Line up in bright red

>line up in bright red
>get shot
>complain that enemy didnt line up to get shot >british "warfare"

Other urls found in this thread:äyhä


>be American
>get shot

Wow. The cringe.

But the enemy DID line up to get shot

>have largest army in the world
>get beaten by some malnourished Vietnamese famers
>American "warfare"

Our army started WWI with bright red pants aswell

americans are literally children

didnt they also have red hats too, i swear i played a ww1 fps where they did, headshots were too easy.

We won that by body count, we didn't accomplish our set out objective though.... We won the physical aspect of that war, we lost the ideological part

Seriously Brit bros, care to enlighten me why there was organized lines of shoot ups? It doesn't make any tactful sense unless you have the Russian strategy to just throw as many men into the field until you outnumber them. If it was an attempt to "civilize" wars I can maybe understand but it's still stupid.
>Here's your rifle
>Stand and get shot to die "civilly"

>mfw the highschool i went to is older than America.

>swim to shore
>get shot
>take island anyway

Lol are you mad? Lighten up faggot it's a superbowl commercial.

If the British didnt do this to the French on the Plains of Abraham I might be speaking bastard french instead of English

And in that short history, we caught up to and surpassed your "country" as a world power.

>67:1 kd ratio

That's one of the things that made line-warfare pretty fucking retarded.

Could easily achieve the same thing but prone/behind fortifications but I guess Muh Honor

>American education
How else would you organize large bodies of men in warfare at the time? They had never faced an opposition that would take long ranged rifles and execute officers before

>War is about KD and not completing objectives

No wonder you burgers cant stop losing

youve been a world power for say what 50-60 years?, cant see you keeping that up for too long m8

>be American
>go to school
>learn nothing and get shot

seriously though, how are Americans this retarded, this was the tactic of all European and Western countries during this period (even America)

smooth bore muskets are incredibly inaccurate, lining up and shooting at the enemy was your best chance of actually hitting anything

Because muskets were too inaccurate to hit anything reliably at range so they were fired as a volley to maximise the number of balls in the air at once.

Same with arrows before.

Hey, kiddos, wanna learn how to modern warfare?

Muskets are accurate as dick. The only way you're doing any damage to someone across a field is if you're all lined up and firing together

*blocks your path*

Something is a little fucky about that map

America won both world wars, even if we fought on the wrong side. What has Finland ever done?

stopped the soviet union from annexing them even when they were completely disadvantaged

>What is Winter War

They killed more commies than you faggots ever wish you could.

Youre still stuck in world wars?

Not surprising given your track record after them

Is that why the Colonists used guerilla warfare and angered the Brits?

yeah but i like to use it to trigger yanks.

lets see if i can catch that slovak faggot with this one.

Colonists mainly used lines.

>America won both world wars

you actually think your country won them for everyone? top kek

or do you just mean that you were on the victorious side

also since your history education sucks ass:

Finland participated in three major conflicts during World War II, all related to ongoing hostilities between Finland and the expansionist Soviet Union. As the Soviet Union changed allegiances from supporting Nazi Germany to battling the Nazis, this placed the Finns in the unusual situation of being for, then against, then for the overall interests of the Allied powers.

finland fought communists before being pressured by (((them)))

Why is it that Americans are so not educated when it comes to their own history?

Do you really don't know/understand why muskets were used like that?

No shit, we fought along side the Communists, so of course we didn't kill as many as a country that went to "war" with Commies...?
That doesn't make them relevant

>implying finland didnt also fight alongside them

hahaha you know nothing silly burger

That isn't Maurice Prince of Orange.

pretty sure finland had more casualties than the US over in europe, where the world war actually mattered

They were pretty good at navying. Same thing happens to us when we can't use air power.

Yeah and the confederacy had a 2 to 1 kd ratio but we still lost horribly. You fucking retard.

We never had a war with the Communists, you retarded toothy faggot. You are comparing apples to oranges here. Yes, a country at war with Communists killed more Communists than a country that was never at war with Communists.

The American Army fought the same way. You were trained by Prussians and equiped by the French.

The Patriot is a meme.

The jokes about red coats getting mad at Americans for breaking the rules of war have to do with how many American regiments "surrendered" let the british come forward to accept terms of surrender and then fired before running away.

Naturally this led to Brits not always accepting surrender because it could be a trick. That just angered the burgers more tho lol.

Is there such a thing as 'good triggering.' Impressive map. You've triggered much envy.

I always disliked this commercial

it's fucking stupid

it's funny isn't it, how the US claims to be against commies, yet fights with them

do you still not realise that your gov and country is 100% backwards, just like mine?

>American regiments "surrendered" let the british come forward to accept terms of surrender and then fired before running away.


Whoa. Finland perfected killing commies. We learned a lot of what we know about killing Ivan from them.

'See that man all dressed in red; 5.56 in his head'

>be american
>ww2 breaks out in europe
>do nothing
>get triggered by anime fags
>autistically island hop around bunch of bannana republics
>drop nuke on anime fags
>claim all the victory

> drive around in cars
> get blown up by IED
> bitch about terrorism and guerrilla warfare
> muh hearts and minds

is this certain school in london and was in the papers a few years ago?

Nigger tier conduct.

>my feet hurt
>I want to go home

>Be American
>Anger the British who are in the middle of "THE REAL" first world war.
>Be France and Spain
>See an opportunity to piss off the British who have been giving them a damn good thrashing across the globe
>Keep their Royal Navy split and the bulk of their forces in the English Channel while keeping their main military under constant attack in India
A-America b-beat t-the B-British E-Empire
American education is hilarious

Lining up had a purpose
If you didnt you would get raped by calvary

>be American
>kill 200,000 civilians using atomic bombs
>complain about Peal Harbour and keep pestering Japan to apologize like entitled niggers

rlly maeks u think

nah it was in Aberdeen,Scotland

founded in 1257, not even a private school.

When the eternal anglo fights itself nothing is sacred

No... As much as I like you Brits, you were cucked in world wars. If it wasn't for us Germany would have eaten you guys up faster than they did France. Only thing that saved you was the US.
And Pearl Harbor wasn't exactly Americans getting triggered by Anime flags.

back when civilized gentlemen did warfare.

>killing Ivan

Yet you never 'kill Ivan'

If you want proper commie bashing look up "Rhodesian Bush War" and "South African Border War"

You do know an ambush back in those time was people in huge groups lined up behind a trench or bush, only to pop out and fire all guns simultaneously before charging?

thats funny as fuck desu, so american

>what is operation barbarossa

>If it wasn't for us Germany would have eaten you guys up faster than they did France

top kek

>And Pearl Harbor wasn't exactly Americans getting triggered by Anime flags.

no, but the response was

>muh anime fags killed a few ameriniggers
>best obliterate their country with a nuclear bomb

>my feet hurt
>I want to go home
>Tfw no gf

back to your little island, faggot

>American Education
You actually believe it that's what's so sad.
You sat around selling weapons to Russia and us for years, shitty weapons and supplies while the real war was fought and won, even when you did enter you still did fuck all for 2 years.
You played support until you realised once Russia and the British would end up winning you'd be the laughing stock.

The Germans has no conceivable way to invade the UK in WW2. They were also losing the Battle of Britain, the RAF was smashing the Luftwaffe.

The Brits could never hope to win the war but they wouldn't have lost it either.

I think Britain could have held out as an Island if everything was diverted to this, rather than continuing offensives in Africa and the Pacific.


>>be American
>>get shot
shoot back

without us embargoing Japan they open a second front on the russians

all we sold you crap with lend lease at a huge discount

>American education

You know you guys did the same right? It had nothing to do with manners and civility it was fucking strategy. Go read up on how a musket actually works, they were not rifled.


are you serious mate? The finns are woodland spirits born to kill and meme. They are professional slav slappers.

>armed with smoothbore muskets
>take forever to load, can't really load them in any position but standing, have an effective range of 100 yrds and even at that range or below are inaccurate af.
>if you spread you line too thin your soldiers will be even more inefficient and at risk for being easily routed via bayonet charges
>wonder why modern light infantry tactics don't work when the best weapon of the day is little more than a spear that can make a lot of noise
not really hard to figure out m8

The inaccuracy of muskets is part of the answer. Assuming low, equal numbers of troops, it actually makes it even more useful to spread out, since the majority of your enemies shots will now miss.
Think about it from a frontage point of view though. You can put far more men into a given width of line if you arrange them like line infantry. Put directly against skirmishing infantry on open ground, they will drive them away easily, even if they might take heavier losses than them. Your retreating skirmish line will then open the front line and risk flanking, getting killed by cavalry (which already easily defeats skirmishers in the charge), exposing their artillery, camp, supplies etc.
Also, since means of communication are limited, you can only spread out your army so far without losing control over parts of them. Beating several uncoordinated armies with a single superior one happened commonly in european warfare at the time.

As it happens, european armies did use skirmishers in rising numbers, but at the scale of european warfare and in its terrain, it was simply necessary to retain line infantry. In north america, it was different; I recall one battle of french+indians against the british/americans (forgot the name though), where the latter tried european line formations and were soundly defeated by skirmishing tactics.


>The Brits could never hope to win the war but they wouldn't have lost it either.

not alone, of course not. the german reich had so much land power and infantry it was crazy, if it wasn't for our navy and air defences we would've been fucked a few hundred years ago

this "little island" is harder to take than the US was, what does that say

wow even thailand has a better education than the burgers

> reloading a muzzle-loading musket
> while prone
Pick one.

>Japan opening up a second front to Russia
Yea good luck getting to the Moscow from the east side.
Also I guess we're ignoring the fronts in India and china now?

Probably filled with pakis and niggers now though.

>they were retarded, they just stood there and got shot

A few things dictated the necessity of using massed battle lines throughout all of history. Reminder that all successful armies throughout history have used ordered, massed blocks of soldiers to accomplish tasks.

1. There was no easy way to communicate orders en masse. Radios or anything even close didn't exist and communication between groups of troops or individuals either had to be relayed through audio commands (such as drumming) or by sending a runner. As you can imagine the latter option went to shit very frequently, so the only practical way of relaying information to thousands of humans and to have them carry out these orders in unison was using massed blocks of troops who were always working together as a well oiled body.

2. The weaponry at the time was limited. A "musket" (military version of a smooth bored, flintlock firearm) could consistently hit a man sized target up to 100 yards. A rifle could accurately hit targets well over 250 yards. However, rifles of the period sucked. Due to the requirement of loading from the muzzle of the rifle and creating a very tight fit between the rifling on the inside of the barrel and the ball, it could take up to a minute to properly load and fire one. Rifles also were not produced with the ability to affix a bayonet. It also took even longer to load a rifle after repeated firings as the fowling (leftover gunpowder residue) from previous shots would gunk up the rifling, making it even harder to ram a ball tightly from the muzzle to the breach. Comparatively a trained soldier could load and fire a musket consistently within 15 seconds per shot. To make things even worse, rifles were much harder to mass produce and were much more expensive.

these battle line tactics would only be replaced upon the creation of:

A) cheap, mass produced rifles

B) machine guns

C) Easy, fast ways of communication between individuals of long distances

tl;dr brits knew their shit

I like this.

this, this nigga here killed 500 ruskies by himself,

Good luck capturing ground while hiding in trenches.

its more shit the russians have to deal with
that and no American trucks and the soviets lose

britfags are literally geriatric surrendermonkeys now

Nigger what are you on about. The Russians at least have an argument that they contributed more to the war, but you faggots got BTFO at the start and sat around on your shitty island until we showed up and provided a beachhead.

more info since you are a cunt:äyhä

Burgers are literally Mexican and niggers now and your largest white population is from German descent

and ended with a white flag

Who would that enemy be?

>Be American Soldier
>Gets absolutely SCALP'D
>Starts a long legacy of hilarious, embarrassing failures against natives, rice farmers and jihadis

Brits always give off this pathetic wistful air when they talk about their military history.
You always larp as either Nelson or Wellington

how rude, im not here to hand feed burgers.

Yup, we're annoying fucks sometimes.