Heckled endlessly. Is there hope for Leafland yet?
Leaf-in-Chief avoids answering a question for almost 20 minutes
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thanks for clearing that up, leaf.
If you respond to your opponents questions, they win
Why even have the guy in the robe? Nobody listens to him when he tells them to calm down.
Thanks for summing up what happened in the video so I don't have to watch it fag
He's there to beat on muslims when they get uppity.
More slimy than a bowl of freshly cut okra.
Will vote for him again
The lady sitting next to Trudeau was my substitute teacher in high school, I'm not kidding.
Not answering is the right idea, politically anyway. The conservatives are hitting him with this because they know he doesn't have any good answer that doesn't make him look bad and continuing to give the same non answer lets them keep hounding him about it. The problem is that Trudeau doesn't have the wit or mental dexterity to effectively shut them down (or the sense not to waste tax payer money to spend Christmas at his rich buddies private island, but that's another matter).
Which is weird because at other times he does seem to show a canny sense of political awareness (he was one of few western leaders who avoided making any overt statements deriding Trump in the lead up to the election and has been good at avoiding target questions on how the current American administration has such a different set of priorities to his).
He has shown however that he is stupidly stubborn about unimportant shit and it's made him look bad on more than a few occasions (like when he refused to answer any questions in English during a town hall meeting in Quebec, a savvy politician would have realised that speaking to an Anglophone in French about her issues in getting English language health care service in Quebec would look really fucking bad).
I'd still fuck him. I'm not even gay.
Leafs lucked out on getting the sexiest HOS
Oregano Origigamo
I the eeehhmmm eh eh ummm the ummm eco- ecchhh -nomy eeeehhh I ummmm products... ehh... Canada! I... ummm... w-we... t-they... eeeehhmmm ummmm I...
>Leafs lucked out on getting the sexiest HOS
She is a qt indeed.
Good analysis
Reminder, this is the fucking moron the jews put in power.
ah democracy, when you give inbred city people the power to rule over civilized village people...
Jesus Christ you people have got to go back
2 more years boys... I cant fucking wait for this ride to be over
Why do we still have a queen by the way ? She's a useless irrelevant glorified fossil.
They normally do and he can issue warnings and kick MPs out for a day or two.
Lately though whenever I've been watching Parliament he's been losing control because of how silly Trudeau is and how much the other sides can make fun of him
They're doing shit like this now to our PM
Can someone redpill me on this? What's going on here? Why are the conservatives asking the question and why does Justin keep dodging it?
Kinda like the trump
This desu. Our heads of state should be some shitskin paki or slimy jew instead.
t. Chang
How fucking delusional are you? It's the rural retards that are inbred. Arkansas and Alabama are incest central, not new York and California.
how many times has he met with the ethics commisioner?
Retard. We don't need her or anyone to replace her. She does Nothing!
Constitutional monarchy is objectively the best form of government you greasy chink.
With respect to the good sense not to talk about Trump, I'd argue that isn't him. Likely grit strategists decided to wait it out, and told Justin not to open his mouth.
Justin is honestly kind of a block head. I've met the guy twice now. The first time, he was slow to answer softball questions with inane truisms and was unable to answer policy questions coherently. The second time he took no questions.
There is a reason his career was hohum before politics.
>Is there hope for Leafland yet?
yes, there is
That's actually pretty brutal, holy shit.
Again, retard. SHE DOES NOTHING !!!!!!!!!
God save the Queen, long may She reign.
He once claimed that if trump got elected he wouldn't be allowed in Canada...
Holy fuck,
Indeed. How the fuck did someone like Leaf-Deau get into power.
Rona Ambrose is /ourgirl/
Holy fuck y is Canada parliament the exact opposite of Canada shit posting?
Dear Trump,
pls annex america
People that need help.
Holy shit...if Trump or GWB did anything like that we would literally never hear the end of it.
here he does it to.
I am oblivious to leaf politics. Is this dude the Canadian Ron Paul or something?
who's the qt next to him
ur mum
that video is unreal, like obama's destructive act without the nigger entertaining charm. macron trudeau obama..are these installations by the jew to destroy the western world? look how hard the jew media sold us obama and then clinton obama isn't even american for fucks sake.
You have sub teachers on the front bench of your ruling party?
What a joke.
That's wrong, Muppet's Prison Island.
Absolute Monarchy is the best form of government and it's what we all need to return to.
wait so why isn't the judge (or whoever is in charge of meeting) tell him to answer the question? why does he let him say other things, he is basally promoting himself about stuff that is not related to the question at all. He should have been much harder on him, its obvious what he is doing.
Is...is this even English? Did we discover some long lost branch off of the nignog tree?
LMAO I used to work at the museum he is speaking in front of
>in both official languages
Mes calisses de coté
He is meant to speak with the ethics commissioner for his vacation on the private island of the aga Khan, a Muslim spiritual leader, (((philanthropist))), and proponent of globalization and multiculturalism.
Honestly, after being asked the same thing 5 times I would have stood up and yelled "ZERO! ZERO fucking times, and not only am I not sorry, but I would like to add that bitch can go fuck herself"
And it would probably give a better impression
Oh Canadeau,
I BAKA for thee,
Oh Canadeau,
I BAKA for thee,
He doesnt need to answer any questions. he will look like a complete knob when he doesnt though
He's just politely waiting for the seagulls to finish their conversation you intolerant disrecpectful nazi bastards
These are stupid but I like them
The woman in that picture kind of looks like a dude.
So whats the big deal? He isn't allowed to discuss his meetings with the ethics commissioner anyway, so why is this such a big deal that he didn't answer? Sure, it's funny how he repeats the same phrase, but he's doing what he's supposed to be doing and the opposition was clearly just using it as an excuse to make him look dumb. Conservative voter btw.
Fucking embarassment of a PM. I can't wait till someone shoots him
Leafs are expert responsibility dogers. Ask them to be held accountable and your words will run off them like so much water.