. It appears you already spotted one.

Hey Dingus, it is a good thing if the ideas we like are understood and enjoyed by people that aren't just white, that means ideas are spreading, it makes it harder to beat us

>no guns no funs
>housing is as expensive as a leaf
>literally 9999 degrees Kelvin all year round
>infinite mosquitoes
>muh taxes
>all your cities are absolutely cucked with postmodernist Marxist garbage

>he's part of the 42%

Jesus christ it's fucking chanology all over again.

I mean, it's been 9 years so most of these people were too young to remember, but I didn't expect this kind of shit to happen again.

