Brit here can't decide which country to move to, which language is easier to learn, which one is least cucked and which one has the hotter women that are into British guys? German women seem dirtier but French seem more physically attractive
Which is better France or Germany?
Both are fucked and German women and whores
I liek poop xD
France /thread
Did you not see Germanys points from last night? Also yes, schitten porn
It depends, both are good/shit in their own way. German people are autistic and repressed even in their degeneracy, the French are just uppity cunts.
Also, fuck off, we're full. We have enough anglos as it is.
>when you have too many anglos but not enough arabs
You obviously haven't seen anglos on holiday
You obviously haven't seen arabs on holiday
k. fuck you too then
>k. fuck you too then
This is literally how I imagine all french people desu
Both are cucked beyond salvation you should stay in UK but Germany is superior in almost every single way.
>Germany has less established shitskins (most are new arrivals) that don't burn down entire street districts on chimp outs
>Speak english and don't refuse to out of false pride (you don't need to learn german)
>German women are the largest in height, are perpetually sex starved and desperately try to avoid being a burden on someone else
>German language has a high initial difficulty cliff but once you understand the fundamentals it works without nasty surprises
>Germany's cucketry is only so prominent because the complete disaster of failed immigration that is UK and France was already well established for years
A Brit will definitely fit better in here and we won't behave like total cunts when you don't know some obscure word.
The way frogs spell and pronounce their words is retarded as are their numbers so I'd Imagine that Deutsch is easier. It's difficult to determine which is more cucked and their women will be the same as all western women. How come you wana move?
why would go to a country that is more cucked than yours
Summary : Come to Germany, don' bother learning the language, fuck our women, don't worry about the influx of migrants that are completly unused to western ways.
t. german cuck
>which country to move to,
If you are old and rich, France, if you are young and poor, Germoney.
>which language is easier to learn
Both are easy for an english speaker.
Most of the french vocabulary is already present in english, the most difficult part is to understand and speak it orally because we don't have the same phonology, however english do okay from my experience when you compare them to americans.
German is even easier even if there is slightly less shared vocabulary, the grammar and pronunciation are straightforward.
In short, learn both.
>one is least cucked
Germans are completely guilt-tripped and brainwashed by the multi-kulti bullshit, french are more hostile toward it, especially in the south, but they are just as passive when it comes to do something about it.
Mindset wise it really depends of where you move but parisians overall are insufferable pretentious cunts living in shit and proud of it, the rest of the country is more welcoming even if bretons or corsicans have the reputation to have a bad character.
For the germans I only have experience with the rhinelanders and they are overall okay people, not really friendly but not hostile either, just neutral, it's enjoyable to work with them but that's it, they won't invite you to take a drink to have fun after work like a french/italian would or invite you to do an activity like americans do, socializing is hard with them.
>hotter women
German girls are fatter, but they are also taller and blonder, easily triggered and kind of bossy, french girls are more charming and easy going but they can be real cunts when they decide it.
I am living in Germany, not German, travelled to France many times. Germany is much better, like 2 times better.
Literally everything is better in Germany, though I still love France.
France. After hundreds of years of us beating on each other we have the relationship of squabbling siblings.
If the shit hit the fan for France, brother England would wail in
>Which is better France or Germany?
Germany is better for jobs if you have any worthwhile skills, it is also a nicer environment generally.
>which language is easier to learn
Germany, the sentence structure is more similar to English, but both are relatively easy to learn. Use a program like Anki to brute force memorize the mos common 50 words and then learn the rest through immersion. Watch/read media in your desired language and hire a tutor for an hour twice a week (this is cheap) to practice pronunciation. It will take you around 10 hours of practice to reach beginner level (5 year old speaking), 100 hours of practice to reach intermediate level (12 year old speaking), 600 hours to reach skilled (adult speaking) and 1000 hours to reach mastery (educated adult speaking)
>which one is least cucked
Both are at least as cucked as the UK. France is a bit less Feminist but more multicult.
>which one has the hotter women
>that are into British guys?
Germany, being in France longer than 24 hours gives me major depression for some reason, absolutely despise the place, not memeing.
Unless you personally speak German don't spread bullshit. It will take you YEARS of everyday learning to be able to work in Germany and speak confidently on adult level.
It takes 600 hours. If you spend 1 hour a day it will take you a year and a half, if you spend 8 hours a day it will take you 3 months. Language learning is much easier than most people think.
Both are utter Garbage
This. If you're rich move to Spain. If you're poor Germany for gibs, US for jobs.
>US for jobs AND self respect
Half of my family live in Alsace just near to Germany. And when i go to germany, i note they are more boorish than us and have no class.
German culture is by far less refined than France culture (here a classic sock+sandal very loved in Germany).
According to the FSI institute who prepares diplomats it will take you:
750h or 30 weeks to reach Speaking 3: General Professional Proficiency in Speaking (S3)” and “Reading 3: General Professional Proficiency in Reading (R3)”
Now 30 weeks means 30 weeks of ONLY learning language. The ONLY activity you do for straight 30 weeks, no job, no other things.
I reached Stufe III in DSH test few years ago when I planned to study in Germany but found a job and decided not to do so. Anyways I work in a phramaceutical industry and meat many highly educated people. It is a myth. You won't be near close to natives even after YEARS of studying. Also, I know you don't speak German.
I thought exactly like you before I moved to Germany. It is much harder than English. Especially that everyone wants to speak with you in English and they don't have patience like people in Anglo countries. If you make a mistake, well, they switch to English
TL:DR Learning really Germany will take you much more than you think.
This is why you hire a tutor instead of relying on native speakers who all want to speak English with you or who don't want to suffer through your pidgin.
Also 750 hours isn't YEARS like you originally claimed. It is barely higher than my claim of 600 hours.
Considering how wrong that graphic is in regards to Japanese I can't imagine it's right about anything else.
Which is better
>dog shit
>cat shit
Both are shit. One shit is a liberal shithole that has been stinking for more than 20 years but people still pretend its awesome. The other shit was actually tasty food before but its leading the reform to stain all foods with shit.
Une baguette! hon hon hon
Deux baugettes!!! HON HON HON HON HON
hon hon je suis homosexeul mon dieu!!!
>which language is easier to learn
Depends, lots of English words are descended from Old French but German and English share the same Germanic roots. I think this one should be based on self-preferance or what you think sounds better
>which one is least cucked
Both are equally cucked, but Germany seems like a better option. Most German migrants are Arabs while most French migrants are niggers
>which one has hotter women that are into British guys
In the end, I wouldn't recomment neither of these countries. Consider Eastern Europe or rural conservative America as better places to move
OK, let's start with the languages:
You'll hate both grammars because they are harder than English.
On the plus side, German spelling corresponds largely with its pronounciation. It takes years to master an understanding for French pronounciation. Vocabulary-wise, the simpler English words (man, house, fire etc.) come from Germanic roots, while the more complex (constitution, electorate, legislature) come from the French.
Cultures are both different from English. French gesticulate, argue loudly, are more lively while Germans are level-headed and very direct.
French have more sandniggers than we do (through colonial ties), but if you go into the centres of any large German city like Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt, they are alas plentyful as well.
your flag looks like someone pissed on france's.
Do you even speak fluent German? How long did it take you to get there? Anyone who has lived there say it takes 6 months just to get comfortable speaking basic German and a even longer to get fluent.
Nobody spends 8 hours a day learning a skill, that's like saying you'd spend 8 hours a day in the Gym and get /fit/ in 3 months.
It will take you years to speak German, it doesn't help most German will speak English if they see you struggling with your German.
Still romanian come in France to make trash work like working like dog on construction site for minimum wage and be undeclared.
But you are missing my point. It is YEARS. You can't learn German 7.5 hours/day for 100 days. You need to work, you need to make money in order to survive. So you space out those 750 hours to 2-3 years. Even then, you STILL sound foreign. Your choice of words, intonation, etc... makes you obviously a foreigner. Those 750 hours is to simply get you going. Also, Germany is not like USA and UK where people acknowledged long time ago that some people learn better some worse English. Germans have a very puristic way of looking at the language. If you are working in any job where English is common (like in my case) they simply can't bother to understand how hard German is.
My friend works as a main architect in Austria and he lived in Germany for 6 years. He still feels he can't write properly. He worked all 6 years in GERMAN only. So yes, you can work and you can use the language, but you will be nowhere close to "native" level even after years in Germany.
I don't know about germany but franceis the most race mixed country I've been to
You literally have no idea if you're in algeria or france
>Brit here can't decide which country to move to
Fucking neither.
The French are all cunts and the Germans are fucked up in the head because of war guilt and Schlomo's propaganda of "mah six gorillion".
Best suggestion would be somewhere like Nijmegen or Boxmeer in the Netherlands.
Close enough to German, but without the war guilt. You need to live outside the cities because of the usual nigger and mudslime problem, but transport links are good and small towns remain decent Western style civilisation.
Plus all educated Dutch speak perfect English.
I lived in Boxmeer and Nijmegen for years. Fucking wonderful place. Would reside again.
Sure Germany is better with siryan tero.
France is pretty segregated. Maybe next time you'll afford not staying in a shit-tier immigrant ghetto
i said i haven't been to germany
Oh actually i've been to Munich and it was basically perfect
Sub tierfood, sub tier white punk homeless, sub tier culture, sub cuck dictator chancelor, only good thing in germany is cars. Seriously just go to a supermarketin germany once in your life. I did once i thought it was a supermarket in syria. One cheese one butter one meat. All disgusting
>feminine France
ok fuck you
>The French are all cunts and the Germans are fucked up in the head because of war guilt and Schlomo's propaganda of "mah six gorillion".
Sounds about right. I'd move to Spain or Italy if I didn't have to worry about getting a job, Maybe Straya or the US for work.
>only good thing in germany is cars.
They're over complicated pieces of shit. The newer ones don't even have a dipstick to make it hard for you to change the oil.
It was a uni trip m8
and it was a really long ~15 days trip across most of france
The most amusing thing though was the frenchies that came here afterwards kinda like a student exchange or whatever and they were not joking 50% mixed
pretty fucked up how the city is the good part and the suburbs/banleius are the ghettos, complete opposite of most cities.
both are cucks and soon to be non whites majority muslim nations and so its england sorry to tell you bros but no party will give you 5 children and deport all mudslimes so you are fucked
>the Germans are fucked up in the head
Past generations - yes.
Gen Y and Z - no. They can't relate to WW2 at all and are utterly fed up with state propaganda telling them they should feel guilty for something neither they nor their parents nor their grandparents have done.
if you only knew how dirty french women are ... what's left of them anyway, you wouldn't be asking this question...
and if you must, stay away from the citydwellers, country girls are much cleaner in the head and body
>Gen Y
>fed up with state propaganda
No, they are the worst slurping up lefty propaganda like mad, everyone who don'T share their believes is a nazi.
>If the shit hit the fan for France, brother England would wail in
Lol. Fucking no. Let the cunts burn.
>Half of my family live in Alsace just near to Germany
You mean the part of Germany that you annexed?
so you're snobby nigger lovers and they're just regular old nigger lovers
>an anglo shaming french for annexing territories
I think I've seen everything on this board.
French is better language and culture
German is better country and beer
Bullfuckingshit that Dutch is easy
It's easy, just learn german, put a potato in your mouth and voila ! You speak dutch.
>an anglo shaming french for annexing territories
Just pointing out the historical reality for our American bros who may not be aware of the French view of history.
By the way, just because you call an island off the coast of Canada "part of territorial France" doesn't mean it suddenly stops being a colony.
>Bullfuckingshit that Dutch is easy
Dutch is just German with more vowels.
fuck both of those countries come to america. just dont go to new york or california. you will be waist deep in debt
You mean the land they annexed in 1871 and that we took back?
too many spics and niggers
I'd go with benisland or hungary
Dutch is drunken germand
German generation Y and Z is more gay than all european generation.
Sure you are german living in Macedonia to suck german's balls like that.
France and germany i love both
Salue frenchis.
vivla france vivla liberte!
Is Canada generally safe?
Do niggers and shitskins have significant presence in big cities like Montreal/Ottawa or Toronto?
Should be a broom in the last frame, not a tank.
As a side note, if you speak italian you'll have a really hard time hiding your accent, and so will non-native italian speakers struggle to not sound retarded or handicapped when talking italian
The only people I've heard that actually learned proper italian ahve been here for more than a decade
i said finland and hungary m8
i don't know what you're on about
Nigger and shitskin of all kind own Montreal. Ottawa is shitskin and toronto no one want to go there.
plus french people
they're objectively on par with shitskins
If I move to France as an American-Filipino, with full intentions of integrating, how will I be received?
I'm not talking about moving to Paris, I'm more so talking about the countryside. I heard that there's actual culture the farther away you are from the cities.
>If I move to France as an American-Filipino, with full intentions of integrating, how will I be received?
As long as you make a decent effort with French and try and integrate with the community you will be treated well.
As you suggest, it's Paris which is fucked up. The rest of France can't stand Parisians either.
>vivla france vivla liberte!
I fucken lolled.
we are fucked ,we sould not hate each other .
frenchies will mob you in the streets and the biggest most frenchest among them will be chosen to take a big steamy dump in your face for not speaking french
most of them have at least some english but they make a conscious decision not to use it because they're still salty their language isnt the lingua franca anymore
god i hate the fucking french
Bombing Boko Haram soldiers was bad ?
What's wrong, tired of Paki dick so you want to try Somali and Turk?
>Bombing Boko Haram soldiers was bad ?
When is killing niggers ever "bad"?
for islamist or commies yes
Why speak english in France while the official language is the beautiful french ?
And when we go out of our country, we (try to) speak english or your language, so why you speak your language in France ?
You're one exotic fucking Pokémon.
>yfw President of Mali asked for help
>yfw ppl chimp out "muh colonialism"
>yfw they think we should have left AQIM take whole Mali.
ceci / dies
uncucked europeans should avoid devide and conquer tactics and fight for a free europe and against the EU.
There are quite a few burger expats in Paris, you'd do fine there. They have their own places to hangout where you'll meet frogs too.
The countryside may be more insular, depending where you're staying. Expect things to take a while unless you move to one of those villages where bongs pensioners have already moved to. The biggest issue you'll run into are jobs, taxes and all sorts of administrative bullshit.
You'll find plenty of comfy small towns but I'm not sure if you'll find "culture" there, most of the countryside is kind of dead outside the summer holiday season, some people like it like that.
Maybe you should consider touring the various parts of France for 2 or 3 weeks first.
>There are quite a few burger expats in Paris, you'd do fine there.
What le frog is really saying is "Feel free to come here and subsidise my lifestyle, but don't contaminate my life or that of my countrymen. Stick to your own people burger bro".
shut up, I'll take Anglos anyday
a-are those mini bbc?
the fuck frogs
also the rest of the pastry looks fucking delicious especially that chocolate covered thing on the left
because in this hypothetical scenario i'm a guest or a tourist and i dont speak the language of every single fucking country i might visit so why not use ENGLISH assuming you are capable, which in all likehood you are, of speaking that language. tourism is 10% of your economy you ungrateful twats
it's more the arrogance and self centeredness behind it that's upsetting really.
>And when we go out of our country, we (try to) speak english or your language
literally get frenchies trying to ask me for directions in french and rolling their eyes when they realise i dont speak the language at least a couple of times every summer. idk what it is that makes you think it's the 1700s and all of europe speaks frogtongue
you just helped the wrong people in 1939-1945,
why did you not choose to join your saxon borther against those fucking commie.
Today would be so different.
unless it's you that was allready contamined by the jew
Do you hear yourself stupid Brit? My country should have just let Germany pound your great-grandparents/grandparents/parents asses.
>German master race
"Brit here, I'm not sure if French or Germans are better."
Op here
Going with Germany
Can't wait to fuck your women who are craving some British dick, popular opinion seems to be that they're freakier in bed too
And French seem stuck up and sound like pussies, their army is also weak
Have you been to France? The place is nice, I like it. French ppl hate me for genetic superiority.
desu when you can't decide between the Germans and the rest of the Africans