Hello anons,
in Germany you literally get child benefit around 200$ per child monthly. In the UK benefits are huge too. In Canada its around 400$. In basically every Western European country you get so many benefits for having lots of children. They are encouraging you to have kids, but the people are so cucked, they dont even consider it.
Stop saying that the government forces you to not have children. Its wrong. You are just to cucked to have a big white family.
But.. muh benefits are for shitskins... No they are not. Its just your fault that you dont take the initiative. We need to beat the shitskins with their own weapons and have 7-8 children each.
But... I cant afford a house... No wonder you cant, because you live in an urban shithole.
Marry a conservative aryan woman; Earn some money till you are 25-30; Make 10 children; Buy 5 hectares of land in the country; Build a nice homestead; Have a chilled job (not more than 40h per week); traditional wife stays at home and cares for your aryan offspring.
Seriously, why arent you considering this? What are the benefits of being a rich cuck with no kids living in a apartment in a city with 50% subhumans?
White man go back to the roots.
Why are you so cucked?
Women demand more than welfare money. They need stupid Baby Gap clothes for their kids so they can show of their materialistic success
they give those benefits after stealin from you though they shoudklnt stel the money in the forst place
because its too much work and we're already too far behind.
Germany is Lost.
also Children are annoying as fuck, woman are blown out roasties and there is no jobs outside of citys.
>buy 5 hectares of land
>build a homestead
>get a chill 40hr a week job
None of thats going to happen unless your making hundreds of thousands of dollars in a major city for 15-20 years. Enjoy a home with no plumbing and electricity as well. DESU youd probably be happier until your monsanto crops fail and your family starves....or you go on welfare and your kids grow up degenerates.
Im not saying your theories are wrong, just they have been made "not viable" in todays world. Your only solution is to try to become amish, thay at least have a community support structure for that kind of lifestyle. You couldnt do it on your own even with a family. Also the amish are pretty unfriendly to outsiders joining their community, so your family would all be pariahs in their community.
Our society has created a choice in life. Lots of kids or a wealthy and fun lifestyle. Its not easy to find a woman, or be a man, who wants to sacrifice their personal happiness for 10 kids...our society rewards selfishness basically. Only retards who cant think 9 months down the road have that many kids, which incidentally are the dumbest people in society, breeding retards exponentially.
>because its to much work
Die jüdische Gehirnwäsche war anscheinend bei dir schon erfolgreich.
>40 stunden arbeiten
>nach der arbeit weiterarbeiten damit kinder keine versager werden
jup, zuviel arbeit.
> hundreds of thousands of dollars in a major city for 15-20 years
I said work your ass off for the first 10 years until you are 25-30. With the money you earned you can easily buy 5 hectares of land in rural areas and a large house.
Why can the shitskins do it without even working a day in their life?
Your kids are a reflection of yourself. If you cant raise to be Übermensch, you are not worth it.
In America that is totally possible and affordable. If you make 50k+ a year you can easily afford to have 4 children no problem and 6 children as a stretch. Then when all of the kids are in school your wife can go back to work and bam you are a 90k+ household. It really is not that hard as long as you know how to cook instead of going out to eat all of the fucking time. 100 dollars a week groceries for a 7 person household is easy as fuck if you eat meat and potatoes.
T. making a large white family as we speak
Yeah, but with many children you gain way more than you pay.
Yeah just stay in your basement you stupid fuck
At least your inferior bloodline won't continue
Godspeed user
took me awhile, but found a girl that actually wants more than two kids. Why do most white women want only two or one?
Because they are brainwashed. Its your job to redpill them.
They think it will take up too much of their free time.
>Its their life
That mentality is ruining the west.
>Have a chilled job (not more than 40h per week)
>in the country
back to the drawing board kevin.
>Gibs go to rapefugees and would to Mexicans here, and u think we're cocked?
>At least your inferior bloodline won't continue
But I'm a tall white guy with a big penis and strong jaw.
but its alright, I rather die out.
this gay planet here is fucked anyway with all the jews and woman in power.
In Germany the quality of living is higher in rural areas than in cities.
Inferior on the inside my friend.
its alright tho.
I rather enjoy the next few years that I have left and then just fade away.