Based Antivaxxers
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>The weak being culled, while the survivors become more resistant to diseases
What's the problem?
Also can any Minnesotans tell me how great it is living with such a thriving Somalian refugee population?
Can't wait until we import even more. I have some that live in the apartment across from me, and they like to play loud music at all hours (literally morning, noon, night, and the middle of the night) and it keeps me from sleeping.
It's really great,I love it.
I deeply apologize if I've ever said anything negative about these antivax proselytizers.
They're clearly doing God's work.
Any way we can convince spics that vaccines are bad magic or something?
I don't get the problem. If your are vaccinated, you can't get sick. Why do you care if other people are vaccinated or not?
They're the white mans evil injections?
what if this was the plan all along?
>i was only pretending to not be vaccinated
>somalians infesting places where there are alot of swedish americans
really makes you think
>anti vaxxers are stupid
>immigrants are smart and great for our economy
Pick one.
Honestly the Antivaxers and the Flatearthers are God's gift to trolls.
Whereever we go we must also obtain Swedish women.
Herd immunity. No one has to take the polio vaccine today because of this
Antivaxxers are red-pilled as fuck. Flat Earthers are just plain wrong.
>Based Anti-Vaxxers euthanizing the niglets
Well fugg, why aren't we doing this yet
Like little Jimmy has a better chance of surviving than some nigger that came a little too close and coughed on him?
Hispanics don't get shots
They are blaming "anti-vaxxers" like the boogey man to distract from the fact the fucking rapefugees are the problem here.
I don't usually agree with leafs, but..... I couldn't agree with you more, leafbro.
95% of measels case have no symptoms
>4% will experience flue like symptoms
He ain't no fucking bro because of one dribble of truth exiting his leaf blower. Don't fall for this shit so easily.
.....nice try kike earth shill
Are you saying whites are "weak", nigger?
Well, technically yeah. Niggers have stronger immune systems than we do.
i feel you bro. Eden Prairie is a festering breeding ground for the smellyans. i cant stand these stinky fuckers. honestly, its not that they're rude as fucj, refuse to adapt to our customs here, constantly harass women, and generally are pains in the ass. its the SMELL. how the fuck can these people SMELL SO BAD??? everything about them fucking smells. their bodies, their homes, their cars, and oh god don't even get me started on the food.
Kys retard.
Somalians remember everyone in north africa getting hepatitis from western vaccines.
>its m-m-muh antivaxxers fault
No the fuck they don't. What kind of stupid shit made you believe that? Niggers can't even eat salt. They're so fucking weak....
My first job out of college was in Dearborn, the Muslim capitol of the US. These people are absolute cancer.
When they goto pray at the Mosque, evidently they have to be there at a certain time, and will double and triple park their cars, right on the main road, if there is no parking. I've seen entire 4 lane roads (2 going each direction) blocked off. And the cops don't ticket them, and instead direct traffic around it. Think they'd do that for any other group committing crimes en masse?
I'm only against vaccinating subhumans, so no, I won't apologize.
Earth is hollow, but not flat. Fuck off, Shlomo.
No. Get fucked, kike.
cant seem to outbreed them?
just outsmart them.
Angry little cunt, aren't you?
>Minnesotans tell me how great it is living with such a thriving Somalian refugee populatio
I live in the good part of the state, shitskin sightings are rare
I love you ebola chan?
Happy Mother's Day!
They STILL found a way to blame the immigrant measles outbreak on the white man; (((they))) sure are crafty.
lol those aren't citations. I'm not even going to click on a daily mail article to argue on nu/b/ dumbass.
Look up some actual science. Blacks have a higher rate of everything except old age diseases, oh probably because they don't even live long enough to get shit like dementia and alzheimers
hey, HIV is no laughing matter
You do realise the reason why whites succeeded in conquering most of the world was due to the fact that native populations would be decimated by white diseases which whites are immune too. The only regions where whites struggled were in the tropics, but even won out there in the end. Turns out the shit whites are immune too is a shit load worse than anything tropics could throw at us.
It makes sense to test vaccines in Africa first.
>Not all Vaccines are bad for you (Not all contain Mercury)
>Flu Shot Hep B and HPV vaccines are pointless
>muh mercury
Checked and keked
>invite unwashed somali immigrants
>they don't want vaccines, half of them already carry diseases anyways
>blame white people and 'anti-vaxxers' for outbreaks of diseases
Liberal solution is of course to remove one of your fundamental human rights: The right to decide what goes in your body.
Uhm, sorry, but it's now up to the government to forcibly inject you with vaccines and anything else they feel like.
I fucking hate liberals so much
it's not that I don't believe in the technology.
I don't trust who made it and I can't check a vial of liquid for purity at home.
I'm not giving the government access to my bloodstream
it should kill refugees and liberals
BASED anti-vaxxers causing a disease outbreak in the Somali immigrant population. This is literally good news.
>Swedish Americans
>Great Grandfather was Swedish, none other
Every American ever
>get your kids vaccinated
>shitskins and trash do not get kids vaccinated
>shitskin kids die
Where is the problem?
Yea that was true in the Americas (except for the tropical part) and Australia. Whites couldn't even enter tropical Africa without getting some incurable tropical disease.
bot flies, brother.
>genelet thread
haha BTFO praise
>muh less mercury than a liter of water
fucking plebs
Polio was never eradicated though. It was just renamed to Asceptic Meningitis now and it's raviging parts of the world like India while also still being a thing in America.
As I say in every Minnesota thread, you faggots better take care of the Somali pirates or we will be forced to, and I don't give a shit about collateral damage to that shitty state. Nice trips though.
t. SD
I have an idea, throw the kids over the wall to their mothers.
What's that? They were specifically made anchor babies by their parents and they want them to stay here and leech off the country?
So much for the appeal to emotion.
>tell libtards immigrants will bring extinct diseases back to the west
>damn anti vaxxers! How could you do this to these cave men.
Why contain it?
diseases work both ways. whites had superior health care and logistics.
Because they dont have medicine, so obviously they have to breed offspring that will survive better the conditions they live in in their shitholes. Isnt that basic biology?
You should just copy us.
If you don't get your kid vaccinated you don't get welfare and can't send him to a public school. Most private schools will ban him too.
Sorry we bullied you m8
There's way more immigrants bringing their entire unvaccinated and infected families over than there are anti vaxxers. Measles, mumps etc are all flaring up in schools across the country and if you pay close attention it's almost always centered in or afflicting migrant communities. Zika started popping up where I live last year because infected people were coming over from their South American countries and lying about being sick so they could see doctors here
But it's easier for dipshits to demonize the anti vac crowd than to admit that allowing millions of people who are bringing back illnesses that hasn't been an issue here for decades was probably a bad idea.
it wasnt the anti vaxxers
they are just trying to cover up how diseased refugees are
Those anti vaxxers are doing God's work Somalis BTFO
Doesn't work when you bring strangers into the herd
It was proven like a week ago.
Oh noes! Blacks will miss a few days of dealing drugs in school. The sky is falling!
Soon corporations will invent a vaccine for the common cold. Then every winter the mainstream media will declare an "epidemic" to scare the good goys into lining up for their mercury shots.
Forcefully vaccinate foreigners as part of the immigration process.
In other words, thats propaganda because it was not a con, just because you get an outbreak doesnt mean the vaccines didnt actually cause fucking autism. Im pretty sure they can handle measles too, autism can not be fixed.
They cause autism. Its factual. There is no more argument about it.
If you can't take a little measles, maybe you shouldn't be on this earth
>Creating restrictions to getting gibs.
Won't happen, there'll be some bullshit like "po' black/mexican kids can't get vaccinated due to systemic racism and can't attend school". However, if your abos can handle it then nigs can probably manage too.
>british education
Why dont you look at migration patterns to USA you fucking inbred. God you wish you were american.
this doesn't say autism though it says developmental delays. Which is still bad but it's not autism
or what am I missing here
DD is code for autism Im pretty sure, and its also about Thimerosal and mercury, which is what people were always pointing to.
Anti-vaxers are scum but only literal subhuman retards could possibly get conned by them.
Why are measels vaccines not mandatory in the US?
it doesn't really work like that, even after vacc not everyone can't get sick, let's say 95% which is enough for stoping outbreaks...if it drops below 80% then you'll get occassional outbreaks which are difficult to deal with
No, as it turns out, youre the scum forcing autism on peoples children. Isnt that amazing? Youre scum, and you even refuse to accept it. Watch, you will continue to force mental retardation on other peoples children, because you dont like the idea of them getting a temporary treatable illness.
It was proven just a week ago, that you are scum. Beyond argument, science shows youre a scumbag fucking other people and their families over. KYS.
>Somalians bring in measles
>Blame Anti-Vaxxers.
>Keep importing more Somalians
There is no avoiding the war at this point is there?
nice quads
This Laghoui shooting happened less than a mile from my house. It wasn't over hummus. He was a second generation immigrant with an illegally modified AK who got in an argument with his father about being kicked out for being a thug. So he left and came back to shoot his own father and a sheriff's deputy.
This desu. Anything south of Forest Lake isn't Minnesota.
State of Superior when?
Certain vaccines are mandatory if you want the child to attend public school.
Yeah it's not fun, I'd probably be happier dead then living near them, luckily i live far enough away from where they are all housed so that i dont ever have to worry about them, they are horrible though to be around considering i almost got mugged in the first 30 minutes i was walking so i could get to a concert by a dirty sand nigger
>thousands of studies showing no link
>one study shows that mercury causes retardation and that vaccines contain mercury. what it does not show is the causal link that the specific mercury exposure in the vaccine was sufficient to cause retardation (protip: it isn't, because if it was then EVERY kid who got the vaccines would develop retardation). instead, and it even says in the study, they show that mercury exposure in general is rising and the vaccines are just part of the much broader picture of heavy metal exposure and that the cost of vaccination in terms of heavy metal exposure is still less than the cost of not vaccinating
Shut up leaf.
wow what a surprise flooding in un vaccinated people leads to sicknes wow tsun zhu you got any more nuggets of wisdom?
Except thimerosal has been mostly phased out. There are exceptions but I don't think the measles vaccine is one of them.
>Anti-vaxxers con somalis
>Anti-vaxxers somehow haven't been conned themselves
>These somalis somehow aren't anti-vaxxers, just conned victims
And again, the leftists continue to treat black people as children with no agency, no understanding and no responsibility.
Every brainlet knows it's a cone by now