Laci Green takes the red pill

We did it Sup Forums... Question is, is she sincere about taking the red pill or she's trying to destroy us Aryans within?

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Is she doing porn yet? I'd really like to see that happen.

Hardly taking the red pill. She's still an SJW loon

She looks like a dromedary with down syndrome, what's wrong with you?

them titters tho...

honestly as annoying as she is, this is still a positive. she can wake up more normies into taking the red pill and further swing the pendulum back for our women. either way I still think she's annoying as fuck and an attention whore, but this is still an overall positive.


someone give me a quick summary of that video


never thought I'd see the day.
however its nice to see she isn't completely autistic.

>heroin-addict drug-abusing cumdumpster who's whored her way through life
>thinks she can excuse herself by becoming redpilled

Wanna know what's truly redpilled?
Owning up to the consequences of your actions.
Burn the coal, pay the toll.

underage turbovirgins need to gtfo of Sup Forums
there used to be disdain for jewtube attention whores here a couple years ago
Now it's like "Look ! X joined the alt-right bandwagon. X is definitely /ourgirl/"

They're doing it for the youtube money.

There's only one thing that would change a girl like hers mind about her political beliefs.
Either she's getting dicked down real good by a man with opposing beliefs, or she is faking it.

Possibly both.

Stop spamming this cum dumpster
There is a write up on reddit. Go back there and read it.

You're telling me you wouldn't touch your benis while watching that?

It's the cool thing now for normies to "take the redpill". Everybody wants to be like the "bad boys of the internet", they appropriate everything eventually. We're only a few steps ahead of normies at any time.

>white woman
>want her to do porn
>want to watch her get fucked by someone else

She has a long long way to go to make us believe she's serious. Making one video isn't gonna do the trick.

>We did it Sup Forums

What the fuck are you talking about?

Merely listening to anti-SJWs and considering their opinions isn't Sup Forums, go the fuck back to r*ddit

it's a well known fact that she browses Sup Forums. She's probably here right now. I bet secretly she's been ''''redpilled'''' all along. But, she still needs money. The audience for leftist content is shrinking and right wing audiences are bigger now than ever. She just wants o piece of the pie.

porn industry won't touch her cuz she's got an STD

Riley Reid has a youtuber alter ego?


>notices the left is falling apart
>realizes she can't make money off of being a raging feminist
>"hey guys! im red-pilled now :DD"
you'd have to be retarded to find this geniune

She wants to look at more facts and less spin. Her SJW friends think facts are heresy and it's really activating her almonds. A few more shekels would really help her on her journey.

I think this is the logical way for this to end. Since she's open to the idea of the red pill maybe we should be open to the idea of social justice and feminism. Become unlikely allies and have all of the autist women and men breed.

Holy fuck, Finland! Nice one, son! I haven't heard anyone use the term dromedary for such a very long time.

You should be banned OP. She's not doing anything but trying to get beta-orbiter bux and use it to pay fucking shills like you to shit up Sup Forums with these threads. Fucking neck yourself faggot.

These fucking wannabes just want views, they'll say anything, anywhere. As long as they get clicks, stop feeding the fucking cancer. No clicks, it doesn't spread.

Laci Green isn't the typical breed of SJW. She doesn't stick to the program 100% of the time.

Back in 2012, she unfortunately got barraged with death threats from SJWs for criticizing Islam (her father's side of the family are Iranian Muslims and her father is himself an ex-Muslim).

she is sincere but she is still a permadrunk whore so she will shit all over the place eventually
but opening dialogue with leftists is always good as they cant handle it barring a few exceptions like that youtuber who is precisely gaining fame as a leftist debater because that's such an outlier

Feminists are a resource we don't need who are ultimately offing themselves from the gene pool.
If we don't defeat them, they will defeat themselves.

They are loud at the moment, but these women are heading for a cliff.

We don't need them.

christ you orbiters are pathetic, is there not an ounce of self respect among any of you?

Whatcha out, some chick might like it on Facebook and then they'll all be buying a turd thinking it's delicious cake.

This is attention whoring, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to her. Even with her SJW views, she could easily have me.

Go here and request Milo:

Milo v Laci: "Feminism is cancer" vs Cancerous Feminist

I know fags are going to say I'm shilling for one of them, but think about it. Her doing a video with Milo would cause a mass triggering not seen since the US election. Just imagine the collective trauma when her feminist fanbase sees her talking to what they consider one of their biggest enemies, Milo.

not to mention the lauren southern shills and other ecelebs like spencer
disgusting, only on 4chin is such an abhorrent behavioor expectable of all chans


Speaks more on you than her breh.


No she is still a cunt thats just realizing her side is fucked because they are wrong and trying to flee the ship before it sinks.

You gotta go back.

Don't fall for Jewish tricks she is the enemy but is trying to play the inside game to stay relevant. (((MTV ))) pulls her strings.

If she looked like Woody Allen would you forgive her like all of you are trying to do.

We are winning don't fall for Jewish tricks!

i'd get a piece of her pie too if you know what i mean
i'd need a kevlar condom sticking out of a hazma suit though

>cuz she's got an STD
>got an STD
she's got all the STDs user

i think we should give her a rate of passage
wanna be redpilled alt chick?
ok some penitence is in order
we can design ordeals for her kind that leave her alive... barely.

btw what's up with shia
is he dead or something
is the month in the cuckshed over
missing his lulcow sex slave fuckface

If you even consider falling for this new shtick of hers then you're a retard who should honestly get off the internet for good.

ok that's too much cringe for one day, kill yourself immediately please

Me and another sudanese friend used to jerk off to her videos together, she always showed cleavage and had a big ass mouth, friend and I often wondered if she could take both of our african dicks at the same time.

Some jews are genetically white, with only a speck of jew blood, but because they have confirmed jews in their family tree they are according to jewish matriarchy considered jews.

Because of this there can be phenotypical whites, blond hair and blue eyes that are considered jewish.

yeah she defo showed some smarts and open mindedness in that redpill video of hers
not saying it's enough but it's lightyears ahead of your typical sjw cunt or fag
i dont assume she's salvageable but she can improve and is showing signs of that
suck my asshole faggit

Does she still identify as a feminist?

>kevlar condom
top kek, brofrog

She wants money and attention from dumbass redditors

>Some jews are genetically white
you must be jew here

All these kikes are just trying to cash in on these t_D and magapede faggots. Fuck off with this horseshit.

If you are trying to beat cancer, you don't let a cancer cell stay in your body because it says it's (((reformed))) you eradicate every single fucking one of them and then rebuild your body cancer free.

Trusting this cunt is the same thing.

She is not serious.
Feminism is cancer and once contracted is difficult to fully recover from.
I don't believe she's in remission.
I think she's just hiding her symptoms.

>That pic


Laci "It's ok to be a slut" Green
Laci "Fuck you white america" Green
Laci "I have AIDS" Green

Fuck off Op

Is there anything more redpilled than genital warts?

She can't make money from SJW issues anymore. So she's planning a series of videos where she'll slowly 'fall' for the red pill. It's bullshit. Sup Forums is trendy right now, a lot of women bloggers are going to exploit it. SAGE.

sage all thread laci starts in her campaign of self glorification

burn coal = pay toll

3 questions

1. Why is she so fat
2. Why did she let her self get so fat
3. Why are you shilling this fatty



nu/pol/ was a mistake

there you go
rite of passage for laci
it's not tits or gtfo, it's get raped by nigger dicks or gtfo

She's a cute girl who'll do anything for money. They're everywhere.


she got meme jihaded

It's always good dick.She'll go back to what she was before when dicking stops

Well she's either sincere and based now or she's still an sjw snowflake who's getting shit on for association. Either way it's a win right?

You faggots are worse than Lauren Jew orbiters.

She's fucking fat dude. It's disgusting

>pic related

>Feminism is cancer and once contracted is difficult to fully recover from.
yeah it's an infection
and there's no easy cure, if any
they're accepted in porn
4. why arent you guys noticing that she's a chronic depressive
bulged out eyes and lips
think elliot rodgers
i do have a thing for turbosluts but she doesnt come across as salvageable
she gets my respect though, for showing smarts and open mindedness

What I think happened is people were actually able to make a living on YouTube. The SJW tried to silence anyone who disagreed with them by complaining to corporate sponsors. YouTube's solution demonetized most YouTube creators including the SJW. Now that Laci's Revenue has dried up, she has seen the Error of her ways.

Of she needs more views

Dick or shekles? The eternal question

feminism in a nutshell

When Sup Forums will learn...

>when people conflate religion with ethnicity

>she has realized her side is loosing and now shes abandoning ship. shes not only a worthless human being, she also has no backbone.
((they))) are adaptable

she's a jewish iranian, and I'm sure most people here would be thrilled if she did a facial abuse scene.

Iranians are white now?

You're not supposed to see how dumb people look when they do their hair and wear cool glasses.

Social Engineering can be reverse engineered inorder to defeat it. bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Riley Reid.

Did she have enough cocks?

Stop postting about this girl! This is forced!! SAD!

Blaire accepted Laci's Twitter follower request, set up a friendly live chat, and the rest is history. The walls of the SJW echo chamber may not be very strong after all.

I reverse googled that and the source is stormfront, kek

when is her BLACKED video coming out?

You mean (((BLACKED™))).

it should be mandatory that every girl once she turns 18 has to star in one

Nopeeeee, never gonna break the circle. 5th wave feminism here we go! Kikes did it again!
