France? Switzerland? Sweden?
Who's the next victim of purity spiralling?
What year is it?
>calls himself a potato nigger
people who hate their own race are the lowest of the low
>white people
um no sweetie ;o
I'm just reporting what others have said.
the true black pill
no one is white, this is just a dream
"wake up Ahmed, the goats need to be tended to"
France is a black country user. Germoney is a muslim nation.
begone whito devilo
mongor will rule eulope
most people posting on pol have
Sweden, France and Germany are already not very white. Hungary and Poland are pretty white and not allowing in migrants so i think the map is quite wrong.
Post ending in 5 decides which country becomes "diverse" next.
North Italians are White.
Finns are also White. This mongol BS needs to stop.
uhm no sweetie we're celto-mediterraneans ergo non white :)
has been majority non-white for a long time, outside of the Frankish North
give it another decade and they'll be a black country
If Austrians are white then so are Poles and Czechs
USA! USA! USA! We can't stand up for ourselves. We have been taken over by every brown race
>white people
heh, nice try juden
>anyone other than Americans
>mfw i come from the croatian coast
at least i am blonde
r r right?
Western people are primarily Germanics, then Celtic people. Western countries are Germany, Britain, France, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Ireland. Keep them racially Western, no Eastern European, or Southern European mongrels.
Western Soldarity, racial purity.
The Irish are also White. The reason why they (as a country) have a lower average IQ is because many of the high IQ Irish emigrated to the US and Australia. Still, they are White.
Finns are also some of the Whitest people.
t. Ameriturd
>Chavs and Welsh
dude if northern italians are considered white then we're fucking aryan
Forgot one thing.
Estonians are also White and is honestly a Nordic country.
They are White. Lot's of Germanic tribes emigrated to Northern Italy and there were also lots of rape of the native population at the time. Which is reflected in the genetics - looks and mental capabilities.
How come we're not considered white then?
Shit tons of northern Croats have germanic roots, me for example.
And i've been to N italy, most of them look like shitskins there too
>Which is reflected in the genetics
But you aren't since lots of Somalis emigrated to Sweden and there were also lots of rape of the native population at the time. Which is reflected in the genetics - looks and mental capabilities.
Fixed your map. It's ok, I forgive you.
Yes nordics are responsible for the Roman Empire too and sub Saharans come from Egyptian royalty.
here it comes jamal trying to define anything in Europa. Always ridiculous.
But if a part of Germany is genetically similar to a part of Poland, is Germany partly eastern or is Poland partly western?
>sub Saharans come from Egyptian royalty.
Just like americans
Isn't Poland doing a better job of keeping their homeland safe than the white Europeans
Low Irish IQ is a myth
Three IQ tests done in Ireland in the 90s and early 2000s only tested 25, 75, and 125 people in a few locations while thousands were tested in multiple locations in the UK, France, Germany etc.
ok achmed... now go try to finish highschool.
>arguing with shitskin retards
Not worthy of a Samaritan's time
I would say this. There are degrees of Whiteness. It's true that you also have Germanic roots, but there were also long periods other influences. Say the 15th and 16th century...
In some Croats the Germanic genes dominate in some they don't.
>And i've been to N italy, most of them look like shitskins there too
I have also been to N & S and could see a big difference.
Well, it's a nice way of saying...
No. What? Although it's true that the first Europeans were Scandinavians. But that doesn't mean that Nords are responsible for the Roman Empire.
Maybe. Just using this data.
Anyways the Irish are still White.
We'll go full 1488 in a couple of years, screencap this.
Nordicks have small mental capabilities, that's why the greatest scientist you've ever produced was Jewish.
>uses red to represent white countries
>uses white to represent non-white countries
kill yourself, inconsistency
Simply not true.
Never really been any Jews in the Nordic countries. Some came to Sweden after WW2, but not that many and they are mostly in the media.
and then you have a guy that said that water freezes at 100
France is under 70% white, it is by far the less white country in Western Europe
70% both parents french born, meaning 2nd and 3rd gen immigrants counting in the 70%
Say 60%? less?
>These numbers came from a work carried out from 2002 to 2006 by Richard Lynn, a British Professor of Psychology, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish Professor of Political Science, who conducted IQ studies in more than 80 countries.
His tests were one of the ones I was talking about
It's funny that other IQ tests done by the UK government on thousands of Irish people said we had 100 IQ (see the image I posted earlier) while his tests of 75 people said we have 92.
You sure? I mean we already got 25% foreigners. Most people i talk to are pretty cucked about immigration. Also, we got hit bigly by niggers from Eritrea.
Carl von Linné, Svante Arrhenius, Gustaf Dalén, Hannes Alfvén, Arvid Carlsson, Jöns Jacob Berzelius, Hugo Theorell, Manne Siegbahn, Kai Siegbahn...
Just to name a very few.
One of the above was my grandfather btw.
Good, good, you need to accepts more migrants, you filthy racists. Especially from Africa.
All of them are literally who tier, maybe except Berzelius.
Bohr is the biggest name, and he was a Jew
>Red hand Anglo?
>Britbong education
Unless you're over 40 years old the only reasonable candidate of those (since Arvid Carlsson is still alive in which case you wouldn't say was) is Kai Siegbahn. I met him a few times, nice fellow.
> Eastern Europe will be the only white region left in 50 years
Can't wait to spit on westfag corpses
>Svante Arrhenius, Gustaf Dalén, Hannes Alfvén, Arvid Carlsson, Hugo Theorell, Manne Siegbahn, Kai Siegbahn.
All of them are Nobel prize winners in the sciences. Lots more. You're simply wrong.
Btw. Niels Bohr's father was Danish and he was a famous Danish physician. Just because he was part Jewish doesn't mean that he "belongs to the Jews".
I guess you wrote a list of a bunch of people that discovered elements. I'm asking among the lines of your huge Aryan capabilities, where is your Gauss, Euler, Tesla, Edison, Von Neumann, Turing, Newton, Leibnitz
>Jewish mother
yes, yes it does
do explain
>when you realize almost all Sup Forums posters with American flags literally look like these guys
>All of them are Nobel prize winners in the sciences
Because you give them out, no one cares.
>Just because he was part Jewish doesn't mean that he "belongs to the Jews".
It's all about the mother, so no, he is Jewish
as long as this exists, no.
>I guess you wrote a list of a bunch of people that discovered elements
Niels Henrik Abel (lot's of stuff he also died young) comes to mind as one of great mathematicians.
There are so many user. You can look at wiki.
They all deserved it. Look at what they did. You just seem like a very silly person.
>It's all about the mother, so no, he is Jewish
I don't care how the Jews look at it. He was half Danish.
he looks white
Quit trying to destroy the rich history of the Suomi steppe peoples you dirty race mixer
Well around 2-3% (something like that) of Europeans have those kinds of eyes.
Pick one. You need to update that map.
he looks like a fucking abomination
>Niels Henrik Abel
Never heard about him.
I'll ask you a simple question again, where is your Euler/Leibnitz/Newton?
>I have never been to Europe: the post
the rest of his face is normal of course
I'm a proud Mongolian
Dont you fucking paint out glorious khanate red ahmed
Well then you haven't studied mathematics user.
Celebrating the terrorist attack.
Hrvoje is right. Most Croats and central/norther Serbs are whiter than italians on north. Also lighter hair and lighter eyes.
I was in France few weeks ago, every 2nd male is tanned hook nosed manlet or a nigger.
Scandanavians. They're just finngolian rape babies.
I haven't studied mathematics yet I know about those people.
>I haven't studied mathematics
I know.
>Baltic states
Does this look to you like slavic architecture?
France White? is this a joke? i was in france last month and i saw more black people there then white ones
You mean Paris.
maybe but still whiter than 95% of arabs
post pic of your library
You are white so fix that shit and list RoI and NI as white.
This. Take out UK already.
Also, Southern France is obviously not white. Central France requires further studies. Put a white dot in Paris right now.
Not sure about Sweden. Shouldn't we put some white dots here and there?
Why are you deflecting? I'm asking you about a Scandinavian person the caliber of Euler and he must not be Jewish