Is Necklacing Appropriate Punishment For Children?
The fuck is that
They killed somebody so yeah
what is google
I love these vids.
Deuteronomy 21:18-21
New International Version (NIV)
A Rebellious Son
18 If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, 19 his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. 20 They shall say to the elders, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard.” 21 Then all the men of his town are to stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you. All Israel will hear of it and be afraid.
Any punishment can be appropriate if it fits the crime.
Just more evidence that niggers are fucking animals
its just african culture niggers gonna nig!!!
Anything that exceeds bullet to the back of the head is not appropriate and is indicative of a low IQ ape who shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion.
You know who scores lowest in terms of empathy? Africans. So any white who encourages cruelty is downgrading himself to a level of a common African.
I've never seen an animal do something as bad as necklacing to another animal. They might kill each other, but they don't typically go out of their way to be cruel when doing it.
why are niggers like this?
oh they deleted it
We told 'em. We told them for years that this is how Africans act. They said it was because of us, because we were oppressing them.
Africa has its freedom. This is what it looks like.
Lmao,they look like the dindu version of Kerbangers
>mfw no one on here knows what Kerbangers are
He's pretty much begging to get struck by lightning
>Not Firestone
Typically what crimes did the people being neckalaced commit?
Why not stop, drop and roll?
Existing while black.
throwing away a watermelon
He dindu nuffin, he was kang n sheeit.
Because they lack empathy. Lack of empathy highly correlates with low IQ.
this is fucking sick..
next time someone says "current year" ill link this video
nelskn mandela style tire necklacing
We called them clackers in my hood.
They even have a history of killing nogs.
The crimes they did is just a reason to kill people for fun
Black people are like that , south American people too.
Can't wait for france to be fully third wordised desu we're gonna have fun burning degenerates
Reminder: they place the burden of the failure of post apartheid government on you. This is what they do to their own kind. What do you think will happen to you?
Fuuuuuuck. He took innumerable direct hits to the fucking head with breeze blocks and he was still moving. These creatures are impressively resilient if nothing else. No human being I know could handle that shit.
>This is what they do to their own kind
Invented by St. Nelson of Mandela's ANC party, not for use against whites, but to keep non-commie blacks in line.
"Don't support the ANC, then get a Soweto Necklace"
>truly horrifying
i guess i enjoy horrifying shit cause that was entertaining
Thanks, Mandela!
Hopefully a bullet to the head
I really don't understand his motivation for life after such irreparable brain damage.
Just to remind people, necklacing was a terror tactic which the ANC used not against whites but against blacks who did not support or condone them.
Don't worry though guys just because the ANC executed poor black people in similar ways which ISIS executes poor muslim people for not conforming 100% to their ideals does not make them a terrorist organization.
I know this because the BBC told me so.
It's instinctive. You don't suddenly realize "lol I had brain damage better end it".
The propaganda films on the anti-Apartheid movement represent Mandela as an poor protestor who was wrongly sent to prison. In reality, he was a brutal communist terrorist who killed many innocent people. A moster that tortured the sensible niggers, who were for the government, to death.
I sustained brain damage from a martial arts accidental and wanted the paramedics to let me die.
The guy was as good as dead as soon as that block hit his head, Most dont die instantly it takes a minute or so for the brain to swell and eventually lose function.
Pretty amusing that the Zulu King himself said that South Africa was and would still be better off under white control.
Same, but I'm just saying survival is the basic instinct.
More SA nigs. They kill this woman for not voting for the ANC they truly are sub-human
It's just African tradition, please be more tolerant and understanding for other people's cultures
It's like evolution at work right in front of our very eyes. They've done this so many times they're starting to build a resistance to it.
Athiests: 1 Christians: 0
Niggers gonna Nig!!!!
I'm still not the same person I was before, I'm much more aggressive.
The Zulu King is actually cool, and he considers you a Zulu regardless of your skin colour if you live in the Zulu Kingdom.
He also brought back the reed dance so young black women would not infest entire towns with AIDS.
Look up Nelson Mandela, a "hero" to the progressive left.
so humane makes gassing seem nice
Sounds like a good leader and pretty redpilled.
>Just to remind people, necklacing was a terror tactic which the ANC used not against whites but against blacks who did not support or condone them.
I just fucking said that back here Kunta Kinte. Get with the fucking programme.
Are you happy now you didn't die?
Oh, I misunderstood your post, I thought you would want paramedics to let you die in case you suffered it.
Judging how you can write coherent sentences, I guess it was nothing major?
I say we just nuke the whole site from orbit - it's the only way to be sure.
we should bring them all to germany so they stop being barbarians
The prgressive left is retarded,they are in denial that necklacing event exist in africa and kenya.
Only because I have children now.
It's taken quite a few years of recovery, this happened in my mid-teens, I'm twenty-two now.
>I say we just nuke the whole site from orbit - it's the only way to be sure.
Nope, I'd recommend using some infectious agent that spreads through sex. That way they fuck each other to death and when they are gone we can build holiday homes and steal all of their resources.
...hang on a second...
>yo senpai i need the world to know I have unresolved issues
how does that stop aids??
Its a virginity testing ritual
At least you're back on track. How were you injured exactly?
Can Trump just nuke Africa already?
why are they like this? is there something in their brains that make them like this?
The female elders test them yearly to see if they are still virgins and virgins are highly prized as wives in the African culture. Slags are socially stigmatized.
The virgins get to dance and celebrate in the yearly reed dance to show their worth as virgins and celebrate it.
God knows some people are horrible.
Cruel, vicious and stupid.
Animals dont behave like this.
sneeki African just lies like how do test virginity multiple times??
So do chinese men get to buy the virgins for wives?
Savage cruelty is the hallmark of enemies of civilised people.
I was thrown off of a mat unexpectedly and therefore was unable to brace myself, or perform a breakfall before hitting the ground.
I was impacted in my occipital bone and suffered damage to my occipital lobe and frontal lobe.
Primates do.
The Hymen can be felt without breaking it. Its as old as the hills. Nuns used to do it in Europe all the time to prove a future wifes virginity was intact.
Yes, it is always appropriate for niggers.
Thats up to the father, if he accepts your Labola you can marry her.
mk hopefully it catches on
Its cuktural. Africans are still tribal savages. They dont have any kibd of cuktural back ground do draw morals and ethics from. When the industrial age came to Africa they were still wearing bones in their face. They had to make the abrubt leap to modernity without taking the full path.
Anglos on the other hand are the most civilized because their people were along for every step of the way. There was no abrupt change it all occured naturally to them.
>The female elders test them yearly to see if they are still virgins
>tfw Nelson Mandela pioneered necklacing
like poetry
Funny pic but it does not take a genius to figure it out.
He just doesn't give a fuck.