Really makes you think
Really makes you think
Other urls found in this thread:
>require insurance
What the fuck? Are gangbangers really going to insure their firearms?
My hands are sweating.
Also (you) can have one of those.
It does.
Its the last dying gasp of a anti-gun political movement. We have won the culture war and legal war.
Come and take them
You don't need to have registration or insurance to possess a car. You need it to drive one on public roads.
The equivalent in the firearms sphere would be requiring registration if you want to shoot it at a public range.
There is absolutely nothing stopping me from buying a car, trailering it to my family farm, and driving around the property in it. No paperwork, no nothing.
Why would I demand any of that?
Of course they will. Only after they buy it legally from a gun store an have it registered, along with passing the background check
>shall not be infringed
>infringing it this much
>yessss yesss, something else that you need to buy insurance for! it's for your own good you know!
>He thinks his little gun can compete with nukes and MOAB.
You can't beat the government so just give in
>nuke house
>kill 10,000 of thousands of innocent civilians
>Russia and China declare war on America
Okay guy, see how that plays out
So god damn tired of this dumbass bullshit.
No self respecting government is going to use a nuke or a MOAB on their own country, number 1, the point is to retake and retain control of, not destroy and annihilate, number 2, any country that did this would INSTANTLY be subject to all sorts of civil penalties and possibly ground or air invasions.
Now go back to sucking rabbi dick you god damn shill.
Guns were useful centuries ago for removing natives. Guns are useless in the 21st century for preventing native replacement.
But guns are still useful for triggering rubes.
Finally. A world where a black man can legally buy a gun to kill his rivals. The insurance should be free though for them
O my god its retarded:'(
kill yourself fake american rat
You're a fucking idiot if you want any of this. We already have gun registration. What defines an assault rifle? More people die by pistols in this country than by assault rifles. Why no gun shows? They're peaceful events. Unlike Antifa RIOTS. All you want is for the government to step on everything.
I was mocking the people who say that retarded shit senpai. Relax, if the government was willing to drop bombs in it's own country on it's own people then people have more things to worry about than banning firearms
So, the first step should be to charge all politicians with felonies? ALL of their power and self given right to steal is based upon their gunmen. We definitely need to strike down the tyrants. WE the people created the government as OUR SERVANT. And we the people will decide what powers we will give our servant./thread
Hopefully one more cunt on the SCOTUS dies so Trump can put another pro gunner and give us a 6-3 majority.
I think he is putting like 8 judges who have influence over NJ (state appeals and 3rd circuit) to save us
>Dropping a nuke is the same thing as using a small robot bomb to kill an active shooter with zero collateral damage
I bet you talk about niggers with guns as a reason to ban all guns
Go back, and stay there this time.
Also insurance literally wouldn't cover shit because they don't cover intentional acts. If you intentionally crash your car your insurance won't pay for it. So basically insurance wouldn't pay for anything except for dropping a non dropsafe gun
Hello Shill.
//Shill off
Further proof that weed should be banned
Summery execution by drone?
t. people that don't live near niggers
Legitimate question, who's going to enforce this.
Copfags are some of the most pro second ammendment people you'll encounter.
you are right, the 2nd amendment was written at a time when the citizens and the government could both obtain pretty much the same armament in terms of destructive power. we need to restore that balance in today's age.
You should just be happy with how things are schlomo, and stop pushing us towards the cliff
Easiest and fastest way to start a civil war in america? is that what you are going for?
The cops should of just all charged at him and tried to tackle him to the ground (gently of course) sure many of them would of been shot but one of them would of made it :^)
I unironically agree with this. The "arms" part of the right to bear should include all armaments.
Leftists are bullies screaming for father to beat sense into them. The eternal cry of, "Why am I in power? I should not have this kind of control; I don't know what I'm doing! Why won't the responsible come and take it from me?!"
bitch can you even think for yourself?
"really makes you think" ?
is that the best you can do you cancerous bitch?
do you think you are bringing a new topic to the table?we've been running you faggots out of pol for ten years at least.
lurk more and question everything.
then maybe you make a thread if you have a new thought.
kill yourself
I won't go that far, I sure don't want Jamaal and Shaniqua to have nukes. But anyone who hurr durrs that the 2A was written when muskets were the arms of the day and so citizens shouldn't get anything better for the rest of time are not recalling the reason for the 2A: for citizens to be able to overthrow their government (and protect themselves from thugs).
A related hurr durr that I hear a lot is that the founding fathers never could have imagined the technological advances in weaponry, etc. Debatable, but not necessary to do so when you look at it in relative terms. In fact, better to agree with idiots who say that because the Constitution was meant to be timeless. 2A was written when all sides could acquire the same arms, that should be upheld through time (again, to a responsible degree. a fully automatic weapon is responsible, nukes to citizens is not imo).
do we really need to start a specific class in schools to properly teach people what the definition of a "right" ?
Don't like guns, don't buy a gun!
Now what are you going to do about it?
WTF are you insuring a gun against?
Holy shit anti-gun people are so fucking stupid.
"the right to keep, and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
Let me put it this way OP.
>implying Moabs, nukes, jets, tanks etc aren't controlled by people who die when shot
>Slavers are hard to fight so you should just given and let yourself become a slave.
>Tyrants are hard to fight so you should just role over and let your nation become tyrannical
Get better arguments.
The leftists think that if you ban all guns then gun-related murders go down. But what do they plan on doing with the niggers with illegal firearms?
I want to shake that black guy's hand.