It' so great being white. Only respond if you are white.
White Person Thread
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I like being white. I don't hate black people, but I'm always scared that they hate me anyways, because I'm white.
My part of Tennessee has very few black people.
Well I'm only half whi
OP, Sup Forums loves people of all races, sexual orientation, and religions. What appears to be racist comments are only coded messages so that we can secretly work to stop racism by governments and create a better world.
Every thread is a white person thread. The internet is white
Its great
This is somehow true
If it's so great then why do you guys bitch about things so much.
>white people only
>image of a girl that look like an asian.
>asians = white people
Shut up fucking weebo. this is a real white girl.
I bet her cooch would taste nice.
That hairstyle is top tier lads.
feels SHIT you cunt
we're hated by everyone and I'm a male too which means "fuck you" from everyone else
i'm Irish and Italian do i count
Im white
What the fuck is wrong with her lips
absolute fucking mulatto cringy heritage fag
you're american, now fuck off
Still white.
Do I count? i'm norwegian and irish, though I may not look it
Anyone else feels like an elf being white and all?
Especially when you have blue eyes, you're high elves or Noldor.
i'm a potato nigger
Girls like her tend to use make up in a way that makes the eyes smaller
I'm feeling a big mac right now, not sure why.
Eggman is that you?
success breeds jealousy my dude
Dude grow some hair
I'm white and like being, but I don't hate minorities. I think every race should be proud of their own.
what the living fuck is wrong with you all?
>i'm Irish and Italian
>i'm norwegian and irish
Are you not American? What, you collectively have identities from both of those nations? The chances are that you have never been there. The chances are that they most certainly wouldn't accept you as nothing more than an obnoxious American. Your entire nation apart is Identity Crisis Simulator and it's FUCKED
No, either you are white or not, there's no inbetween
race is a social construct.
Put it down you weirdo
American is a nationality, not an ethnicity
>not Wendy's
Except those people aren't Finnish or wherever the fuck. They're assimilated into American culture and have been for at least 2 generations. They would be a fish out of water in those countries, and that's even if they still have living relatives there.
tfw white but complete mongrel
>A bunch of american flags
>Leave the thread before I get mugged or hassled into buying a bracelet or giving spare change
pol needs to be gentrified. make niggg-- americans have to solve 5x captchas to post
I am black, what u gonna do about it
Board of peace
>current year
>not hating black people
Spencer a cute! CUTE!
Damn your ancestors had no concept of heritage did they?
/pol autists are going to save you and the world. Whether you like it or not.
I love being white.
I honestly wouldn't trade it for anything. I genuinely feel sorry for minorities. I get the blame for a lot but it's nice to be a part of the master race.
I love being white
You're white to me. Lookin' good.
Fuck yeah.
Me too.
I wish I weren't white. White people are such a violent and destructive race that I get nervous when I'm inside a woman since there's a slight possibility that I might procreate and contribute to the continued destruction of trans rights, minority culture and scientific achievement.
I wear condoms but I usually require the girl to also be on birth control. I've considered getting a vasectomy but I refuse to exploit my privilege and get a job when that spot could be filled by a minority who deserves it more and could use the money to raise a large, tolerant family.
Straight white male here.
Just found out that my wife is pregnant.
Feels good son.
My ancestors all came to the US from Europe between the 1600s and 1800s.
So there were English fucking Germans, Irish fucking Norwegians, Scottish fucking Austrians, etc resulting in the amalgamation that became me.
Should I get Wendy's or Chick-fil-a for lunch today?
There are white "men" who actually think this way in 2017
>not CFA
>be me, white as rice
>get pulled over in differrent than I live
>expired drivers licence
>no inspection sticker
>wrong licence plate
>cocaine in my pocket
>"Good morning officer, I hope you're having a safe evening."
>mfw he tells me have a good night and slow down
I thought I was going to jail for sure.
Races exists so that we can mix and progress towards future and look for alien life
asians are the furthest from being white
Hello, I am a black male.
I do not like whites. AMA
(timestamp included)
Thing in pic is clearly part slant, you're a race-mixing kike infiltrator.
I'm pretty white, it feels good for sure.
What do you do for a living?
foundation hiding a herp flare up. fucking nasty slut.
Fuck off britcuck
I am a Biochemist
Don't worry about us, FBI. We good boys.
wrong leafnigger.
I'm 100% American ethnically.
true. I hate hyphenated americucks. worse than surrenderfags imo.
i didn't ask for this
How much for a gram?
Shit in a fucking toilet and then lecture the rest of us about the direction of progress you ape
When you really think about it hitler did nothing wrong. I support ethnic cleansing and I hate niggers
I'm black and I'm proud.
You loser white supremacists just look for scapegoats to make your shitty lives more liveable, because we all know that killing yourself is always in the back of your minds.
Hello my (((fellow whites)))!
Are Italians white? My dad's parents are Italians. Mom's side is Scottish and German but I'm always scared people will find out in part Italian and call me a nigger.
Half white half phillipino
>those lips
Muh dick
Proud over the color of your skin?
That's unique to white people.
i'm a mix of european and asian, fml
Bleach your skin like M. Jackson did...
I love being white. I don't hate other races especially East Asians (The Aryans of the East: Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Mongolian) but I am aware that race is real, race matters and there is an ongoing white genocide.
You sure it's yours?
Are the only white countries ITT.
England can somehow get away with posting ITT, since London is mostly full of white liberal cucks, but the U.S?
>60% white
That 60% white is a mix of spics and nigger blood together with the rest of shitskins of Europe.
Bitch be gone!
Dude you need to speak their language otherwise they won't listen.
Oy Vey we're very good goyim we love mtv and the fbi
You poor bastard.
that's impossible
AKA meth lab
No it isn't. My family was here before the country existed and there haven't been any eurofag immigrants coming into it since the early 1700s.
I have zero connection to any ethnicity outside of America and 99% of those who claim to are larping faggots desu considering the majority of eurofag immigration to the US essentially dead lined in the early 1900s.
europeans cant be beat because the civilized world would end, the jew doesn't get that because they are blinded by greed.
Blue blood reporting in.
Last night my Oaxaca brother in law was calling me a white supremacist
I wear new balace, have a curtain cut, & enjoy milk.
My daughter is nick named "Natsi"
Plus I like to wear a white hood when I kill africans (bees that is).
Hey white brothers hope your all doing good. Heres our dilemma other races assume whites are weak and if you stand your ground your an evil racist so . since they will hate us anyways we should stand up and be that racist . fuck them right? We owe them nothing sieg heil
>have a curtain cut
gay than two bug chasers fucking each other's assholes desu.
kek, a lot of that shitpost is fake.