Redpill me on Freemasonry Sup Forums
What's so bad about it? Why shouldn't I become a freemason?
Redpill me on Freemasonry Sup Forums
Its actually not bad. It has the potential to be bad. The majority of people who say the Freemasons are evil don't understand what it is or they are christians who think its satanic.
When in reality, the "secrets" of freemasonry can be applied to do either good or bad. You have the choice and freedom to choose which, but you can never abolish the good or the bad from yourself. Because within everyone is both light and darkness.
Why is it associated with Satanism? Have masons ever actually been responsible for anything or is it all scapegoating?
Search for "sabbatean frankist jews" on google and you know why freemasonry is so bad.
Mainly because people get Luciferianism and Luciferian ideas confused with Satanism. Its important to note that the Lucifer =/= Satan.
Conspiracy theorists love blaming Freemasonry for just about everything. Correlation does not equal causation. Some powerful people are Freemasons. But they arent necessarily powerful BECAUSE they are Freemasons . Sure, it makes for great networking, but its not LERMINATY like most people think. The truth is, its probably a lot more boring than the idea you have in your head. That being said though, they do great things for society, and charity. Just my 2 cents
Some of them we bad and into the occult. The Scottish Rite was the group that produced the founding fathers being Christian and pro freedom. The Bavarian sect which coined the term Illuminati when referring to themselves, Adam Weishup and them, were the philosophical opposing group. They were openly at war, as it can be debated who infiltrated who and who won and which groups are what, but it's all fucking secret. So we will never know. From the outside I can't tell, as no one on the inside is talking as far as I know
I would if I could but I don't know who, what, where or how.
Its funny to see when people don't realize that a lot of the literature that Fremasons read can be found online for free.
How do I join a serious lodge?
Freemasonry is the entry level secret society.
It's where other secret societies go to recruit people.
It's a great thing to be a part of desu.
You get to meet a ton of great people in it and form amazing friendships. When you travel you usually run into other Freemasons who will take you out for dinner and show you around the city.
It's a brotherhood that's for Just and Upright men who wish to make themselves and their communities better.
It's a jewish program to recruit gentiles.
It's also a gay mens club.
For initiation to the high degrees you have to take
a dick up the ass. They use this to black mail members.
Eustace mullins wrote about it.
Typically you have to know a mason and be invited to a lodge by a current member. Usually you can sit in on a meeting before joining if you're invited. But you can't just walk up to a lodge and expect to join or go to a meeting.
To join try to find your local Freemason lodge and tell them you're interested in joining. They'll ask you for your name, address, and phone number. After a few months you'll get a call from them.
It is the summer time now so a lot of Lodges do close up so you'll probably have to wait till fall
Nope. Expulsion offense.
>But you can't just walk up to a lodge and expect to join or go to a meeting.
Literally how it works.
>The Scottish Rite was the group that produced the founding fathers
It wasn't even around until forty years later.
Doesn't make you a member with access to the benefits of joining.
>invited to a lodge by a current member.
Freemasons don't invite people. They aren't allowed to ask people to join. You have to ask them to join.
> Usually you can sit in on a meeting before joining if you're invited.
That's completely wrong. They might invite you to a charity event but that's about it.
Of course my Australian brother is in a Freemason thread haha. I finally proved last Monday eh.
Going to be Jr Steward next fall.
Hahahaha! What a fucking moron....Lucifier was Satan's name in Heaven before being casted out. Come on man stop being a dumb faggot and read a Bible.
spoonfeed me on the names of the books usa?
Its not good for your soul
>Going to be Jr Steward next fall.
Nice. Enjoy the ride. Do you have part in the ritual?
Here's quite a few. You can find most of them online, though.
Not too sure yet. I'm doing an investigation next week then we have our general meeting to discuss who's doing what.
I really like our Chaplin so I hope I can install him again
You guys seem to be calling every fallen angel satan.
If we're talking about reading Bible then I think you need to reread first 3 chapters of book of genesis mate. This time with attention to detail.
Serpent did nothing wrong.
Wait what? More details please!
>Lucifier was Satan's name in Heaven before being casted out.
Fair 'nuff. We don't really use Stewards here, but have seen them do big charges in other jurisdictions.
Enjoy working on the ol' theatrical skillz.
Enjoy the dicks in your arse. It's a cock club. The G in freemasonry stands for gay.
Its full of dying cucked boomers. Go ahead and join though if you can stand it, may as well make the next generation be Sup Forumsacks and take their resources for the purpose of saving white civilization.
Freemasonry was good until it was infiltrated by jews.
Jews were forbidden from entering masonic lodges until late XVIII century.
If you want a good example of a true mason (ie not jew`d) look at George Washington.
True Freemasonry is dead now. It was already dead in the 30s thats why Mussolini kicked the grandmaster.
>If you want a good example of a true mason (ie not jew`d) look at George Washington.
He was an oathbreaker who overthrew a Christian monarch to put Jewish bankers into power.
I wonder how it looks like in my country.
Can you give me a quick rundown of what lodges are there and which are legitimately worthy of joining?
>put Jewish bankers into power
source? proof?
Sure, go swear an oath to the Devil. What's the worst that can happen?
Apparently it's a weird mix of German/Austrian classical (Continental) Masonry, and the USA Rite.
Couldn't tell you where to do exactly, but
The USA itself, duh. He even refused the crown to ensure that a Jewish system of (((democracy))) took over. It may not have been intentional, but he was either a supreme idiot, to which all idiots could only ever aspire, or just a flat out stooge for his plutocratic buddies.
Yeah I've seen some places around here not use them as well.
I'm excited to be able to get to do more work stuff now. I usually try to take a part or two whenever we have an event.
Only thing that sucks is we're closing Lodge after our next meeting till summer is over. Do you guys ever do that too?
Just do a search for "freemasonry and sodomy" "sexual blackmail and freemasonry". A lot
of it will be bullshit but you can get the jest.
It's basically like Eyes wide shut except it's dudes boning dudes and little boys.
I would agree with this. Though my argument against this organization (good or bad), is that is is stupid. It was made back when for the elites as a BS organization that served no real purpose other than to talk about 'spirituality' it served no real purpose.
they are just like the jews, the only have power because people think they are powerful
what democracy? they founded a Republic. If it was democracy you'd have Hilary in the white House today.
Its a meritocracy, unlike Monarchy where the Crown rules and you're stuck with it forever.
Nah. Always found it weird that the Americas and UK do that. Like, yea, it's from a time before aircon, but Aussie lodges meet all year around in our dinner suits. You can't imagine the fresh hell of attending a Templar meeting wearing a dress shirt and trousers, underneath a surcoat and cape, with cap.
But overall, i do like the practice. It's pretty easy to get OD'd on it all when you have 12 meetings per year in your mother lodge, then whatever else you have going on Masonically.
>what democracy? they founded a Republic.
Po-tay-to / po-tah-to. Both are systems which allow the plutocrats, which now refers to the (((media))) to control the country. This amounts to them shoving dildoes into every orifice the population can produce, while at the same time telling them they wanted this because enough of them allegedly voted for it.
>Its a meritocracy,
Hilariously untrue. Otherwise Hilary would have won. Because the evil bitch at least had experience being a (((politician))).
>unlike Monarchy where the Crown rules and you're stuck with it forever.
Replace Crown with banks/media, and you've covered any elective system. At least a bad monarch will die eventually. A bad democracy can last forever if they play it right.
are you seriously comparing XIX and XX century U.S with that the founding fathers had in mind?
I think it's mostly because a lot of our members either leave for vacations or they work in blue collar trades and get busy in the summer.
I've never had that problem until I started working again and would have to wake up in the morning times.
Anyways, great to see you again brother. I'm going out now.
If they couldn't see the slippery slope they were causing, then they're stupid and guilty. I mean shit, it was pretty obvious when huge numbers of the colonists not only disagreed with the rebellion, but fought against the traitors.
They sure as shit didn't put that to a vote.
Enjoy, brother.
Kek is that how foreigners feel about daddy washington? He is a god that stumped the crown and cucked an empire ALL HAIL THE TRUE SAVIOR OF
Founding fathers were redpilled as fuck:
You really think the U.S would've remained a British colony for long? They were just getting on with it quick.
Well said!
Careful. Drinking that much kool-aid might give you diabetes.
>Founding fathers were redpilled as fuck:
Apparently not, given the system they instituted. Hell, i could at least respect them if they owned up to their actions, saying, "We served our own interests by fucking over the people." But they didn't. They pretended it was what the people wanted and needed, and silenced any voice saying otherwise. Really summises democracy there.
can someone tell me what these people do anyways? Theres like a small freemasonry building in a small city here where I live.
so you'd rather have absolute Monarchy eh?
and these monarchs are entitled to rule based on.. what?
Granddad is a Freemason. T b h they're just a bunch of powerful people/intellectuals that meet up every once in a while and LARP.
It's good if you want to make connections. All the satanic shit is bullshit. All the masons I've met are just normal people. They do have a code of ethics or whatever, though, that's where people get the "muh secret cabal".
Logic. For the good of society. They have the most invested in the country doing well, and they don't have to engage in partisan politics just to appease 51% of populist shitheads. And unlike politicians, they can't just cut and run, since everything they have is tied up in them being monarch, which then has to be passed onto their child.
Dont get me wrong im against (((democracy))) too.
But modern republics and democracies are not exactly what the FFs had in mind..
Im ok with Monarchy if the King/Queen gives a shit about its population and has proven him/herself to be superior and fit for rule.
Freemasonry is full of pedophiles. Most Freemason initiation rites invoke getting a compass needle shoved up your asshole too. It's a secret club for degenerate homosexual perverts who want to have sex with children
My ex girlfriend had a job at the local freemason lodge waiting on. She said there were parts they weren't allowed to be in the room for and that there was a room with a checkered floor she wasn't meant to go in but mainly she reckoned they were just old businessmen, nothing particularly crooked, just an old boys club.
I also know, although not closely, the leader of the local lodge (whatever they are called) and he is just a guy, owns a steelmongers on an industrial estate.
>inb4 lies
It's the unfortunate, disappointing truth
>proven him/herself to be superior and fit for rule.
That is the ideal, aye. But even if they're lousy they can be beneficial. For example with the Commonwealth, Her Majesty (and all since Charles II, sadly) aren't really of much use. But they are good placeholders. They stop some (((president))) from getting all the cards and having free reign.
People just tend to take a too severe leaning either way on the matter. A monarch should be a guiding hand for the country, not an on-rails bureaucratic fascist over every little matter.
It's "Kabbalah for Christians."
You're literally worshiping Moloch, just like all Jews.
a bunch of non-kikes that want to be like kikes
pedos, faggots, and occultists niggers obsessed with low level based shit like money, power, and control of the masses. they go straight in the oven with the kikes.
More often than not, old rich people who work in the banking industry. And they are all pedophiles. Probably a lot of them are jewish too. They use all those filthy kike words for codes and what not. Jews have their own lodge though, b'bai b'rith. The one that started ADL after the murderkng pedophile rapist Leo Frank was rightfully lynched by the good citizens of Marietta, GA. My great great grandfather was among the crowd who lynched that kike. Most of them have street names after them in the area today
Just because they don't know they're worshiping Satan as they do it doesn't mean they aren't.
My local lodge must be a boring one
>The only reason why you can critically think is satan
>Implying that the physical form is superior enough to reject god because it believes its own logic can put 2 and 2 together without knowing anything.
"Crticial Thinking"
Do you seriously believe that a deaf person wants to hear? Like a cochlear implant as they are highly controversial in the deaf community.
No, they don't give a shit, because they don't know what its like to hear.
The only reason why you like to critically think is because you're a narcissist and you project it as an excuse to validate your claim about Satan.
Read the fucking book.
They're worshipping their own gods. Read a book on freemasonry that hasn't been written by a tinfoil hatter.
Because Albert Pike, a top level mason, wrote about Freemasonry as worshiping Lucifer.
Jews worship Saturn, not moloch. Moloch is a fictional deity who only exists in the jew testament and nowhere else. Probably a corruption of Melqart.
Maybe you're doing it right now?
He didn't, though. He wrote about how it was weird that people used the term for the spirit of darkness from Revelations.
To be one just ask one.
I dunno, I just listened to some guys saying that he did, and that it's proof that all Freemasons are Satanists.
I joined because my dad and grandfather were freemasons.
It was natural. A tradition.
It's a very ancient practise. Joining will need two or more people to sponsor you. You should be of good character and charitable in nature. Petition your local lodge.
Pic is my lodge.
Oy Vey
Did a thread about them recently:
As Abraham Lincoln once said, "Don't believe everything you see on the internet." People like to take Pike quotes out of context and hope people don't actually read them to make them seem sinister, is all.
>Judaeo-Masonic conspiracy isn't re-
Look, Freemasonry Internet Defense Force shills act exactly like other defense force shills meaning at the very least that they are up to no good.
Personally, I don't even care if it really turned out that they were all sweet and innocent. There aren't that many of them so I think we should kill all of them and be done with it. I feel the same way with jews except jews are obviously and objectively guilty. We need to start killing freemasons and other secret fraternal societies because secrecy is degenerate. We also need to start killing all of the jews, especially ashkenazis
Fucking kill yourself you retard.
>because secrecy is degenerate.
Aight. Give us your bank details. And be sure to put webcams through your house, streaming 24/7.
>Just and Upright men who wish to make themselves and their communities better.
So they take dozens of blood oaths swearing that their brethren can torture and dismember them if they reveal the secret of all the nice shit they're doing.
Seems legit.
>So they take dozens of blood oaths swearing that their brethren can torture and dismember them
Nope. I suggest you read a ritual book sometime.
I mean chanting in blood red robes under a dim lit candle chanting some long dead language
but they are mortal enemy's of the Illumination
Green text story inbound
>be me
>4 year old shit
>single dad had to drop me off with grandad
>Wake up
>puts me in little plastic floor rocking chair
>he drives to jappa lounge
>usely abuch of old farts
>not to day
>my father carry me into dimly lit room
>6-8 old farts plus grampa
>hes the leader so he planned this
>barely awake but can see just fine
>weird ass red burning candle
>all in red robes with gold inlays
>chanting around this table to something
>some golden box in room they start to open it
>he screams of god it self
>wake the fuck up and start calling them out
>man say he must be made to forget
>granddad says he will do it
>MFW he never did
>MFW i found out are senpai is deep-state as fuck
>knew the Kennedy on a personal level
>my father smoked weed with Roberts kids
>MFW i think my granddad had them killed
That's not the same thing. And streaming 24/7 camera wouldn't bother me. I have nothing to hide. You want to see my balls? Go nuts
Secrecy is degenerate. Don't try to twist the definition based on literal interpretation and technicality. That's called pilpul by the way and is a jewish rhetorical trick. It's the reason why the jews scheme with legal jumbo jumbo and try to skirt around them. They invented this and introduced it into our culture but it is 100% semitic deception and yet another reason why we need to exterminate all of the jews. And we should kill freemasons too. The NSDAP was against freemasonry and that should be all Sup Forums needs to know. Kill them dead now. Show up to their lodges with an AR-15 and pick them off one by one. Cut their throats with compass needles for the irony factor. We must show zero tolerance toward freemasonry and judaism in all of its forms. Death to them all. And you can join them since you're probably a kike anyways with an Aussie VPN since they do that
>Serpent did nothing wrong.
Thanks, Hiram.
>look at George Washington.
Traitor to his king and revolutionary. Masonry and their predecessors have been at that nation wrecking game a very long time. Even before Jews officially infiltrated the lodge, the basic premise of their religion is the same Mysterey Babylon religion which is contained in the Talmud.
Literally Talmudic jewry for goyim.
>secrecy and privacy are the same thing
if you unironically believe that wanting to not be observed while taking a shit is the same as participating in a secret society, return all your electronics to the store and never post here or anywhere else on the internet ever again.
They aren't their own Gods. They are already existing ancient God's from, well, take your pick, whether it's Caananite or Sumerian the lore is the same. Most Christians would define it as devil worship, and it was also frowned upon in the Old Testament as a turning away from God; and the Jews know it.
Could also be compared to Baal, or Set in Egyptian, yes it is Saturnian. What significance that has, I can't say, but what's important is ultimately the rituals they entail.
Doubtful. There are numerous tricky ways in which people are coerced into praising Satan/Moloch/Saturn, but once you have studied those things enough it kind of becomes like The Number 23 in that you see it everywhere. I assume much of it is unintentional, or subconscious, or unrelated entirely; but one thing is for sure there are a large number of people who take symbols wholly seriously and especially those among mememasons are completely misguided representations of this worship which, though unintentional, are there for that reason.
Fuck thank god i went Nazi
Will you sponsor me?
>is there a second mason here?
Would not mind joining, however the rituals are lame and stupid. Dont want to do that.
nice little homage to the devil right above the door.
>That's not the same thing.
It is, though. What have you got to hide?
>Pic related to the rest of your post
>if you unironically believe that wanting to not be observed while taking a shit is the same as participating in a secret society
It's the same principle. Why are you entitled to privacy in one area, but not another?
But you could still be doing it, according to you. If it's unintentional.
I swear the only people I can interact with on here are Americans and Brits, the rest of you are retarded
Thanks anon5.
It was helpful and reinforced why I joined.
I knew they had sections corrupted and taken over, but I'm not searching for light FROM freemasonry; but more so watching rituals to derive my own meanings instead of a forcefeed.
>not all mememasons
its literally in the name that you are disciples of solomon.
The 80's TV mini-series 'V' is about the Masons.
Couple of my friends' fathers are free masons. Just seems to be a thing for a bunch of old fellas to hangout and make a few connections. Dont really think theres any point in joining up before youre 30
I have 2 issues wit your post:
1. Critical thinking is just a symptom of a far more important gift we received.
2. You're talking about physical body while I'm talking about the soul
The rest of your post is suprisingly accurate and the deafness comparison is very on point.
I will not try to change your personal attitude towards the gift but consider the following:
The serpent gave us an option. You are given a way to reject it and return to the way you were originally created. You can return the hearing implant to the doctor. There are those however that see beauty in sound and would never forsake their newly aquired ability.
Giving us the choice cannot be considered evil.
>But you could still be doing it, according to you. If it's unintentional.
Not really. I educated myself so that I could be certain that the things I thought were my own and not the fabrications of someone else. What I found was that I was mistaken entirely and so are a great number of other people. People aren't really secretive or subtle about the religious texts they follow, they view them as sacred and real. If you actually did the same, educated yourself, and read them; you'd see them too. The Old Testament and the Kabbalah are easily accessible lookholes through what many Masons are unknowingly falling into.
Always hele, ever conceal, never reveal.
>Not really.
Why not? You said that others are doing it without knowing? What's so special about you? How can you be sure you're in the right, and not accidentally worshiping Ganesh or whatever?
>The Old Testament and the Kabbalah are easily accessible lookholes through what many Masons are unknowingly falling into.
It's basically zionism. They ultimately worship demonic entities like remphan, moloch, etc. But, they misguide the public and lower levels to think it has something to do with charity..baka.