It's going to happen.
It's going to happen
Other urls found in this thread:
>Last name is literally "Tribe"
Every time.
Is that an argument?
Are you a sandnigger?
Jesus you're fucking retarded.
No, stormfaggots are basically SJWs. They behave exactly the same, both completely lacking in lucid thought.
Better argument that shitlibs provide for impeachment.
>lacking in lucid thought
stay lucid moderate Sup Forumsro
If it happens I think it'll start a proper civil war in the US.
Only people who hate their country want this to happen.
woahhhhh solid argument. Again.
You fuckers deserve camps along with antifa
STFU the t_D's in this thread are not national socialists you absolute fucking shitstain retard
I don't understand what you're trying to say Ahmed. Focus on learning German first.
newfag detected
Who cares? fuck this kike enabler
You mean oldfag sick of retards constantly going "ITZ DA JOOZ" for every single thing.
Son, you have severe mental autism.
wow, these people are really upset about the election. just wow.
this is officially the largest liberal meltdown in history.
Sorry, but you can't impeach someone just because you really, really, REALLY hate him.
>washington post
Shills are not even trying anymore.
in regards to "Cis white shit lord oppressor" and "Its da Booze" its EXACTLY the same process of analyzation and retardation you shit posting aussie faggot.
I am curious if there has ever been a time in history where a president was being attacked from all sides like this. Democrats, a large portion of neocons, the entire media, "academia", etc. all against one man(or administration).
These fucking liberals want Mike "zap the gays" Pence as their president for some reason
I think we can all agree Trump is a colossal political doofus, but the way this article has spread around the world is very suspicious.
> It's going to happen.
It should because Trump literally said that he fired Comey to end the investigation against himself.
Except partisan politics temporarily made America uncivilized and Republicans won't act.
Trump will me impeached before 2018. I know it's hard for you retards to believe but, it's going to happen.
>It's going to happen
>[thing where Trump loses somehow]
Where have I heard that before
>how will you EVER recover
Oh right, all election long and you fuckbois only know how to double down.
Alright, find an anti-trump article NOT written by a Jew.
No, it won't. The right wing backlash will be 10x worse than the left wing backlash to his getting elected.
The GOPe knows they're fucked if they allow this.
Expensive daycare for trustfund babies
you think because her last name is "tribe" she's a jew?
>Tribe is one of the co-founders of the liberal American Constitution Society, the law and policy organization formed to counter the conservative Federalist Society
>Tribe served as a judicial adviser to the Barack Obama's 2008 presidential campaign.
>In December 2016 Tribe and notable lawyers Lawrence Lessig and Andrew Dhuey established The Electors Trust under the aegis of EqualCitizens.US to provide pro bono legal counsel as well as a secure communications platform for those of the 538 members of the United States Electoral College who are regarding a vote of conscience against Donald Trump in the presidential election
Oh look, the same butthurt leftest who wanted to overturn the election still wants to overturn the election.
What a shock.
Saged, faggot.
He's not radical enough for the Kikes. Figures. Well whoever gets installed will surely destroy the USA. Only when America is out of the way the Jews are free to fully start Kissinger's depopulation agenda. That's your last red pill America
Trips of da truth.
What else did you honestly expect from someone who doesn't know how the government works?
Kind of funny how they have nothing else to talk about.
Never any proposals or plans of their own or how things can be negotiated or even just a simple statement of what they want or expect.
They basically did this to Andrew Johnson in the 1860's too. Congress launched an investigation every time he farted in public but always came up empty. Then they passed a clearly unconstitutional law and dared him to break it, then impeached him when he did.
OTOH in that case the opposition party had > 4/5ths majorities in both houses.
The regressive left aren't real liberals anymore than you are a real nazi. Stop calling them all liberals like its a perfect blanket identity. They're not fucking liberals. They're ignorant self loathing leftist trash who only care about their own ego.
are they still banging on this
Find an article. That is Anti-Trump. Not written by a Jew.
>"academia", etc
post flag is U. S. A. and puts the comma outside the quotation mark
sopped reading right there
ignorant whit trash
Carl M. Loeb University Professor
About Publications Courses Background
Laurence H. Tribe, the Carl M. Loeb University Professor and Professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard, has taught at its Law School since 1968 and was voted the best professor by the graduating class of 2000. The title “University Professor” is Harvard’s highest academic honor, awarded to just a handful of professors at any given time and to just 68 professors in all of Harvard University’s history. Born in China to Russian Jewish parents,
If you know anything you're anti-Trump. Trump himself is anti-Trump half the time. Trump is ill.
>don't provide argument
>get mad when no one argues back at you
stay mad kiddos
Just go check out publications from California, lots of stuff written by asians and non-white hispanics.
I don't blame them. Andrew Jackson cause an economic collapse because he had a personal vendetta against the central bank and propped up one of the most hated Supreme Justices because nobody would follow through with his stupid ideas.
There are two types of people: goats and sheep. That is the only accurate descriptor and no more are needed. You and 90% of the users are goats, as evident with your hateful rhetoric
Wait, was this the guy who swore there were a bazillion electors who would turn against trump?
Final Jeopardy question today:
-He was elected Vice-President on January 20th, 2017.
You faggots are in a round room, trying to piss in the corner.
its never going to happen
Mike zapped himself. The fucken queer. Or you can have your zog bitch in cheese
this video is pretty self-explanatory, i think. your government is collaborating with your headsman. now where did i see that recently too... oh, yeah. merkels shithole
they OWN these governments. forget votes, forget democracy. only blood war will free the west from tyranny
I hope then the Jews are successful with this. American elected 'Television' into the Oval Office. With his removal; some decorum can be restored.
duh universal health care, EPA, climate science, infrastructure
Don't be such an innocent cuck.
>Wait, was this the guy who swore there were a bazillion electors who would turn against trump?
That was Lawrence Lessig but they were part of the same effort to cancel out peoples' votes.
Because negotiating with Republicans worked so well with Garland and Gorsuch
he will have a sudden health issue and resign
God its so lovely seeing this. The truth is that none of these leftists give a fuck what trump does. They want him impeached so an ultra conservative can take his place? They don't care if he actually broke any laws. Let's get down to what this is. The smug leftists had their ultimate smug candidate. They were coddled by the media and polls for the whole election fuck it the whole 8 years of Obama. Told they had a 99% chance of winning. It was like telling your spoiled daughter you're gonna buy her that Lamborghini for her sweet 16th. It was such a sure thing. They laughed at trump supporters. Treated them like sub humans. They called them racists, xenophobic, sexist, and told them to check their privilege whenever a white person dare try to voice an issue they felt involved them. These were mostly the people who voted for Obama last election. They elected the first black president hoping for change. That change didn't come. They still remained the subhuman in the eyes of smug leftists. Trump represents the ultimate "fuck you". This is completely trump derrangement syndrome. Daddy went to the 16 year old girl on her birthday, threw the cake in the trash, told her friends to leave, and told her to fuck off and get a job. Trump is the thorn in the eye of leftist. People like stephan colbert and Samantha B have become unhinged, they scold their own crowds from stray from the narrative. "celebrities" become deranged, women celebrities we have shoved in our faces like some kinds of strong good role models are all recording and snapping pictures of themselves sobbing because daddy took the cake away. Trump could say he likes cabbage soup and a couple days later leftists would be calling cabbage a sign of white supremacy on once thought of as legitimate news sites. I hope this wound gets infected. I hope trump never stops digging and grinding into these people's eye.
I don't want decorum, I want people like you dead.
Heard a new term on NPR this morning coined by a political commentator. "Trump Derangement Syndrome." He suggested most media outlets were afflicted with it and that TDS cause people in most of the media to wig out over pretty much everything Trump says or does.
Ok, it should happen. How is it going to happen? Who is going to impeach him? Why will they be compelled to do it?
>mfw andrew jackson impeached
I wish we could tattoo a sign onto the foreheads of every ex-obama shill or related scum so we could identify these traitors easier
I hope one of these "celebrities" ends up committing suicide over it. That would be beautiful.
He isn't worried. He knows that the left is all talk. 90% of the military voted for Trump. 90% of America's gun owns voted for Trump His mercy and kindness are all that stands between the leftists and extermination. The God Emperor only needs to give the word, and all leftists will be gone in a day.
No problem, because we are going to purge the leftist before the end of 2017. It doesn't matter which Republican is president, as long as all of the leftists are dead.
>'Vote for Garland or we're going to spend all year calling you fascists on cable news.'
We don't negotiate with terrorists.
he's probably in trouble if comey testifies in public
Reminds me of:
>Bernie will win. Here is why.
Do these idiots realize you have to commit a CRIME to be impeached?
Nice false equivalence faggot
That's what they said about the South in the civil war too.
Actually I think it was just McConnell REEEing over everything Obama even looked at. Garland was a pretty moderate candidate.
Yes indeed, he was the best at spreading cancerous leftist ideology. We need his head on a stick. Why doesn't someone just start shooting these guys? Remember that Lessig guy, the faithless elector Harvard professor? Really, do these professors have around the clock police protection? It should be pretty easy to find where they live, and kill them.
According to google trends that term has been around since right about the moment it became clear Trump was going to be nominated, at which point liberals started losing their goddamned minds.
Every time.
Only faggots and sailors are called Laurence.
obstruction of justice dude
kikes are objectivly disgusting.
until he dumps Kushner and kicks Ivankas cunt out of whitehouse affairs I'm completely for it
Oh it's this fucking faggot Jew, again.
Go ahead and google his name. Just do it. He's written about 50 pre and post-election articles saying TRUMP WILL DEFINITELY BE IMPEACHED ANY DAY NOW, GOY, and is frequently the (((source))) for New York Times and Washington Post for whatever anti-Trump narrative they want to spin.
No, it isn't. At he tie of the Civil War, the southerners were outnumbered 5 to 1 by the North. The North also had 90% of the industrial capacity. Now, the numbers are roughly equal on both sides. And our side has about 80% of the white males The extermination of the leftists will occur in less than a day.
>Actually I think it was just McConnell REEEing over everything Obama even looked at.
And dems would never behave like that...
They kicked out good ole Bill for banging bitches.
Pertaining to what case?
Ddrumf will not finish his term, surely
My sentiments exactly. Anyone that can bother to read a book will know the next president is NOT who they choose. People I talk to actually think Shillary would replace Frumpft if he were impeached.
>King Nigger and Hillary sell out the people and resources of the United States for almost a decade
>But that's ok because they are actual politicians
>Trump looking for a way to balance the needs of the economy, the people, and national security
>Impeach him because he is a meanie poopoo head
Fucking jews man
> Posting from a reputable source millions of Americans read makes you a shill.