Childish men are to blame for women having kids late in life

I hear the same story, told in different ways, all over New York City.
There’s 34-year-old Kate, who works in finance downtown. “She’s beautiful, smart, talented ... everything going for her,” her colleague tells me. “But her boyfriend doesn’t feel settled in his career, so she spent thousands of dollars to freeze her eggs as she waits for him to be ready.”
Susan, 41, a single senior marketing executive from the Upper East Side, is eight months pregnant. After waiting for her match and not finding him, she decided to have a baby on her own.
And then there’s Joanna, from the Upper West Side, who tells me that at age 32, she stepped off the partner track at her law firm, halving her salary to work in the firm’s marketing department, so she could focus on landing a husband. But at 39, Joanna is still single and childless — and unsatisfied in her career.
These women aren’t alone. The latest US Census Fertility Report, published last week, found that for the first time in reported history over half (53.8 percent) of women ages 25-29 are childless and a record 30.8 percent of American women ages 30 to 34 haven’t given birth. Most of these women are college-educated. And most are single.

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>Moreover, today’s young, childless female city-dwellers with college degrees are out-earning their male counterparts by 8 cents on the dollar.

who fuckin cares?

sage .. 2nd day multiple threads

I'm not attractive but in my lifetime experience men of lower tier, in my league are picky and are Icaruses chasing the sun goddess. They get burned but think they're worthy of it.

I understand I am ugly so go for not so attractive and socially awkward guys, but nope I get rejected.

But anyway I am salty as hell.

Well I have a bf now but I was 25 when I met him. You can't shake off the experiences.

its not mens fault that women have made themselves undesirable and that most women in this boat are degenerate feminist types.

No. Women becoming undesirable and the family courts being run my feminists has.

>Childish men are to blame for women having kids late in life
To be fair this is true. Just not in the way the feminazis think. Childish men are at fault for not beating the everliving shit out of women and raping them into a state of perpetual pregnancy like God intended. These manchildren should've known better than to let women have rights.

you re good at roleplaying

>there are no women here

yeah sure honey, men weren't the problem for 100,000 years of history ,but since 1980 men's standards have shot through the roof…

That is surely more likely than women being the problem

It's Trudeau

Men need to grow the fuck up

you're wrong and retarded because i'm a huge manchild and my mom got preggo with me when she was 19

In case of failure or collapse, blame men. Nice try kike.

They made a movie out of The Handmaid's Tale? Doesn't look very professional, though.


>Most of these women are college-educated.

This is the actual problem. Educating women destroys society.

You should, it means the narrative is going to change. All the feminists are getting older and are all miserable. The tide is going to turn.

There is no reason for men to have kids except to "save your race". If women want it they should try harder.


Yes, us men are the "childish" ones.

Sexual liberation has given women the expectation that they will all find the perfect 6'4 10 inch dicked turbo chad, and they hold onto this fantasy until they're 40 and beyond all hope.

I have gone for unattractive and socially awkward men: still rejected.

Sure, women who are attractive are a problem, but they are only rightfully being picky. If you were Brad Pitt you wouldn't date some uggo. Men who chase these women and get burned and cry about it: I have no sympathy, at least know where you sit.

As for OPs article yeah she deserves it and is reaching beyond her league, like the guys I talk about. They lack self awareness.

I can't outbreed the white suicide, i just cannot rationalise having a child now.

Hmm, correlation between (((education))) and being a spinster.. I think so.

What you consider "not so attractive" is probably pretty attractive. ie. Tall, white, good job

My mother advised me to knock up my gf in her late 20s rather than her early 30s.

>educated women
Even educated women are boring as fuck to talk to. I've had deeper conversations with random drunk men at bars.

What I'm reading here is that women wanted all the privileges of men, but with zero of the expectations.

Full disclosure: I'm a NEET. I'm a good cook, a decent housekeeper, and can keep myself entertained for the long hours my wife would be at work. With the gender roles reversed, nothing about this would be weird, and I'd be considered fairly normal.

But these women aren't looking for me. They're looking for men who are also caught up in their careers, most likely men higher on the totem pole than they are. Well, that's their mistake. Not mine. If I'm not good enough for them, all I can say is that they forgot those lessons of feminism awfully quickly. As we all knew they would.

>troll thread
>that flag
>jew york
It all checks out.

You have a vagina, you shouldn't be going for anyone. The simple fact that you're having to go for anyone says a lot about you as a woman.

You 're projecting your own lack of self-awareness onto the men you want.

In a world where women got what they want, they still complain about men. This is to me a very "Haha, toldya so" moment because feminists fought for the rights of women to be equal to men. Well, there you go girls, now you can work in stressful environments just like us men.

Because everyone loves a life where you work all the time and not being able to build a love life. I mean, when you start seeing more articles like this popping out often, then you start realizing that maybe, being equal is not rainbow and sunshine huh?

>ignore factual evidence such as genome tracking of the Y chromosome clearly displaying that an extremely small portion of males ever got to reproduce
>ignore that women COMPLETELY control the dating game and the juristical system when it comes to divorce settlements, alimony and child support
>ignore that women are propped up in every single social outlet and catered to and constantly coddled by society

>still blame men and pull out anecdotal personal experiences as if they matter

yeah you're a woman alright

>girls get a job
>fall for the guy that has no real job shit or the muh strong independent career meme
>meanwhile medias twist views on what a good relationship should be, goes from disney tier perfect relationship to straight lustful everything
>girls wants disney
>boys wants lustful
>everyone falling for kike memes

Also, >kike OP sucking dicks

In the past less people actually had children and marriages but when they did they had many.

Not all women were meant to breed. Some of them are incredibly ugly.

>white people care about their future
Go fuck some niggers if you're that desperate

Is Joanna 32 or 39?

Fake news. They can't even stay consistent with their stories

it's a Hulu exclusive TV show

>Go fuck some niggers if you're that desperate

Get AIDS, beat up, and sickle cell babies with no daddy.

Having a child past 25 should be illegal, you're pretty much guaranteed to shit out an autist by then.

>gooberments make fathering harder and harder every year
>sides with women in every court battle
>women are crazy
>women are becoming lazier and lazier
>baby raising harder and harder
>more expensive
And women wonder why nobody wants a baby with them anymore.

Should have shot lower. You're probably even less attractive than you think. That said: tits or gtfo.

>breeding a woman who is over 30
why would any man fall for that

Jewesses age like milk left in the oven.

It's because white people don't wanna have kids unless they have a combined household income of $500k/year. Meanwhile Abdullah the taxi driver making $37k/year has four sons. "Responsible" parenting is a literal Jewish trick.

do we really have to wait for your natural death for you to remove yourself from the genepool, you genetic piece of trash?

you are evolutionarily literally below the lowest of subhumans; how does that make you feel?

no reason to save a race that doesn't want to be saved.

>Annoying feminist cunts are dying alone
This is a bad thing how?

Too bad about these sorts of shows looking so cheap, unless that's a bad shot. Costumes that look like they came directly from the factory, zero set dressing, etc.

Don't really see how you could turn that short a book into a whole TV show, either.

She was 32 when she hit the wall and sunk her career to try and get a man. Then she fucked it up for 7 years.

I didn't ignore anything. You just ignored what I said. I go for low hanging fruit, but I still get rejected. They were not anything close to Chads.

Court procedures are irrelevant to my personal experience.

>ignore x, y, z
Just like how you're doing it to my personal experiences.

It's really not my fault that men bend over backwards to get ass raped by attractive women who will get backed up by other tards because OOGA BOOGA POOSY.

Women are forced the liberal narrative that they can have a career and kids. They waste their best years doing mediocre 9-5 shit.

Surprised when theory doesn't overlap with reality. : thinking:

>>Annoying feminist cunts are dying alone
>This is a bad thing how?

Because they are leading legions of naive young women into the same path of destruction through the MSM, academia, and divorce raping their fathers.

sexual revolution of the female brought us so much.
now we all can enjoy getting yelled at AND pay for bad personal choices of women while getting nothing in return. just like a real relationship

But naive young women can look at those feminist cunts and see how they're alone and miserable in their late 40s, if they're dumb enough to follow their example then do they honestly deserve to breed?

And brain dead women are the reason the job market's so fouled up....sweet heart.

>“But her boyfriend doesn’t feel settled in his career, so she spent thousands of dollars to freeze her eggs as she waits for him to be ready.”
Sounds more like her boyfriend being responsible than anything close to him being childish. I don't have the same hesitation. My first child will probably be conceived on my wedding night, if not sooner, but that's because I'm already a patient person and am only getting more so as I age.

Of course, any woman with the same anxiety is seen as STRONG AND INDEPENDENT! What a joke.

>it's men's fault I'm getting old and haven't been knocked up consensually yet, not the fact I'm an annoying ugly cunt who most wouldn't wanna have children with anyways!

>now we all can enjoy getting yelled at AND pay for bad personal choices of women while getting nothing in return. just like a real relationship

1st step was woman getting "freedom"
2nd step is blaming men for woman not being happy and married (we are here currently)
3rd step tax single men more for these fuck ups.

women over the age of 24 should not expect to get married.

>if they're dumb enough to follow their example then do they honestly deserve to breed?

they're women…….. they are emotional and gullible. They're also highly susceptible to social alienation aka they group think and the Harpies are the mainstream now.

'she' is right though. the serious dating market is no less fucked up for grills than it is for guys.

stronk wymyn dont need no men. and men with an internet connection need no pussy. not to the degree that we used to anyway.

finding a decent provider male that isnt too omega as a homely grill is no easy task, your own saltiness notwithstanding

No, I am ugly. No one approaches me, so I do the approaching because I want a partner, very simple no?

>says a lot
Yeah, that I'm ugly. And even low hanging fruit don't want me.

>lack of self awareness

Oh noes the internet arm chair phychologist totally knows me!

Being emotional and gullible stops being an excuse once you're in your mid-late 20s.
If you want to argue that women are like children then should they also have the same rights as children?
In a world where you're afforded the same rights as a man I expect you to be capable of rational, forward-thinking thought just like I would a man.

not sure why I have to care about your personal experience

I'll spell it out for you.

You're delusional if you think below average men actually think they have a shot at above average women and get "burned up" in the process.

D E L U S I O N.

Your 1 or 2 cases of that happening is irrelevant and does nothing but reinforce an already wrong assumption you have.

It's because men don't want to fucking marry a used up woman. Sorry they're too stupid to realize that. Women will reject a 10/10 chad if he makes even a penny less than her wages.

You got problems if you keep calling yourself ugly.

Improve yourself and go to the gym.

/Fit/ will help

That's your problem for buying into the chirade of "women deserve " this and that. Just to get you bitches in the labor market so DC can have more tax revenue. "Career" is a meme. Work is fundamentally a means to an end, namely, the raising of a family. Food for thought. It is time to re think the stale and feeble paradigm and start thinking for yourself. Follow the money.

Listen faggot when all women I know are like this:
Who tf wants to marry them?

>lack of self awareness
Again your own words and they still reflect the true nature of your comment.

Learn to cook, go to church,when finds a man, suck his dick everyday and swallow. He will not leave you no matter how you look.

>still got a bf
Yeah you stupid bitch, you state you're ugly yet STILL you managed to pair up. Yet somehow fail to see how the game is tilted in your favor.

those guys might get rich in the future and hence could be biding their time to capitalise on their future value. and their perceived future value is higher than what your value would be at that time

i.e. should a ugly med student marry at 23 or wait till he is a high flying surgeon making bank to marry?

at early age thevalue of the woman he can get will be low. at later age the value of the woman he can get will be high. but he wont be able to get that woman if he is already married.

You can unJew women anymore. Jew influence permeates society. When she is on her phone, on social media, she is being Jewed. You can't stop it.

This is it. To women, the great majority of men are "below average", which doesn't even make sense mathematically.

Do you cook? Or are you one of those modern women who have no feminine interests in caring for a man? Cooking alone will land you a male, and sex.

Yah hahaha! News Flash: feminists were always miserable. Now they're getting older and less capable of changing shit. Good riddance, enjoy the bed you made.

Best to wait if this is your case, you will have very little time to contribute to a relationship for a very, very long time.

Haha no. Women were given the right because they are easier to manipulate. They don't provide, they don't really face as much risk, they don't need to work, and simply don't understand things because they lack the experience in regards to it. Not only that, but they also sway desperate beta males with emotions as well.

Even ugly girls have a massively inflated view of what kind of partner they should be able to "attract".
I blame this on online dating, but ugly/chubby girls need to realize why they get the attention they do online.
> its NOT because men are interested in a relationship

Sure they might be down to through you a bone, but to be seen in public or with friends together is a totally different matter...

>left blames men
>right blames women
Clearly something is going on here, but I think it goes beyond gender. We're not building families anymore, everyone is unhappy. It's like we've forgotten how to live normally.

Qt redhead?

So in other words:
Miserable feminist sows find that worthy men are not attracted to their masculinity and as such do not want to create a family with them.
It's almost like liberalism is unattractive because of its ideology and not the people that flock to it. These women are all looking for a partner well passed their prime, everyone I know who got married did so at 20-25 with a 20-25 partner. For analogy: What would you rather at the grocery store? The bread made fresh today or the week old on sale bread.

Educating them in Gender Studies and other sociological bullshit is the problem. Marie Curie discovered two elements I believe so I am all for women getting advanced degrees. Really, for anyone to bother getting any kind of sociology degree is worse than a waste of time, it teaches you to ignore the obvious for (((rationalizations))).


Hey honey, you want kids? Stop taking birth control. You do know there's long term risks and effects, right?

>I go for low hanging fruit, but I still get rejected
Maybe there is a reason YOU got rejected? Maybe its not only the outside or also the inside and also bad hygiene? And like the poster above me said, do even realise how many man are rejected every day by 3/10 and less who shot for the best male they can get?

i've found women who were ok with working and taking care of me, it all depends on you whether or not women are ok with it

>Everything going for her
>Is 34
When will they learn

>Everything going for her
>>Is 34
>When will they learn


But they do. I mean, there were OKC statistics posted where lower tower men message higher tier women more frequently. Youll see it on instagram, YouTube. Plenty of places to check it out. Keep in mind this stat was done in % not numbers, so the fact a higher percentage of lower males went for higher tier females speaks for itself.

>women chase money and (((career)))
>suddenly they're 40 and don't have children
I guess men are to blame for that!

Yep. Fuckin sheila is trollin these poor cunts

>implying looks are the sole determinant of male attraction
How demeaning. Does your boyfriend know you think he's dating you solely for your looks?

If men complained in this fashion, they'd simply be told that "nobody is entitled to sex/a partner." How is this any different?

>Women were given the right because they are easier to manipulate.
>the right
Which right?
The right to vote?
Sure, I could see that, a lot of what feminism pushed for was just so women could be exploited by the government just like men, though arguably to a greater degree.
>Not only that, but they also sway desperate beta males with emotions as well.
Those desperate beta males were the older generations.
Gen X, older millennials, maybe even some younger millennials who are genuinely desperate and delusional, but a lot of this "childish men" crap is coming from guys aged 18-30; older Gen Z and younger Millennials.
Considering the prevalence of the internet and the influence Sup Forums has gained over the past 4 years (to give you an idea, Sup Forums's ranked 86 in the US and 242 globally), I wouldn't be surprised if things get worse for these up-and-coming feminists as more and more younger males flock to the internet.

I dated many woman in college and post college. Same fucking story. "I'll never have kids". 3/4 of those woman have kids but did so later at life. The rest are angry feminists. It's fucking depressing. I wanted to have a family and I make decent money and everyone says I am so good with kids but i'll be the one childless and the niggers or spics who live on welfare will breed like roaches. Honestly I give it 5 more years and I will shoot myself. Already have a gun and the desire to live is getting less and less and I fear death less and less. No point going on and being miserable when I did everything fucking right ad it still doesn't work out.

>I hear the same story, told in different ways, all over New York City.


Ted kazcynski was right

But muh wage gap

>You can't shake off the experiences.

Hahahahahahahaha do you ACTUALLY believe women aren't favoured 8:1 in the dating game?? Holy fucking shit lmao they bank on that inequality with a multi-billion dollar porn industry AND prostitution