Are Christians persecuted in USA and Europe ?
Are Christians persecuted in USA and Europe ?
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The Christian right thinks they are being persecuted when people don't hare their hatred.
Atheists and muslims in America are constantly trying to erode christain value and tradition. We're not persecuted yet, but if we remain complacent the only allowable religion will be Islam.
Which denomination?
I'd say Roman Catholic church is losing appeal due to mass corruption and most importantly those pedophile scandals.
In general Christianity is under lowkey attack but not really persecuted.
So the solution is to use government to force your version of Christianity? The clowns who fancy themselves Christian "leaders" demonstrate the value of keeping church and state separated.
This. Libbies and mudslimes are constantly jealous of hard Christian support and use passive aggressive tactics to silence it.
Ie, they're cowards
Western Europe. Don't Poland have priests blessing newly built railways and shit? I don't think you are doing so bad.
These fucks needed to be fired. If you don't like abortion, don't have an abortion. If you don't like gay marriage, don't get gay married.
No the goal is to keep your faith strong, share the light of god with others. Preserve religious freedoms and keep the government the hell out of your first ammendment rights.
Muslims are not the enemies of Christianity. Liberals are.
>solution is to use government for anything
No, only liberals are this retarded
do they even exist?
Whati if i say, if you don't like Christians, don't be a christian
Muslims are the enemy of humanity user.
So, disagreeing with liberalism should make you be fired?
I agree with you. If my behavior violates your religious standards, leave me the fuck alone.
Why so intolerant of Christians? I thought liberalism = tolerance? You're saying that's bullshit? Say it ain't so...
But aren't you saying that people should be fired for being Christians?
Forcing others to behave according to your religious standards is a personal thing. Do it at work and expect to face consequences. If I walked around demanding that women wear a hijab, I would correctly be disciplined.
You mean the Jews who are behind liberals.
Christians always prosecuted the fuck out the Jews and Muslims, it's no coincidence now that Christianity is declining, the west is getting more and moe Islamized and Jew controlled.
I'm a Buddhist actually.
Tolerance for having your values forced on others?
Nice try, kike.
No, just shut the fuck up about others at work or in business.
>Forcing others to behave according to your religious standards is a personal thing.
Such as forcing a Catholic hospital to make sex change surgeries?
Such as forcing Catholic people to support abortion and gay marriage?
You said
>These fucks needed to be fired. If you don't like abortion, don't have an abortion. If you don't like gay marriage, don't get gay married.
If I don't like murder, I don't murder. But does that mean I should be fired for criticizing a murderer?
Yes rightly so for being stupid cucks
At least muslims are just stupid and jews are only cucks
Liberals have a tolerance only for some people, for so called "intolerant majority" they don't have any tolerance
Aren't you the one doing this?
If you use your employer as a platform to force your values on others, yes. Go carry your idiotic forced birther signs on your own time.
You're right liberals should be hung and skinned
Trying to force religious values at work may be unacceptable to your employer and is grounds for dismissal. Go shout all of your hatred on your time.
As a small government conservative, I don't want the government interfering in my bedroom or body. There is no fouler fake Christian than one who cant shut up about their ill defined "liberals".
>If you use your employer as a platform to force your values on others, yes. Go carry your idiotic forced birther signs on your own time.
They are not forcing their values on anyone.
They are defending their own opinion. In the case of Brendan Eich, outside of work.
So, the only opinions on abortion and gay marriage that should be allowed should be yours? Why?
Christians live to feel persecuted, it's part of their identity. They're the SJWs of religion.
European and american christians are the biggest faggots in Western
Good thing I'm safe here in the states
You are the one forcing your liberal values on others by defending a punishment to those that you disagree with.
>Hello, my fellow conservatives
That I think is the biggest problem about liberals. People don't want to have anything to deal with their bullshit. But instead of dealing with it like a normal person, they're cowards and want big daddy to do it for them, hence why we have all these potato laws. If they would just quit being women about everything I might listen to them more, but they're not deserving of respect really.
Controversial political opinions are not for the workplace. Your employer is within his right to tell you so. You are perfectly welcome to do what you want when you are not representing your employer.
If their numbers are decreasing, they just aren't spreading good enough.
If their numbers are increasing, they definitely aren't being persecuted.
No, but they are actively outphased. In Europe, the eradication of meaningful religion is almost complete.
Brendan Eich was fired for his opinions outside of his work, without representing his employer.
Stéphane Mercier is a professor of philosophy. His job IS to present controversial opinions to debate.
Now tell me, why should the only opinions that should be allowed those that are similar to yours?
if you don't like hate crime, don't do hate crime. There's no need to fight over things just let people be.
Islam at its core is a submit or die religion
>Muslims want to kill Christians, as it says in their holy book.
>Not the enemy.
If there's any place where Christians are persecuted, it's in the Middle East. For at the very heart of their religion, there is the desire to kill those who do not conform.
They were under the Obama administration.
Those examples are counter to free speech. Someone was fired where I work for having an anti gay poster in his workplace. A sympathetic news reporter interviewed him until the reporter discover that the guy was simply a douchebag.
You are opposed to free speech.
Exactly. If people focused on getting along rather than the idiotic my religion is the only true religion and you need to be persecuted or killed for disagreeing attitude, things would be better.
Such as defending that people should be fired for being Christians, like you just did?
Not opposed to free speech. I do believe that an employer can set standards on employees during work.
You can be fired for behaving in a way contrary to your employers standards.
The professor was fired for doing his work. Do you think he would be fired if he was pro-abortion?
Brendan Eich was fired for doing something outside of work. Do you think he would be fired if he was pro-gay marriage?
An example would be that where I live, pharmacists can refuse to dispense prescriptions based on their religious beliefs. If I know of a pharmacist refusing to dispense birth control, I will avoid that pharmacy. The pharmacist is directly affecting his employer's profit.
I see. In your opinion, it is morally right that employers should only hire those that are pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage?
Things leftists can't hear or understand . . .
Are you a fucking idiot or are just pretending to be one?
How is that related to the philosophy professor or Brendan Eich? Did the professor refuse to give lessons to students who supported abortion? Did Brendan Eich say that only straight people can use Mozilla software?
Employers should only hire those who express their controversial views outside of work.
Such as Brendan Eich?
And what about the philosophy professor? Where his work involves presenting controversial opinions?
>overwhelmingly controls the house and senate
>43 presidents in a row are christians
>"we wuz persecuted n shiieeet"
Brendan Eich was a well known representative of his company. He decided to post controversial views and did damage to the company that he worked for.
>blood a mess of various peoples
>Good thing i'm here! :^)
Yeah, the states are clearly in a much better shape.
Should I be able to berate all women in my workplace if they are not wearing a hijab?
nietzsche was right after all.
>Brendan Eich was a well known representative of his company. He decided to post controversial views and did damage to the company that he worked for.
Brendan Eich donated to a cause against marriage in 2008, 5 years before being hired and fired as Mozilla CEO, you idiot.
Tell me, should CEOs that support gay marriage also be fired?
>Should I be able to berate all women in my workplace if they are not wearing a hijab?
How is that related to my examples, idiot?
You only support free speech for a certain point of view then.
You are the one doing this, moron.
You are the one saying that people who disagree with your liberalism should be fired.
You can go fuck yourself if you think that freedom is a liberal concept.
No, there is no Christian persecution. There is a push to secularism which christians perceive as persecution because libtards never push this same secularism on Muslims but it's their own damn fault for
>Funding Israel
>Supporting refugees
>Donating to poor African nigger children at every turn
>Housing illegals in their churches.
So, they're assblasted faggots upset at the suffering that they themselves have wrought with their short sightedness.
Churches were a mistake, your real faith of God is tested by what you do in private. Not at these commercialized shit show ’''''''churches'''''
You are not very smart, are you?
>Are Christians persecuted in USA and Europe ?
christians (in terms of frequency) are the most discriminated group in the Western world that are constantly pressured into situations that are with conflict with their beliefs (like paying for abortions/contraception, gay wedding cakes...
There is no persecution of Christians in the west.
"The right to discriminate" is not a real right, and americucks can fuck off"
Separation of church and state in the USA is a joke.
Should oppress Christians more imo.
Christians are faggs
>There is no persecution of Christians in the west.
>"The right to discriminate" is not a real right, and americucks can fuck off"
cuckold france deserves what it gets.
Anyone that is anti-Christian is a Leftist globalist. Pure and simple, my lad.
>Believing polls
Maximum kek
20+ posts from this ID defending degeneracy
get out of here neocon
this is why niggers, arabs, and germans run your shit ass country that gets conquered every few decades
>>So the solution is to use government to force your version of Christianity?
t. atheistcuck
another +20 posts from some faggot who loves faggotry
No but they should be.
>i don't know the difference between bias and factual reporting
So you support a big government nanny state forcing people to live by whatever standards the religious right determines?
No, they just have a persecution complex.
The idea they aren't treated as gods chosen and let do whatever they want just grates against them. Thats not persecution, its being treated like everyone else.
No, but pretty much everywhere else