Anyone got tips? Did quitting help you mentally and professionally?
How do you stop drinking
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>how do I stop drinking
Have you tried just not drinking, you brain damaged fuck?
You become to poor to buy alcohol
Man up and cut that poison out of your life.
cultivate the will to power
This doesn't work. Niggers manage to overcome this all the time.
jessicababyfat before anyone asks
Every time I see this picture, I wonder how her asshole smells. Calvin Klein undies are the best.
Find a sponsor, someone you can call at any time when you get the urge to drink.
How? By skipping food or what?
>jessicababyfat before anyone asks
Danke, straya
Adopt a few new hobbies to keep you busy during the time that you would normally be drinking.
Boredom will only make you want to get drunk.
GL, user.
I quit, now I don't want to drink but it didn't help anything, but I never had any problems from drinking.
Will probably slide back into it in a couple of months.
elevate your life. look at your absurd question. of course it will totally flip your life around for the better. honestly, being an alcoholic is much worse than being an other drug addict.
It depends. Are we talking casually drinking in social situations or are we talking complete come home from work every night head straight for the bottle? Where are you on the spectrum?
>Beg for 5 $
>Buy a couple 40oz beers and get drunk.
Why we have so many damn homeless.
She's like a high end escort right?
oh god
deliver us from yellow fever
I don't think God can help.
>tfw been telling myself every morning these past three years that i won't drink in the evening
>inevitably have to buy either cigs, toilet paper or food on the way home
>buy booze every time and am drunk by 8pm
Only thing that kept me away from the bottled jew was New Vegas, for about a week.
I hate you.
You get sick of being hung over all the time and destroying your organs, and this If you aren't at that point yet and you are having a few beers after work every day, you are normal
God I wish.
No she's an insta fitness girl.
rather robbing
W-why senpai?
too much ass
Easy, you never start. Alcohol is for weak-minded fags.
theres only a few things that cutting cold turkey helps, like drinking sodas to stop being fat.
just try to limit yourself. give yourself a night once a week to get plastered, a goal, a treat to work yourself towards. I usually give myself friday or saturday. Get together with some friends and just watch a horrible movie and get as drunk as i can before passing out.
Not something I've ever had a problem with but probably the same way I quit smoking. Keep trying to quit even if you relapse once or a dozen times.
Alcoholics Anonymous actually works.
For your average alcoholic it's nearly impossible to stop drinking without some type of outside help. That help normally has to take the form of some kind of religion, or organization. You need to give an alcoholic a reason not to drink. Finding God is a tried, and true method.
You have to want to, that's the first requirement. After that part, it get's a lot easier. You may also have to stop spending time with the same people you go to the pub with, for a time at least. That depends on your level of self control. You need to be able to build up your self control again, the actual addiction to alcohol may or may not be that strong but the habit will want to continue for a long time. That's about it man.
Fuck the alcohol, how do we stop being attracked to asians? How do we make the white woman attractive again?
>how do we stop being attracked to asians?
Is that possible?
Quit cold turkey. Was super depressed for a few weeks since I wasn't getting my expected amount of dopamine I am guessing. Wanted to off myself but it went away. I have More money and I feel a lot better.
Go to AA. Stop posting on a political message board asking For help. Talk to people who have experience doing it.
t. I'll be 2 years sober next week thanks to the program.
have them stop fucking niggers and making ugly as fuck kids
>Alcoholics Anonymous actually works.
For some some people. Therapy and naltrexone actually work.
>Alcoholics Anonymous actually works.
statistically at around same rate than just deciding to stop..
Been sober here for 2 months after 13 years drunk. Kratom is the only reason I haven't fallen off the wagon. Life is much better all around.
I used to drink everyday, I lost 2 jobs because of it, I was always on the edge of quitting drinking, after losing my second job, I went to AA, I saw how depressing everyone was, how disgusting the old fucks were there, and I didn't want that, so I just quit, I had a few rocky starts, but I have been sober enough for 3 years to hold down a good job, get my license back, buy a house, and a car, and get a girlfriend. it sucks at first, but its totally worth it man.
There's no such thing
It works for everyone who actually follows the guidelines laid out in the book.
AA doesn't fail people. People fail AA.
Started smoking weed once or twice a month.
No hangover, it's pretty great.
just stop drinking, drinking enough that you feel like you might die helps but I wouldn't recommend it.
no its doesn't change shit.
Go to AA, hear how other people stopped, find God if you haven't already, and learn about ways to stop cravings.
Not being a degenerate and just stop drinking.
Last year I stopped drinking for like 8 months because I was heavily focused on fitness, getting a new job and several other things. I slowly started again, however and now I'm having a bit of difficulty kicking it again. Think I just have to get myself in the right mindset. Pisses me off though because life really is better without drinking. I'm a much better and more productive person without alcohol.
That's the biggest line of bullshit. Sounds like something from a house-flipping seminar.
Most AAs that actually want to stop drinking go to therapy get on some sort of antidepressant and naltrexone or other drug that helps with cravings, at least a first. Also AA is very good therapy. It's not so bleak, depressing, and uncomfortable like in movies and TV. In cities especially, there are so many groups that range from small to large and have different themes.
I woke up in the hospital one morning with two felonies. After that I stopped drinking. Quitting hasn't changed me in any way, though.
I detoxed a couple weeks ago. Went 100 hours without. Couldn't sleep, felt itchy and twitchy, no appetite. Was miserable. Got right the fuck off that wagon and started drinking again. Now I sleep, 10, 11 hours. Like a baby/ Feel much better. Your results might vary, but for me, there's no way out.
Fuck it, I'm gonna stop drinking. It's so pointless really, it's over after a while and you're worse than when you started and impedes development.
Just don't buy alcohol.
I drank A LOT. Even now if I buy a bottle of whiskey I'll drink the whole fucking thing. in 1 night. But I can just simply not buy it, then I don't drink.
It is easy, just don't do it.
You can't just quit drinking tho. You need to take it slowly as you might suffer from alchohol withdrawal syndrome which can be very deadly if you do it abruptly.
It takes more than a few weeks. I could barely eat and sleep for two months after stopping drinking. I kept my heat off and apartment was around 50F-55F. It can be helpful to get on non-abusable medication to deal with depression.
My brother did it with antabus.
Not unless you are drinking 24/7, like 1 liter plus a day of hard alcohol. Then you taper off with like 3-5 drinks a day then it is fine to stop cold turkey.
I had that same problem. I stayed up all night just watching tv, reading, playing a game, fucking went on an hour long walk. Just could not go to sleep till 5am in the morning.
People always pretend their alcohol withdrawals
Unless you're drinking hard alcohol the moment you wake up to go to sleep you're not going to die from withdrawals, you might lost sleep and feel out of your skin i suppose though.
If you drink beer even for 20 years straight after work and limit it to under 12 of them you will only have acute withdrawal symptoms
This, just man up.
Grab a couple of books that are interesting for men, I suggest anything by charles buklowski
understand that the first two weeks are the worst - MASSIVE mood swings and depression.
Pick a hobby and stick with it.
Don't be afraid to reach out to friends and hang out.
>I wish
>You can't just quit drinking tho.
not with that attitude.
I have an unoppened bottle of JD from new years sat in plain view, its easy, you just don't drink it.
>finding god will help you
where did you find him?
Go to the gym instead.
God I hate you fucking idiots spouting this thicc bullshit
Change your habits slowly.
Maybe don't drink one day.
Cut back slowly.
Do the best you can.
Don't get angry at yourself for falling into long held habits.
Just settle down and focus on a task.
Drinking is usually because your life sucks.
So do something worth doing.
Be good to yourself.
It's pretty fun to suffer through the withdrawals. The visions you see would horrify most people.
>trying to quit drinking by reading Charles Bukowski
Start doing lots of sports. That will help because drinking less will lower the pain
You're not an addict though.
I remember finding months old rigs in my backpack with dirty ass cottons using sink water from the bathrooms at walmart to slam dope
I've even met alcoholics that wake up after a night of drinking, throw up blood and find a 4 loko that somebody didn't finish and he'd polish it off, right after he woke up.
This is one of the best answers.
You can't drink something that isn't physically present.
I had the worst nightmares (when I could sleep) waking up in cold sweats for a few days. Then I was fine.
I never started.
>Sup Forums
KILL yourself you filthy excuse of human being.
Just get naltrexone
Kratom helped me kick a hardcore heroin habit, there is a group im in on facebook and it seems to help a bunch of people worried about becoming alcoholics with their drinking getting worse.
Do not do this, Kratom is much better and safer.
>You're not an addict though.
thats the dumbest shit i've heard today. so it was easy for me cause I did it huh?
thanks bud. totally wanted that feel.
Its just something every addict knows he cant do, its like me putting a bunch of dope on my counter and saying I have the will power to say no
I am not saying you don't love alcohol, its just different when you literally can't say no, its the worst feeling in the world
What's wrong with naltrexone?
Glad your mother mixed red pills with her breast milk. The rest of us were born and raised on a steady diet of degeneracy and are trying to crawl our way out of it.
>Did quitting help you mentally and professionally?
You don't buy any? It's that simple. If you don't buy it, you can't drink it. I tried buying some good stuff like grey goose vodka or spiced rum or dry whiskey or nice bottles of wine but I don't know man. If I see the bottles just sitting there, being unused I feel obligated to drink them.
That's why I just stopped trying to have a nice liqueur cabinet and since then I've cut my drinking back by like 250%. Just buy what you need, when you need it.
Its very strong man, its got the power to block out morphine 100x over
With that you get addicted, and quitting naltroxone is worse than heroin in most cases.
Antabuse helped me a lot. I still drank through it to an extent sometimes, but I would turn bright red and eventually get sick. Over time it conditioned me very well to associate drinking with getting sick.
Pretty much.
I've seen people who pretty much can't function without without their fix and when they tried to change their ways so fast, they cough up blood , vomit, and had several restless nights because of the habits that's kicking in.
I had to sit down with a daughter of an alchoholic explaining to me what her dad went through and she can't bear seeing him in a vegetative state because he wants to change.
>tfw 2-4 beers a week
Am I an alcoholic?
You're fucked
>2-4 beers a week.
To qualify as an addict you must first go in a mental state that you CAN'T function without the substance you're intaking.
You reach to the point that you prioritize intaking those stuff before doing anything and so on.
Well explained in layman terms
>2-4 beers a day
Completely normal.
Antabuse, look it up. AA is just replacing alcohol with ideology, and it's US american bs we've had enough of anyway.
Irish tier
as long as you don't drink more than 2-4 during an entire week, you'll be fine Esti.
Hard to say. Beers to me are nothing, I could drink 6 in an hour and still drive perfectly fine. I drink beers when playing vidya or watching movies. If you can't control how many you drink in one sitting, then you're fucked.
For example; I drank 2 beers on friday night, 2 on saturday evening and 2 on sunday evening. If you buy a six pack and drink it all in one sitting then you might be.
They do that in shick shadle and it doesnt work lol
Its good in theory and works on people that think they are alcoholics
I used to drink. now my liver is damaged.
What? i drink about 4-5 times a week and always drink at least 6-10 in a night, I feel no physical withdrawals, only sometimes a headache when I wake up.
kys imbecile
Why, because antabuse is just a jewish scam that promises to heal you in 7 days
fuck out of here
I dunno. Never had an issue with quitting drinking. Been generally alcohol free for over 5 years.
I'll have about a three or four beers a year.
Marijuanna on the other hand. I'm addicted.