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Here are the direct mandates from 2012
Red is SPD, Dark Blue is CDU
First time voter and just voted for AfD.
>living in the Ruhrgebiet
>socialist hellhole
>no jobs
>migrants everywhere
>no money
>high unemployment
Venezuela of Germany. When will people wake up?
Gottkanzler Höcke!!
Both crosses to the AfD!
This. Also horrible infrastructure. NRW looks like a fucking shithole. The universities are so damn ugly it repulsive. See -> Bochum Uni
what hte hell is going on?
the biggest state in germany with a quarter of its population votes today
its also the state with the most migrants, rapefuges etc
huge forecast for the federal election later this year
Check out thga in Bochum.
If the damned reds lose NRW, they lose everything. Hope the Shulzzug blows up once and for all today.
Thank you but i have one more question. What is the vote for?
state government my dude
thanks have another bump
11-12% unemployment rate
>official numbers
thats how you know its more like 20%
>these clowns still vote SPD+Greens
AfD will get over 10%
SPD / Greens will get BTFO so hard
They´ll backpedal on all promises not to make a coalition with the Left. They will fail so hard.
It will be GLORIOUS
Hopefully those satanic tripps deliver. I want to see the SPD lose nrw!
Schulzzug derailed already. The hype is nothing more but some autistic redditors and shills making low quality memes.
Asking people to shout his name.
This guy is Jeb Bush level.
MSM is about to start the coverage of the election. 30 minutes until polls close
i'll move out of NRW within a few months when this country falls under Red+Red+Green rule
AfD 10%
Boomer cucks still vote for SPD.
I can't wait to get the fuck out of nrw. Lived here long enough. Pisses me off
This. NRW will not survive another 5 years of SPD and Green Party
What do you think of Armin Laschet?
He makes a friendly impression on me, he's probably a great neighbour. But I cannot help myself comparing him with Jeb!. Is he the right guy for the job of governour?
(certainly better than Kraft for sure)
Fuck boomers, fuck the muslims, fuck Kraft, fuck NRW
unlikely, 8% would be very strong result
He is a complete pro-refugee and pro-muslim cuck. Not much better, but at least he is not SPD.
AfD all the way
SPD is boomers, antifa, redditors and muslims.
I'm afraid you're right. Fucking West-Boomers.
In ex GDR Middlegermany the Boomers are those who take to the streets and support AfD.
Our Boomers are overwhelmingly based.
Rolling for AfD trips
This. Fuck the CDU. Fucking traitors
Catastrophic failure of leftist policies on a grand scale would be the best thing that could happen to Germany in the long run.
nrw going black would be a huge thing indeed. its a perfect example how a party literally build its ow base of voters by ruining the economy and handing out gibs to the poor in exchange for votes.
Why don't people wake up? 10% is nothing. I am getting desperate desu senpai
satanically checked!
He's a nice guy with a decent program. Since the hard right has no chance anyway, he is the only way to defeat the commies.
guys guys what livestream do we watch when results come out?
can AfD make the 10%?
10% is a lot in the state with most arabs, africans and commies. NRW is Paris the state.
Because of the AfD itself. But they NEED the seats and they NEED reforming.
But for now, AfD needs as many seats as humanly possible.
Last-minute voters GO GO GO
>Wahlbeteiligung von 2012 war bereits nach 2 stunden erreicht
>59% of all people voted
It's fucking happening. SCHULZ IS DONE
Voted for Die Linke
stay mad Sup Forums
They're fucking West-Boomers. They lived in their bloody materialistic post-war bubble literally since 1955. They never experienced an uncertain future like the Boomers in GDR in 1989/90.
They are 80% completely deranged. The only wake up when they are literally physically threatened with their lives.
do they show the reactions? want to see SPD getting BTFO
wait you guys say mandates too?
>no picture of vote
b8 confirmed ... probably non voter who stayed at home
~22 minutes until first projections
he is probably some faggot from Berlin
germans love muslims, germans will always be on muslim side
Quick post your AfD predictions. I'd say 11 percent.
>mfw Happening
they usually have reporters at the Wahlparties. havent seen them today but I tuned in just 5 minutes ago.
Everything under 10% would be bad.
That's forbidden by law. It was in all the news.
Do you really risk your vote to take a fucking picture?
I wouldn't. I know what I voted for and I have to make it count.
last poll said 6.5%, don't expect too much
7% sadly
yeah, about 10% is my prediction, too
Fucking Pretzell cuck!
>forbidden by law
Afd over 10%? Wtf are you smoking?
What do you guys think of the Free Democratic Party?
latest polls for comparison when the projections come in.
Multiple reasons:
1. People are afraid of a Red-Red-Green coalition, so they vote for the conservatives
2. The CDU became more conservative after the refugee-crisis backlash
3. The AFD is still very chaotic, constant infighting makes her unappealing to many voters
4. Party-Loyalty is still a big thing in Germany, that's why a shitheap like the SPD still manages to go +20%
Pretzell was cucked hard by Lindner in the TV-debate. AfD need to hire people with balls and brains if they want to achieve something.
I would like them if they were actual libetarians and not some sellouts.
Libtards. Party leader Lindner is a Bilderberg cuck.
There are about two proper libertarian guys in that party. It COULD and SHOULD be the libertarian party. But it ain't because they are fucking EU-cucks.
i voted for them
im more of a libertarian but they are Classical Liberals and are at least for some form of limited government, less bureaucracy etc but germanyi s germany and that means very little in relation to US standards
best i can get here
Stammwähler will die out soon
in 4 years we will have much less old useless people
Taking bets, CDU or SPD win?
CDU I hope. Lesser evil
Pretzell is ex-FDP so it was a friggn' circle jerk.
That guy shouldn't be in AfD for what I care, he's a malcontent!
what election is this
I always vote for them. they a pro privacy, pro economy, know how to make taxation work, limited government etc.
i hope they come back.
State election in the most populated state of Germany.
3.5% AFD you idiots. ahahahahahahah
germans ever voting for a nazi party benefiting other countrys and destroying what was build up over generations.
generation Z is the dumbest ever set in world.
it will be so close that the deciding factor will be the coalition
we might be in for a ride and the SPD cucks us all by teaming up with Greens + Linke to fuck CDU+FDP over
i wish CDU/FDP/AfD would just cuck them all but they are too afraid lmao
biggest german state election. nrw was a left leaning state that is about to turn right. kinda big thing here.
State election for North-Rhine Westphalia. Most populated state and the state with the most severe illegal immigration problem. It's practically Roachistan.
>germans ever voting for a nazi party benefiting other countrys and destroying what was build up over generations.
You are right. I also don't understand how people could vote SPD
i dont really think they break the 10% ceiling. nrw is pretty left by default so people who swing probably vote rather for cdu then afd
I dont like mudslimes tho :(
jesus christ when I hear Schulzs voice I must kill
fucking disgusting kike
thank god the schulz hype is firing back
I unironically hope, Guido Reil (pic related) could convince enough Normies on the street.
>certainly better than Kraft for sure
I can´t belive you are posting on this board and you truly believe what you just wrote.
Believing in a difference between CDU and SPD or any other established party. You make me sick...
Guido Reil is exactly what the AfD needs.
Im so fucking pissed at these SPD cucks
They always go around and LIE like crazy
They always pretend to care about issues non leftists parties care about but then they go full LEFT and fuck everyone over.
All this viscious lying should be illegal
about to turn right? what are the parties involved and background of the politics there
And it was an artificial straw fire from the start.
Haven't we had our fun trolling the shit out of the Reddit Juso fuckers that shilled down here. Awwtch my sides still hurt
especially point 4
also the young people are most likely lefties
on state level, the cdu is pretty different from the berlin cdu. also cdu states usually prosper while left-leaning states usually decline.
5 minutes lads!
>what are the parties involved
same that are involved on a federal level
CDU + SPD .. we are an artificial 2 party country
CDU = Merkel .. Christian Democracy
SPD = Schulz ... Social Democrats
Traditionally the CDU is more right leaning ... center-right, traditionalist etc
SPD is left leaning .. muah gibsmedats, welfare, unions and shit
Can't really give you a quick rundown on german politics its a complex issue
>SPD lies
>CDU, FDP, B90/Grüne, Linke
7-8% for realistic predictions and ~10% or more for best case.
but its a big deal cause NRW is a stronghold of the SPD and leftists due to its history of being industrial + all the Unions, workers, socialism etc
If it turns right its a big fucking deal