I'm a atheist but i really want to be Christian. Can somebody give me a good proof that God exists ?
I'm a atheist but i really want to be Christian. Can somebody give me a good proof that God exists ?
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I was religious until someone leaked a photo of your face on here. No way would a God make something as ugly as you
>Can somebody give me a good proof that God exists ?
Why would you want to be a Christian?
This. There is no proof of God. Christianity is just a cult started in the desert and got spread by a bunch of peasant lunatics.
Because Christianity is redpilled and good. Its a good defense from degeneracy such as homosexuality, transgenderism, pornography, prostitution, etc etc. Also dawkins and hitchens are a another leftist whores.
You cando all that without believing ina magic sky man
Replace the word "god" with "undeniable truths about life" and it makes sense.
Get off the internet dad
There is no need to believe in God.
This will make you become a theist
You don't need proof to be religious. Just pray and join the official Moon Central Discord where we're hating on niggers, jews, spics, arabs and other minorities. Also, white people only.
While what you say is true, you can do the same without having to conform to a religion. For instance, we have the public school system as a tool. And if there's one thing Sup Forums taught me it's how good the public school system is at brainwashing the next generation. Teaching morals should be a piece of cake.
well your less likely to
>As a note, the burden of proof lies on the "atheist" who claims God doesn't exist
And here I was hoping it'd be an interesting read
1. Become an open minded atheist until you become agnostic.
2. Read apologetics from Dr. William Lane Craig. It is a Christian book, but it has perfectly logical arguments to be a a Deist.
3. Now that you are a deist, start studying theology and conclude if Christianity is the best religion for you.
4. If you decided to then make your first prayer, accept Jesus and go to church to guidance.
5. If you are not so sure yet, you can ask God for a signal.
Ignore the exoteric, literal intrepetation of the bible, its pure normie trash. Focus on the esoteric and allegorical and gematrial codes.
because there are more Christians than atheists. So yes it does
Do you're own research. Don't be a sheep baaaa
It never escapes my eye how there are people who have spent their lives denying every supernatural occurence in their lives (there are always many in each life) delegating it to the "must have imagined it" sector.
Anything we can tell you will likewise be imagined but by us, and also you want to become a bigger idiot than you are, so no.
So if there ever are more muslims than christians, you'll convert?
why do u have to be part of any religion ?
i think the real idea of believing in a higher force doesnt need a religion...
think about how many mortal power hungry had a say in whats in a religious book... and how many agendas had influence on the texts....
just be a nice human being... the only commandment u need is dont be a cunt
make sense ?
thats not what its saying tard. its saying since there are more christians than atheists then the atheists have to prove there isnt a God. Also actually read the thread since there is people proving God. you can probably skip OPs posts in the beginning though
Fatima proved God is real. A modern miracle, 100 years ago as of yesterday. Our Lady of Fatima appeared to us and told us to pray the rosary daily. She foretold the rise and fall of communism as well, before the Russian revolution, to children who didn't even know what Russia was.
In Poland recently, a priest dropped a host on the ground during the eucharist. As he was supposed to do, he placed it in water to dissolve. When a nun returned to collect the dissoled host, it was intact and fused with was human flesh. It was sent to scientists who confirmed it was human heart tissue.
There are miracles in the Catholic faith even today! If you just open your eyes, you will see and believe.
>t. CucLick
So you'll be proving that your god is the real god, when you're not the majority in a specific group?
Depends on what Religion you are interested in, im assuming Christianity so the first step is looking into Jesus as a real life person during the Roman period of them wiping out jews, ive never read any of the religious texts of Christianity but i find it more believable than our universe exploded and here we are.
1. Come to a conclusion that Jesus was real or not
2. Jesus was recorded to have performed miracles, even the Romans believed it, thats why they took his robe to see if it worked, because people who touched his robe here healed.
3.Whats a miracle? Something impossible happening? Son of god confirmed.
If you decide to read the bible, there's still lit lore in it, good luck in your quest.
Religion is not a fashion statement you fucking child
Protestants/satanists are truly retarded
Its written in a book, jesus stop being greedy isnt that all the proof you need good god.
>It never escapes my eye how there are people who have spent their lives denying every supernatural occurence in their lives
there is no such thing as a supernatural occurence. you not being able to explain something is not proof of a greater power, its just proof that humans are very smart
There are more christians in the world than any other religion or atheism so i dont even get what your talking about
You will never arrive at the point of god without a leap of faith otherwise the discussion wouldn't focus on "is there a god" but rather "Is god worthy to be worshiped due to X" Until then it'll be one side asking for concrete proof and the trying to use anything possible to logically prove their religion.
I have the ultimate argument
>Christianity has the ultimate waifu, Christ-chan
>Atheism has no waifu, and even if one were made she would be a shit
This is the problem. Don't chase after Christianity only if there is"proof". The religion is about being kind, warm and supportive to your neighbor.
Its a wholesome path that leads to self fulfillment through your fellow countrymen.
The point is you achieve something that isn't for yourself. This is the path to real happiness.
>I'm a atheist but i really want to be Christian.
Just jump out of a second floor window and make sure that you land on your head. After recovery you'll be ready for Christianity.
>then the atheists have to prove there isnt a God.
Neither side can, at our current state of technology, prove any side of the religious argument. Sure, we may explain our reasoning and point to empirical evidence, but at most one side is only made to seem more unreasonable than the other. In the end, as it stands, it comes down to the personal conclusions we draw from what evidence and reasoning we are given.
That being said, I personally believe it's still unlikely the Semitic God, who originated in the desert wasteland of the Middle East, exists.
Why do you want to be a Christian? I ask because I'm an atheist, but I still go to church every week, and raise my family based on Christian values, because they make for a stronger familial unit and the sense of community is important. What are you looking to get out of it?
She doesn't exist.
Not an argument.
Jesus christ you're a fucking retard. The burden of proof is on the person making the claim. If someone says "I own a cat" and someone else says "No you don't" it's not up to the 2nd person to prove you don't but on the 1st person to prove they have a cat. Having the majority, which you won't for long at this rate considering what's happening in Europe, doesn't change this. Kill yourself.
there is no proof its about "belief"
i guess your stuck being an agnostic/ignostic/atheist
i remeber from the thread yesterday. your really fucking retarded
There are literal modern miracles that prove Jesus but you choose to ignore it.
It's all there when you're ready.
Burden of proof is retarded. No one has any obligation to prove any claim inasmuch as no one has any obligation to believe
>implying 3D>2D
Yet, here you are admiring and supporting these values. I do NOT believe in any invisible cosmic being that has shaped the universe and I support sexual responsibility.
Well, one day Islam or some other religion might be the majority. Just like the majority of people once thought that sun orbits earth. Hopefully you'll be ready to accept such idea, seeing as we should always follow the majority!
So if someone said "God isnt real" then someone else said "Yes he is" it would be in the first person to prove him wrong?
"I am, therefore I am". It's in the Bible.
Number 2 and 4 contradict each other.
>burden of proof
Does nothing exist?
There's no evidence
You have to believe in the unprovable, IE have faith.
im not saying you can only be a traditionalist if your Christian just your more likely to be
Dad out of 10 joke
seeive already linked proof tard just skip OPs posts. also Christianity will for atleast for a very long tome be above gaytheism
Read the book called Cold Case Christianity.
There is no direct evidence, but plenty of circumstantial.
>There are literal modern miracles that prove Jesus but you choose to ignore it.
Those miracles can be explained with coincidence and/or the skill of the men involved. These, as much as it would pain you to believe, are not sound proof of a supernatural being such as God. For that you will need a supernatural miracle.
3D actually exists, so you can actually copulate and emotionally relate with them (3D) on an intimate and human level. This is mostly because, unlike 2D, 3D can respond to stimulus.
There's no hard proof to God existing. I can prove the concept of God, I can prove that he could exist, but I can't prove that he does.
Infinity, as a concept, is something that definitely exists, it's a mathematical inevitability. God would be an infinite being. This also leaves the possibility that evolution exists, and the Big Bang, because if God was an infinite being, he didn't wait 1000 years for X to happen, he made it happen and it happened. To us it took 1000 years, and God's aware of the time difference, but it doesn't affect him.
Heaven is likely us ascending to an infinite state. Even if you don't believe in God, this is true, we ascend to an infinite state, and we have no idea what that even means. Meaning, an infinite amount of time passes after you die.
Then, if you choose to go with Catholicism, there are a multitude of miracles, all of them proven to be true. My favorite one is the one where, in ~1100, the bread and wine was transformed into actual body and blood. They were saved for almost a thousand years, and in the 70's an independent lab tested them. They found that, despite the great condition the flesh and blood was, it didn't have any preservatives whatsoever. They also found that the flesh was of a heart wall, and that the blood and flesh were of the same blood type. Why is this important? Because back in the 1100's, it was very taboo to cut into a body. Like, death penalty taboo. If it was fake, why do that when they could have easily just cut off some skin?
And once it isn't, I am sure you'll follow your own idea and convert.
There is literally a book with gods words written in it, and it says gods word is the ultimate truth
Athiests are just stupid
Did god come down with his angels and say he did that? No? Oh so we can't prove it was from god, can we?
Wow, atheists sure are retarded.
>Gods words
>Was written and edited by man
Not an argument
Nope. Sorry lad, religion is metaphysical. This is your deeply personal journey, it's not something any man can hand to you. At best, we can point out the way, but you must walk the way. It's the very metaphysical nature of religion that makes it so valuable, such that both the king and beggar have a shot at salvation/enlightenment/etc. It's a worthy journey, I can promise hat much with ease.
>there is no such thing as a supernatural occurence
See, this is what I mean, the idiot sees a thing and declares it unexplainable and then forgets it, then he proceeds to claim he never saw anything.
Jesus was a kike
Anyone following Christianity is following a Jew
Mohammed also descended from Jews
Modern religion is a Jewish ploy
Return to the days of paganism
im not saying you have to follow the makority you dumbass. im saying the minirity needs to prove their stance
If god doesn't exist... then why is the Earth flat, why are there so many witches & demons.
Another stupid atheist, activate your critical thinking faculties you ignorant shit.
First ask yourself if you even believe in spirituality. Do you think we are empty blobs of molecules randomly assembled because nothing exploded and then a trillion billion years later you were born? It's very obvious there is another layer to all this that is not sensed physically. Next ask yourself do you believe the forces of good and evil exist? That is one of the core concepts of Christianity, objective good and evil. Subjective morality by nature is evil and jewish. Now if the forces of good and evil are real, there must be some source for all that right? God is simply the source of all good in this universe. We live on Earth, not heaven. This world is physical and inherently corrupted and we are here because ages ago man was corrupted. This corruption is the source of all your pains and of all evil. The ability to be tempted by the dark forces that have been trapped here with us is what the dark forces play on. Call it the devil, satan, lucifer, moloch, whatever, it's all the same.
If you really want to cement your faith, just read history, read genesis. See how the semetic tribes formed empires and how their bloodlines interconnect. See how the kingdoms of Judah and Babylon came to be and how Rome plays in to all of this. It's more important to understand the reason WHY Jesus came rather than all the miracles and all that.
Sorry for the wall of text, i can elaborate if anyone is even reading this.
What happened before the Christians took over?
Oh yeah, that's right, nothing.
>an unexplained astronomical phenomenon is proof of a god
in that case... Hail to Zeus!
It's a fact that heart tissue was fused with the host. What else could have caused it if not God? Denying this is a huge sin. No matter what proof you are shown you will deny the Holy Spirit. I feel sorry for you.
The fact that Germans exist means that there is no kind and caring god
Can you repeat that in english?
Any and all atheists should be forced to purchase pic related and a good book on quimbanda, then forced to summon entities and annoy and shittalk them, then asked if they believe when they are tormented by creatures from outside of known pantheons.
They are unrelated to the judeochristian religion, so it's gonna be a fun ride for the fedora once he gets posessed and assaulted.
No it isn't. That is a quote from René Descartes' book Discourse on the Method
If you need "proof" that God exists you will not be Christian. You believe in God.
Isn't Roman and Greek mythology technically paganism? Didn't these civilizations end up creating the frame of modern democracy, philosophy, mathematics, and... well, civilization?
your retarded
>What else could have caused it if not God?
Even if we assume this was a genuine supernatural event, what makes you think a friendly spiritual father figure was responsible? What about demons?
You fuckin idiot
Its not about proof, this is not logical positivism
Faith is the ability to believe, regardless of the circumstances
And while their are many cases of God existing (of which this thread probably has a few), that is not the point of faith.
I suggest reading Fear and Trembling, it will show you how to faith.
My what?
Give me a rundown on this book.
Contamination. Besides I can't find any documents outside of obviously biased sources discussing this "miracle".
Watch this video:
That's true, but you'll notice that a vast majority of the degenerate works that they wove are not present in today's society. Things like torture and human sacrifice.
Besides, this nigger is talking about Norse/Germanic/Anglican paganism.
Why discriminate against one belief system by forcing them to spend a good chunk of their money on a book? Why not extend it to all faiths?
either way it proves a god. Not any specific one
>Nothing can come out of nowhere.
>As we exist, something started the process of creation
>That very First "Being" can´t be the creation of some other being, thus, it has been there forever
>He has to be able to create without inputs (If you or me are that being, we couldn´t do anything we would die without air, food, etc)
>Said Being, thus wouldn´t die, thus It will always be there
>As He is the one that sets everything in motion, there has to be a motive, a reason why thus a Will
>As said Being has a Will, He, as allpowerful, will enforce It
>As His Will is the direct product The Designer, it´s a Perfect Will
>As humans are not as perfect as the Will of the Designer, it´s imposible to fulfill
>He wants us to be Justified, so He sends us a sacrifice, so that we can be.
I'd rather not induce mental illness upon myself.