Republicans plan massive cuts to programs for the poor

>House Republicans just voted to slash hundreds of billions of dollars in health care for the poor as part of their Obamacare replacement. Now, they’re weighing a plan to take the scalpel to programs that provide meals to needy kids and housing and education assistance for low-income families.

>President Donald Trump’s refusal to overhaul Social Security and Medicare — and his pricey wish-list for infrastructure, a border wall and tax cuts — is sending House budget writers scouring for pennies in politically-sensitive places: safety-net programs for the most vulnerable.

>Under enormous internal pressure to quickly balance the budget, Republicans are considering slashing more than $400 billion in spending through a process to evade Democratic filibusters in the Senate, multiple sources told POLITICO.

>The proposal, which would be part of the House Budget Committee's fiscal 2018 budget, won't specify which programs will get the ax; instead it will instruct committees to figure out what to cut to reach the savings. But among the programs most likely on the chopping block, the sources say, are food stamps, welfare, income assistance for the disabled and perhaps even veterans’ benefits.

>If enacted, such a plan to curb safety-net programs — all while juicing the Pentagon’s budget and slicing corporate tax rates — would amount to the biggest shift in federal spending priorities in decades.

>Atop that, GOP budget writers will also likely include Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) proposal to essentially privatize Medicare in their fiscal 2018 budget, despite Trump’s unwavering rejection of the idea. While that proposal is more symbolic and won’t become law under this budget, it’s just another thorny issue that will have Democrats again accusing Republicans of “pushing Granny off the cliff.”

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Good I hope those Trump voting rednecks suffer.

at the moment you can buy lobster, candybars and soda on food stamps. You can also buy ready to eat meals in some instances.

Good. Welfare and gibs of any kind are more useless than just shoveling taxpayer dollars into a furnace.

We only have one grocery store within 50 miles of my town I'm willing to bet that 90% of their profit comes from food stamps.

Good news.

What they really need to cut is Section 8 bullshit. It isn't available in our town, but fuckers from Chicago are moving here en masse and they get to bring it with them so they're all essentially getting housing for free, and because it is on the government's dime renters are hiking their prices to insane numbers because they know it'll get paid no matter what. Every single person I've seen on section 8 is a druggie that works part time and spends all their money on garbage.

Brilliant Trump. This kill the talking point "43 million Americans are living on food stamps".

That's an Obama thing they need to stop. Basically his administration implemented a plan to push section 8 incentives for property renters in white majority areas that give section 8 preference for minority renters.
I've seen my area get filled with nogs. No joke, this section 8 bullshit along with (((school of choice))) is allowing niggers access to our schools and cities where they never have, or will, pay a dime in taxes.

>Gibs to freeloading military contractors blowing a trillion dollars just a to make a single type of jet isn't.

why you want to restrict this republitard?

kill yourself and try being poor sometime

>massive cuts

We'll just have to provide massive cuts to republican flesh.

You want a fucking war. I'll give you a fucking war.

Don't forget, Israel did 9/11 to fuck the USA over.

They are doing a great job.

Is there anything wrong with a struggling working-class blue collar family getting financial assistance? Even on a paycheck, many families are struggling to make ends meet.

whats wrong racist? fuck off. A nigga gotta eat

Bruh, in Ohio, its anything with a nutrition label.

If you're on welfare, you should only be able to buy potatoes, beans, and rice with your NEET bux.

>programs that provide meals to needy kids and housing and education assistance for low-income families.

Cut it to the fucking bone.

Hillary Clinton spotting in Op's picture?

They are republicans

and that's how it used to be. Until Obama presumed office

>3 tvs
>2 gaming consoles
>4 smart phones with unlimited data
>3 cars
>5 laptops and one computer
Wages have been stagnating in relation to inflation but most Americans are shit at saving money. Consume, spend, buy is our mantra.

Your right, niggers do have to eat. I wonder how they'll adapt once their gibs are taken away from them?

Worse. If you burn money it doesn't feed parasites

>meals for needy kids
What, you mean niggers whose parents won't spend .35 for a ham sandwich? Then that kid whose food I paid for is brainwashed by the kike media to hate me because I'm white, then Aires five more degenerate offspring who also live on the dole.

Yeah, sorry, commit your philanthropy some other way.

To incentivise the poor you need to take money away from them.
To incentivise the rich you need to give them money.

I have no idea if this is true. I think random drug testing should be apart of welfare, even if it costs a lot more money, and even if the politicians own the drug testing companies. Everyone I know who uses food stamps at least smokes weed and pops pills.

Meanwhile we spend more on military interventionism than the next 8 countries combined and Republicans still want to increase spending even more!

They'd take money away from poor rural families to blow up children on the other side of the world and create more refugee crises.

The only reason this country is still standing and therefore the persistence of niggibs is because of our military being the dominant force on the planet.

american first KEK
They will First to suffer Dahnald keep always hes promises

Fuck the Poor

they'll have to eat canned chicken again or slowcook some trash chicken in oil

all of this happened because of fucking republicans. They have turned the time back. Soon black people will also have to wear used clothing again and use a separate drinking fountain

It is the same here. I'm living in an apartment and there is a group of about 10 basketball Americans living downstairs and only one of them works. Section 8 pays their rent for them. Next door another large group of them all in one apartment. All they do is party and talk about places to rob. I've been looking to move for the last six months, but prices are so hiked up it's insane. In some places they're charging triple what they would have five years ago.

the change was applied in 2009 I think

and yeah there's no excuse for not sobering up. Even if there's no work.

>ending gibs

>Food has never been more plentiful and cheap than it is right now
>Life has never been as simple and easy as it is right now
>Millions of parasitic Americans are incapable of feeding themselves and their families despite the above

We spend twice as much as we take in in taxes every year. Something needs to give, sorry. Right now a retired couple is probably taking over 100k from the government every year when you include both social security and their massive medicare costs. This is not acceptable.

Fucking BINGO!
Niggers on welfare upgrade their cell phones like a fashion item!

Gotta pay for those new carriers somehow goyim.

No cuts for God's Chosen People though.

You're fucked.

No there isn't. There needs to be some oversight that niggers aren't spending it on garbage. Like . But I'm sure there are white families that are looking for honest gibs.

good to see the DNC public relations posting here. Sup Forums so inclusive!

I literally coasted to a well paying job because I had a good attitude and work ethic.

I don't want to be paying for people who can't, I'd rather they die on the streets, but since I can't get enough support at that, they should get just enough assistance to survive, beans and rice, and some protien.

If they're going to be poor, then maybe they're forced to eat a mealplan that's designed to give them the most energy without making them fatter and fatter.

If you're poor, you're likely not making good life choices, so maybe it's time the gov't take over your choices until you are no longer a burden

Lose weight. They're the fattest demographic.

We could cut military spending down to 25% of what it currently is now and still be the world's biggest military spender. That's how out of control it is. The GOP still wants to increase the current spending multiple times over.

The American poor are being screwed over so the US military can create more refugees in the Middle East.


Some fruit/vegetables (cheep ones, like apples/oranges and carrots) and milk too but yeah

>Tyrone is doesn't want to work
>he knows he can just claim disability
>collects disability
>spends it on drugs
>complains about not having money
>"Why u cutting muh funding u racis blumpf"

They're totally capable. You and I are just subsidizing the DNC campaigns

Fucking niggers can buy their own hot dogs and koolaid. Food is so cheap I live on an all organic whole foods diet for $2.50 a day. Fucking blow me, liberal cunts.

>If you're poor, you're likely not making good life choices, so maybe it's time the gov't take over your choices until you are no longer a burden

Not everyone has equality of access to the opportunities you were given.

Niggers are like women when it comes to shoes.


>income assistance for the disabled

Reminder that disability is welfare for white people, if they really cut that the Republicans would lose everything they've won since 2010 at the 2018 midterms.

They're not stupid, they will make sure the cuts focus on people who don't vote for them.

>basketball Americans
Holy Kek this gets me every time

I eat all organic all whole basic foods for under $3 a day. But I'm white and smart. Niggers cannot make wise choices like this. Perhaps they should be given a box of food

Like how WIC works. You have choices but they all have to be healthy ones.

Holy shit the madman is cutting foodstamps
Imagine all the Shan'queshas going to the supermarket one day and seeing the gibs are gone

So the only way a nig can live a semi respectable life is if whitey gives him hand outs?

Go back to the trash heap then, useless animals.

The great thing is it means more of them will commit crime and go to prison, less blacks on our streets.

Some people were taught to make bad decisions and now we need to steer them in the right direction. If that means Tyrone can no longer buy doritos with his EBT card the so be it. I am willing to let Tyrone suffer with eat rice and beans.

>federal government pays out programs and special interest to keep constituents happy
>buying voter loyalty for decades
>blank checks being written for years
>oh noes! cutting off the gibs!!!

democrats BTFO!!!

All the pajeets that run the "food" markets in the hood are going to go out of business.

About time. What is our return on investment for our "war on poverty"? Cities reduced to African tier war zone ruins, 50+% of the population dependent on the state?

Yay! Maybe people will donate to the local food bank or local charities again! It'll sure be nice to CHOOSE where my money goes again.


People will have to provide for themselves!?!?!?!
fuck of ctr

Then why is the AHCA written in such a way that elderly white people, who largely vote Republican, would end up worse off because of it? The AARP hates it and will tell its members how to vote in 2018 to defend the gibsmedat. Not to mention changes to medicaid expansion in states like Arkansas, Kentucky and West Virginia. The last time unitary Republican government touched government benefits was in 2005, when they tried to privatize Social Security and got burned. The Freedom Caucus WILL insist on cuts to programs that are used by white people, don't doubt it for a second, and the Republicans will pay for it.

>the sources say

Was journalism always like this?

Proxy shilling, are we?

kek he needs to see this

Blue Collar isn't synonymous with fiscal irresponsibility. If you need federal assistance, it isn't because you work a "blue collar" job or a "white collar" job. It just means you have fucked up priorities.

Stop trying to make welfare handouts seem relatable to the hard working American. This image depicts a man stressed over his bills and therefore is trying to think of ways to cut his expenses or increase his income respectably. It has not even crossed his mind to walk into a social services office because he knows he has too much self respect and will be able to work his way out of any financial trouble he may have with dignity.

The AHCA that passed the house was literally thrown out by the Senate. The new one the Senate is writing will not cut medicare, trust me. It was political posturing, that's all.

>Letting people keep what they earn is giving them money
Bernie 2020!

My grandma hasn't had a home in 8 years and has been essentially couch surfing ever since. She collects $800 in SS and gets a whopping $20 in food stamps. Burn that program to the ground.

>Be american
>Be proud of your liberal democracy and freedom
>Make jokes about socialism
>Government cuts your food stamps

agreed. I had to take a second job during my apprenticeship until my wages got over 15 dollars an hour. It sucked but I never went on food stamps.

Stop giving them endless free shit and you restore their inventive to work.

this is the shit that pisses me off

Pizzas, Burger King, Almond Joys, Pepsi

Why the fuck are those foods allowed for purchase through EBT?
Next thing I will be paying their hospital bill cause they got sick from eating crap


Would be cool to completely crash and burn all gibs in USA and replace them with private ones. Have a fund helping poor white non degenerate people. I'd have absolutely no problems giving away part of my income to help white families and children.

>Trump's going to nuke gibs
Please no.

I don't use gibs, but a lot of people here do. And I don't want to have to defend my fridge with a shotgun when shit hits the fan.


Nearly every social problem that exists today would be fixed by completely eliminating the welfare state.

Yup, pretty much this.

you jealous?

Prison costs even more than welfare dude.

There is no escape - USA is irredeemable

Give me a basic gestalt. I'd like to try

Good. Even that shit needs a rework. Used to work as a cashier at an Albertsons and it absolutely pissed me off seeing overweight Mexicans niggers and whiteys buying fucking soda and junk food with food stamps. Though I hardly saw any Asians using them.

And once the grocery Jews are no longer subsidized.
The price of all food will increase across the board.
Good day to be a farmer.

But if we cut prison costs, we could get some kind of a death camp situation going.

You don't know what we can or cannot spend to maintain this charade of being the world's only superpower. You're speaking of idealistic BS not rooted in reality. What we need is a cultural renaissance because the ONLY thing backing our currency is international jewery and military Interventionism. Near 0% of our populace is self sufficient and most are entirely dependent on the government for food, water, shelter etc. Take Russia for example, their people are self sufficient and therefore insulated from our economic sanctions.

cut military spending to 25% of today's figures as well. End corporate welfare and all other bullshit 'stimulus' schemes.. You really think that's going to happen? That's just on federal level too, BTW. State and local are even worse.
It's all fucking fucked because our nation is irredeemable

Dirty backroom negotiations. Everyone wants to suck the government teat.

In grocery stores you can't use EBT on hot deli meals. However, if the store places them in a cooler, since it's no longer a 'hot' food, those can be sold,

Good thing rope is cheap.

>safety net programs
If you plan on spending your entire life on food stamps, can it really be considered a "safety net"?

It's not the cost I care about, it's getting the baboons off our streets.




Good luck overriding the legion of lawyers that will file every motion, appeal and writ imagineable to stop and delay such things

that's the dream, burger.

>accusing Republicans of “pushing Granny off the cliff.”

Excuse me? Cliffs? What are we, barbarians? We send them off to sea on giant blocks of ice like civilized people.