Why don't women care about prostate cancer when men care about breast cancer?
Why don't women care about prostate cancer when men care about breast cancer?
Women are inherently more valuable to the species than men.
Just give me your money, fuckin nerd.
Men like to play with boobies. Women don't like to play with prostates.
KEK good one
cause prostates aren't marketable
Dad got a prostate biopsy the end of last month and it gave him an infection, then after they blasted the infection with antiobiotics, he started feeling better after 2 weeks. I called home today because it's Mother's Day and now he's got the flu. He still doesn't have the biopsy results yet. His doctor has it, but made an appointment the end of this month to talk about it in person.
Mum didn't want to talk about that stuff when I called home today and was just way too chipper chatting about how she planned to spend her day and a bunch of other stupid shit. I tried to talk to Dad, but couldn't because she was on the other headset and kept on cutting in with stupid, inane bullshit. I love my Mum but right now I wish she'd shut the fuck up and let me talk to Dad. Fuck!
You need to come to terms with the fact that your reproductive organs bring a lot less to the table than the typical woman's. Sperm is easy to replace. Wombs, eggs, not.
This doesn't mean you need to put the pussy on a pedestal or whatever but all other things being equal an issue that is causing increased mortality in a certain percentage of women is much more serious than an issue causing the same for men.
irrelevant to the subject
neither affect fertility and the vast majority of diagnoses happen way after the age of having kids
it's women being selfish cunts
There wasn't a giant fraudulent campaign shoving prostate cancer down people's throats.
>Prostate cancer doesn't affect fertility.
It doesn't? That seems counter intuitive...you kinda need that fucking thing for reproduction, don't you?
Do the balls keep cooking swimmers, if your prostate is shot?
>neither affect fertility
Dead people can't reproduce.
>and the vast majority of diagnoses happen way after the age of having kids
Which is true of prostate cancer and most any terminal disease as well. That doesn't change .
>you will never suck on Sheever's giantess tits
>She will never punish you for being a bad carry by stepping on your face
Prostate Cancer kills older men
Breast Cancer disfigures relatively younger women
>a fucking 32 year old childless video gamer
She just announced she has breast cancer.
thats the sound of his point going right over your head
Because most woman are selfish creatures.
If you tell some one they are special, and important just because they have a vagina their entire lives they typically become entitled, and selfish creatures.
Statistically speaking the vast majority of woman with breast cancer are already too old to breed.
Thus making your argument completely invalid.
I didn't miss his point. I just didn't care about it as much as I cared about that strange idea.
It's apparently true though, but the chemo for it DOES permanently destroy your sperm production.
20 men & 1 woman = 1 baby every 9 months
1 man & 20 women = 20 babies every 9 months
Again, it doesn't matter. If you have a condition that is causing mortality in 0.0000001% or whatever fraction of women who can reproduce and another condition with the same effect on men then the women's condition is going to have a greater impact on the species. It's not about the vast majority of cases that occur outside reproductive age, it's about the small amount that does.
Moreover, this is going to be true even if the condition kills ten or a hundred or perhaps a thousand times more men than women because the disparity in time and resources needed to complete the male's role in the reproductive process is that much different than the female's.
Again, this doesn't mean you put the pussy on a pedestal, and Susan G. Komen is bullshit, BUT this is a concept that was natively understood and acted upon by all human beings throughout the history of civilization right up to the current crop of cuckbots caught up in gender wars bullshit.
>20 men & 1 woman = whole lotta leaf cu-cking
i am reminded of that shitty canadian destruction images that appear on the internet randomly
Take all those brown leafs to the leaf oven.
Except we don't live in a fucking tribe anymore, you dunce.
>20 men & 1 woman = she picks a competitive one who can put a lot of effort into raising a successful child, and the rest continue to work for the betterment of society in the hopes that they'll find their own mates (males usually remain fertile until they die of old age).
>1 man & 20 women = 20 welfare checks
cause we like the titties
Marketing. You can easily market boobs; you can't market a man's hairy asshole.
That's exactly right, we don't live in a tribe anymore. That's why I get mpregged by all the successful business women and stay at home with the children and raise them for the future of mpreg society.
You're an idiot.
Sup Forumsss bl/a/sted
your mistake is in believing the bias toward female welfare is the result of debate & logical consensus rather than in-built
Women don't want to touch prostates. Unfortunate but there it is.
Even the women think it's too gay to touch mens' prostates.
It's actually more like
>20 men & 1 woman = jihad against the West
but your point is irrelevant. It takes a certain amount of resources to get a female to the point where she successfully births a child. You can quibble over the exact proportions but that amount is invariably much, much higher than the amount of resources to get a male to the point where he successfully impregnates a female. The social structure that raises that child is a completely different matter that has no import to the mechanics of this simple fact.
>your mistake is in believing the bias toward female welfare is the result of debate & logical consensus rather than in-built
Of course it's "in-built", that's the whole point. Civilizations full of men who say, "I'm not going to go out of my way to protect women because I think divorce laws are bullshit", don't last very long.
Women do not feel empathy for men who are not optimal breeding material. Their existence makes them feel uncomfortable.
> It takes a certain amount of resources to get a female to the point where she successfully births a child.
It takes feeding, clothing, and educating her. The non-luxury resources that she taxes more than men are food-related, and we live in a country where we have to pay people to not fucking make food. Food in America is trivially cheap.
In spite of this, society continues to act like women are a precious resource that needs to be made comfortable at all costs, and it's starting to cause problems, because we do this while also insisting that they be given the right to vote. You mention the fucking Jihad against the west (a non-issue in the states, given how strong anti Islam sentiment is here, but that's beside the point). The reason that stupid shit is happening over there is because they have an entire generation of females who are, and were raised to be, practical children. A sad picture of a child is all the argument they need to vote consistently for opening their countries to floods of immigrants who have nothing but animosity for them.