property and contracts
no other regulation
Cut gov spending 99% get endless boom economy
gee i wonder if there's ever been a time when austerity worked...
>yes goyim, those regulations are what's holding you back!
>let the economy naturally run its course and you will benefit
>minimum wage? child labor laws? OSHA? all put in place by the evil government to stop you from becoming successful
It's not exactly a paradise here. There's a huge divide between the haves and the have nots.
There's actually a pretty good argument to be made against the minimum wage, especially in a globalised economy.
>le regulation is holding us back
>le free market will solve everything
Fuck off you ancap larping kike faggot. You have no idea the damage deregulation does .
Read this, and get an understanding of what deregulation / no regulation does
note: europeans dont get the no regulations part
they try to cut tax without cutting spending and regs
capitalism cant adjsut with regulatinos all over the place
USA became no1 in 1800s and ended slavery from unregulated capitalism with no welfare
Hong Kong surpassed UK and germany japan same way
and germany n japan owe usa trillion in unpaid defense and get massive beenfit from usa medical innovation 70% of world med innovation
UK medical far far below USA
USa at top of survive real sickness list UK n canada near bottom
everything you beleive is wrong
As oppossed to a few KM away where there's no divide and everyone is have nots?
mass production
capitalism ended slavery and child labor
wages go up natually as tooling imporves and worker productivity improves
capitalism alone innovates quickly
and cap is only moral system
GDP in usa be 100T by now if capitalism
throium safe economical clean atomic light up cities wit monorails and claen efficient factories
only regulation holds ecnomy back
capitalism is endless boom
great dep adn 08 caused by regulation
eat shit commy
italy needs capitalism more than anyone
Then google up derivatives, how they were never regulated, and how thru were one of the leading factors to the 08 crash.
>having regulation means you're a commie.
Fuck me, is this the power of American education? Do you unironically believe that regulation = communism?
Do you even know what regulation does?, or what communism is?
put on the book with money printed by fed
allowed by gov regulations
etc etc
capitalism would not have such stuff
it because heavily monopoly resricted regulated banking
monopoly is from government regulations 100%
crony is a feature of statism
You sir are a fucking moron, the elites don't want to cut government spending for themselves, they want to cut gov spending for you you fucking retarded goy.
Do you really believe the rich "believe" in what they call "Free markets"?They don't you retard. They believe there should be free markets for you because that makes workers less competitive, easier to manipulate, more desperate and less able to formulate public policy. Free markets mean price wars, where the rich wouldn't be able to make any profit because there is too much competition. Free markets means not being able to control a market and manipulate the base prices when you need to in order to stay competitive. Free markets mean no government contracts. Free markets mean no government trade walls for certain industries.
Are you literally this retarded OP that you can't see this? Libertarianism is a meme to manipulate plebs
what you are figuring out is that your education is shit
while we know the truth
USA no1 by far
think about it
thats with tons fo commy shit from democrats
without it gdp in USA be 100T and your system be more laughable that it is now
USA is way above you in medical and education btw
usa is no1 in sirvive when get real ilness
you get that crony is a feature of statism right?
that 1800s made usa from nothing to no1
with hong kong our only equal right?
no you are a moron
capitalism is the onyl moral system and creates prosperity lowering shortages quickly
regulation is communism and causes debt and poverty
which is state of EU
remember Germany owes usa trillions in defense same as japs
you simple minded apes need to youtube yaron brook and watch few dozen
remember USA is no1 in everything
the only economy comes near is hong kong
or singapore
norway has oil liek arabs
sweden is far inferior although has far less regulation does better than some due to that
germany n japs in huge debt and owe uncouinted trillions in defnese to usa
other examples are just small city states which are wealthy on vaction not real country
>capitalism would not have the problems of the fed
>monopoly is from government regulation
>crony is a feature of statism
The mental leaps you are making here is astounding. It is regulation that stops monopolies forming. It is regulation that stop cronyism from forming.
Are you seriously trying to imply that if we deregulated areas of the economy, that monopolies would not form, and that people would be honest?
cronyism is a feature of statism
what stops market entry?
regulation you moron
you must have scary commy beleifs
I bet you beleive in man made cimate change
wow what a fool you are
please watch yaron brook on youtube and get fixed soon
EU is imploding from regulation
minimum wage is cancer. Child labor laws are unnecessary. why the fuck can't kids work if they want to?
free markets mean each trade doesn't happen unless voluntary
courts exist
if there is fraud you sue
this is all so simple
Im astounded at the level of miseducation that msut exist for your irrational squauking at capitalism
history is clear
capitalism is best by far an away
capitalism fixed child labor
kids are inefficient anyhow
capitalism also ended salvery
minimum wage simply puts inexperiencede peple out of work
and starts the game of cronyism and unions who want regulation to create labor monpoly which is immoral theft
unions biggest power is in influencing the government. remove government and unions are useless
regulation caused the gr8 depression
how did usa go from nothing to far surpassing europe in under 100 years without regulations of government spending?
perhaps lack of regulations?
is this so hard?
regulation protects the lazy monopolists who worm way in
lower gov spending 99%
those who satisfy many willing customers grow huge
those who suck must change or get hungery
unlimited wants means unlimited jobs
with no red tape to produce and trade
those who do good job keep all of it
you did build that
you can build something new
unions are immoral regulation creators
ignore them and dont allow regs
economy move on swiftly
of course courts n cops to stop stealing n violence
>what stops market entry
I don't know, maybe a minimum standard?
You again have no understanding of what regulation does, and you're implying that regulation = communism.
>EU is imploding from regulation
The EU is imploding from a oversized and overzealous bureaucracy, a failed currency union which tried to tie diverse economies into one, and from too much needless regulation
>ah-had, you just admitted that regulation was bad commie
No. To much needless regulation is. There is a difference between regulating what financial institutions do, to regulating toothpaste colour.
I want you to genuinely think what would happen if we deregulated food production. Do you honestly believe that companies would keep up with their standards, and keep their products clean ?
awesome but for poorest 10%
see thats sneeky and commy
rest awesome
the poorest 10% in usa are richer than mso in world
and as capitalism makes economy soar you always have that
never defining it
yaron brook on youtube pointed that out
percentages are retarded tool of academic commies
rest of the graphs are awesome
GDP be 100T without regulaation
everyone be far far better off
whos standard?
I haev great are miseducated.
regulation is bad, remove it and endles boom
new zealand deregualted food production and is now a world food power
you are wrong
its ok
youtube yaron brook and spread good news
there is a better
desktop computer progress for all industries
You're wrong op just look at what my home province of Ontario has planned which will make Ontario the bestest place to work and invest
>Reducing the hurdles to unionization in key sectors of the economy
>Reversing the onus on part-time work, by forcing employers to clearly demonstrate why it's not a full-time permanent job.
>Boosting vacation pay from the minimum two weeks under Ontario's Employment Standards Act to the three weeks that is standard in most industrialized countries
> the Liberals plan on a major boost to the minimum wage starting this year, jumping from the current $11.40 an hour to as high as $15 when it is fully phased in
ontario is in heavily regulated canada
so you are the pink whale where socialism works?
I cant imagine how much debt and stolen tax cash is not counted in your plan
how much better things could be if you deregulated
how much prices of good go up due to monopyl created
you will get more debt and less output
oh lets remember canada owes USA trillions in defense
also 70% medical innovations come from USA and are subsidized by usa population taxes because we have too much regulation
canada gets all thsi stuff cheaper than free market and owes usa trillions in best emdical stuff
clean modern factories are waht usa and europe and world need
churn out bots
bots make awesome shit
use thorium clean safe economical atomic
forget wind solar and oil
make house dirt cheap and huge and far apart
>new zealand deregualted food production and is now a world food power
New Zealand didn't deregulate it's food production, it got rid of the price fixes, tariffs , what food could be produced, and closed its country to foreign investment.
That is not the same as deregulating food production, you fucking moron.
Again, you seem to unironically believe that if a specific market is deregulated, that people would not be misled.
I work in the financial sector, and I have seen first hand what happens when banks are not regulated, or if adequate regulation is not in place.
define deregulate to you?
your mind seems broken
*and opened its country to foreign investment.
The country closed itself off, which led to stagnation.
if peolpe are misled
they wont trade with X biz
and X gone soon
win win trades dont happen uness both willing sides trade
its awesome
fix for glboal misery is capitalism is its so sinmple
deegulate and get plenty
financial sector is most regulated
capitalism even partially implemented brought 1b peopleout of poverty
capitalism is greatest force for good
you mean china? its worse there
china is going to be scary if they adopt even more capitalism
USA tolerates too much gov spending and regulation
lawyers should not exist
logic software
should be no welfare
thats the fallacy of capitalism, that the individual interest is the public interest
there are plenty of times when entrepeneurship is not a common good
Ahahahahah nice joke m8 .
capitalism is right
you are wrong
USA and hong kong
norway sits on oil
china n sweden partially capitalist and doing ok
extreme capitalism is best thing ever
socialism is poison liek drinking gasoline
even a bit gaks you
reduce regulation
let everything be property and win win production and trade
you cant imagine how good things cna be
no mortgage
cheap big far aapart houses
thorium economical clean safe atomic
read ayn rand
christian morality is commnuism and evil
you cant jsutify a taking from b to give to c
democracy is communism
capitalist restricted state is best
USA no1
remember USA no1
>China has literally spent trillions in infrastructure projects and to create industries to attract foreign investment since the 80's
>saw over a 600% growth
>their wages for workers now exceed Mexico's, Poland and most of the Eastern Europe, and Russia's.
>Germany has a social market capitalism where it invests into infrastructure and training for industries, and provides a lot of welfare policies to cover for employers not having to pay much benefits to their workers outside of their direct wages and supplementary health insurance (which only comes into play past a certain income)
>has a trade surplus, one of the few developed nations with a strong manufacturing economy, is the strong-man of Europe, and their manufacturing has world renown quality
>Clappistan since the 90's has barely invested in any industry, infrastructure, or education
>most of our manufacturering as been outsourced and our industries are shit outside of tech--which can now be done in China and India
Anti-Governmentism is anti-Politics. It fails time and time after a again. The most commonly cited examples of it working (Hong Kong, Singapore) aren't even accurate. They have massive public infrastructure spending. Like 60% of people in Hong Kong live in public housing. Their healthcare industries are controlled by Government prices and has single-payer options.
Yeah it had nothing to do with the govt forcing banks to give loans to people who under normal circumstances couldnt qualify for them and those people being irresponsible. Of course the banks were happy to comply because the same govt told them their failures would be insured at 100% no matter what. If you are a greedy kike and the govt tells you to gove money away which you will collect an interest on and if the people default you will recieve full refund and keep the property to sell to another goyim what would you do?
The problem isnt just the banks its the corruptable govt that created the unnatural enviorment for it to happen.
Add polution to those regulations and I agree completely.
The whole co2 emission and climate change garbage is a hoax, the only thing we need to worry about is dumping chemicals, chemical emissions, and protecting keystone species
Is OP schizo? You sound manic.